The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 391 Medicinal vegetables in Luoshui Town

Chapter 391 Medicinal vegetables in Luoshui Town
The Wang family moved to the left and moved to the right. This was necessary. Without Lu Bin's signal, the people at the head of the queue turned to another direction, towards a small river. The An and Wang families went to each side, one team to the front and the other to the tail.

Suddenly seeing this person, she naturally remembered the dream her mother had. Anne saw the people from the 508 team automatically turning to another direction, and couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed. Very good. At this time, it is best not to see the Wang family. OK

When she saw Wang Jiexi, the dream seemed even more real. Annie was afraid that she wouldn't be able to restrain herself from arguing with him. What the hell? In my previous life, I betrayed my engagement and had an affair first. Afterwards, I firmly denied my infidelity and refused to break off the engagement. In the end, I actually sold myself secretly! It’s true that even a scumbag would not be spared. I get angry when I think about it. Annie is really too depressed now. Her chest hurts and her stomach hurts. If she doesn't let out her anger, she will definitely get sick. However, Annie is also extremely sober now. At present, really, all she can do is knock out her teeth and swallow blood. She can't say , I can’t say it out loud, Anne herself knows that this is something that happened in her previous life, but looking at it now, it’s something that came out of nowhere and didn’t happen. Not to mention, the An family really has no reason to make the Wang family uncomfortable at the moment.

Anne wrote down in her little notebook that one day she would take revenge if she had the chance. This would be a big revenge!

Luoshui Town is indeed rich in resources. A team member who has been here before explained on the headset that the crystal cores for sale on the roadside are actually selling zombies!
"Is there really such a thing as selling live zombies?" Anne gained some experience. Apart from the research institute, what's the use of having living zombies? Besides, the research institute doesn't want ordinary zombies at the moment. The research objects of the research institute should be some special zombies, like the so-called intelligent zombies that were brought back before. .

The architecture of Luoshui Town is very unique. The corridor in front of every store is very suitable for this rainy season. No matter how much it rains outside, this three-meter-wide corridor keeps the rain out. The shops facing the street are all open, and it's not too busy to say the least, but there are definitely people running them. The goods bought and sold may not be many, but the varieties are definitely all kinds of strange. Everything that could be imagined was inside. Anne saw many vegetables that should have been spawned by the wood's supernatural power. They were sold here. Each one is extremely huge.

For example, the small chives are more than two centimeters thick, and two or three of them can weigh several kilograms. I don’t know how it tastes, but Annie would never dare to eat it. Who knows that the wood superpower mixed something into the green onions to create them, and they look very strange. It looks like a mutated onion, but the color is normal. If you shrink these onions several times, they are really normal.

There were many giant vegetables for sale in this shop. If it weren't for the end of the world, they would look like high-tech, genetically modified new varieties from a certain scientific research base. Anne became somewhat interested in this wood-type superpower and looked at them. Huge tomatoes as big as footballs, I asked the price sincerely!

"What kind of tomatoes are these? How much does it cost per pound?"

"Just ordinary pink tomatoes, no charge, we charge the core." The store owner is obviously a good-natured person, if you don't look at the scar on his face that cuts across the entire face. The color of the scar has turned white, white with black in it. It is obviously an old wound, but it is not particularly old.

"How many crystal nuclei and one pound?"

"Second-level crystal cores, one for another."

廄廄廄, it’s really not cheap. Even Lu Bin and others, who had never been short of crystal nuclei, made a few noises.

The vegetable seller obviously knew how others would react when they heard the price, so he couldn't help but chuckle: "It's just a coincidence for you, we just set up the stall, so there are quite a lot of vegetables here, is it expensive? It's really not expensive, ours Vegetables, regular customers all know that our vegetables have healing properties. For example, eating green onions can stop vomiting, treat all allergies on the skin, and prevent allergies.

And my blood powder tomato. No matter you are anemic, emaciated, or malnourished, eating it will immediately whet your appetite and replenish your qi and blood. Improve and restore physical strength. "

Annie looked at their products, including pumpkins, winter melons, onions, potatoes, and various small potatoes. The only two serious types of green leafy vegetables are cabbage and spinach. The main thing is that they can be stored for a long time.

"Does each vegetable have different effects? Then this is not a vegetable but a medicine."

"No, so our dishes that you think are expensive are actually not expensive. If you go around and come back, I guarantee that they have been sold." The salesperson said that my products are good and I don't have to worry about selling them. Anne said this I didn’t believe it. But before Annie could reply, several people slipped in through the gaps around Annie, Lu Bin, and Martin, and suddenly appeared in front of the salesperson like loaches.

"Hey Da Dao, I'm not late today. Come on, give me 10 green onions, tomatoes, onions, and purple potatoes. I want one each of pumpkin, winter melon, and potato. Don't you have sweet potatoes yet? No purple potatoes either! Cabbage , Do you have any dry goods for spinach? If so, I’d like two bags.”

The person who came was dressed like a freedom fighter, with his right hand pressed on the wooden warehouse at his waist. He was carrying a bulging tactical backpack on his back, and two tiger-head knives were tied horizontally to the backpack. He was holding a transparent plastic zipper bag in his left hand. The zipper was closed, and it contained dozens of crystal nuclei. It could be seen at a glance that there were several third-level and fourth-level crystal nuclei inside.

"We don't have sweet potatoes or purple potatoes, but we have dried vegetables. Do you want dried cabbage?" The salesperson picked up the tomatoes, onions, and purple potatoes that this person ordered, then put the foam bag on his hand and put it into a woven bag. Inside, these foam bags are quite elastic. They are the packaging of Shengshi Fashion's high-end fruits. Now they are obviously more suitable for packaging these vegetables. The big pumpkin was put in two bags before being placed at the bottom of the bag.

"Okay, money and goods will be cleared! Are you ready to leave town?"

"Well, I received news that an old friend went to the Qingshan Safe Zone. I have to go and get the place back."

"Then be careful! Buy more tomatoes, the blood will regenerate quickly!"

"Ten is enough!" The visitor rejected the salesperson's suggestion.

This man walked away carrying a woven bag as tall as a person. Annie raised her eyebrows at Lu Bin: "Uncle Lu, this dish looks quite fresh!"

It's fresh. I've never heard that eating tomatoes can restore blood!
"It seems that we are ignorant. It really opens our eyes. Let's buy some to try. I want 10 of each item, no, five big ones!" Lu Bin came out to buy and decided to take it back. Do some research.

"Well, you're welcome, I haven't been selling this dish for long...the price of pumpkins and winter melons is five pieces each!"

"It's reasonable! It's worth this amount considering its size."

Lu Bin bought several big bags, and there were still about three or four copies in the store. Anne signaled to Martin, who then came out and silently copied Lu Bin's shopping list, and bought another one directly!
"You are not together!" The salesman named Da Dao asked in confusion. Of course, he did not stop loading the goods at all.

"We formed a temporary team to come here to have a look!" Martin said, not blushing at all. Yes, they were originally a temporary team. There is no moisture in this statement.

Da Dao is not used to asking about other people's secrets, so he just asked casually!
After Martin took away a few bags, Anne looked at the remaining half of the goods. Just when she was considering whether to pack them all, another woman squeezed in. She was about thirty years old, and it could be seen from her clothes that she should be She is a white-collar beauty, and now she has big wavy hair that has lost the care and maintenance of Teacher Tony. The roots of her hair have turned black, and the color of the ends of her hair has faded to light yellow. It is dry and frizzy, and is tied into a high ponytail.

"I want ten tomatoes and ten spring onions!" She said and handed over a shopping bag, and then reluctantly handed over twenty secondary crystal nuclei.

"The child's allergy is not cured yet?" "It's almost gone. Now I'll prepare some precautions for him to prevent allergies. The air quality is so bad now that he'll get allergic if he's not careful. Fortunately, he encountered your food." !”

The woman was obviously a regular customer. She took the goods she wanted without glancing at Da Dao, took them and left in a hurry. That way, I was afraid that if I took one more look at other dishes, I would be tempted and lose money.

Annie stopped thinking about wrapping these dishes and leaving them for those who need them!

"Boss, you have quite a few regular customers!"

"That's right, as long as we buy our vegetables, there is nothing we won't buy back. After all, except for the fact that my vegetables are fresh, there are no places selling fresh vegetables now. Not to mention that our vegetables have medicinal value. ." Da Dao said without being modest at all.

"Boss, how long has your vegetable shop been open?"

"Almost a month!"

Uh, a store for a month...

Annie smiled and said goodbye to him, and left with her head. Carrying a few woven bags of goods was obviously very tiring. It was obviously unwise to throw away the storage bags. Fortunately, there were many people, so she sent two Scud took the things back to the car and put them away.

"Miss, what should we buy next?"

"Let's go shopping. If you didn't come and take a look, how would you know that there are still medicines and vegetables for sale!"

"Really, our information only said that there are fresh vegetables for sale in Luoshui Town. This information is still not accurate. We need to remember it and strengthen it!" Lu Bin said, really taking this matter to heart. After that, the intelligence collected by the 508 Intelligence Network became much more detailed.

Then we walked forward for about half an hour, and we did see a shop selling live zombies. These zombies were really not expensive. A first-level zombie had ten crystal cores, and a second-level zombie had twenty crystal cores. Annie observed these shops selling zombies, and they were all staffed by those with powerful abilities. It's hard to find out why you buy zombies.

There were high-level superpowers stationed there, and it was hard for Anne to ask questions. She spent a long time looking at the zombies in cages outside, but no one came to buy them. This deal is obviously not too popular.

"Uncle Lu, let's go..."

Annie had been looking at the door of the store for five minutes. Normally, someone would have come out and asked her: Do you want to buy it? If not, just walk away. Don't stand at the door of the store to block other customers and affect my business.

But today, no one in the store came out to chase people away!

Li Chenggang, who sells zombies: I'm not blind. This young lady looks like she has not experienced any weather at first glance. Didn't she realize that the guards following her are not just individuals, but teams? I also went to seek death.

Annie and her group walked away. Li Cheng came out just now, stretched his head to take a look, and then quickly turned back.

Then, a few supernatural warriors came in and they came to buy zombies! Li Chenggang went to trade on his own, and Annie sadly missed the opportunity to ask what the purchase was for. Just a few minutes!

Of course, Annie had other fun things to see. The group of them didn't go very far, only about fifty or sixty meters away. Annie led the group to stop and looked at the shop against the willow tree by the river. , it should be the shopkeepers of these two shops who are quarreling.

Arguing, and having such a loud quarrel, is something that the most incompetent people would do in the last days. It is the last days, and public order and good customs have collapsed. People in the last days have long ceased to believe in the idea that a gentleman talks but does not take action. All people are capable of taking action but do not do it, and will draw a knife if they disagree.

So Anne found it strange that these two people were arguing here. They were two tall and powerful people. It was strange for a grown man to argue here. She took Lu Bin and others to stand aside and watched, wishing she could take out the melon seeds and eat them. It's a pity that it's acid rain outside, so it's not suitable, it's not suitable.

No one explained. Maybe it happened suddenly, or maybe there weren’t that many people watching the fun at the end of the world. It took Anne and others a lot of effort to figure out that the two men who were quarreling turned out to be two half-brothers. They all look a bit like snakes, especially those with snake eyes. For people with such eyes, there is no need to mention feudal superstition.

"Return my jade pendant. It is a jade pendant that only the head of my Zhang family can have."

"Wake up, you are from the Zhang family, and I am also from the Zhang family. Whoever holds the jade pendant is not the same."

"How can it be the same? You are just an illegitimate child, and you still want to become a member of my Zhang family? Shameless thing."

"So what if I'm an illegitimate child? When I left the Imperial Capital, didn't my father take my mother and me with him? Wasn't your biological mother also abandoned by him even if she had the ability? Who is the legitimate heir to the Zhang family? "Don't you have any idea?"

"Are you using that jade pendant? Didn't your shameless mother trick you into holding the jade pendant for a few months? Didn't you start the inheritance of my Zhang family?"

"What do you think it's okay if you hold it? Isn't that jade pendant hanging around your mother's neck all the time? I haven't seen you get the Zhang family's inheritance after holding it for decades. What are you proud of here? You are not Zhang The heir to the family.”

This is a bit... Is there a throne to be inherited? These two people are arguing here. What is there to inherit?
Lu Bin looked at Martin. They both had the same idea. They decided that these two men were screwed up, and decided to wait until Anne had seen enough of the excitement before leaving. These two men were simply worthless. It hurts the eyes.

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