The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 382 The melee in Red Leaf Valley

Chapter 382 The melee in Red Leaf Valley
As the blood drained from the small ditch, the bodies fell out of the water, and Qi and Lao Jin who were buried inside were exposed. It started to rain again, and Qi Yi stabbed Qi Qi on his waist and back, and the knife was still embedded in his body. Light rain fell on the back of the knife, and after the mud and water washed away the wound, it looked even more ferocious. Everyone's heart felt cold. It was probably impossible for him to survive. As the muddy water was emptied, Lao Li saw his chest rise and fall with sharp eyes.

"Alive, his chest moved..."

Lao Jin was in a much worse condition. His bloody head was exposed and it could be seen that his head was already flat. It was half swollen and looked a bit flat. But it cannot but be said that his fate was really great. In the eyes of everyone, his chest also rose and fell.

Lin Sen took out a half-foot-long piece of iron from the equipment on his waist, broke it into two pieces, and turned it into a marching stretcher. Xiaobai also took out the same equipment, and the second officer appeared in front of everyone. stretcher.

"Let's move the two of them onto the stretchers, and you can take them back. We have to go forward to rescue the other team members."

The captain had become like this, and the other members of the Dream Team did not have the confidence to join in the fight. They also decided to retreat, but looking at the rescue team moving in the opposite direction, they still felt a little, what should I say? Mu Qiang, guilt and Mu Qiang gave them very complicated feelings.

"Captain, we don't want to be cowards, but..."

"We understand unnecessary sacrifices. We don't want it to happen. Leave it to us. We are professionals." Lin Sen didn't want to explain more. Besides, the crisis ahead is not the time to explain. In fact, there is no need to explain. This dream team It's just a supernatural team they rescued casually. Didn't they even ask for the team's name?
Lin Sen walked forward as a team, and the whole team continued to set off. The people of the Dream Team cleaned up their battlefield and then retreated. They no longer cared about the specific matters. A nanny-style rescue was not what Lin Sen was willing to do. Sen's team will be like a sharp knife, quickly and fiercely inserted into the heart of the enemy, and quickly eliminate those high-level zombies.

Lao Li and Ying Bochao, who were a little older, immediately took the lead temporarily. Everyone packed up, loaded up the stretchers and quickly evacuated towards the Qingshan safety zone.

Back to Hongye Valley, Lin Sen led the team and continued to move forward. The road ahead was full of twists and turns. Lin Sen had no choice but to put the car into the storage bag at the order and continue to move forward.

There is so much storage space, every four-star high-end hotel in Beacon Hill is equipped with it. This kind of equipment is only known inside Beacon Mountain. If you really want to let it out, those experts will risk their lives to seek refuge in this space. However, the existence of the storage bag is only made public within the scope of Beacon Hill, which is good news for the Beacon Hill superpowers who are actively leveling up and preparing to get a four-star rating as soon as possible.

Let's talk about Wu Yong and his three teams. They were marching into the mountains and forests on foot towards Hongye Valley. It looked very hard, but they didn't encounter any obstacles along the way and drove to Hongye Valley very quickly. nearby.

"Captain, why do I feel like it's going too smoothly?" Jin Yan whispered from the side. As soon as he finished speaking, he was whipped on the back by a tree whip, which was extremely painful.


The person who answered him was a very huge banyan tree on the roadside. Needless to say, this whip was caused by this mutated banyan tree.

"Can't we get along well with each other?" He was answered by a sudden hard slap, and Jin Nang immediately realized that it didn't hurt without a beating.

"I know, uncle, uncle, I was wrong, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore." Jin Yan stopped the branch that was floating towards him, gently sent it back to its original place, and bowed to the side.

Wu Yong looked at him, speechless. He was so mean.

"You kid, you can't stand it if you don't get beaten for a day. Don't you know? We have good friends taking care of us all the way. What else do you doubt? Is there anything else you are dissatisfied with in this life?"

Wu Yong's words reached the Banyan Tree King's heart, and her fluttering air roots lifted up to form an arrow, pointing to the road ahead, and then...

The whole team of the third team stared dumbfoundedly at the banyan tree. It shook all the aerial roots on its body and pulled it up. The soil under its feet suddenly parted. The thick roots of the banyan tree left the soil. The soil seemed to be controlled by someone. The ground closed again, and not a trace could be seen. But when they saw the banyan tree actually walking away with brisk steps, the huge banyan tree like a mountain walked away. They knew how powerful the mutated tree was, but no matter how powerful it was, it couldn't go against scientific principles like this. This is a scientific principle, and it's scientific. Watch.

Mutant Mu didn't care what science was, she walked away with her head held high. Soon, very soon, as long as the king gives himself a little more life energy, he will be able to condense his body and transform into a human form...

Annie: In the Age of Ending Law, animals cannot become spirits!
Mutated Banyan Tree: Plant...I am a plant and I am not within this limit.

Wu Yong led the team to the other side of Hongye Valley where the terrain was higher. At a glance, he could see the specific situation of the mutated zombies in Hongye Valley. He pulled out the specially prepared long-range telescope and the whole team started observing together. The images and photos captured were continuously sent back to the command post in Beacon Mountain.

Collecting various types of zombie information is the daily routine of Team 508.

This is Hongye Valley, one of the places with the highest concentration of zombies, and it is also where the Zombie King of Hongye Valley stays. Unbeknownst to Wu Yong, he unfortunately walked to the innermost part of Hongye Valley. The zombie lair has been reached.

"Captain, why do I feel that these zombies are a little different? Look at their clothes and their actions. I feel like they are very familiar. There is a sense of familiarity."

This time, it was not the kid Jin Yao who spoke, but Black Bear. Although Black Bear was thick and rough looking, he was actually a thoughtful guy. He only noticed these zombies after looking at them for a while. It's a little different from the zombies I've seen before. slidely different.

Wu Yong actually felt the difference in this batch of zombies. He felt that these zombies seemed to have self-awareness. Conscious zombies were really powerful. It showed that the levels of these zombies were very high, but it was not just the level of individual zombies that was high. , but there is a connection between them, yes, like the tacit understanding between team members, which is very scary. If the zombies have a tacit understanding with each other, then they are simply an invincible army.

Wu Yong stared at the zombies and said to Jin Ao without looking back: "Send the order and prepare for the opportunity to collect the genes of these zombies." To collect genes means to be able to receive the blood of these zombies. Skin tissue and stuff like that.

This task is actually not difficult. If we talk about it in normal times, it is very difficult now. The skin of these high-level zombies has almost been tempered. Bullets sometimes bounce back when hit, and sparks fly everywhere. Hair, blood, these things feel a bit like pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth.

But these are not a problem for all the members of the 508 team. The 508 team is invincible. This is the perception of every 508 member, self-cultivation or mentality. Wu Yong issued the first and only order in this operation: "This time we are to sneak attack these zombies, disrupt their rhythm, and prevent them from reinforcing the zombies outside. Everyone must protect yourselves and not be hurt by the zombies." , form a combat team in pairs, and come back here after completing the mission, right? "

Every soldier in the 508th team has his or her own team, a team for meals, a team for fighting, and a team for collecting supplies. Each team is fixed in which team they are in, and everyone is in a different team. They are all very familiar and have a tacit understanding.

At this time, each partner formed a team and stood together, ready to fight. Knowing that they wanted to obtain the genetic tissue of the zombies, they took out weapons for close combat and put them in their hands.

The third team of nearly a hundred members, under the leadership of Wu Yong, entered the Red Leaf Valley and began a close-range sneak attack on the zombies. They were all high-powered members. For a time, the light and shadow of the bottom of the Red Leaf Valley flickered with supernatural powers. Coupled with the blessing of hot weapons, the ping-pong-pong game was extremely lively.

The Zombie King found out that he had been attacked, and roared. He stood up and quickly found the direction of Wu Yong. He was about 2 meters tall and very tall. Wu Yong, who was 1 meters tall, It actually looked extremely petite in front of him.

Wu Yong, the reason why he is called Wu Yong is not because his surname is Wu, but the name he gave him due to work needs in the army. It is equivalent to a stage name, just a code name. It means many stars, which means that he is so intelligent that he is almost a demon. , cunning as a fox.

So at this time, he would not face the enemy head-on. He turned sideways and pointed at the head of the zombie king. He drew his gun and started shooting with both eyes of the target.

After firing a round of bullets, Wu Yong screamed in his heart, he didn't know whether he should say MMP or not.

This zombie king seems to have received formal military training. He knows that others are coming towards his life gate. His resisting movements are very familiar. He covers his eyes with a helmet... Helmet, do you know that zombies can wear helmets? ? Even though he is now a level 4 zombie, or even a level 5 zombie, does he have the intelligence to wear a helmet for defense?

For those with superpowers, there are not many combat moves to fight zombies. They can only use Cheng Yaojin’s three-blade axe. Especially the members of Team 508, who are all very professional warriors who have transferred their professions. They fight zombies. Come on, it rarely takes more than three moves to succeed.

But at this time, everyone in the 508 team discovered a problem. They could not succeed in the three moves. Even if they used more advanced moves, they could not win.

These zombies seemed to be able to predict their movement trajectory, waiting to decipher their tricks in front of them, which made me feel shocked. It seems that if we don't show some real skills, we won't be able to finish today.

After a few moves, the 508 team used all the tactical skills they had used against other special teams before, and then started fighting ping-pong-pong with these zombies again.

These zombies are really not weaklings. They are all very smart. They use what they have learned throughout their lives. Well, it's pretty good. It's really fun and comfortable to fight between people of the same level and with the same understanding. Fighting at the same level is very enjoyable. They are of equal size and fighting against each other. It's good. It's good. It's like returning to the time when they were still in the regular team before the end of the world.

Those zombies seemed to have feelings, and they were playing ping-pong-pong. It didn't look like they were fighting a life-and-death struggle, but rather like they were in a confrontational match with friendly forces.

In any case, Wu Yong and his team contained these high-level zombies so that they could not send reinforcements. This was their mission to get to the bottom of the valley.

The people led by Liang Xiaolong entered the Hongye Valley from the south. This was really a very dangerous road. Walking in, they saw corpses everywhere. Yes, it can only be described as corpses everywhere.

Liang Xiaolong led the team and quickly rescued several supernatural teams in the Qingshan Safe Zone. These supernatural teams had been beaten by zombies and were scattered and disorganized. Almost stragglers were running back for their lives one by one.

When he saw Xiao Liang Xiaolong's team, he immediately rushed in. Liang Xiaolong went all the way to take in these escaped members with special powers.

The injured and exhausted ones all organized people to retreat, while those who still had the strength to fight turned back and returned to the front to face those bloody and terrifying zombies again.

Go back, but there are too few such people. He has rescued more than 100 people, and only one person who looks like the captain is willing to lead the way back to the place where they fought.

"Well done, what's your name? We'll ask you for credit when you get back."

"Captain, no need, I just want to go back for revenge. My good brother has died there, and I can't let him die in vain."

There are really very few people who are so loyal in the last year or so. Liang Xiaolong glanced at him again after hearing what he said. It seems that Qingshan is a safe zone and is full of bloody men.

Liang Xiaolong just rushed forward while rescuing the wounded. There were not many zombies seen on the battlefield. In fact, there were many dead zombies. Liang Xiaolong led the team and rushed in. Only a few scattered zombies were still wandering on the battlefield, tearing apart. Those still intact corpses and the stumps and broken arms were horrifying to see.

"Not bad, you also defeated all these zombies."

"Captain, it's impossible. When I left, there were thousands of zombies. Why are there only so many left now? We didn't kill a few. These zombies are invulnerable. They are not ordinary zombies at all."

Invulnerable, Liang Xiaolong didn't really believe it, but he heard this person say that there were thousands of zombies here when he escaped, but this little bit in front of him was obviously unreasonable, so he increased his vigilance, spread out his mental power and started Scan the battlefield.

Wherever his mental power scanned, he could not see the shadow of the zombies, and there was not even any trace of the zombies leaving. He probed the ground with his mental power, but found something abnormal, and immediately raised his voice and shouted: "All members of the Fire Dragon King quickly lifted into the air, quickly lifted into the air."

Yes, the latest equipment of the 508th team has a personal flight instrument. This is a special weapon that Jiang Wenwen found in her own weapons supermarket. The price is quite friendly.

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