The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 375 Free Market

Chapter 375 Free Market
Qi Yi watched Gu Wenying and Dao Luosa go away with gratitude, and there was really nothing he could do about his girlfriend being so crazy from time to time. Who is to blame? Who told me that I liked her delicate look.

The Dream Team was also registered in the Qingshan Safe Zone under the name of the Dream Superpower Team, and they settled down temporarily. They are still preparing for a period of adaptation. At the same time, the Qingshan Safe Zone also has this rule. When a new team joins, there needs to be an assessment period.

This is a relatively humane rule, and everyone needs to adapt to the stage.

The newly joined superpower team must complete several tasks first, allowing the base staff to assess the superpower team's ability in order to rate the star rating. This is also a basic assessment item.

Qi Yi and the team members with special abilities were mainly busy with the star rating of the superpower team and completing tasks. Ji Jingbo and others were responsible for straightening out the life of the superpower team so that they could live and work in peace and contentment.

Ji Jingxian still had an idea. She and Wang Peiru quickly figured out that the corresponding supplies could be obtained very cheaply at the dog market in Qingshan City.

Not to mention the dog market, they have all been exposed to the free market. They have packed many daily necessities for their respective rooms in the free market. They feel that it is much more cost-effective than buying at the supply and marketing cooperative in the safe zone. Wang Peiru feels that in the future, this You can visit both places frequently.

"Why does Peiru come here so often? We don't have to buy a lot of things. I don't know if I can stay in this base. I feel a little uncomfortable."

"My dear, are you having a problem again? Why don't you feel something? It would be great to have a room with a stable bed in this world, what do you think?"

"We can ask for more, Ru, I think you are too pessimistic." Ji Jingxian disagreed with Wang Peiru's statement. She is such an optimistic person.

An optimist who lives every day well can actually live well in any environment.

He Huili doesn't have a boyfriend or a superpower, so she needs a good self-defense weapon. She has firearms, but without systematic training, they are not very accurate. Besides, she can't use firearms at any time.

Soon she discovered a weapons shop and a weapons repair shop in the free market. She felt it was worth a visit, even though the shop was hidden in a corner.

"Hey, Madam, there is a weapons repair place here. Let's go and see if my dagger can be repaired. If they have one for sale, I want to buy one that is more convenient."

This was okay, so three people transferred to the weapons repair shop.

Ever since Helan ancestors opened the mountain gate, Boss Long had a different ambition and no longer wanted to stay in the shop as a boy. After he had been making trouble for a while, the bosses of the shop took turns taking charge.

The waiter is the one who is in charge today. He feels uncomfortable returning to his old job. He only wants to follow his ancestors and become an archaeological team member. This is his wish.

Seeing the three beautiful ladies coming in, he finally cheered up. He smiled at the three of them and greeted them in a sincere and friendly tone: "How can I help you, three beautiful ladies? Just take a look, I'll be there at any time."

What does the empress hate most in her life? In addition to the baby, there is also the young lady, especially the beautiful young lady. She looked at the waiter and said: "You can't help me."

Business was very light today, and the waiter, who had been free for a long time, was not angry and said to her: "Madam, you are a person who understands life. Helping others is like helping yourself, and saving yourself is also helping others. Now that you have understood it. Then I really can’t help you, you can do it yourself.”

You're just doing your own thing. You came here to buy weapons, but you're still asking people to do it themselves. Do you want to do business?
The three of them muttered in their hearts that Xiao Er didn't know, and he must have said that I don't want to do business. The repair shop's business is very good, and it has made a lot of crystal cores. The repair base director had already ordered to keep a low profile, and then keep a low profile, don't be too Excessive solicitation of business attracted the attention of Qingshan Safety Zone. He Huili had looked around, and there were daggers everywhere, but there were a few hidden knives hanging on the wall, and she felt that she should be able to use them.

"Boss, are these hidden knives for sale?"

"This knife is not for sale but can be exchanged. Several captains put it here in exchange for knives. If you are willing to ask for it, please leave your contact information and I will notify the captain. You can take a look at these knives first. If you want to get one, I’ll contact its owner.”

"Thank you, boss." He Huili said her thanks happily.

Ji Jingxian saw that she had taken a fancy to the knife in the shop, and it was not easy to confront the boss anymore, so she had to help her choose the knife with Wang Peiru.

The three of them chose a knife based on its appearance. They heard the waiter next to them frowning and frowning, which almost drove them crazy. Fortunately, their own hidden knives were all good, even if They choose randomly with their eyes closed. It wasn't too bad, the waiter just finished and didn't say a word.

"Sure enough, these girls are not reliable when buying things."

"Boss, I chose this knife. Ask the owner what he wants to exchange for. It would be best to use a crystal core. I don't have anything to exchange for it." He Huili said that she really had nothing to exchange for. For replacement, crystal core is the most convenient.

"This one requires five hundred level two crystal cores." The waiter flipped through the book and quickly quoted the price.

Originally, it was about exchanging knives for things, just for the people in the safe zone. Don't think we are really selling weapons here.

Five hundred level two crystal cores is not a small number. He Huili really didn't have any. Even if she did, she didn't carry it with her. She had to say to the waiter: "This price is too expensive. I can't afford it. Ask the boss if it's true." What’s the price? If possible, I can save enough crystal cores to buy it.”

"Our store does business at the same price, and you can't have less crystal cores. But if you have other levels of crystal cores that can be exchanged, think about it. If you want it, you can exchange it for a crystal core equal to 500 crystal cores. If you don't have it, Never mind."

"How can any of you do business like this? One price, isn't it necessary to negotiate the price when doing business?"

"Originally we are selling on behalf of others, and there is no business. We mainly repair weapons. So we don't have the energy to bargain with customers on the price. This is the price quoted by the owner of the knife, and he will not exchange it if it is lower. "

"This is too expensive."

"Actually, it's not expensive. It's a coincidence that you came here today. It's just been put up. You have to come and see it tomorrow when you have time. Isn't this still there?"

"How is it possible that it is so popular? If you hang it here, it will be gone tomorrow. Are there still many people coming to buy it?"

Ji Jingxian didn't believe it. The slap in the face usually comes very quickly, and at this moment there are several people with super powers strolling in.

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