The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 386 Zombie Valley

Chapter 386 Zombie Valley
People in Daxia are a bit superstitious. They can't think, and whatever they think about will come to them. They can't recite it. Whoever you recite will appear immediately. Cao Cao can't run as fast as him. Therefore, Anne didn't dare to think about it, and she didn't want to think about it. If this was true, it would be really troublesome, yes, it was really troublesome.

Annie stopped thinking wildly and began to study the cousin in front of her. She could analyze rationally. Don't think wildly. Analyze rationally. Annie kept reminding herself, but since she thought about the zombie emperor, the terrifying pressure of the zombie emperor seemed to have begun. Spreading from the bottom of her heart, it was a terrifying existence, a nightmare for all people in the apocalypse.

Looking at the tall and muscular back of the man in front of her, Anne didn't want to believe that Anne had unknowingly regarded this cousin as her backer and the core of the 508 Beacon Hill base. This was a huge departure. If he If he is the Zombie King, it means that the 508 base must have been destroyed, so he must not be it, and he certainly cannot be it.

"So you just didn't think of anything, you just felt uncomfortable." Ancestor Helan asked again.

"My ancestor is a little uncomfortable. I can overcome it. It doesn't matter. Now we need to see what's wrong with this mountain. This mountain looks like a small volcano."

"It's impossible, cousin. There are no volcanoes in the Kunyu Mountains. This is an internationally recognized thing. This shape is not necessarily a volcano!"

"Talking lies with your eyes open." Xiuga denied Annie's sophistry. The top of the mountain was cut off with a knife. It was the iconic shape of a volcano. This little girl insisted on saying no.

"Cousin, don't be too arbitrary. This shape is not necessarily a volcano. When did you think about the Kunyu Mountains? When did you say that there was a volcano? No matter if you are looking at scientific documents or fairy tales, how can there be a volcano?"

"Little girl, there may not be scientific literature, but there are myths and stories. Don't argue with him about this issue yet. No matter what this mountain is, you must be careful when you take people to see it. Old man, I think this place is full of evil spirits. , and I have very bad news to tell you, some of my super powers cannot be used at all, which means I can't interfere in this matter. "

"Ancestor, you said you wanted to protect us. It's so scary." Annie said in a scary way, but there was no fear in her tone at all. Helan Ancestor couldn't laugh or cry.

"Little girl, you should be more professional when acting coquettishly. You go in first, don't be afraid, I will tell you everything."

"Then would you like to thank our ancestors? Thank you." Amway thanked him in advance out of courtesy and not to be offended by many people.

As soon as the bracelet space opened, everyone came out gently and neatly, and then lined up.

Xiujia lowered his voice and whispered into his earphones: "It's the mountain in front of us. Let's go explore it according to the agreed method."

In fact, the front mentioned by Xiu Jia is not the front.

The place where everyone is located is about 1 kilometer away from the mountain, but it took Anne Xiuga several rounds to find this 1 kilometer. An open space that can accommodate 100 people at the same time, this is under a big tree. Under the banyan tree, Annie communicated with the mutated banyan tree for a long time before she got the banyan tree to grow its branches and leaves a little wider, leaving an open space in the trunk.

When we came here, except for Wu Yong and Lin Sen, two people who had seen the mountain from afar, they felt that this task might not be easy to complete. Everyone else was very optimistic and thought it would be easy to complete. But now everyone comes out and... Look, I think this mission is a bit suspenseful. It's just an ordinary reconnaissance mission. It really feels a bit suspenseful.

Because the front is densely packed and not rigorous, they are also in groups of three to five. At least a hundred zombies are slowly gathering there at any time. These zombies are heading towards the mountain in various forms. The drone's Under the ytterbium head, it actually climbed up the mountain and then disappeared at the top of the mountain.

This mountain is not a volcano. This has been clearly seen through drone detection. The volcano cannot be covered by vegetation. This mountain is covered with various vegetation from the top to the foot of the mountain. The top of the mountain is not actually a flat top that has been cut off, but a basin. The flat top is actually the edge of the basin. This edge is very narrow. At a glance Go, I'm afraid it's only three to five meters, the narrowest point is less than one meter, and then there is a straight cliff, going straight down, I don't know how deep it is, but in the photos taken by the drone, there are eagles flying on the treetops. , the distance from the edge to the top of the tree is at least a thousand meters.

"Chief of the repair base, look at these zombies falling down when they reach the edge. Can they still survive if they fall down?" Lin Sen asked. rang in the team's headphones.

"Old Lin and the others are zombies, are they still alive or dead?"

"There should be, zombies. Aren't we also hacking them to death? Are we hacking them alive?"

"What you said makes sense, and I can't refute it."

"Okay, you guys, please be serious and stop bickering every time you go on a mission. Haven't you noticed that there is something wrong with these zombies?" Wu Yong came out to suppress the bad habits of these old guys.

"It shows that you are useful." Following Lin Sen's words, everyone remained silent.

"Silver Fox, please pay attention to receive the signal. I have sent observation bees here." Xiu Jia ignored them and released the scout bees bought by Jiang Wenwen. After the Silver Fox's positioning was completed, he sent out a group of reconnaissance ants. Let it go.

These facsimile ants and bees that Jiang Wenwen bought for reconnaissance are not too simulated. They are exactly the same as the real ones. After going out, even if they are a little bigger, they have mutated much larger than them. It won't attract anyone's attention at all.

Even when I flew to the Qingshan Safe Zone to conduct reconnaissance, no one noticed it, let alone to conduct reconnaissance for these zombies now. That was simply perfect.

The only imperfection is that when everyone is in the bracelet space, they cannot receive the signal, so they still have to come out, but it is not necessary for everyone to be outside to receive the signal at this time. Xiujia wants Annie to get everyone back. But no one wants to go back.

"No, no, it's more convenient for us to deal with it here."

"Captain of the repair base, can we get one or two zombies from the side to take a look?"

"If you can avoid alerting them, don't alert them. What are you going to do to get them to see? You can understand. Anyway, the specimens have been sent to the laboratory. Don't mess around when the laboratory gives you the data. ”

Zhou Qishao's stinking doctrine simply left Xiu Jia speechless.

"No, why do I feel like it doesn't really look like a zombie?"

"Deputy Base Commander Zhou, let me tell you, they don't look like zombies at all, they are really tough."

Wu Yong had actually fought zombies in Red Leaf Valley, and he immediately began to share his experience in fighting zombies last time.

Lin Sen also added on his previous experience. In short, he said that these zombies were no ordinary zombies.

"So, if we encounter them in the future, we must go all out and fight with our highest combat power. Don't touch their heads. Their most important point is their eyes. Don't waste bullets hitting their bodies. The bullets will still be there." It bounces back and scares people to death.”

"It's really going to be a tough battle, brothers, so keep your spirits up."

The little bee buzzed and flew away, and the little ant also left quietly, but soon, a signal came from Silver Fox's computer. The stuff from Jiang's shop is amazing. The picture quality is clear and the sound is very three-dimensional. What's outrageous is the 360-degree transmission without blind spots. The picture is really shocking. Silver Fox's computer is divided into two screens. One for bees and one for ants.

These ghosts, their signals seem to be unified and sorted, and then enter the receiver. The images sent back by so many bees form one image, and the same goes for the ants, which is simply an eight-D image.

The footage sent back by the receiver made everyone feel a little bit unaccustomed to it. After all, Aquamarine is still mainly 6D.

Soon everyone overcame their visual discomfort and began to use these images to observe everything ahead.

It can be seen that bees are faster. The main direction of their reconnaissance is from the ground to the air, while the reconnaissance direction of ants is mainly from the ground to places below the ground. These little ants have even begun to dig holes underground. , I really admire how these mechanical ants did it, and started to dig out a thin road so quickly. Comparatively speaking, ants are more powerful than bees. After all, bees can just fly and fly and send back images. However, these ants have to dig roads underground and send back images. It is really eye-opening.

Now that business has begun, everyone stopped talking and started staring at the screen. Everyone was staring at it. Everyone had different eyes and focused on different things. They would definitely observe different places. Naturally, what Lin Sen was looking at was what he had seen before. The zombie is a zombie that enters the lens of Little Bee.

As soon as this zombie appeared in the bee's lens, a full three-dimensional image appeared immediately, as if the bee was spinning around him, and every detail of his body was perfectly displayed on the screen.

"Look at the zombie transformation on his face. The nails on his hands are very sharp and pointed. But her skin is very similar to the corpse transformation just now. It’s not too dark, it’s very close to the color of a person’s normal skin.”

"Their eyes, you can see the pupils are really different from zombies, which means these things might not really be zombies."

"Is this the devil that our ancestors talked about?"

"Oh God, all the monsters and ghosts are out. Is this the world of immortals?"

"This is the end of the world, are you sure zombies are still the main force?"

"No matter what, the end of technology is theology, and maybe the end of the apocalypse is immortality. How do you know?"

"Okay, scientists, please pay attention and stop talking nonsense."

As bees and ants came in, more and more images appeared, and then Wu Yong saw a familiar person, the one he thought was the zombie king, actually appeared.

"This is it, this is it, a zombie that wears a helmet. I think he is simply the zombie king. He was not wearing a helmet at this time. Look at the helmet on his waist. He took it out to block his eyes at that time."

Many people who went to Red Leaf Valley were in this team. They pointed out at that time that this one looked familiar and that one looked familiar. It was undeniable that the zombies from Red Leaf Valley also came here.

Jiang Jun also saw this zombie wearing a helmet. He didn't pay attention to it at first, but suddenly he followed Wu Yong's voice and looked at the helmet. He suddenly discovered something different. He stared at this The zombie looked at it, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

"He is my leader."

"What-- long."

"He is my group leader." Jiang Jun said seriously again.

"And these few on the side, we are in the same group!" Zhang Licheng and Yan Yuning both recognized them, and their eyes turned red.

The former comrades turned into zombies. Although everyone knew that this possibility was possible and it was still very high, they really recognized it and saw it right in front of their eyes. Suddenly I couldn't get over the psychological hurdle.

"Your regiment leader, so tell me about his situation."

This situation is actually very simple. Jiang Jun, Lin Sen and the others are different. Lin Sen and the others are from the special forces, while Jiang Jun is a small battalion of an independent regiment belonging to the Army's third theater. His regiment leader is the boss in front of him. , his family has been in the military for generations. My grandfather is the retired commander of the Third War Zone, and my father is still a military commander. Of course, he was not in the Third War Zone. He was trained in the Third War Zone. His personal qualities are outstanding and his military quality is extremely high. Graduated from a regular federal military academy with a doctorate. With outstanding military exploits, he is the future commander-in-chief of the third theater.

Hearing these circumstances, Xiuga looked at the zombie's back and felt a little speechless. Such people were sacrificed... How many people were sacrificed in the third theater? Suddenly he didn't want to know.

At this moment, Ancestor Helan's voice came to Anne's ears: "Little girl, I can't take action. You take action and stop these people. They haven't completely lost their minds yet..."

"Is my feeling actually right?"

"Except for your ancestors and me, you are the number one person in the world with spiritual power. You must trust your own perception."

"You know how our ancestors complimented each other in business."

"……soy Mujer!"

Annie took a few steps back, walked toward the outside of the banyan tree, then raised her feet and disappeared. A second later, everyone saw Annie's figure on the computer screen, and Annie's figure flashed like a ghost. As she raised her hand, Jiang Jun's regiment leader and the few zombie soldiers who were like guards around him disappeared in a flash.

After another second, Annie returned to the same place: "I'm back!"

"You acted on your own without saying a word, that's it." Shujia scolded in a low voice.

"I went there when I was sure. It only took a second or two to talk about it. I haven't finished talking yet. It should be done. Don't worry, I'm sure."

"Basic Commander, what are you..."

"I took them back. I think they have not lost their minds. Maybe they can be saved. Besides, they are your regiment commanders and your comrades. You can't let them go there. They will take action later. You say Should we fight or not?"

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