The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 390 Luoshui Town

Chapter 390 Luoshui Town

Anne's words dispersed Xiuzhen's sadness. She wiped away her tears and looked at her living, good daughter. Seriously:
"Nibao, we can deal with these overly angry words or things later. What I want to say now is what to do with the Helan family? We have been entangled with their family for so long in this life without our knowledge. This Beacon Hill The base is almost jointly run by their families.”

"I really can't make up my mind about this mom. Should we tell dad about this dream?"

"Nibao, I can't even imagine what would happen to your father if he told him about this dream. I only know that after he found out it was the Helan family, he stared at it every day trying to find the Helan family. Later, everyone with the surname of He had the surname of Lan. Even if people died in front of him, he never offered a helping hand. "

Anne believed that her father could definitely do this kind of thing, and even go further than this. If he didn't kill the person named He, the person named Lan would be considered a noble person.

So really, whether to tell my dad or not is a question.

"Mom just wants to discuss it with you first so that you have a clear idea. How to deal with this matter in the end, we have to wait and see. But do you think it is necessary to have a deep friendship with this Xiuga?"

"Mom, you also know who they are. People from these hidden families are not just friends we want to make friends with, and vice versa."

"I just...yeah, I just feel like they are like this. It feels a little awkward for them to come together and make friends with us like this. Some, some indescribable feelings, but when combined with this dream, this awkwardness becomes even more awkward. "No, Nibao, I really don't know what to do."

"Mom, this is the end of the matter. It's too late for you to have this dream. Now this situation can't be divided as much as you want. Let's all think about it carefully. After all, it's just a dream, isn't it? Mom."

Xiu Zhen knew that this was not just a dream. He was almost 80% sure that it was from the previous life. However, Xiu Zhen was still a bit concerned about such a fantasy thing. In short, he could not put it on the table for serious study.

For now, this matter can only be arranged like this. The two mothers and daughters looked at the two little ones in the nursery tacitly, smiled at each other, and each of them grabbed a little one to rub, and continued the usual activities of rubbing children. Everything was the same as usual, but Xiuzhen's eyes would secretly look at Annie when she wasn't paying attention, and that was a knot in her stomach.

How can Annie, who has a strong spiritual consciousness now, not know it? However, if you see through it but don’t tell it, everyone will have a good time!
Anshan is a good husband. No matter how busy he is, he comes to the nursery every day to see his wife and his son. Of course, he sees Chief Anshan three or four times a day, so there is no need to go there specifically to find her.

"Oh, are there so many people today? Wife, what are you talking about? Is Xiao Ming good?"

"Classmate Xiao Ming's father is not good and doesn't care about us..." Xiuzhen is her own son's mouthpiece.

"No, no, my dear, I have wronged you. After these few days of busy work, you are in good health and everything is normal. Everything is normal."

With Annie by his side, Anshan was too embarrassed to say anything, so he yelled, walked around for a while and then ran out. The Beacon Hill base was being upgraded intensively recently, and everyone was very busy. As the CEO, he was even more... I was so busy that I had my feet in the air. There is no time to talk about the love between children. Alas, this is not good in the end of the world. People have to work hard to live a good life. It is better to live in a prosperous age. Chairman An’s working hours are only 100 days a year, leaving 200 I spend many days enjoying leisure and entertainment with my wife.

This is why Jane can't tell her this dream. To tear the entire base apart for a dream is not a choice that a rational person can make.

"Mom, I have something to go out for later. You stay with your brother and take good care of yourself here. Don't think too much. Sometimes, there is always a road before the car reaches the mountain. It seems that no matter what, God Make your own arrangements.”

"Go ahead, I'm just telling you this dream. Whatever you decide in the end... God has his own arrangements."

In fact, both Annie and Xiuzhen understood that no matter what God arranged, if Anshan achieved the same dream, no matter how he arranged it, it would be useless. Anshan would be the first person to go against heaven and be unconvinced.

After listening to a dream, she got a big news. Looking at this Jiashan base, Annie really didn't want to stay any longer. Three of her good friends had all gone on a mission. Annie also wanted to go on a mission herself. Just as I was thinking about it, I heard the Zhou twins coming again.

"Mom, I'm going out. These two are making a lot of noise. I'm going out to take care of things."

Anne left before the twins entered the nursery. Thanks to the designer for arranging three doors for the nursery.

If you don't want to stay at home, you have to find something to empty your mind. Otherwise, you will always think about the damn ghost marriage, and the damn Helan family will really thank you.

To go out, Anne naturally had to call a bodyguard. In Qingshan City, Lu Bin was the first person who could publicly accompany Anne to protect her safety. Anne was quite used to having him by her side.

"Uncle Lu, I'm in a bad mood today. Why don't we go to the latest ghost market for a walk? I've heard about it for a long time, but I've never really gone shopping."

"Then you have to promise not to buy anything randomly!"

"I bought things randomly? Isn't it Xiaoguan?"

"None of the four captains is easy to do." Lu Bin smiled and ended the topic with one sentence.

"Uncle Lu, I finally know why you are single!"

"I know, Captain Guan said, because I have noble blood!"

...Anne stopped talking. Do single nobles have blood?

Since we are going to take a stroll in the ghost market, we have to bring enough natural crystal cores. Both of them are people with space, but they can't go to the ghost market to play this trick. They still have to bring all the necessary equipment.

Annie put her tactical backpack on her back and put an ordinary small bag inside, filled with hundreds of crystal cores. Then the purple treasure became the size of a fist. Annie found its new birdcage, which was only about the size of a basketball, like a lantern, hanging on it. On the tactical bag, Zibao jumped in with a curse.

"I'm not a weakling, why do I have to go into this damn wind cage!"

"Then you go find Xiao Xiaoyuan?"

"Forget it, I'll force you to go outside with your master. Raising birds is a life-long thing, and I have to protect my master's safety, Lao Zi!"

"If you are tired, the rain outside will discolor your body and make your feathers fall off. The fresh air cage can protect you from the wind and rain."

As Annie spoke, she quickly locked the cage door and said angrily to Zibao, "That Maomao has never been to where we are going today!"

The so-called ghost market is in a place called Luoshui Town 50 miles away from Qingshan City. It has always been a health town. Six small rivers run through the town. The biggest feature of the town is that there are many bridges. There is a pavilion next to it, and inside the pavilion is a hot spring well. The water temperature ranges from 35 degrees to 90 degrees. Each spring is different. Why is this town called Luoshui Town? It means that if you are in this town, you will fall into the water accidentally. Go inside. At the end of the world, during the Little Ice Age, six small rivers in this town were frozen into ice, but half of the hot spring wells were not frozen. During those cold days, people gradually became aware of this place.

After the temperature rose, a large number of people who had not entered the safe zone stayed here and lived in various houses, forming a free market spontaneously in the water sports center of this town.

This market is freer than all the markets in Aoyama City. It is said that as long as you want, ghosts can buy it!

Annie has heard about many outrageous transactions, and there are also people trading living zombies here! Let me ask you what else you can’t sell!

"Miss, what do you want to buy?"

"Don't worry, I don't buy zombies or ghosts, just take a look and learn a lot!" Annie smiled and looked at Lu Bin, who was a little uneasy.

"Why do I not believe it so much? I always feel a little uneasy. Let's go to the enclosure and call a few more people!"

"Okay, if you want!"

Lu Bin was naturally willing. Now, unlike in the past, if Annie was injured, he would not be able to bear the consequences alone.

After going to the enclosure, she called several team captains who were resting, and then selected a few people from Martin's escort team. All kinds of super powers such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, spirit, etc. were gathered together. Anne smiled secretly: "Uncle Lu The older you get, the less courageous you become. Now that you have gathered so many people, do you want to summon the dragon? "

"Be careful of the ten thousand year ship. Besides, we won't go in vain. We can bring something to change and come back. Mr. Jiang handed me a long shopping list before! Besides, there is also a shopping list in the execution room. Said, some things can be exchanged, we have too many."

"Okay..." I was planning to go and relax for a while, but now, there is nothing we can do! Just treat it like a formal mission.

After a while, Lu Bin gathered a task team of 50 people and set off.

Speaking of which, Annie is really successful at this base. She is approachable and approachable. The team members in the base are very close to her. Of course, they respect her from the bottom of their hearts. Seeing that Annie is leading the team, it is not surprising. , we soon started chatting together, especially old people like Martin, who were very open to communication.

"Chief of the base, did we see any mutations when we went there last time? Cattle and sheep. Should we get some of these this time and go to the pasture on Beacon Mountain?"

"We already have them on the pasture, so we don't need to do it anymore. We still don't know if the ones outside are infected or are their genes stable? The big man finally managed to straighten out the animals in the pasture. We I bought a new one because I was afraid I would bring the virus.”

"Oh, yes, yes, I didn't even expect this. If you bring the virus in and infect our ranch, then we won't have any meat to eat."

"You have all received the notice, right now. Please try not to eat outside. This rain should cause a lot of trouble to the animals and plants outside. We don't know how many viruses are spreading."

"We all know it!"

The 50 kilometers were quickly reached, with Annie in the middle. We divided into groups and slowly walked around the Luoshui town. The name was indeed correct. In just a short while, we saw that several people accidentally He fell into the river.

"This road is quite wide. How could we walk in?" Martin asked.

In fact, Annie couldn't figure it out. The man who fell in and jumped out of the water quickly was obviously someone with special powers. If you say he was a calcium-deficient person, it would be excusable for you to fall in. This big energetic man , just fall in and find someone to reason with.

"Fuck, who pushed me?"

The big man jumped out of the water, patted his body and started looking around to find out who pushed him in.

Annie and the others were far away, so naturally they didn't see who pushed him in, so they didn't need to worry about such trivial matters. How could you make sense without falling into the water when you came to Luoshui Town?
There were no boats or people in the river, just the crystal clear water flowing gurglingly. However, after a few months of acid rain, the river water already had a faint pungent smell. The river flows very fast, and everyone wears masks or face shields. The pungent smell only occasionally hits us, and then we no longer smell it.

"Everyone, please pay attention to your steps. The moss on the road is very slippery. Don't slide down any further. Although our combat uniforms are waterproof, the river water is not easy to swim in. The smell is not right. Have you smelled that the river water has deteriorated? ”

"We know boss, we definitely don't want to slide down." We are not stupid.

We are not stupid, this voice accidentally reached Annie's ears. Annie still agreed that the people in Team 508 were not stupid, but when she saw the team across the river, she suddenly felt that the team members were not stupid, but she was stupid.

That person was clearly Wang Jiexi, whom Annie had not met face-to-face for a long time.

Across a river, there were many people surrounding him. Wang Jiexi was naturally wearing protective clothing and a mask on his face.

Annie knew that he was wearing protective clothing. Even though this person came to Luoshui Town, the air he breathed was brought with him. It was really a pity for his life!

With Wang Jiexi dressed like this, Annie could recognize him at a glance. Similarly, Wang Jiexi glanced around and saw Lu Bin and his group.

He also saw Anne immediately.

"This girl has grown taller. Her powers should be higher than in her dream. Water powers are really useful!"

Wang Jiexi didn't stop. He silently thought about these things in his mind, and led the others along the previously planned path.

"Basic Commander, in front of us should be Deputy Base Commander Wang from the Green Water Safety Zone. Should we stay away from them or follow him to see what he is doing?"

"The road is facing the sky, each walking half way. They are dressed like this and don't want others to recognize them..." Lu Bin gave the order before Annie opened her mouth. He felt that Annie should not be able to answer this question.

"Martin, call for a guard in civilian clothes. The kind that hangs far behind. Watch what the people in their base are doing here."

"Okay, base manager." This is for those Scuds to do! Martin waved his hand gently, and two people from the reconnaissance team hanging far behind left the team. This task is very simple.

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