The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 389 Ms. Xiu’s Dream

Chapter 389 Ms. Xiu’s Dream

The current connection between Anne and her dear mother is the two daily baby walks. Annie really didn't think her little brother was cute. Anne had deeply reviewed herself for this, and the final conclusion was that she probably lacked maternal cells. She looked at her little brother's little black eyes that were rolling around, and felt that this kid's ideas on his head were not guaranteed and he was now thinking about it. What are you wearing?

Xiao Ming, a classmate who was less than one year old, said: You understand me.

Anne took her babies twice a day, two at a time. Annie is reasonable. She thinks the ginseng doll zombie is much more lovable than her younger brother. After all, he is already a dozen months older. Annie brings food to feed the ginseng dolls every day. Today there will be dried fish, tomorrow there will be dried meat, and the day after tomorrow there will be dried fruits. The main focus is to produce products in one space, with high quality and curative effects. Ginseng dolls undergo monthly physical examinations using a therapy cart. The data is becoming more and more humane, and under the treatment of Taoist Fu Shui administered by the Helan ancestors once every three days, the boy is no different from ordinary children.

But just because Wang Jiexi was probably reborn, it was still not appropriate for this kid to wander around in front of others before his family was fully established.

So, on this day, Annie watched him chewing on the sweet potato teething stick she made from sweet potatoes grown in space. Seeing him chewing on it and making his saliva drip with flavor made me feel relieved.

"Mom, when my brother starts to grow teeth, I will also make him this teething stick..."

Xiu Zhen was not very interested. She was obviously absent-minded: "Growing teeth doesn't necessarily require a teething stick. You didn't grind your teeth when you were a child!"

"Am I so good? I have never heard my mother praise me before."

"Nibao, do you think that bad things can be avoided in prophetic dreams?"

Annie had already discovered that her mother had been lacking in interest recently and had no energy to do anything. She was often absent-minded and in a trance. When she heard her mother say this, she immediately cheered up: "Mom, what dream did you have again?" Did dad do it?"

The reason why Annie asked this was actually because Anshan and his wife were really a model couple. They had never had sex in the same bed and had different dreams. They both dreamed of the same dream.

"I don't know. From the way he looks, he probably hasn't had a dream recently. This dream was just for me."

"Is mom a nightmare? Isn't it good?"

"Mother Nibao doesn't know how to define this dream. If it is a prophetic dream, it is a nightmare. I don't want this dream to come true, but we all understand that at least I know that the dreams your father had with me are not prophecies. A dream? It is an apocalypse that we have actually experienced, and the current apocalypse is the apocalypse in which we start again.”

"Mom, what did you dream about? Can you tell me?"

Annie asked her mother, and at the same time, she quickly went over her in her mind. Did any of her parents tell her the truth about her situation? Did she say that she was reborn, rather than a so-called dream, and she told too many lies? Now, there is no confusion. Anne felt a little at a loss. She knew it was hard to buy things with money, so she would have stopped talking nonsense before.

But Anne didn't know how to comment on her previous behavior. Although she was honest with her parents now, there were still some things she hadn't revealed. After all, her relatives couldn't accept her return from the dead.

"I dreamed it. I don't want your father to dream it, but according to previous practice, I don't know if he will dream it next. This dream is very scary. Of course, Nibao, this is just a dream. Even if This is reality, but it was also the case in the last life. We have changed a lot in this life, right? The current situation is very different from our dreams, isn't it? "

"..." Annie didn't say anything but nodded. Yes, this is a brand new apocalypse, completely different from the previous one. All life trajectories have changed. Annie doesn't know why this is happening. Everything related to her family People have undergone tremendous changes. People and colleagues who are far away from me, as long as I have not come into contact with them, may continue to act according to their original trajectory. The theory of butterfly wings seems to be without a trace of moisture. There is Wang Jiexi's rebirth or dream, his parents' prophetic dreams, and his own rebirth. This apocalypse is so new that his past life memories and his parents' prophetic dreams have become the same. Reference, does not have much guiding significance...

"An Bao, what do you think of Xiu Jia? You have never dreamed of him in your dreams. Is that true?"

Shuga, this person can be discussed because Anne has never said a single falsehood about him.

"Yes, Mom, in my previous life, I never knew the existence of this person. Not around me but in all my sources, everything I heard and saw, there was no such person."

Anne gave up the idea of ​​​​dreams and chose to use the word past life instead of what she called dreams before. Correction starts now!

"Yeah, he wasn't in mom's previous dreams either..." Xiuzhen was silent for almost 30 seconds, but decided to seriously discuss her dream with her girl.

"Nibao, how long have you been dreaming about?"

Annie looked at her mother who was hesitant to speak, and decided to tell the truth: "In the middle of the sixth year of the apocalypse, I participated in the defense of the base and fought against the Zombie King. I died during the battle." Annie said, her eyes staring at her for a moment. Mom, she saw that her mother was not shocked when she heard that she was dead, so she knew that her parents must have dreamed about this ending and were mentally prepared.

"Nibao, your father and I have never told you before. We also dreamed about you falling off the city wall. The weather was very good that day and the sun was shining brightly. But in the world of mom and dad, it was pouring rain, lightning and thunder, and you were When the city wall fell, we had no powers at that time, we were just ordinary people with strong bodies. "

Xiuzhen's eyes were red as she recalled her dream, and tears began to slide down her flowery face. At this moment, Annie was still sighing that her mother was really beautiful. With the blessing of the source of life in space, she no longer felt like her years were passing away. I feel like I'm in my early thirties.

Xiuzhen looked at her sleeping son and the little carrot head that was holding a teething stick and chewing wildly. She slowly continued to speak with all her strength:

"That battle was shocking, and the base suffered heavy losses and tens of thousands of casualties. At the same time, the Zombie Emperor also died in that battle, which can be regarded as a tragic victory for the base. After the war, we finally spent 10 It took me a day to find you.”

Xiu Zhen seemed to have returned to her previous life. She said with tears in her eyes. She did not dare to look at her daughter for fear that she would not have the courage to finish her dream after just one glance. However, this dream has been stuck in her heart for more than ten years. Damn it, if Xiuzhen wants to say it out, she must let Annie know that this affects what the An family should do!
"Nibao, do you know why it took 10 days to find you? It's because the Zombie Emperor blew himself up. When you fell off the city wall, he exposed himself. You were not injured by the explosion wave, but the place where you fell was the Zombie Emperor. The location of the crystal core. So we didn't pick you up until 10 days later." Annie thought in her mind, I thought she was blown to pieces by that wave of explosions, but I didn't expect that a whole body fell down. That's great. In such troubled times, the requirements should not be too high.

"Half a year, half a year later, we received a message that the damn Wang family actually sold you to a mysterious family in the Imperial Capital as a member of their Wang family."

"No, mom, even if I haven't completely completed the divorce procedures with him, I'm not from his Wang family. We are not married."

Being sold, sold?

"And mom, this dream of yours is very weird. What am I being sold to? I'm already like that, what else? (According to the rules, it must be burned to ashes in a fire and put in a small gravity-sealed jar. Buried deep in the ground) can still be sold, why are they buying me?”

"We don't know how many dirty things the man named Wang has done, and you didn't tell us. We thought you were just having a bad temper and didn't want to marry him. When we found you, the man named Wang cried so much that he died. Mom was still in pain, and then they took you to the Wang family. You were buried there. We also thought it was a good home. After all, your father and I couldn't find such a good place at the Wang family. , we can still visit you a few times a year, but we can only send you to the bottomless underground palace, and there is no sign that you cannot visit again, so the Wang family said they would pick you up, and we agreed. "

"Who would have known that the Wang family is such a bad person, we found out half a year later that they actually sold you to a reclusive family in the Imperial Capital. The established head of that family died young, and they actually wanted to marry him in the underworld. You were selected for some reason. Your father and I found out after half a year that when we went to the Wang family to argue, it was of no use. "

"This damn Wang family really used me so thoroughly. They sold me for who knows how much. They must have made a fortune."

It's all a matter after death. Regardless of whether there is a ghost marriage or not, Annie actually doesn't think anything about it. As long as she is not in a ghost marriage with him, Wang Jiexi, that's fine. Speaking of which, it's not that disgusting, but she doesn't know about the hidden marriage. She didn't know whether the head of the family was clean or not during his lifetime. It was just two handfuls of ashes mixed together and buried together, so Anne decided not to care.

"The Wang family should have gained a lot of benefits, but you, me and your father are very angry. The justice we want is not there. The so-called ghost marriage is also a legend, and the Wang family firmly refuses to admit it. Your father and I left the base. Disdainful Living in the same place as the Wang family, we took away your... we took you away."

"and then?"

It was quite new to hear the story behind her, Annie asked calmly and curiously.

"After leaving this base, life outside was not easy. Your father and I have been on the run, traveling from base to base to survive."

"Later, we returned to the safe period of the goblins. We wanted to find the hidden family in the Imperial Capital and confirm whether this matter really does not exist?"

"Later, we rescued a person with supernatural powers. He was very seriously injured. His name tag showed that he was from the Wang family. After we rescued him, we frankly said that we had a grudge against the Wang family and did not want to continue to take her in. He left our house."

"After he found out that our surname was An, he seemed to understand what the hatred was, and it seemed that he recognized us, and then he left our house. He is a bit better than those scumbags from the Wang family. His conscience found out and he left. Time told us the surname of this hidden family."

"so what?"

"This family's surname is Helan!"

"What a huge departure!" Anne scolded after hearing the surname Helan.

"Yes, our previous dream was interrupted when we left the base, and we have never had another dream. So when we heard that you were going to terminate your engagement with the Wang family, we were very happy."

"A few days ago, I don't know what happened. I kept having nightmares. When I woke up, I couldn't remember the scene in the dream. Finally, one day I remembered my own dream."

"So you think that person is Shuga?"

"Yes, Nibao, I also heard you say that day that he had never appeared in your dreams or in that apocalypse. It was only that night that I had this extremely clear dream and remembered everything in the dream. ”

"God knows what this ghost is planning. Is this true?"

Anne also felt speechless. This was really her, who saved him with one hand and one foot. After 30 seconds of brain teasers, Annie said to her mother:
"Mom, this matter can be divided into two parts. Even if their family paid for me to buy me in the last apocalypse and perform those kinds of feudal and superstitious rituals, no matter what their reasons were, their family has caused harm to us. If there is no business, there will be no harm. They did cause harm to our family, but the ones who really hurt me are the Wang family. "

Anne smiled bitterly: "I didn't know that the Wang family had done these things before. My dream ended with me falling off the city wall. I didn't know that these things would happen later. Now that I know, my attitude towards their family will definitely change." Things have changed, and it is no longer possible to coexist peacefully with the Wang family. I must drive them out of the Green Water Safe Zone. Even Wang Jiexi, as long as they are members of the Wang family, I will sell them to have a ghost marriage with someone else. If no one buys it, I will let them marry the ghosts in the underworld. Their kind of family cemetery has not yet been established. After it is established, I will steal their ashes and use them to marry in the underworld with those zombies. marriage."

"What are you talking about? Do you think ghost marriage is such a good match? You need to know each other's birthdays and horoscopes."

"Birthdays and horoscopes are not simple. I will keep an eye on them from now on. I will ask those who are about to die and write them down."

Annie said stingyly, thinking about how to get revenge. It's so disgusting. The Wang family, the An family and his family have been talking about breaking off the engagement, breaking off the engagement, and breaking off the engagement. Not only did they not agree, they even sold themselves off. It's really annoying. . "

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