The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 381 The strongest team sends troops

Chapter 381 The strongest team sends troops

Everyone was already very familiar with each other. Anne was no longer afraid of the inexplicable pressure that Xiu Jia would put on her. She looked at him seriously and said:
"Because in all my dreams, you were not there. You did not appear in the apocalypse in my dreams. I have thought about many reasons, but none of them are valid. The only possible reason is that you were there at the beginning of the apocalypse."


These two words were not said by Annie, she did not dare to say them, but these two words were said by Ancestor Helan.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible." Xiuga rebounded greatly and firmly accepted this hypothesis.

In Xiu Jia's mind, a weakling like Master Zhou Qishao was alive and kicking in the apocalypse in Annie's dream. How could his level of combat power not exist?
"You should be dead. Have you forgotten the catastrophe you encountered before? Have you forgotten how Anne appeared in your life? You two have no connection at all."

"Ancestor, that was just a dream."

"That's not a dream, my child. You and I share the same surname as Helan. You must also know the reason. I want to pass on your family knowledge, but you don't learn anything and don't believe it. Then I will tell you what I said. It's all true. Have you forgotten the last mission where you were seriously injured? In my knowledge, in my prediction, you are gone, and our entire Helan family is gone. Why do I keep looking for you to hit me? That’s why Zhou Qishao looked for noble people with wood attributes everywhere, so he found Annie.”

"Does she have some kind of wood attribute?"

"She is..." Mu Linggen, obviously the ancestor of Helan was a person with priorities and he was very measured. "She is, but that's not important now. What's important now is that Annie said you can't go to this rescue operation. I also divined that you really can't go. Believe me, kid, I am the person who wants you to live the most in the world. , Only if you live can the Helan family have hope, and only if you are alive can the Helan family have hope."


Shujia looked at his ancestor and said nothing. But in the end, the final decision on this matter was that everyone took a step back. Shujia and Annie were together. He was in Annie's bracelet space. If Annie was in danger, he would be the first to do so. Time comes to rescue, if not, everything is over.

Ancestor Helan naturally knew the importance of Anne, and nodded immediately, thinking it was feasible. Anshan saw someone personally protecting his daughter, so he had no objection, and the matter was settled.

Early the next morning, Beacon Mountain Base dispatched three special-powered teams to Hongye Valley Mountain in Kunyu Mountains for rescue. Of course, Anshan did not say that he was carrying this matter. Qingshan Base was, after all, the team that went to rescue them. You have to get the benefits you want. Anshan is a businessman who will always maximize the benefits. At the same time as the team set off, he also dressed himself up and went into the Qingshan Safety Zone, looking for some top leaders. Demonstration of merit is still needed, and things cannot be done on the back of a knife. After all, the Qingshan Safety Zone is a formal federal public safety zone.

Annie followed, but this time she was in the backup team outside the three superpower teams. The support team is very mobile and ready to reinforce the three teams at any time.

A team of serious logistics troops entered the space of Annie's bracelet. In fact, they were Brother Ti, Jiang Wenwen, Patriarch Helan and others.

Ti Ge later picked up an upgraded version of the treatment vehicle, so Ti Ge took these two vehicles, plus the doctors who later joined the base, to form a mobile field hospital with about 20 people. Today, too, We entered the space together and followed the three troops in case of emergency. As for Jiang Wenwen, there is no need to say more, she is a mobile arsenal. Xiu Jia's original intention was to take her with him, and according to the actual situation on the battlefield, he would immediately buy whatever firearms he wanted.

Ancestor Helan has found some ways in the bracelet space. After he took Xiu Jia and sat down in the headquarters arranged by Anne, he taught his great-grandson a way to use spiritual power. Of course, Ancestor Helan Xiu Jia was not told that this method had a formal name. "The Art of Exploring Gods" was a method in the ancestral secret book of the Helan family to cultivate spiritual consciousness and expand the sea of ​​consciousness.

Xiu Jia no doubt had it. Hearing that it could upgrade his mental abilities, he started practicing it right away.

"This is not a sophisticated method, it is just a small method. The so-called method is not difficult for those who are difficult, but it is not difficult for those who are difficult. To put it bluntly, it is worthless at all. Ancestor, I tell you, you practice according to the method, and if it happens Got it."


Xiu Jia thought that he had nothing to do anyway. He was on the way to the rescue at this time. He had nothing to do. He could just sit here and control the overall situation. He immediately started practicing according to the methods of his ancestors.

The ancestor actually had some experience in controlling the bracelet space. He immediately hinted to Anne that she had adjusted the time difference in the headquarters. Now, there is a time difference of ten days in the two rooms of the headquarters. In other words, it's ten hours outside, but one hour at the headquarters. Of course, if this time difference is not disclosed, it will not be known at all.

Anne followed the plan. It would be good to have one more person to do things like cultivating immortality that go against scientific principles.

Xiuga started his training career amidst the confusion.

He had a foundation before. The ancestor of Helan taught him some martial arts passed down by the Helan family, which actually laid a solid foundation. Xiujia has actually mastered and mastered the method of running Qi. It is because the Aqua Blue Star is in the Age of Ending Dharma and there is no spiritual energy to absorb at all, so it is an empty act. Now, Ancestor Helan has brought him into the bracelet space. You must know that the bracelet space has been transformed by Xiao Yuan. The spiritual veins have been moved into it and the spiritual energy is abundant.

Xiu Jia practiced according to the method taught by his ancestors, and he immediately felt the difference. Introducing Qi into the body and so on, it really took only an hour of meditation and three or five weeks to complete it.

Not to mention that Shuga was tricked into starting training. Just say back to outside the bracelet space.

This time, the first and second teams were led by Lin Sen and Liang Xiaolong, while Wu Yong led the third team, which took the trails in the mountains. The team led by Lin Sen and Liang Xiaolong drove military heavy trucks and headed straight for Hongye Valley from two directions. Lu Bin, on the other hand, led a team of people on motorcycles, following the two teams at a distance, ready to change the direction of travel at any time.

The guard regiments led by Fan Zeng and Martin stayed at Beacon Mountain. In Beacon Mountain, Zibao and his winged friends guarded the air passage.

Maomao led the team to guard the trails on the mountain. As for Jiajia, it just burrowed into the soil. Its friends are all hair-raising creatures, such as scorpions, centipedes, ants, and of course, mutated ones!
And Four Feet now looks like an adult, and it is guarding the river near Beacon Mountain.

These are all arrangements made by Beacon Mountain just in case, so forget it. The focus is on Lin Sen's team. As the first team to set off, the people Lin Sen led were extremely mobile and fast. An hour after setting off, they entered the Red Leaf Valley area from the east.

To the east is where the Dream Team is. Of course, at this time, Lin Sen and the others didn't know that the team in front of them was here. However, as usual, the members of the mental department sent out mental detection to monitor all situations within a radius of two to three miles in front.

"Captain Lin, there's a situation ahead. There's a situation ahead. It seems that a team with supernatural powers is fighting some monsters that we can't tell what they are. They say they are zombies, but they don't look like zombies."

"What team can you see clearly?" "The distance is not enough, I can only see clearly. They are normal members with special powers. I saw them using their special powers."

"Speed ​​up and rush forward, speed up and rush forward. Everyone, please pay attention to your surroundings. Pay attention to your surroundings. Don't get caught in the circle of those monsters."

"Roger that!"

——-Divider line————

The Dream Team was sad. They used jokes and jokes to dispel the terrifying atmosphere of the monster siege. Everyone just looked forward to daybreak, and daybreak turned out to be daybreak, but with dawn came not only Just because the vision is clear, the monsters are coming too.

Lao Jin was the first one to notice the arrival of the monster.

"Everyone, get up, the monster is coming, the monster is coming."


"I have already seen the place where the path turns in front. It is definitely a monster. Let's get ready quickly and prepare to fight."

The old man yelled and pointed to the place in front of him. Qi Yi followed the direction he pointed and saw some figures jumping past like apes. Sure enough, they were the zombies.

All the members of the Dream Team were refreshed and immediately prepared for battle. Before they gave up, they were still tossing the idea of ​​sharing the nutritional supplements.

The zombies arrived quickly and urgently. They did not come along the road at all. The zombies walked in a straight line, running forward on the treetops, really like apes. In less than a minute, they appeared in front of Lao Jin. A tall zombie.

This zombie was like a bloodthirsty demon escaping from hell. It slapped its big bloody palm on Lao Jin's head. This slap slapped Lao Jin with a bloody sound.

Lao Jin was really unprepared, and the zombie knocked him into the dirt with a snap. His mouth was filled with sour mud, and the zombie's big foot stepped hard on his chest.

Lao Jin groaned and took in more physalis and rainwater. The zombie's second foot followed and stepped on his head, causing Lao Jin to sink into the mud.

Lao Jin struggled hard, but as soon as he struggled, he was stomped on the waist by a zombie. He only felt that his vision went dark, and he fell into the smelly mud again. He felt a rattling sound from his ribs, and suddenly He lost consciousness in his lower body.

"Lao Jin."

Qi Yi saw it from the side and couldn't help being shocked. He roared, drew out the long knife from his waist, flew up, and while the other team members were stunned, he rushed towards the zombies with murderous intent.

Before the zombies could react, the long knife in his hand made a sound of piercing the air and slashed at the neck of the zombie who was stepping on Lao Jin. He flipped his wrist and the blade quickly slashed fifteen or six times on the zombie's neck. , but seeing sparks flashing, his knife did not cause any damage to the zombie's neck. Instead, because he was too close to the zombie, the zombie grabbed his feet and threw him into the mud. Unfortunately, There was Lao Jin's knife in the dirt that just fell to the ground.

Qi Yi fell, and his body hit the knife edge. Blood spurted out and splashed all over the floor. Before he could speak, he fainted.

At this time, everyone in the Dream Team realized that it was already too late to rescue everyone. Zombies appeared in front of everyone. These zombies were extremely vicious and attacked people very brutally. They could actually use weapons, bite, and bite with their mouths. Using the weapon to chop, the long hands pulled the person's limbs, splitting the person in half, and a pile of internal organs was pulled out of the ground in a short time.

Lao Li was the most hungry. He was thinking about nutritional supplements, so he did not appear next to Lao Jin. When he reacted, zombies appeared in front of him. He had already subconsciously reacted when Lao Jin shouted. He took out his pistol, saw a zombie rushing in front of him, and fired a shot at the zombie's jaw. With a pop, the bullet actually bounced back!
What the hell? Lao Li turned sideways to avoid the rebounding bullet, turned around and threw himself into the woods around him.

The zombie jumped away, panting heavily and rushed towards Lao Li again.

At this critical moment, Lin Sen and others arrived. Seeing the critical situation, Lin Sen jumped up and kicked the zombie in a series. Then he turned around and landed firmly on the ground. He raised the muzzle of the gun in his hand, and then There were two clicks, and the bullet hit the zombie's eyes. At this time, he had understood that the zombie was invulnerable, and maybe the eyes were the only lifeblood.

Sure enough, when the bullet passed through the zombie's eyes, due to the high resistance, it caused an explosion in the zombie's head. With a coaxing sound, the zombie fell to the ground as the bullet exploded. Lin Senling shouted: Hit the eyes.

The people in the first team are all professionals. They are extremely powerful when it comes to shooting. They are all sharpshooters, and they have been well-trained. At such a close distance, the pressure of the Dream Team has been greatly reduced. This batch of twenty or thirty zombies soon had their heads exploded and died in the mud.

The battle ended extremely quickly. Lao Li and others walked tremblingly to the vicinity of Lao Jin and Captain Qi. They didn't dare to look at the bloody mud stall, but they had to look at it. The men were stunned.

Yes, for them, they couldn't see clearly in this pile of bloody mud, so they had to subconsciously look at Lin Sen's people for help.

"Are these your comrades in arms?"

"It's our captain and Lao Jin."

Lin Sheng looked at the pile of plasma in front of him and wondered what else there was to study. After all, he was probably dead.

However, Lin Sen did not say anything because he saw the red eyes of these grown men and their eyes full of fantasy. Is there anything that could happen?

Well, Lin Sen understood their thoughts and called Xiaobai and others over. He pulled out the engineering shovel he carried on his back and quickly dug a small ditch beside the mud pit.

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