The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 384 Chapter 508 Hospital

Chapter 384 Chapter 508 Hospital
Ji Jingxian's first thought came out of her mouth involuntarily:
"How did we meet them? Didn't they say they wouldn't save me?"

Worrying about what he was doing, Lao Li had been looking at the side for a long time. He knew that the Concubine Xian was not a normal person, so he immediately spoke to persuade her.

"Xiaoji, the medical team should have gone to rescue their own team. We were also rescued by a team with supernatural powers. We saw that the team uniforms seemed to be from the Beacon Hill Base. Without their rescue team, we would have been afraid that He’s dead. Not to mention only the captain and Lao Jin were injured, I’m afraid I’ll have to leave a few people behind.”

"Brother Li, that's not what I meant. What I mean is that in short, I am very grateful to them for saving us. I know that I will not go against them again."

Gu Wenying looked at Ji Jingxian in surprise. Wow, this man finally got it.

Lao Li stopped talking. This is your own boyfriend. You don't care. What do I care about? We just formed a team, I'm not used to being a queen or a queen. How many years have it been since we have been in the Federation? There is still something about the Queen Mother. Don’t take yourself too seriously. He has been holding this sentence in his heart for a long time. Fortunately, this little girl is torturing his boyfriend, and her boyfriend My friend really has broad shoulders and can bear all these things, so he didn't say anything.

Speaking of Anne's side, she didn't care. What would happen if these two people were taken back? Brother Ti is in charge of collecting money and fees, and is in charge of medical treatment and death. Looking at the zombie distribution map on his computer screen, he understands everything, but he doesn't know what to do.

Leave professional matters to professionals. Anne immediately went to sneak out the cousin who was practicing.

"Their situation has changed. Brother Lu has gone to rescue here. Look here, something seems wrong with this hill."

There was no transition at all. Annie immediately told Xiuga the situation at hand. The main thing was to pack the luggage, and I couldn't do it anyway. In terms of taking advantage of loopholes, Annie is still among the top 10 players. Xiu Jia was dizzy. He suddenly returned from the world of Xianxia to the apocalypse. He was really dizzy. He rubbed his forehead and collected himself.

Xiuga looked at the map that Annie held in her hand. Annie was still working very hard. Xiuga was too tall, so she had no choice but to put her feet up, and Xiuga took it with one hand. He scratched it with his hand to enlarge the part and took a closer look. He also felt that something was wrong. This mountain felt gloomy. Then he immediately had a problem and pressed the team communication channel:
"All members of the 508th team are ready for battle. All outgoing teams have withdrawn to their bases. All of them have withdrawn to their bases."

The team members who went out breathed a sigh of relief this time. It wasn't too embarrassing to run back. Even if they came back after receiving the order, they stole a loophole.

After Xiu Jia came out, he immediately ordered Jiang Jun, who was following Annie, to lead the team back to the base.

"Chief of the repair base, should I also lead a team to pick them up?"

"It's okay. They can't handle this small scene. If they can't escape unscathed, then they are not my soldiers."

Jiang Jun has received a lot of news. He knows that the scene ahead is not a small one. The Qingshan Safe Zone has already wiped out many teams with special abilities, killing at least seven or eight hundred people.

But it never dared to object to the addition, so it immediately turned the steering wheel and drove back to the base.

"Jiang Jun, you have one more thing to do. After you return to the base, you need to strengthen the defense of the back mountain. When you go back, you will lead a team to strengthen the back mountain. Patrolling by their escort team alone will definitely not be enough."

Anne smiled and thought, look, it's not difficult for those who are capable, that's what they say, people can handle these troublesome things in minutes.

"Annie..." Xiuga turned to look at Anne and the others. (Brother Ti has already gone to work.)
"We'll go to Pemberley and just sit there and don't move or talk."

Shujia shook his head and said to them: "Today you three are the main force, or rather four."

"This is Cousin Xiu. Brother Ti has already gone to the hospital. Should we call her back?"

"No, she should stay in her territory. She and Jiang Zheng will guard the hospital together. Now I want to arrange it for you three."

"Are the three of us the most useless?" Jiang Wenwen spoke up in a rare moment. In fact, she had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

"I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about Wuwu." Xiu Jia said a rare naughty word, then looked at the three of them and said formally: "Next, we are going to go to the mountain in front to have a look. I I have a bad feeling. There must be something huge in that mountain. I can’t tell. It should be said to be a mystery or difficulty. We need to use the most elite force to go there and detect this mountain. "

Xiu Jia played a really big game of chess, which made Anshan and the other five people in the execution room feel numb: "Comrade base commander, can we retain some of our strength?"

"We will come back safely. If we can't come back, there is no need for living force to exist." Shujia's words were cold. How hurtful!

"Then how about communicating with the Qingshan Safe Zone and asking them to send some elites over."

"I have considered this, but their elites are actually not as good as our ordinary warriors, so don't bother."

After all, it is a national safety zone, not as weak as you say...

This sentence was swirling in the minds of many people, but no one had the courage to say it out loud. The things that Xiu Jia denied, especially the cold words he said with such a deadpan expression, were total denials, and no one could say anything. Works well.

"Don't worry, ancestors. I'll follow you. Don't worry, I'll make sure they all come back unharmed."

Others would not believe this if they said it was very convincing, but when ancestor Helan said this, it was more effective than anything else. As expected, everyone's hearts were put back in their stomachs. "Four-star or above supernatural warriors come out!"

As Xiu Jia finished speaking, about 200 people came out. Among them, Fan Zheng was among them. He had finally been promoted to 4 stars. Although he had just reached the full level, was he still 4 stars after all? A grown man, looking around quite proudly.

"Old Fan, why do you have four stars?" Zhou Qishao, who only had three stars, was shocked! It turns out that before I knew it, I was the only one left behind?
"Those with battle pets will come out."

Immediately, those among the four stars who had battle pets also stood up and stood in the direction pointed by Shujia Zuo. The disappointment that Zhou Qishao had just felt immediately dissipated. He was the only one with a battle pet. There are two flying battle pets!
Yes, Annie had already hatched the egg for him, and it turned out to be the Steller's Sea Eagle that was listed in the federal white paper. In the heyday, private breeding or harming one could easily lead to ten or eight years in prison. It was so merciless that even a wealthy family would not dare to think of getting one for appreciation.

Now, no one cares, it’s mutated again, after eating dozens of bottles of Smarties, Annie is now a general under the Purple Treasure Wings!
For a time, in the square in front of the gate of the Beacon Hill Base, cars were racing, horses were rustling, and the high-spirited atmosphere was very contagious.

The four-star high combat power team members began to check their equipment, while Xiu Jia was in a large tent in front of the square, directing Jiang Wenwen, telling her in a low voice what she wanted, and asking her to buy it.

The team that attracts the most attention in the square is not the four-star high-level team. These people all have two eyes, one nose and one mouth. There is nothing strange about it. Who can’t be a high-level team? We can also rise to the stars. The most enviable and jealous thing is that Those team members who have battle pets.

The most attractive thing is the Steller's sea eagle standing in front of Zhou Qishao in front of the queue. Zhou Qishao is an equipment controller. He made a chest and back for his sea eagle, let's call it a chest and back. The beauty of this chest and back is beyond mention. It was made of gold, not to mention silver, and he also had it inlaid. Ruby, the upper part of the Steller's sea eagle's feathers is originally dark. He used snow-white cowhide to make this chest and back, which echoes the white feathers below the Steller's sea eagle. Steller's sea eagle, eat There are so many smart beans, and her IQ is far higher than that of the same kind. She happens to be young, so when she is showing off, she knows that others are looking at her, so she just stands there with her head tilted and motionless. At first glance, she looks a bit strange. Very majestic.

Zibao is not as showy as she is. Zibao is a "socially afraid" bird, so it shrinks its body to the size of a fist, stands on Annie's shoulders, and follows Annie inside and outside. Not ostentatious at all.

Of course, others wouldn't stare at Anne without turning their eyes. After all, he was the base commander, so no one dared to stare too rudely.

Annie looked up and suddenly saw Brother Ti, standing silently in the battle pet team. She was startled and hurriedly said to Xiu Jia: "The base director, Brother Ti, is here. Is it okay over there at the hospital?"

Only then did Xiu Jia remember that there were supernatural warriors with battle pets, and Brother Ti also had them. Besides, he had learned about Brother Ti’s battle pets from the side, and they were actually sharks in the water, so he thought about it for a second. Decided to let her stay. He handed the spirit pet bag hanging on his waist to Annie: "You release my pet and let her sit on it."

"It seems impossible. If nothing happens here, I can go out and she will be with Zibao and me."

"Zibao can't get bigger now, do you understand?"

"Then what should we do? Your elephant doesn't want people to get close to it at all."

"You two just sit on the elephant, you'll be fine. Are you getting so many smart beans for free?"

"Forget it, just take care of the overall situation. Don't worry about these small problems. I don't think you should let your elephant out for the time being. Although he can run fast, can he outrun a car?"

It was obviously possible to outrun an ordinary car, but it was obviously a bit difficult to outrun a modified car, so Xiujia didn't say anything anymore.

As the entire team gathered here, Annie had no time to care about who was in the crowd. At this time, all the members of the Dream Team were outside watching. Ji Jingxian didn't care that her boyfriend was still sleeping in the treatment room, and her life or death was uncertain. She just watched the fun with Gu Wenying outside the door...

What about the promised love?

"Hey Yingying, what do you think Annie is capable of? It seems like she is not just pretending as the base commander. Look at her walking around. It seems like she has to nod her head to carry out many things."

Ji Jingxian spoke very quietly, but it shocked Gu Wenying: "Oh, little ancestor, please keep your voice down. This is someone else's territory, and your boyfriend is still sleeping in someone else's hospital. Do you want him to die?" Or do you want him to live? You are really worrying."

"I've obviously spoken quietly enough, but you are too timid and I didn't say anything." Ji Jingxian muttered even more quietly.

"Okay, okay, please keep your voice down. Don't you know that you have superpowers now? If someone with a level of hearing hears it, and they don't like you again, just keep your voice down, for the sake of your boyfriend. Get effective treatment.”

Gu Wenying wanted to cover her mouth that was still mumbling. The little girl really thought of herself as a queen. It’s really tiring to have such a good best friend.

"I know, I know, I won't say anything anymore. Besides, I didn't say anything. Anne is not that small-minded. If she is small-minded, after I have offended her so many times and for so long, he can still be willing. It would be weird to save my family."

Gu Wenying glanced at her and said nothing. Lao Li was relieved at the side. He was ready. If the aunt uttered something that could not be heard, for the sake of the captain, he would definitely cover her mouth as soon as possible!
Haha, there are differences between men and women, let’s implement it. It's probably not covering, it's probably drawing!
Ji Jingxian didn't know what Li Qisheng, who she thought was her boyfriend's right-hand man, was thinking. If she knew, he would probably cry!
But now, they are separated from each other by their bellies, and they don't know each other's thoughts, and they feel at ease for a while.

"You are here. Dean Jiang is here to invite you!" A person who looked like a nurse in a white coat suddenly appeared in front of several people: "Great, I'm going to find you where you live. I can’t get through to my phone. Is the phone broken? It’s such a big saver to meet you here.”

While the little nurse was talking to them, she looked enviously at the supernatural warriors who were forming a team. The temper of trying to catch fish at work was brought over from the prosperous age.

The hospital in Beacon Hill is located on the back hill of Beacon Hill, in a tree-lined area. The hospital consists of many small wooden houses of different shapes. It feels less like a hospital and more like a nursing home. But currently, 508 Hospital has the best medical equipment in the Federation, as well as various medical giants who were famous in the heyday!
Because Jiang Zheng has the healing power of wood, he became the dean. In fact, he was quite a bit like the dean. The real dean is not worthy of his name. In fact, he used to be the dean of Dijing First Hospital and was also the most prestigious medical master in Dijing. However, he now wants to remain anonymous and is unwilling to be exposed and do these administrative tasks. Instead, he has shifted his focus to his own affairs. Teachers are studying the most challenging topic at present - mutation. Whether it's mutated zombies, mutated animals, or mutated plants, his teacher has developed new topics.

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