The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 383 Dismal Victory

Chapter 383 Dismal Victory
Jiang Wenwen herself is considered to be illiterate in weapons. She read the introduction and said that it can make people fly straight into the air. It looked very cool and dazzling, so she bought a lot of them. Each member of the 508 team was equipped with one, which can fly alone. The speed can reach 100 kilometers per minute.

This special price weapon is actually a very high-end weapon and equipment for Aquamarine, but Jiang Wenwen doesn't know that the interstellar weapons store always sells weapons in large quantities, so she naturally won a batch at a discounted price.

Special offer? Uncle He and others didn't take it seriously. In fact, they really didn't understand the Federation or how advanced the weapon technology of Aquablue Star was. After all, they were from business backgrounds. If they didn't understand, they quickly flew this very small single soldier. It's time to assemble the instrument.

When the match was made, a certain cousin didn't know about it. Lin Sen looked a little dizzy. He thought he knew, and couldn't help but sigh that someone had figured it out. It was really amazing that such things were used to make up the match. Just like this, this single-person aircraft became the standard equipment of Team 508.

Speaking of which, Liang Xiaolong asked everyone to take off. There was a mountain of military orders. Everyone subconsciously slapped their shoulders, and then the whole body rose upright. At about 50 meters in the air, sweat dripped down everyone's face. Absolutely Not afraid of heights. But it was really scary under the feet. Those zombies actually popped out of the ground, like bamboo shoots or mushrooms that speeded up the progress. They popped up very quickly.

This time difference, to be honest, if the aircraft had been stretched a little farther or if everyone in the 508 team had slowed down a little, there would only be a gap of one or two seconds, and the zombies would have grabbed everyone's ankles with their sharp teeth.

It was impossible to land. There was a forest of bamboo shoots springing up underneath, densely packed with zombies. To be honest, a thousand was too little. Liang Xiaolong was quite loyal. When he took off, he pulled Wang Xiaobin up with one hand, but this was a good idea. The two big men were hanging on the individual aircraft. It was obviously overweight. The aircraft could not support it and began to fall slowly. From a distance of 50 meters, it only took a second or two to land. Liang Xiaolong sweated more on his head than anyone else. If he fell, he could guarantee that he would not die, but this Wang Xiaobin was obviously going to be buried.

Wang Xiaobin must not die. There is really no morality in this death. He turned around and came back to lead the way. Do you want to tell everyone that this kind of righteous behavior is seeking death? Originally, he only turned back because he wanted to do it for everyone.

It wasn't just Liang Xiaolong who thought of this, Jin Yan also thought of it, so before he could think quickly, he flew over and grabbed Wang Xiaobin. There were three people and two flight instruments. Once combined, the weight of the flight instrument was not overweight. The three of them started to ascend. Seeing that the mouth of the zombie that almost bit his ankle was empty, Liang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief. And this golden fox has to think fast.

Then another team member came over and replaced Liang Xiaolong. Wang Xiaobin was so moved that he started crying. For a big man, he was not afraid of people's jokes. He really burst into tears.

Jin Yan sighed: "Hey, brother, let's not do this. My hands are soft when you cry. Am I wiping your tears? Or are you wiping your tears?"

Wang Xiaobin, who was crying passionately, didn't expect these people to be so funny, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"You don't know the feeling of escaping from death. There is a reason for me to cry. I will wipe the tears myself."

"It's great to escape death. Brother, let's look after our feet now. Let's move forward. The captain still needs to direct the overall situation. We will send you to the edge."

"Okay, but you talk to the captain and run away if you can. These zombies are very strange. They are really hard to defeat. They are really hard to defeat."

While the two were talking, Jin Yao sent him to the edge of the battlefield. After putting him down, he kindly threw out one of his private electric motorcycles. This was the last time he was collecting supplies. I received it casually, but never used it. It was just sitting there collecting dust. Now I took it out as a personal favor.

"Dude, if you ride and run, you can save some energy!"

"Thanks, brother!" Wang Xiaobin was not polite, reached out to take one, turned on the switch, rode on and ran away. My own equipment is not as good as my own, and my combat power is not strong enough, so I can only flee first out of respect.

Sometimes not holding back is the greatest help to people. Wang Xiaobin understands this very well. He has been hurt many times by others holding back help. Therefore, now that he has become the person holding back, he feels a bit Embarrassed, but knowing what was the right choice, he did not force himself to stay and continue fighting. Instead, he chose to leave. Of course, one of the reasons for him to come back was that he gave up as soon as he arrived at the battlefield, because the remains that were supposed to be there on the battlefield did not appear. The empty battlefield made him feel an inexplicable feeling in his heart. Feeling the chill, he immediately gave up all his ambitions, including revenge, retrieving the body, etc., so now he started running without any hesitation and disappeared in a flash.

It must be the second time he has walked this road. The first time he walked tremblingly, he knew what was on the roadside. There were corpses of zombies and human remains. But as he walked, he discovered something was wrong. When he first came here, there were so many on the roadside that he couldn't even count them, but now it was obvious that he felt there were a lot less. At least let him answer as many words as he can say.

Riding an electric motorcycle, this motorcycle is actually quite high-end and makes almost no noise while driving. So when he ran, he didn't disturb the zombies that occasionally appeared on the roadside. He had doubts in his mind, so he naturally observed more carefully, and soon he discovered that the zombies that appeared on the roadside were not old zombies, but new corpses on the roadside. Human corpses turned into zombies, so Those disappeared remains have somewhere to go.

No wonder there were many more zombies coming out of the ground before. He clearly remembered that there were only a thousand zombies chasing him at that time. When he realized this, Wang Zhaibin screamed in his heart that this guy actually turned the front of the car and drove back to the direction of the battlefield.

There was a lively fight on the battlefield. Liang Xiaolong and others deeply felt the malice of the underground zombies in mid-air. The bullets that hit their heads bounced outwards and could not cause any harm at all. And everyone has to prevent bullets from rebounding and accidentally injuring themselves or teammates. The situation became tense for a moment, and Liang Xiaolong had an idea in his mind: nothing was important, he should retreat, and retreat was the most important thing.

At this moment, a fast-moving black dot appeared in his mental detection area. He paid attention to the mental detection point and found that it was this kid. Liang Xiaolong flew towards him.

"Why are you back?"

"Great, Captain, you saw me. On the way back, I found those corpses, whether they were zombies or human beings, they all turned into zombies and ran away. I don't know where they went, but most of them were It’s scary to become a zombie, you know? Captain, it’s scary.”

Liang Xiaolong thought to himself, is it scary? Do you still want to comment? It must be terrible.

After receiving the news from Wang Xiaobin, Liang Xiaolong made a decision in his mind. He turned on the communication, notified all team members to evacuate collectively, and then threw the evacuation direction indicator bomb. Team 508 was fighting in a cowardly manner. It should be said that they were in a very embarrassed state. No one was injured by the enemy, and more than a dozen of their own people were accidentally injured by the rebounded bullets. After receiving the order to retreat, they immediately flew over in the direction indicated by the arrow. Jin Yao and others saw Wang Xiaobin.
Is this guy back again? Or was he chased back before he could run far?

There was no other way, so with a move of the hand, Ah San and him descended, conveniently collected his motorcycle, pulled Wang Xiaobing like a kite, and evacuated outside.

Liang Xiaolong took the lead in retreating. The safety factor of air retreat was quite high, and the observation angle was wider. After scanning, it was found that a large number of zombies were accumulating in one direction. Liang Xiaolong stopped, took out his locator, and marked the place on the satellite map. And it was quickly shared on everyone’s map.

Liang Xiaolong's team retreated, and Lin Sen actually encountered the same difficulty. When they moved forward, although they did not encounter a large number of zombies, the one or two were extremely durable and difficult to fight. To deal with it, they also quickly discovered the corpses or zombie corpses on the roadside. In short, the corpses on the roadside (whether zombies or human beings) would quickly heal their wounds and disappear on the roadside.

When Liang Xiaolong's positioning was sent out, he made a note of this news. When Lin Sen went to detect in that direction, he also found that the zombies on his side were also running towards that place. After Liang Xiaolong's explanation, he added his own observation data.

Wu Yong discovered the news at the same time, and his team was also having a hard time. He immediately issued an order to retreat. At the same time, he also observed the coordinate point, compared it carefully, and then discovered that the marked location was actually , which is the huge tree-like mountain peak three thousand meters away from here.

The mountain peak is surrounded by dense crowds of people. They must be the newly arrived zombies, but why do they all gather at the bottom of this mountain peak?
Wu Yong also noted the news, and the three teams retreated.

Let's talk about the reserve group of Annie and Driver Lu. Although they walked slowly, they finally reached the edge. Annie's mental detection remained in the open state. She soon discovered that a group of stragglers were running back, covered in blood. , I took a closer look and saw that it was not the uniform of Team 508, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Anne breathed a sigh of relief and soon discovered that these people were the very annoying Dream Team, but the stretcher they were carrying was the special equipment of the 508 team. Anne's mental power circled among those team members. I found that the familiar old classmate was not there.

Anne, who originally didn't want to take care of it, decided to come out to rescue after thinking about it. We have to look at the overall situation, right?

The Dream Team came back with ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong. Suddenly I saw a team with a red cross flag in front of me, and I couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Help, help." All the members of the Dream Team shouted in all directions. They were very worried about the captain and Lao Jin. They were bleeding all the way and they were afraid that they would be ruined. It was great to meet the treatment team here, time is of the essence.

The treatment team was naturally led by Brother Ti, and she didn't say anything. Although the imperial concubine was annoying, her ancestors said, save people, no matter if they are annoying or not, all lives are equal, save them first and then talk about it. It's amazing. , then if the imperial concubine talks too much and says one more unpleasant word, the consultation fee will be higher.

Qi Yi and Lao Jin deserved it. With their injuries, if Brother Ti hadn't appeared and brought out the treatment cart, these two people would definitely have died. Even if they hadn't died, they would have turned into zombies, because the test result given by the treatment cart was that their genes had been destroyed. Infect. But this time it’s not about zombie transformation, but a strange word about demonization.
"Oh, Brother Ti, don't worry about it. Let's heal them first."

Xiaoguan and Jiang Wenwen both felt that although this person was annoying, her boyfriend was actually okay. They are all old classmates, they are not strangers, they are not and will not be the same thing.

After all, the treatment car was a treatment car with powerful functions. It quickly injected the two people who needed injections, fed those who needed medicine, and then sent the two people out wrapped like mummies.

Little Tin Man No. 1 and No. 2 are not fuel-efficient lamps. They are really selfless. The medical receipt they took out was just strong, each of them had a pound of gold! Wow, it’s even more expensive than treating someone. This is still a one-time fee.

Brother Ti silently took off the receipts on the two people's heads and held them in his hands. After thinking about it, he put it into his pocket and put it away. Then someone came in and carried the two people out of the tent.

"The wounds of both of them have been severely infected. The doctor said that they still need follow-up treatment. Please take a look and see if they should be carried back to your safety for treatment, or should they be sent to our Beacon Hill base?"

Lao Li didn't wait for anyone else to answer, and immediately said: "Then please send it to your base. We are now on the white list in the Qingshan Safe Zone, and we may not be able to get the best treatment. It doesn't even matter whether they can cure it or not. uncertain."

Are you kidding me? The Dream Team wants to take advantage of the loophole to enter the Beacon Hill base. At this time, if they can send two people in first, that is the best start. Lao Li, no matter what, just send the captain and Lao Jin was sent to Beacon Hill.

"Okay, our medical team will withdraw to Beacon Hill Base first. Please notify the families of these two people and go to Beacon Hill Base to sign all medical notification documents."

Brother Ti, the vice-president, was still embarrassed to raise the issue of medical expenses, but Xiaoguan didn't care about other people's face that much. He answered the conversation from the side: "Inform them and bring the expenses. We will collect the medical fees here." or gold.”

"Okay, we get it, we'll go with them."

So Ji Jingxian and Xiao Gu, who were looking for rescuers like headless flies over there, were shocked when they received Lao Li's report.

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