The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 392 Two brothers from the Zhang family

Chapter 392 The two Zhang brothers

No grown man wants to join in this kind of sterile fun. I desperately want to leave this place, but I prefer Annie, but the more I hear it, the more excited I am. I want to see what this jade pendant looks like. There was no way to hide the curiosity on her face, and Annie didn't want to. She took advantage of the gap between the two of them and actually started talking.

"Mr. Zhang, can you lend us a look at what your jade pendant looks like? I'm very curious."



As expected of the same father, the two of them turned to Anne and yelled the same word "get out".

No matter what time, people in the Tang Dynasty are always interested in watching the fun. In addition to Anne watching the fun, there are other people watching. They are closer, standing in the corridor watching the two brothers quarreling, hearing The two men shouted in unison and cheered in unison.

"There is absolutely no father who has run away."

"Isn't this nonsense? Mom is different."

"The ground is different, the seeds are the same, and the products are pretty much the same."

"Oh, it's all about inheritance. Is it some kind of hidden family? Let's take a look. At these times, can't we just rely on their broken stones to inherit? Let's inherit some too. Who can compete with each other? What's wrong?"

"What's missing? You old man, don't you know what's missing? You're missing the nobility in other people's blood."

"Ouch, ouch, I also have a jade pendant. Whoever wants to see it wants to see it. Our old Chen family is also from a wealthy family..."

More and more people came to watch the fun, and many of them made jokes and talked nonsense. There is no need to take responsibility anyway.

When Annie saw that everyone was becoming more interested, she stopped talking and just looked at the two Zhang brothers. She wasn't going to leave either, which made Lu Bin anxious.

"Miss, let's go. This is just a quarrel between some scoundrels and it's not worth watching."

"Well, you don't understand that these two people are very knowledgeable. It's very easy for me to leave. Just get their jade pendants for me."

The eldest daughter of my family has some hobbies, but she doesn't insist on grabbing other people's jade pendants. Jade pendants are very personal things. You go and snatch the jade pendants of these two men, and you are tired of thinking about them.

"Miss, we don't need this two-piece jade pendant, right? Besides, where should I put this jade pendant? Don't you feel a little alienated?"

"Then don't mention leaving. Uncle Lu, just wait. I'll watch the excitement and find an opportunity."

Lu Bin was immediately petrified. What are you doing? If you find an opportunity, are you going to steal or rob? Not knowing that his eldest daughter still had this hobby, Lu Bin was also desperate.

Anne didn't care about him, and her mental energy spread out, with the Zhang brothers as the center of the garden. She was serious about getting the jade pendants of the Zhang brothers.

"Miss, are you serious!"

"Pearls are not even so real. I am bound to get them."

Annie's seriousness obviously convinced Lu Bin. Okay, what the eldest lady wants, let’s find an opportunity. Lu Bin started tapping on his headphones. The ancient Morse code is very effective together many times.

Martin responded with a "received", but when he looked at Anne, his eyes were like, well, it was like seeing a fairy drink water, eat and go to the hut, and he felt at ease all of a sudden!

For Martin and others, although young masters like Anne may not bully men and dominate women, they cannot be like Anne, who is a well-behaved and law-abiding model citizen. This is unscientific. Now that they heard that Annie insisted on the Zhang family's jade pendant, everyone felt at ease, and felt that this was right. Well, it felt weird, but Martin and others felt that this was right. This is the normal personality of a child of aristocratic families.

Although the Zhang brothers are superpowers, their levels are obviously not as high as those of the 508th group. Besides, if there are too many and there are too few, who can still win?
Team 508 immediately started thinking, what’s the prize? The two brothers of the Zhang family were quarreling vigorously, and no matter who was listening, the two brothers of the Zhang family had been arguing for decades or decades. (By the way, it was only then that everyone realized that the two brothers were not ordinary people. What the public understands is that a man went out to find a mistress and gave birth to an illegitimate child. This was actually the responsibility of the upright father of the Zhang family. According to the Zhang family's ancestral genealogy, the two brothers were cousins. Let's talk about this later in this chapter. ) who was right and who was wrong were brought out to prove that the jade pendant should be his. The onlookers became more and more confused, and then became more and more amazed. There are things in this world that are beyond your imagination, and no one can do it. from.

No one knew that the fifty or sixty people from Team 508 were watching, not to know what the excitement was, but to stare at other people's jade pendants.

Because this kind of thing will never happen. At this time, no matter how good the material is, the jewelry and jade are worth hundreds of millions when the Emperor Green was in its heyday. Now you can't exchange for 3 pounds of white flour and 4 pounds of rice. You can almost throw it on the ground. If someone picked up the goods, no one would even bother to grab them!

Although Lu Bin sent this task, he still felt a little ridiculous in his heart. After thinking for a long time, he asked Anne in a low voice, does the eldest lady have to do it?
Anne naturally did not answer, because although Lu Bin also had some spiritual power, his spiritual power was not the same as her own. Anne saw an unsettling energy coming from the two brothers surnamed Zhang. The extremely uncomfortable aura, this aura is actually the special aura of those demonic zombies. The only difference is that the aura of the Zhang brothers is a little angry, unlike the aura of death emitted by the demon zombies that makes people very uncomfortable.

"Let's take a look first. Let Feng 1 Feng 2 Feng 3 Feng 4 keep a close eye on these two people. Who they met and where they went must be recorded carefully."

Lu Bin didn't speak anymore, but conveyed the instructions to Feng Yi and Feng Er. He also looked at the two brothers named Zhang carefully. Annie should have discovered something by doing this. He knew that Annie's powers were very special. It is not simple, and it can discover things that ordinary people cannot discover. Lu Bin felt that there must be a big problem with the two Zhang brothers in front of him, and they must get the jade pendant they were fighting for.

Annie has also been trained, and she has practiced Morse code. Although she is not very proficient, she can still follow simple commands.

Just after Lu Bin stopped, he added: Don't alarm the Zhang family brothers.

The two brothers of the Zhang family were actually very careful. At this time, they met seriously. According to their understanding, it was a matter of life and death. They had to fight it out, so they started to quarrel desperately.

"This time I am going to see grandpa. No matter what, I am the eldest son and grandson of the Zhang family. I am the eldest brother!"

"What do you want to say? You are the eldest grandson. You are two years younger than me. Do you have the federal birth certificate?"

"I have!"

"What does it say? What does it say? Biological father, haha!"

When a child in the Datang Federation is born, if the mother does not have a marriage certificate, the biological father will be listed on the birth certificate. If there is a marriage certificate, the three extra words will not be added to the father's column.

Everyone felt ashamed to have these three words on the birth certificate, so the so-called eldest grandson immediately became angry.

The two of them fought back and forth, but it really didn't go as Annie wanted. She took out the jade pendant and made gestures. Annie then watched it for about twenty or thirty minutes, figured out the whole story, and then let Lu Bin arrange to stay. , who continued to monitor, Team 508 withdrew.

Annie was not dissatisfied by the two men named Zhang, but became even more interested.

"Uncle Lu, I really didn't expect that this small Luoshui Town could gain so much. It seems that I should walk around more often. Enrich my knowledge!"

"Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This Luoshui Town can also be regarded as a distribution center for free war teams. There are some capable people and strangers who are unwilling to go to the safe zone and there is a high chance that they will be scattered here." "Well, I'll think about it when I go back. Find someone to set up a spot here!”

"What do you mean, Miss?"

"Come here to recruit a wave of strange people!"

"Didn't you say you have to survive?"

"Ever since the uncle of the Jiang family came to Qingshan City, our base has been unable to survive. Besides, look at that cousin, if you look closely, it's like a storybook. It's only a matter of time!"

"Then I'll make arrangements?"

"You can't do it, Uncle Lu. Anyone with long eyes will know you're from Beacon Hill when they see you. You have to find a reliable person to handle this matter. It's not in a hurry anyway. Is the father of the ginseng baby here?"

"The person has arrived, but it's just a strength-enhancing superpower, and it's still a newly awakened superpower. I heard that Commander Xiu wants to cultivate it again. Besides, he is a single man and can't take care of a baby!"

"Uncle Lu, where are you?"

"Me? What does this have to do with me?"

"You don't want to start a family, and then you adopt a ginseng baby?"

"Hey, Miss, we can think of other ways, just don't involve me!"

There was panic in Lu Bin's voice, which made Annie laugh: "Oh, Uncle Lu, what do you think you are afraid of? That's what I said, and what I said may not be true, right? Don't worry, I just said that casually.”

"Miss, if you scare someone, you will scare them to death. You are so eloquent now. What you say is not casual. You have to be responsible. It really scares my old man!"

"Uncle Lu, are you 35 yet? Just an old man."

"Haha, a man's age is also a personal privacy. Miss, I won't be fooled by you. Look, there is another shop in front of you. Why is this shop so approachable?"

Lu Bin pointed at a small shop in front of him and changed the subject forcefully. Annie was not staring at this matter. She raised her eyes and saw that this shop had such an approachable temperament. .

Supermarket, choose your own! Check out by yourself when you go out,

Annie looked at the door. Well, no one was watching the store. It was indeed as advertised on the light sign at the door of the store, self-service supermarket, gold transaction!
How big a heart this store owner must have, a self-service supermarket!
Martin dug out a few gold bars and entered the entrance of the small supermarket. The distance is short and wireless communication is directly full.

There is bread, fresh, shipped from the factory today, 30 pieces per piece, each piece contains 100 grams of gold.

"How big is the bread?"

"It's not as big as my fist, I can eat one in one bite!" Martin's voice was full of disbelief at the price! It shocked him.

Lu Bin also wanted to go in and take a look, even if he had to pay 1 gram of gold to enter this store. Team 508 is worthy of this little bit of gold. This bread needs to be experienced.

Boom boom boom, three people ran in. Lu Bin also wanted to go, but wasn't this a point of caution? I didn't go in after thinking about it.

I saw the frightened voices of the three people coming out one by one: "Wow, this toothpaste is not even as thick as a finger, but it actually costs 500 grams. Tom's, it's a pound! What should I go with this 500 grams of gold toothpaste?" Teeth!"

"Wow, this is cheap. This fruit basket only costs 100 grams, and it has ten kinds of fruits..."

"Oh, this is good, good quality and cheap!"


"A bag of rice, 2500 grams, only needs 1000 grams of gold!"

Yep, this is high quality and low price! This voice is Martin, and this value concept has been reshaped in this second!

"Buy!" Four of you, each buy four items!

The four of them were a team, and there was a tacit understanding. Soon they came out, and 16 items with gold prices were placed in front of Annie!

Anne took a closer look, and there was indeed something enlightening about it!

"You get what you pay for. I'll take it back and pay you the bill."


Lu Bin was speechless, this is simply true. Martin is good!
"Miss, no, no, this little money is just for this bread. Can I take one apart and eat it?"

The factory date is so close, which means that this store should be nearby. Annie feels a little unreliable when eating it. What should I do if there is a problem with the food?
"No need, let's take it back to Mr. Jiang, and then find the little rabbit to try it first."

"Whose life is not life? The little rabbit is so good, why should he bear all the pain? I will eat it myself, and I can also comment on the taste of this bread and give it a rating!"

Martin thought he had hit the point, but unfortunately Annie felt that his life was incomparable to that of a little rabbit, even a hundred rabbits!
Then, a certain little rabbit expressed his dissatisfaction, and his mount, the big bad wolf, also supported this argument.

In the end, the two of them changed Anne's view!

Let’s talk about trying food or something when we get back. After a few people entered, they turned on the camera device on the team uniforms and scanned the automatic supermarket in all directions.

Then he went around other streets in Luoshui Town and took samples of the water from the hot spring wells. Of course, it was not so obvious, but when they reached a well, a person from the team came out to take a dig. Just a bottle of water!

There are people in Luoshui Town who are unwilling to enter the safe zone, or are preparing supplies to enter the safe zone. In short, these are people who advocate freedom and can protect themselves.

Annie was quite interested in this kind of people. When she was in the town, she purposely looked at the 508 base to recruit new bases. Three or two front houses were delineated. Prepare to send someone to open the store. It looked like there was a lot to be done. With just a quick glance, Anne saw a lot of superpowers who looked very impressive based on her first impression.

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