The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 377 The rebellious nympho is annoying

Chapter 377 The rebellious nympho is annoying

This kind of regulation sounds simply unreasonable. Ji Jingxian's first thought was that he was being targeted. Ji Jingxian felt very insulted.


The staff spread their hands, shrugged, and said to them with a helpless look: "I don't know why, but this is an order from the commander of our repair base."

"Is it An Wenqing? If it's her, ask her, contact her, and ask her why are we still classmates?"

Gu Wenying came out to build relationships and gain a sense of presence, and explained the reason why she was an old classmate.

"I don't know who you are talking about, but this is what our repair base chief said. Our repair base chief speaks, and one word is worth a hundred words. No one can disobey."

"Isn't the base director An Wenqing?"

"Just because you call our base director by his first name, you are not qualified to enter. To enter our Beacon Hill, you must have a certain degree of courtesy and respect for our base director. If you can't do that, why don't you come here to cause trouble?"

The staff at the reception desk became more and more impatient. They looked at these people coldly and said disdainfully.

This attitude made everyone a little embarrassed, and they could only return to their houses in frustration. Now they couldn't get in, and there was no way to retreat. It seemed that the decision to rush from Dijing to Qingshan City at that time was indeed problematic.

Captain Qi had a bit of a temper. Others didn't welcome him, but he became interested and insisted on entering the Beacon Mountain Base. This goal actually became his new ideal. He decided to sneak into Beacon Mountain no matter what. If he went to the mountain for no other reason than to disgust others, he would still go in.

Ji Jingxian had never seen such an awkward side of him before, and it was an eye-opener. However, Qi Yi's idea made her inexplicably interested in his temper, and she decided to confront Anni. "Aren't you allowed to let me in?" I still insist on going in, let’s see what you can do to me!
The rules and regulations for the management of the Qingshan Safe Zone are very strict, and the tasks that must be completed every month are actually very heavy. The Dream Team also has to complete the tasks of the Qingshan Safe Zone, and also wants to find tricks to sneak into Beacon Mountain. For a while, everyone is living in high spirits. of.

Captain Qi is still more cautious. The tasks he takes are relatively low-risk, such as fighting zombies (low-level ones), and searching for people within a radius of one or two hundred kilometers. Such low-level tasks, although the rewards are not enough. High, but better than safety.

On this day, he received a mission to fight zombies with several teams. This was simply a routine mission in the apocalypse, just a small case. The Dream Team thought it was a small task and it was simple. They didn't know that this simple task almost wiped out their entire team.

There are many new types of zombies around Qingshan City (actually they are demons), and the news about the Devil Forest has not spread to a large area. The Dream Team is new and has not received such news, so they follow the usual He prepared his own firearms and set off.

In fact, people like Lao Li and Lao Jin are very experienced. When they saw the clothes and weapons and equipment of the other team's superpowers, they felt a sudden shock in their hearts. Something seemed wrong, but they had already gathered and they had no way to ask others. Said: Why do you have such equipment?

Several teams accompanying them were not familiar with them, so they didn't remind them. They just looked at them with very graceful eyes, and just left with a few supernatural teams.

This group of zombies is in the Kunyu Mountains, and everyone has divided their directions to prepare for the siege. The Fantasy Superpower Team has been assigned to surround it from the east. The terrain is relatively flat, and it feels very... I feel that the other superpower teams actually take good care of them. of.

In fact, the other supernatural teams really took care of them. Seeing that their equipment seemed to be a bit behind, they gave them the easiest terrain to retreat to. If they were really allowed to burrow into the forest, if anything happened, the team would probably be wiped out before they could withdraw.

The work of the Dream Team is really dreamy. A good team is divided into two halves. The members with special powers or the male members all go to fight and fight zombies to complete the mission, while the female members stay in the safe zone. Do some logistics.

And Gu Wenying couldn't persuade her classmate Ji Jingxian no matter what. Ji Jingxian offended her pretentious temper and started targeting Annie when she was a student. She wanted to find an opening and settle in Beacon Hill. If you want to see Annie's jokes, don't you think so? Would you like me to come in? I came in to see what you could do to me, and it became an obsession of hers.

She began to look for people from the Beacon Hill Base in the free market and asked others how they could join the Beacon Hill Base. For others, this was actually a very simple matter. As long as they filled in the information and were reviewed, they could participate. Getting in was easy as others said, but it became more and more obvious that the Dream Team seemed to be very bad. If it wasn't bad, it would be impossible to get in. The Beacon Hill base was not allowed to join by name, and they didn't even have the qualifications to fill out the form.

"Do you think Miss An did it on purpose? Was she targeting me?"

Gu Wenying wanted to say, no, but how to explain it? This fact seems to be that Anne is targeting the empress.

There is a sentence buried in Gu Wenying's heart that she has never dared to say. He always felt that the two of them were like children. Didn't they graduate from kindergarten? I won’t play with you, and you won’t play with me, so childish.

But after Ji Jingxian had been friends for so many years, she really knew that there were many things she couldn't say out loud, so she could only say tactfully: "Didn't the staff member at that time say it was the director of the maintenance base who said it? It shouldn't be what Anne meant, or It’s Anne’s meaning that has been misinterpreted.”

"Do you mean that I wronged her? Or do you want to explain something to Anne? Do you know her well? Are you and her good friends?"

The good friend's three consecutive questions made Gu Wenying scream in her heart, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming again, this temper is really bad, whoever treats you as your friend will be unlucky, if I had known, I wouldn't live across the street from you.

"Do you think I can get to know her very well? You keep an eye on me 24 hours a day. He and I have not spoken three words in private for four years in college. You are really narrow-minded."

"I haven't said three sentences, so at least two. When did you have a private relationship with her? You, a person who values ​​sex over friends, are not good friends anymore." Ji Jingxian started to talk to Gu Wenying in a delicate and waxy tone. Gu Wenying felt like the hair on her body stood up when she heard that. Wow, really, I'm still a woman. I really admire how the captain has been your boyfriend for so many years.

Qi Yi: Who knows, fate is actually a wonderful thing, so I won’t talk about it.

Chen Jialu was more lucky. When she and He Huili went shopping together, they met a kind fat master. After talking to each other, they found out that the fat master was from the Beacon Hill base and came out to buy some seasonings. She couldn't help but smile and talk to him. Start talking.

The fat master seemed to be very kind to the beautiful little girl, and was not defensive at all. When he saw the two of them saying that they wanted to join the Beacon Hill Base, he especially asked what the base director An’s hobbies were. Or maybe he had some enemies, so he couldn't help but laugh.

"Do you two little kids still want to kill her enemies for her? Have you got a stepping stone? Our base manager is great. It's not that complicated. You can register yourself. As long as you are not a criminal before the end of the world, Those who have passed the examination will usually pass the review. I heard that you are also in the superpower team, so that’s no problem. Many people in our Beacon Hill base don’t have superpowers, so aren’t they living a happy life?”

The Fat Master’s words really hurt my heart. Anne, the people without superpowers, were all taken into the base, but they, who had superpowers and were still a very complete team, didn’t accept them! This Annie is too unruly and willful.

"Aren't we afraid that she won't accept her? We just want to do something good so that she can't refuse us. I heard that the chief of the repair base is very harsh. If he doesn't want us, we are looking for other ways."

"Head of the repair base, he's a nice person. He's not harsh but very principled. Little girl, if he doesn't want you to join, there's nothing he can do for you to come to the King of Heaven."

"He can still be bigger than Base Chief An. In a base, isn't the Base Chief the best? We can take the route of Base Chief An when the time comes. Is it possible?"

"Hey, little kid, you have a lot of ideas. Okay, you can give it a try, but you may not be rejected. Why are you always so pessimistic? Children should be more energetic and positive, you know? But if you are like This is your fantasy. If the base repair director doesn’t accept you, I don’t think you have much hope of joining Beacon Hill. I really don’t have much hope.”

What this cheerful fat master said was like a bucket of cold water poured on Gu Wenying and others. The organizational structure of this Beacon Hill base is so strange. Are there many base directors? Isn't Anne the largest base commander?
Ji Jingxian decided to use offense as defense as before. She decided to negotiate with Anne head-on. Some things were put on the table. Anne had no way to deal with her. She had done this during several art performances in college. As expected, Anne did not argue with him. He gave her the C position in the cultural performance.

So when Annie heard that Ji Jingxian and others asked her to meet at the dessert shop in the Free Market, she couldn't help but feel happy. This man really didn't want to die until he reached the Yellow River. What was he doing with him?

"I guess I was talking to you about coming to Beacon Mountain. I heard from the people at the gate before that the Fantasy Superpower Team came to sign up and wanted to join our base. According to the notice, they were not accepted. Maybe these little bastards, What else are you planning?"

Zhou Qishao was tossing around with the new weapons he bought from Jiang Wenwen. Many of the weapons from Jiang Wenwen's weapons store were unheard of and required a familiar process to operate. Zhou Qishao went through the back door and bought a portable weapon. The small submachine gun is testing its performance and getting familiar with its operation. Hearing that someone from the Dream Team wanted to meet Annie, he interrupted midway.

"Tomorrow? I'll change my shift. Tomorrow I'll be the boss of the repair shop and take care of you. Although these little girls are not lethal, it's better to be careful. You can't eat the food from the milk tea shop over there. You four Each of you should bring your own drink bottle, and Du Juan and the twins should also bring them. It would be better if there are more girls. "

"Twins? It's best not to. Their scalps are numb from the chattering of the children. Du Juan seems to be following the team out to collect supplies, so forget it."

What a coincidence, the twins of the Zhou family were just about to come over to look for their uncle. They heard the four aunts and felt that they were making a lot of noise and couldn't help but get angry. Well, if you think it's noisy, then we'll make a noise. Be sure to follow along.

There is nothing that two people can't do. The next day, the two twins went to the free market with their fourth aunt. When Zhou Qishao heard that these two little bastards were also going, he found a few assistants to follow him. If you don't take adequate care, you'll be in big trouble if something goes wrong.

The dessert shop is actually a coffee shop, or a milk tea shop. You can buy milk tea, coffee, ice cream, everything here. Gu Wenying and the others had arrived early, and they very friendly ordered some coffee and invited Annie and others to eat.

"Our friendship is not that good. Everyone pays for the AA system. Besides, what you ordered is not in line with our taste."

Xiaoguan was not used to the other party's deliberate overtures and expressed his disapproval.

Zhou Qishao had also told him not to eat randomly outside, and Gu Wenying and the others arrived first. Xiaoguan judged a gentleman with the heart of a villain in his heart, and did not buy anything to eat in the coffee shop, but really Yes, he took out the drink he brought from the bag he was carrying.

"Aren't you the director of the base? You don't even have the core to drink outside. The Beacon Hill base is so poor and you are still unwilling to let us join. What are you trying to pull? What is there to pull?" Ji Jingxian guessed When it comes to Xiaoguan's little thought, he is worried that we will drug him! He couldn't help but say bitterly and sarcastically.

"My aunt dug your family's ancestral grave or your family's grave in her previous life. She didn't say a word. Why are you targeting my aunt? You think the drinks here are delicious, but that doesn't mean my aunt and others think they are good. Drink, my aunt is never used to eating food from outside, it’s not hygienic!”

Da Shuang didn't wait for Annie and the others to speak, but he jumped out and yelled back. Xiao Shuang was beside him, muttering secretly, as expected, we were really noisy... so his expression was a little uncomfortable, so he stepped forward to hold him back. Big double play. Tell her to stop talking.

As the director of the base, Anne was not willing to be at odds with them like before. If you ask me to pull you, I will pull you: "Why did you invite us here?"

"We just want to ask why we are not allowed to join the Beacon Hill base. I think I have not offended you."

"Do you think it's interesting? We were not good friends before. We always quarreled 10 times out of 9 times. I have a good base. How can I let you come in and then quarrel with us every day? You don't want to live like this. ?"

Don’t even think about this! We have been classmates for four years, and we have had countless verbal quarrels! Both sides fell silent during Anne's question.

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