The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 376 Just an old classmate

Chapter 376 Just an old classmate
Several of them, who seemed to be regular customers, faced the boss as soon as they came in and greeted Boss Xiao familiarly.

"Boss Xiao, are you here? Didn't Boss Long come today? Has this knife just been hung up? Hand it over to me for a look."

"Captain Lin, these ladies are watching. I asked them, if you don't want it, you can choose again. This is the rule."

Of course, acquaintances are acquaintances, but the waiter did not neglect previous customers just because they were acquaintances. This is the rule of doing business, and he is a very particular person.

But the three young ladies all thought it was a ploy, what a coincidence, so they all said in unison that we didn’t want it.

The waiter could tell at a glance what the three young ladies were thinking, and couldn't help but laugh at how the little girl had so many thoughts.

"Okay, Boss Xiao handed me the knife. I heard they didn't want it."

The other man smiled and spoke quickly.

Ji Jingxian and the three of them looked at these three grown men helplessly. They thought they were asking for help and wanted to watch them perform.

As a result, I watched these people take out the knife and look at it. They expressed their great satisfaction to each other and decided to buy it without hesitation.

The three of them watched helplessly as these men took out the crystal cores and bought a few hidden knives without hesitation, and they didn't know where to get angry.

The grown men took out the crystal core without hesitation and bought the knives that the little girls had long admired. They were not sloppy at all, they smiled and bowed their hands with the boss, and walked away.

The three of them looked at it, regretting in their hearts but there was no need to say anything. Just as Boss Xiao said, the price was 500 crystal cores. They decided without hesitation and the price was not paid back. Of course, these people didn't bring anything, 4 level crystal cores, they just took the level crystal cores and exchanged them for what they bought.

He Huili felt that she had missed 100 million and was very sad. Her expression was very painful. She didn't even think about hiding it.

The waiter looked funny and said to them: "There may be Tang Dao tomorrow. If you like it, come and see it tomorrow morning, but the price is more expensive than this Tibetan Dao. You should consider it."

There was no choice but to do this. The three of them returned disappointed, but He Huili was more interested in the Tang Dao option. Compared with the Tibetan Dao, the Tang Dao was more beautiful than the Tibetan Dao. Peiru, the Tang Dao Wang, also thought that she could buy it.

"Let's go get ready. If it's a Tang Dao, Huili, I want to buy it too. I think Tang Dao is easier and more convenient for us girls to hold."

"He said it's not cheaper than this, so we have to prepare at least 600 crystal cores. Let's go back and look through them. If you don't have them, let's get them together first."

Gu Wenying heard about their knife purchase and couldn't help but regret: "If I had known I would have gone with you." "

There was no need for her to participate in the activities of the Superpower Team these days. The Dream Team did not report her spatial ability when they reported it as a superpower. The main reason for hiding her spatial ability was because the Fantasy Team considered themselves Without the ability to protect a space superpower, one can only protect her by hiding her existence.

This is the current way of survival for space superpowers. The superpower team with low combat power simply did not dare to let people know that they had space superpowers, otherwise it would bring disaster. Members of the Dream Team have seen several teams that were wiped out by the group in order to snatch space superpowers. They really dare not think about the consequences of Gu Wenying's superpower being known to others. Therefore, Gu Wenying's idea of ​​going out with non-superpower personnel received strong support from the team members. After all, taking her out for activities requires distracting attention from her, which distracts the combat power.

The next day, Gu Wenying and others rushed to the weapons repair shop together. The boss on duty that day was still the waiter. Unexpectedly, these people came again, and the waiter suddenly felt quite good. These are loyal customers, and Tang Dao should be able to sell for a good price today.

For the sake of the beautiful lady, instead of deliberately raising the price, I still sold the Tang Dao to these people at the original price of 600 level 2 crystal cores.

The Tang Dao that the waiter brought this time was quite beautiful to be honest. The scabbard was all carved and it was really beautiful, so Gu Wenying and the others happily bought one each.

"Beautiful ladies and gentlemen, the Tang knives sold in our store are guaranteed to be repaired for one year. This is the warranty certificate." The waiter took out a two-part warranty card and asked the ladies to fill it out by themselves. Shen filled in his address and contact number according to the above content. When the waiter saw that he was indeed a newcomer, a new member of the Qingshan Safe Zone, he couldn't help but smile.

It was Gu Wenying's first time here, so a few people wandered here again wanting to buy something. Girls are like this. Going out on the street is not just about shopping. Shopping is the main purpose. When several people walked around and approached the weapons shop, they suddenly found a few girls inside selecting knives.

"There are people inside who are buying knives. Is there anything more beautiful than Tang knives? Or are there still Tang knives, but the boss didn't bring them all out for us to choose from?"

"It's possible that the boss looks mean at first glance. He must be a guy who only cares about people's food." Ji Jingxian had a bad impression of the waiter, so she was very fond of it. I can't stand him. Everything the waiter did or said seemed to her to be a trap.

"Let's go take a look. Don't let this little boss deceive us. We can also buy another Tang Dao for Lothar." He Huili suggested that everyone go into the weapons shop.

"You can have this. Jialu and Jinyan also asked for it. Really, this boss is really bad."

The four of them killed a carbine and entered the weapon shop. Afterwards, they thought that if there was a regret medicine, no matter how expensive it was, the four of them would have bought it. If they had known earlier, they would have refused even if this weapon shop offered them Tang knives. accept.

"Baby Annie!" Gu Wenying shouted subconsciously, and it was their classmate An Wenqing who was inside.

"Who is it? It's you, why are you here?"

The person who answered them was not Annie, but Guan Ningxuan. Xiaoguan also recognized Gu Wenying and couldn't help but feel curious. Fate, fate, this is the so-called bad fate.

Concubine Xian is one of the people Xiaoguan and the others hate the most. Similarly, Ji Jingxian and the others also dislike Xiaoguan, Annie and others. This is why Ji Jingxian hates being called "baobao" by others, and it is simply the reason why Annie is called Anbao all the time. She didn’t know when the conflict with Anne started or what the reason was. Anyway, she just didn’t like it at first sight. Ever since she entered college, she had felt uncomfortable seeing Anne and others. Anne and the others looked at They don't like it either.

Because of this, two small groups were formed in the university and had no contact with each other.

Annie had a nervous headache as soon as she saw them. She still couldn't overcome this problem after many years, so she waved to Xiaoguan and others and prepared to leave.

Gu Wenying was the only correspondent who could talk to Annie and the others. She immediately asked: "Are you also in the Qingshan Safe Zone? When did you arrive?"

The correspondent here is Xiaoguan, and Xiaoguan replied as usual: "Not here."

Anne and the others threw away those two words and turned around to leave. Although they walked calmly, their disgusting attitude was clearly visible.

The waiter immediately understood that the base director and others didn't like these four girls. If they had known, Tang Dao wouldn't have chosen them.

"Hey, boss, did they also buy knives? What kind of knives did they buy?" Ji Jingxian came forward to ask. She didn't bother to use the same thing as Annie and others.

"I just took a look and didn't buy it."

"Can you please not sell this kind of Tang Dao to them in the future? We have conflicts with them."

"Absolutely not. If there are conflicts, you can overcome them yourself."

The waiter thought, these girls are too much, can't you use the same thing if you have conflicts? So why don’t you, our base chief, not eat? There is still air, so why don’t you breathe? Pretentious.

"How do you, the boss, do business? Don't you know that the customer is God?"

"I don't know if customers are God, but I know that they are my God, and this store belongs to her."

"What?" Concubine Xian and the other four were shocked. It was a big surprise that Anne actually opened a shop here. So when did she come? He also lied and said he was not in the Qingshan safe zone.

The four of them were entangled. The Tang Dao was very fragrant and they wanted it very much, but it belonged to the Annie family. They were very torn about whether to retreat or not. In the end, they complied with their wishes and did not return the Tang Dao. After all, it is the end of the world. A sharp weapon. Hard to find. It’s okay to get into trouble with anything. Don’t get into trouble with safety. Tang Dao can protect yourself.

The four of them walked away awkwardly without saying anything else, but they swore in their hearts that they would never come to this weapons repair shop again. In the future, I will buy whatever I want elsewhere, and I will definitely not help Annie's business. This is the best way the four of them can think of to comfort themselves.

If the oath is useful, then why do we need an agreement? The oaths the four people swore at this time were all forgotten later. They had no choice but to forget, after all, facts are stronger than people. Without Long Kee Weapons Repair Shop, they would have no way to buy firearms that could catch their eyes. Later, the Dream Team bought a lot of firearms here and contributed a lot of crystal cores to their old classmates.

Of course, at this time, they did not know that so many dramatic changes would happen in the future. The four of them returned to their houses and waited for a long time before the people who went out to do tasks came back. The imperial concubine was busy telling her boyfriend about today's adventure. To express, it is too outrageous, this can happen.

Qi Yi has never met Annie, but he has admired Annie for a long time. Speaking of it, Annie has caused him a lot of troubles, including not being able to call his girlfriend "baby". What bothered him the most was that his girlfriend didn't want what Anne had. But Annie has everything, so it's really difficult for him to add something to his girlfriend. He was exhausted from having to choose one out of ten thousand, choose the best from the best, and give some gifts, so he didn't have a very good impression of Anne and felt that Anne had harmed him.

At this time, he suddenly heard that Annie appeared again, which made his scalp numb. He felt that his good days were over.

He didn't know that sometimes, a person's words always have a good but bad spirit. Sure enough, his good days were over. After learning about the Qingshan City Safety Zone, he discovered that the base director and deputy base director here were actually named Wang! After careful inquiry, it turned out to be Anne's boyfriend Wang Jiexi. He himself was so frightened that he was covered in white hair and sweat. Later, he heard someone say that Wang Jiexi was single. Then he remembered that before the end of the world, he had heard the news that Annie had broken off the engagement, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Within a week, he realized that he was relieved and he was sure that his good days were really over.

In the past few days, all members of the Dream Team have actually gained some understanding and opinions about the Qingshan Safe Zone. They were all a little disappointed with the Qingshan Safe Zone, and everyone began to feel that it was necessary to change to another safe zone. After all, the policies of the leaders of a safe zone are related to the living experience of the people in the safe zone. Or happiness. They cannot agree with some of the policies of the two Wang brothers.

The Dream Team was on a mission that day. When they were on the road, they saw one of the six cars. They firmly believed that it was one of the six cars, because this kind of car was very special and almost unprecedented.

When he saw this car, he thought it was from the Qingshan Safety Zone, so everyone thought they should get to know the Qingshan Safety Zone again. They followed the car from a distance, but found that the car had bypassed the gate of the Qingshan Safety Zone. We took another road towards Beacon Mountain.

The high-powered team they admired turned out to be from the little-known Beacon Hill base, and several people were shocked.

The Beacon Hill base did not reach the number of people stipulated by the federal government and could not be called a safe zone. Therefore, they previously thought there was no need to take refuge, but they all changed their minds after seeing that these high-combat team members belonged to Beacon Hill. But Empress Ji Jingxian did not agree with this suggestion. Anne was not in the Qingshan Safe Zone, so she thought it was at the Beacon Mountain Base, especially the obvious words 508 in front of it, which convinced her that she could not be with Anne. Living in a base, especially if Annie gets there first.

Qi Yi inquired and found out that Annie was not only at the Beacon Hill Base, but also the base director of the Beacon Hill Base. This was even more impossible.

The Dream Team has always made important decisions that have to be collectively approved before being implemented. Especially now that the idea of ​​changing a base or jumping from a large base to a small base has not been agreed by all the members, Captain Qi also I decided to leave the Qingshan Safety Zone for now.
Three months have passed like this. The Dream Team cannot adapt to many of the rules and disciplines of the safe zone. Now everyone wants to leave the Qingshan safe zone. The only obstacle is the captain's girlfriend, classmate Ji Jingxian.

As someone's boyfriend, Captain Qi still has a way of dealing with his girlfriend, and he still has some methods to coax his girlfriend. Soon, Concubine Xian also acquiesced to the transfer to the safe zone.

But then they encountered a huge obstacle. When the Dream Team went to the Beacon Hill Base to sign up, the reception staff at the Beacon Hill Base made it clear that all members of the Dream Team could not join the Beacon Hill Base in any way.

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