The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 380 The Longest Night

Chapter 380 The Longest Night

Everyone had been together for more than a day or two, and they all laughed when they heard this. I never knew you had such a grateful heart!
Everyone laughed and joked: "Don't do it later, just do it now. I'm afraid you won't have a chance in the future!"

"Bah, it's a great auspicious thing, how can you say that? We must have the ambition to survive hard."

Lao Li took a big tree leaf and put it on top of his head. He watched with satisfaction as the rainwater dripped down the edge of the leaf without getting his body wet at all. It was no worse than an umbrella! Green and environmentally friendly. He happily replied to Lao Jian who made him sneeze now.

After this episode of picking leaves to use as umbrellas, the shadow of death in the Dream Team disappeared as everyone laughed among themselves.

As long as it's dawn, it'll be fine... Everyone in the Dream Team thought this way. Team Qi calmed down and felt that the most right thing he did was not bringing Xiaojing and the others with him. As long as these female team members are still alive. ...We can’t think like this, our entire team will not perish. Qi Yi silently pouted at himself.

Sometimes you still have to believe in a little bit of metaphysics. Good and bad spirits appear in people's lives all the time.

Daybreak is actually only seven or eight hours later. It doesn't feel like it lasts long. The alternation of day and night is the routine that everyone is used to. But at this time, it feels like the night is particularly dark and very long. All members of the Dream Team slowly fell silent, and then Each of them closed their eyes covertly, whether they were asleep or not, they didn't pry on each other.

It rained all night, getting heavier and smaller at times, but it didn't stop. Since the sour rain season, it rained every day. Everyone was actually used to it, but it seemed like it had never stopped raining like this all night long.

The rainy season may still be long, this thought began to appear in everyone's mind.

Here in Beacon Hill, Annie looked at the dark sky outside the window. She didn't know how to tell the outside. The rain was getting heavier and heavier. She knew that from now on, the rain would never stop, and it would rain down all the time. I don't know if it was three months or four months in my memory. It just kept flowing in large or small amounts, and the rain became more and more acidic, causing more and more harm to human beings. But from this moment on, the mutated plants and animals became happy, and their home field had arrived.

Anne doesn't want the 508th Regiment to go into battle, but her ancestors are absolutely right. If we don't take action at this time, are we really going to sit back and watch the human race lose a large number of people? This task is very heavy... In the previous life, this heavy task was borne by soldiers from various countries on Aquamarine. Thinking of what can be called a tragic result...

Thinking of this, Annie was no longer in a daze. There were some things that had to be told in advance. Otherwise...perhaps, this is the right way to start your own rebirth. If the skin is gone, how can the hair be attached? There is no home without a country, and there is no place for human beings to survive without Aquamarine.

Thirty minutes later, Xiu Jia was called back by Anshan in the enclosed room. Of course, those who were called back at the same time were everyone wearing official hats on their heads.

The atmosphere in Pemberley's large conference room was very serious. There were ancestors sitting in the chair. The meeting where Anshan was the main speaker began. No one in the meeting reacted because they couldn't react at all. If it weren't for Anshan and Anne's previous Everything they did actually gave them a reason to believe. They all felt that the two father and daughter were just making up stories to prevent everyone from going out.

Anshan actually didn't tell the truth, which was too outrageous, but Anshan actually went to his ancestor to confess that the An family had a prophetic dream, and it was his ancestor who suggested it to convene a high-level meeting!

To be clear, ghosts do not harm people, and besides, you Anjia cannot be responsible for this karma. Let me tell you, the choice depends on fate, and the karma must be determined by yourself.

So, everyone knows that it turns out that self-driving travel is nothing more than preparing various equipment for the end of the world.

"Oh, Lao An, you had to tell me earlier. Wouldn't we be better prepared together?" "Haha, tell me, do you think I'm crazy or stupid? It's weird if you don't think I'm crazy when I tell you! "Anshan looked at Uncle Wei and was unconvinced. If he really said it, can you believe it? There are still two brothers in your family in the Imperial Capital!
Xiu Jia looked at Anshan and was speechless. It turned out that he was right to invite him to tea. He was indeed famous.

Anshan felt something in his heart and thought of this. He looked at Shujia and explained uncomfortably: "But I really didn't do anything."

"No?" Xiuga asked in disbelief. In fact, he was not qualified or in a position to ask this matter now.

"Of course not. I have donated all the oil in my company, right? If I have the ability or time, I will definitely want it. I have to prepare the next batch no matter what."

...Xiu Jia couldn't refute this, and he didn't refute it either. He just looked at his elder quietly.

"To be honest, even though I had this prophetic dream, I really don't know if it's true. I don't have time either. I've been drinking tea, haven't I? The only thing I arranged in advance is the company, and asked Lao Xu to advance I gave my employees some leave and paid them some benefits, and then I didn’t do anything else.”

"It's true. Xiuga has nothing to say about it. The previous work was really done very carefully. Even when I think about it now, I feel it is impeccable."

Yes, every one of the things Anshan and Annie explained together was very normal, and there was no loophole to find anything a little bit wrong.

In short, An Jia had a dream, but he didn't believe it. He just did some harmless work within a limited scope, just in case. Of course, An Jia didn't know that this eventuality was actually prevented. arrive.

"In the dream we have had, the current rain has caused great damage to the human body. If our team goes out to rescue, it will be very difficult to defend and prevent the rain from harming the human body. We don't want to My own people died in vain, but those people had to be saved, so.”

So the result was that Ancestor Helan came forward and took out a bunch of talismans and wanted to equip all the team members with these talismans. This method is amazing! Well, the end of science is theology, everyone accepts that.

After learning how to use it, everyone went out with the clothes of their team members, so that everyone could use it first.

Of course, except for Shuga.

The person who spoke this time was Annie. She looked at Xiu Jia and said seriously: "You don't want to participate in this rescue operation."


Xiu Jia asked calmly, very calmly, and his tone was also very good, without any pressure.

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