The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 388 Technical Retreat

Chapter 388 Technical Retreat
When Annie heard what Lin Sen said, she didn't know how to evaluate it. Speaking of which, this person is also the backbone elite of 508, the mainstay. Every move, word and deed represents the base. This is really... not a good comment. .

I could only continue to listen to Lin Sen conveying the mission for the return trip. I was unwilling to do so. Was my trip in vain this time? I'm afraid I just want to make some money back by saying these words. Annie secretly speculated on the thoughts of Lin Sen and others.

"It counts as a task! It can be counted as additional contribution points, but you must ensure your own safety. Anyone who ignores their own safety will have to pay for their own medicine and have their contribution points deducted!"

Lin Sen's order made everyone boo! These ruffians.

Annie didn't bother to care about them. Anyway, the people here today were Lin Sen's old subordinates, so she didn't need to care about them. They each have their own idea.

Everyone in the 508th Group returned home while catching the zombies. The return trip was uneventful, and everyone got extra contribution points anyway!

Not everyone thinks it's okay to go back. In fact, everyone wants to go ahead and destroy that place, fight it, and pay it. In short, most people still feel that it would be shameful to retreat, so the action of fighting zombies on the road is particularly powerful. The tone in my heart may come out a little bit.

Everyone was in the bracelet space when we went, and we didn’t know how we got to the foot of the mountain. In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that it was just an unspoken desire, no idea at all, and they didn’t want to say it! This is a law of self-protection in the bracelet space. All intelligent life entering and exiting space is controlled by this law.

So there were sparks and lightning all the way, and it was crackling, and everyone felt it was very refreshing and enjoyable. Later, they no longer calculated the contribution value, but started to compare heads. They were all veterans. Everyone knew their own strengths and weaknesses. They formed their own teams and harvested the intelligent zombies along the way. Crystal Core, everyone is willing to work together to temporarily call this kind of relatively clean-looking zombies smart zombies. The value of this zombie is much higher than the zombies that people usually fight.

Well, although it is strenuous and must be played in a team, everyone is happier the more they play. The cores of intelligent zombies are three, and the minimum level is three.

It didn’t take long when I went there, but when I came back I was walking and playing slowly. It took me a full 5 days to return to the Beacon Hill base in batches. After I came back, I naturally reorganized, rested, and summarized. This is all common sense, and I also need to be isolated. After a series of actions, the Green Water Base didn’t even know that Beacon Hill was back.

——————-I am surprised at the dividing line——————

Jiang Nanshan was ordered to go out to Lushui Base to discuss cooperation. According to the old foxes, you can get back as much benefit as you can, but not less than...

Jiang Nanshan’s newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. With this lowest indicator, he rushed into the Qingshan safety zone. Naturally, the Qingshan Safe Zone had information about him, and everyone thought he was just a supporting role, but it turned out that he came first to discuss the terms himself! I'm really a little speechless. Even in his prime, Jiang Nanshan was just the general manager of a small company. What could he do? People who have to make appointments when they come to his office, even minor characters who are not qualified to know his secretary's phone number, come to talk to him on an equal footing in a serious manner. It is really the end of the world, and everyone is on the table.

Jiang Nanshan didn't know, or he knew but didn't care, what these people thought of him. What was important now was how he thought of himself. Therefore, he organized his own language, prepared several plots, and arrived at the Qingshan Safety Zone.

He punched the old master to death. The appearance of Jiang Nanshan was not expected by his opponents. The consequence of underestimating Jiang Nanshan was that Jiang Nanshan negotiated some results with them seriously and signed and pledged them into a formal contract, which was far beyond the limit. The expectations of everyone in Beacon Hill have created very good economic benefits.

But for the Beacon Hill Base, this is not the best benefit. The biggest gain is that Jiang Nanshan looks cute and stupid, pretending to be a cute newbie in the Qingshan Base. Really, at a certain level or platform To put it bluntly, Jiang Nanshan's right to speak is not even as important as Jiang Wenwen. After all, everyone recognizes that Jiang Wenwen has the endorsement of Mr. Jiang behind her.

There have been a lot of things going on in the Qingshan Safe Zone recently, and they have been very busy. Therefore, when they heard that the person coming from Bijia Mountain was Executive Chairman Jiang, neither the two Wang brothers had time to contact him.

"Mr. Jiang, our base commanders are very busy today. To be precise, they have all gone on missions. The only one who is at home right now is Commander Tang. Well, there are some things he can't make the decision for!"

Faced with such words, Jiang Nanshan did not show any displeasure: "There is no big deal when I come here, I just come to discuss some small matters with you!"

It's a small matter, there's no need for those people hiding in high places to show up.

Let Xiao Tang talk to him!

Xiao Tang is the nephew brought by Minister Tang. Minister Tang's closest blood nephew has already given birth to a child. This is the only remaining fruit. Minister Tang is preparing to train the successor of Observation. (As for those who have not yet formed, they have not been put on the stage for the time being. After all, it will be at least eighteen years before they become adults.)
Young Master Tang didn't know that he had several younger brothers preparing in the test tube. He thought that all the resources of the Tang family would only be used to train his own successor, and he was very excited. He didn't pay any attention to Jiang Nanshan, a quasi-old man who was already declining.

Minister Tang didn't take it seriously, so he asked him to come out to contact and train him.

Jiang Nanshan's first internship had one main purpose: to talk about the exchange ratio of crystal cores first! Of course, this refers to the exchange between bases. For example, in the prosperous times, two banks exchanged small amounts of money with each other. It's classy, ​​but not much. After all, the general direction is in front of you.

What Jiang Nanshan came to talk about was to replace low-grade crystal nuclei with high-grade crystal nuclei. And what Mr. Tang wants is pure water!
Yes, the Green Water Safety Zone is out of water! According to Base Manager Wang's dream, it will take more than two months for the acid rain to end, and when the acid rain ends, water shortage will become permanent. At this time, Qingshan Safety Zone has begun to control the use of drinking water and has begun to strengthen the recruitment of water-based superpowers. The purpose of Mr. Tang's coming out was to get the water superpowers from the Beacon Mountain base. It can be exchanged for various materials. (Except water.)
Jiang Nanshan looked envious: "Young Master Tang, you really deserve to be in the National Security Zone. You have a big family and a big business. A small base like ours is really not as good as..."

One was a real young man, the other was an old and newbie, and they talked back and forth for a whole day.

The two of them talked back and forth, developing feelings that they had known each other for years. After all, they came from the same background and were both transparent members of a big family. After the end of the world, you will have a chance to show your talents. Whether they cherish each other or like likes attract each other, the two of them have some serious feelings for each other.

Mr. Tang returned to Minister Tang with the various contracts drawn up by the two of them and explained them one by one. Minister Tang was a little confused when he heard what he said:

"Child, whose family are you from..."

Young Master Tang is Young Master Tang of the Tang family. This is definitely true. Therefore, Jiang Nanshan's helplessness and the shortcomings of the Beacon Hill base are placed in front of Minister Tang. That is a clear one!
"Uncle, I asked. The staff composition of Beacon Hill is actually quite simple. They are employees of four companies! I heard him say in a casual conversation..." Those words were not said by Jiang Nanshan, but Mr. Tang's own thinking. from. Mr. Tang cherishes the opportunity very much. He also has a recording of the conversation between the two. Minister Tang, an old fox, listened carefully to the details of the conversation for several hours, but he really didn't catch it. Who is Jiang Nan? What are you talking about? He said it but seemed not to.

After all, he is not a child who is the focus of formal training in the family, so his abilities are still somewhat lacking.

Jiang Nanshan spent three days signing several contracts, and then began to worry about the return of the outbound players.

The first is of course the isolation room, which is actually a laboratory, because at this time, the various specimens brought back by the team members are eager to be tested.

The hospital at the Beacon Hill base began to be busy. It was reported that a large number of team members were injured and the battle losses were very high.

As soon as these battle situations came out, some people in Green Water Base were a little unsure. If those two people were not dead, or as long as that person was still alive, how could it have caused such a large battle damage? Are the rumors wrong?

It is true that people are dead, but we think too much.

The Lushui Safety Zone's association with the life and death of Helan Jingzhou and Zhou Qishao began to waver again, and then many information collectors were sent out to let them sneak into Beacon Mountain in various appearances and ways to find out the real situation.

However, it is not easy to enter Beacon Hill to find out the situation of these two people. There are many people who come to seek refuge in front of the gate of Beacon Hill base. But what is Beacon Hill? They are the employee base of the four major group companies. They won't accept them if they say they won't accept them.

A notice of peace of mind is posted at the entrance of the base. To enter the Beacon Hill base, you need to have employee IDs from these four major companies, salary slips, etc., as well as letters of certification and certifiers. If you don’t have one, you will not be able to accept new employees because the base is currently short of water and water. There is a shortage of food and electricity.

The words are very straightforward and can be understood by everyone, but the employee ID cards of these four major companies are not so good. Who has come all the way from Dijing to keep an employee's salary slip as a treasure? , it’s just like setting up a card to prevent people from joining.

The person on duty at the gate was also very impatient. Without asking for more words, he said directly: Yes, we have no water and electricity. How can we still recruit new people? You are not used to living here. Look at the big base opposite. How nice would it be to have a big safe zone, right? Go over there. They have plenty of water, electricity and everything. You can enjoy the blessings as soon as you go. When you come to our place, we have limited water, electricity and gas, and we can hardly survive.

These gatekeepers have sincere tones and correct attitudes, and their main message is, if you don't come in, I won't let you in.

It has been more than 10 days since we returned from the technical retreat. All the experimental specimens have been sorted out and the hospital laboratory has submitted a formal report. This group of people, this group of so-called intelligent zombies, have adopted the methods of Helan Lao According to the ancestors, the demons! These people are demons, a brand new species.

The simplest and most direct thing is that genetic testing shows that they are completely different from humans and zombies.

Of course, only people within a small area of ​​Beacon Hill knew the details of this news. With this result, the members of the Beacon Hill team were only allowed to complete some simple and extremely simple tasks when they went out, such as collecting water sources. Find water sources, collect water,

Go find supplies and find those warehouses that haven't been found yet. All the messy things were moved to Beacon Hill. The main thing is a small base that can barely hold up.

But in fact, the high-ranking warriors in Beacon Hill, such as Lin Sen and Xiaobai, had already disguised themselves and left Beacon Hill to start the real hunt for demons.

Because the laboratory said that these demons are not naturally generated. A large section of their genes is very similar, has been strongly adapted, and has traces of artificial intervention. Therefore, this needs to be verified. The main focus is Kunyushan Baidu. How many places are there that are similar to Hongye Valley in this area? And who were there before the end of the world?
These tasks sound very simple. They are just for exploration and do not need to be fought. In fact, they are obviously very dangerous. There is no way not to find the root cause. These demons will be destroyed forever.

Going outside to explore the map is Brother Ti’s favorite. To upgrade her check-in system, it must be supported by a new map, so she followed the team out. Following her were the two medical vehicles, which served as space Wei Ruhai, Xiaoguan and Jiang Wenwen, who are people with special abilities, formed a transfer station, which was a material replenishment station and a healing center for each detection team.

Seeing that the three of them had specific things to do, Annie didn't clamor to go out. She took care of the overall situation and stayed in Beacon Hill. It is impossible for the base manager of a base to run around all over the world, the risk factor is too high.

The exploration team from Bijia Mountain went out without making any noise. They were mixed in with various teams looking for supplies and left Bijia Mountain without attracting attention.

The base where Shuga left with the last team to set off was actually the place where Annie behaved extremely well-behaved. Really just stay in Pemberley, or just go into the bracelet space to meditate! Xiuga then left with peace of mind. Of course, he still found Anshan as usual.

Anshan was very puzzled by his worries and repeatedly expressed his position: I am my biological father!

Your attitude is really confusing!

Xiu Zhen hugged her fat son and said nothing. The way she looked at Xiu Jia had some unclear meaning. This happened recently. Anshan was very busy. He was actually from Bijiashan. In the center of the command center of the base, his busyness made him ignore his wife for a long time, or he was a little careless. He did not see some inexplicable emotions in his wife's eyes.

Yes, Anshan and Xiuzhen haven't slept in the same bedroom for a long time. This is naturally because of the birth of their young son, and also because Anshan is very busy. He didn't know that his wife, who had always had a crush on him, had hidden a huge piece of news.

My dear friends, there are many reasons for my sudden departure, but Wu Peng, I am reborn!
The excuse for the temporary loss of contact in April, no, there are many reasons, but as an adult, you have to be brave enough to face your true self. I just made the mistake that lazy cancer patients make, suddenly I don’t want to move, I have no energy and I don’t want to move at all. , it feels difficult to walk upright, and when you have to sit down and type, there are literally all kinds of excuses you can find! This kind of me is very annoying!

There is another excuse, which is more upright, and that is that I went to read a book written by another great master. I couldn’t stop reading it, so I had to read it first and then write my own!
Of course, one thing that can make babies forgive is frozen shoulder! The skin on my right shoulder where the plaster was applied has become allergic, and now I am taking allergy medicine. This medicine makes people speechless, just... sleeping with each other!

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