The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 385 Mutated New Form

Chapter 385 Mutated New Form

508 Hospital is a hospital on the surface, and it is indeed a hospital. It undertakes all medical work. However, in fact, the focus of the entire hospital is experiments. 508 Hospital has the most complete and advanced laboratory facilities. The dean’s teacher is the most famous expert in life sciences in the Federation.

Many tasks of the 508 Superpower Team are created to cooperate with their research, such as collecting zombies of various genders, ages, and races, as well as people bitten by zombies, as well as various mutant animals and plants. Specimens, etc.

After Qi Yi and Lao Jin were admitted to the hospital, Jin Yao immediately reported that the zombie that bit them was different. The director personally looked at the wound and collected various liquids for testing. Sure enough, it was different. Then he called his teacher to investigate carefully. The two argued for a long time and found that it was indeed a zombie bite that had not been collected before. It was a new type of zombie, so they decided to strengthen the treatment of the two.

And they were willing to take time out to meet the members of the Dream Team today because Qi and Lao Jin had special mutations after being bitten. It is the latest mutant form they have seen. They need to get the consent of the family members and be able to do some research while undergoing treatment, some of which may exceed the standard.

Of course, the real situation will not be told to the members of the Dream Team. We are only prepared to say that the mutation between Qi Yi and Lao Jin is very special, and the family members must be mentally prepared.

"Family members should be mentally prepared." Ordinary people understand that it means they can be saved, or they may not be saved.

Ji Jingxian's face turned pale when she heard this, but she couldn't say a word. After all, she was a little girl. She had never experienced so many dangerous things. She never knew that just a simple farewell would mean that we would never see each other again. See.

Gu Wenying held her hand and comforted her in a low voice: "It doesn't matter. Ji people have their own destiny. I believe they will be out of danger. We just need to persevere, right?" Gu Wenying doesn't know if that is true. , she is just a little girl, and she doesn’t have a considerate boyfriend by her side. All family members have lost contact, and the fate is unpredictable. In other words, I didn’t dare to expect it. Maybe it would be better not to know some of the results.

Everyone on the Dream Team is experiencing great joys and sorrows here, and each of them feels the separation of life and death. Over there, 508 has formed its team and is ready to set off.

The three teams had just returned from the battle in Red Leaf Valley and had traveled back and forth for nearly 500 miles. They were actually very tired. They had to rush over again at this time, so they were considered exhausted.

In fact, Xiu Jia, Patriarch Helan and others also considered whether to let everyone rest for a night and reorganize, but there was really no time to delay. The mountain was so strange and inexplicable that it would change if it was too late.

As for the physical fatigue of the team members, Ancestor Helan has many ways to solve this problem. Now that everyone is in a state of excitement, it is the best time to work hard and follow the trend.

So the 508 team set off as soon as the team was formed. For 508, setting off is a very simple matter. As long as they are willing, they can set off at any time. With unprecedented logistical support, they can leave at any time. Wei Ruhai has all the supplies. Annie has a very safe air-raid shelter, and Jiang Wenwen has a mobile arsenal there. As long as Brother Ti brings her two treatment vehicles, it will be a military hospital that can rescue the most serious injuries at any time. It is equipped like this. What I am afraid of is whether I am fully prepared or not, there is no question at all.

508 has such confidence that he can leave as soon as he says...

As for the Qingshan Safety Zone, they knew about the two rescue operations at the Beacon Hill Base. The last time they were even thinking about whether they were crazy, knowing that there were such powerful zombies ahead, 508 would jump again. Go out, could it be that Anshan from 508 has a mental problem?

Anshan, who had mental problems, immediately after the team set off, together with everyone in the execution room and staff room who stayed behind, wanted to discuss the issue of this zombie mountain. The zombies were so powerful, so they had to go to the Qingshan Safe Zone to discuss it. Talking about requirements, after all, we can't rush out again in vain. Besides, such powerful zombies are not something that a 508 can carry.

This time, 508 came out with elite troops, and their trump cards were almost the same, with most of them exposed. The purpose is to explore the reality and see what the problem is with that mountain.

Anshan decided to wait until the latest intelligence was gathered, if the mountain was too dangerous. Datou Anshan decided to let Qingshan Temple Safety Zone handle it. After all, they are a national safety zone.

"Mr. An, there is no loss-making business under you. In fact, I think that should be the case, but I also feel that I am willing to go, which is a bit awkward." Jiang Nanshan hesitated for a long time before speaking out. My thoughts on this decision.

Old Ancestor Zhou doesn’t discriminate against people, they are all juniors. He is not in the habit of saving face for others, and there are no juniors around now. (Speaking of it, Zhou Qishao’s behavior is very similar to his own.) Therefore, Zhou Qishao The ancestor glanced at him sideways: "Xiao Jiang, this is your weakness."

"..." Jiang Nanshan was stunned for a moment and said nothing. He still had some natural awe for Ancestor Zhou.

"Yes, Nanshan, you have never done anything under me, and I don't know you very well. After getting along with you during this time, I feel that your father's education for you is still somewhat lacking and he has not cultivated your leadership skills. "

Jiang Nanshan cursed in his heart, a branch of the Jiang family, what can I do with such leadership ability? Are you going to seize the resources of your direct branch? You really can't reach it even if you crane your neck.

Mr. Jiang seemed to know what he was thinking, and continued: "You may think that leadership skills are of little use to you, but no matter who you are, this ability still needs to be cultivated. Just like Jiang Zheng, if I hadn't started Start cultivating his leadership skills. Can he be independent in the hospital? "

This sounds reasonable, but Jiang Nanshan still disagrees. But he couldn't refute what Mr. Jiang said, so he just smiled and said nothing. I regret it. I would have known better not to come out and say anything.

"Nanshan. If you hear the truth in the morning and die in the evening, you must first pay attention to this. Our Jiang family cannot only rely on Jiang Zheng. Now we must rely on you first. You must grow up quickly. I cannot grow up." If you live to be a hundred years old, the Jiang family will be yours. How far you can grow, how high your realm is, and how big your structure is will be the future of the Jiang family. You must think clearly about this." Uncle, I can't do it. I really haven't thought about it. I am not a direct descendant of the Jiang family, nor your biological son."

"Some sons are worse than barbecued pork. If I knew your cousin would be like that, I would strangle him to death when he took his first breath. I wouldn't even have to get married or have children at all. , This is all retribution, and the natural cycle may be because I was too strong before. "

This is actually the result of Mr. Jiang’s recent reflections. When he spoke here, he actually publicly stated his attitude to Anshan and others. From now on, the head of the Jiang family will be Jiang Nanshan. If there is a need for the Beacon Hill base, Jiang Nanshan Now that he can become the head of the Jiang family, the future head of the Jiang family has been publicly decided.

"You are putting too much pressure on him by saying these words at this time. Xiao Jiang has potential and can be cultivated. Let's all look at each other. In this world, people can be cultivated in a few moments." Zhou Laozu said. Dalan said.

Jiang Nanshan was about to go crazy. He never thought that leaving Mr. Jiang to live in Beacon Hill was actually the reason why the Jiang family was handed over to him. He originally thought that it was just to get closer to the direct branch of the Jiang family.

With people like Zhou Laozu and Jiang Laozu giving guidance from behind, Anshan actually benefited a lot. Under the guidance of these old chiefs of staff, Anshan's thinking, handling and judgment of things (conspiracy and conspiracy) gradually matured. Some sinister methods have become invisible. As for Jiang Nanshan, since he had the knowledge to accept the Jiang family's knowledge, he was under the special and tilted education of Zhou Laozu and Mr. Jiang. Realizing his own shortcomings, he opened up his world completely, eagerly learned many things that he had neglected before, liberated his mind, and moved forward rapidly.

These are all off topic and will not be mentioned.

It is only said that Anshan and others were in the conference room, led by Zhou Laozu, who conspired for a long time, and finally decided that if the mountain explored this time was too dangerous, the blame would definitely be thrown to the Qingshan Safety Zone. Zhou Laozu even Yu taught him clearly what to say and how to say these words.

"Let Xiao Jiang do the talking this time."

"Old Ancestor Zhou, I'm afraid I won't be able to take on this important responsibility." Although Jiang Nanshan wanted to study, he never thought of doing an internship right away! Did you graduate just after enrolling?
"Well, Nanshan, I think what Zhou Laozu said is right. You should go and talk, Xiao An will stay behind, and he will make the final decision. When you go to talk, no matter whether the goal is achieved or not, for us 508 There is room for all, they won’t guard you!”

"The other reason why I asked you to talk is to push you to the front desk. Someone from the Jiang family has already appeared in the Qingshan Safe Zone. When you went there, you made it clear that you have a place and a say in Beacon Hill. ”

This is true. Everyone knows very well that the Guan family, because there was infrastructure construction here before, Mr. Guan came forward a lot, and the Wei family brothers themselves are not the masters of others. After they came, they formed a team. After a while, the land was enclosed, and with Grandma Wei's special power, it was foreseeable that the Wei family had a large number of people and had always stepped in to block many things. Everyone had the impression that the bosses in the 508 base had their impressions, but Jiang Nanshan, because he The previous working environment did not allow him to have this kind of thinking and cognition. He always felt as if he was hiding in the background and did not come forward to do anything on behalf of the 508 base. It was easy for everyone to ignore the Jiang family, and some people even just thought that the Jiang family was , it is because of the classmate relationship between Jiang Wenwen, Annie and the other three that there is CEO Jiang in the execution room! I don’t know at all, but Jiang Nanshan is actually a very executive person. He has done a lot of practical things down-to-earth. He can be regarded as the stabilizer of the executive room. His mood is very stable and he can synthesize the sudden impulsive emotions of the other four CEOs. .

It was decided that Jiang Nanshan would come forward to negotiate conditions for the Qingshan Safety Zone, and he calmly accepted whatever Jiang Nanshan was sure about.

As the old saying goes, times make heroes. At this time of the end of the world, there is no time, no people, and no environment for you to grow up slowly. Many people grow up overnight. For example, Jiang Wenwen, who also grew up as a wealthy young lady who only knew how to eat, drink, have fun and spend money, suddenly grew up and was able to take care of her grandparents in a strange foreign country. How dare you trade weapons with foreign gangs...

Jiang Nanshan also thought of his daughter. Am I not as good as his daughter? Once he figured it out, he immediately became stunned.

Speaking of which, after Xiu Jia led everyone forward for a while, he released his mental strength and found that no one was following him. He immediately asked Annie to expand the space. Everyone entered the space. Naturally, Mr. Helan The ancestor adjusted the time difference in the space, gave everyone pills to replenish their physical strength, and then let everyone have a good rest in the space, while Xiu Jia took Annie and the two of them and started running forward on their motorcycles.

This is Xiu Jia's trump card, and this is also the best solution that Ancestor Helan came up with.

If there were only two people, Xiu Jia and Annie, and when they arrived at the place, Ancestor Helan would use his spiritual consciousness to help detect the strange mountain with such tiny movements, the safety would be much improved.

Sure enough, this plan was implemented perfectly. Xiuga and Annie arrived at the marked hill two hours later.

When he was still a little far away, Shujia felt uncomfortable all over, extremely uncomfortable. "Ancestor, I feel very bad, very bad. When I look at that mountain, I feel disgusted from the bottom of my heart. And I feel very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable."

"Are you just feeling uncomfortable?" Ancestor Helan asked thoughtfully.

Annie had heard that Xiu Jia was there before, asking him whether he felt uncomfortable or uncomfortable. She felt that this person's vocabulary was really lacking. Can he just say "uncomfortable" when he was not feeling well? Please talk about your specific performance, describe your inner feelings, why you are trembling, sweating, and trembling all over. If you don’t say anything, you will only feel bad and uncomfortable. This is really strange!
But when he heard the question from ancestor Helan, Annie's eyes were set.

Annie remembered a situation that she had ignored. There was no classmate Shuga in the previous apocalypse, so where was he in the previous apocalypse? If he's already dead at the start, is he completely dead or does he-become-.

Annie didn't dare to think about it, but she knew that her next words were zombie king, or even zombie emperor!
Annie became more and more frightened as she thought about it. She looked sideways at Xiuga, trying to put his figure on the Zombie Emperor in her memory for comparison!
But as if she sensed something, Anne immediately stopped thinking!

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