The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 393 The password of Luoshui Town

Chapter 393 The password of Luoshui Town
Among these superpowers, there are also people from previous lives who look very familiar. These were once scattered among the major superpower teams in the previous life, but now, Annie felt that as long as she was looking for a high-powered superpower, the destination must be 508! The idea of ​​setting up new recruitment points became more and more determined.

But at this time, she quietly walked around the town slowly. Although there are still some new things, it is not as interesting as the two Zhang brothers, and it is not as novel as the herbs. It’s not even as high as the water temperature beside the wave light bridge

When they were about to go back, the Feng No. 1 superpower, one of the ones sent by the Jiang family to blow up the car, had already completed the task of stealing the jade pei.

Anne was very surprised. When asked, she found out that this man was actually a magician in his prime!
While Annie was still digesting the relationship between his previous career and completing the task so quickly, Lu Bin already sighed:

"Does your master know that you are using the skills he taught you so well?"

"He didn't make it through. If his old man were still alive, I wouldn't have the guts!" Feng Yi said very carefully, but his eyes couldn't deceive anyone. I'm afraid that the master was even more insecure.

Haha, I believed you!

Although the communication class of Feng 1 takes the pills given by the base commander on time, and it is said that they will definitely not have any different ideas, but they still have to check the background. Feng 1’s master is a magician in name. But in fact, the main business is a master of magic. Whenever he wants something, he, the magician, has also visited the safe locked at the back of the federal treasury. Of course, upon investigation, there was no evidence that Feng had learned it!
But now, it is obvious that Feng 1 is a disciple of a famous teacher. The two brothers of the Zhang family are still quarreling, and they must be paying attention to this jade Pei. It has only been a few hours, and Feng 1 has been asked to hand in a mission. .

It's pretty good, it doesn't take much trouble anyway. Annie sat in the car and looked at the jade in her hand. Obviously, this was no ordinary jade! Annie even thought that it should have been carved by those things called spirit stones that Wei Ruhai had worked hard to get under the instructions of the Helan ancestors.

Thinking of spirit stones and ancestor Helan, Annie's mood dropped! He went to the bedroom in the RV and closed the door: "I'll take a rest and we'll talk about it when we get there."

Lu Bin didn't know what she was thinking, and thought it was good. It would take about half an hour to drive back.

Half an hour passed quickly and we entered Pemberley. The deputy base directors, except Lu Bin, have all gone on missions, and the five directors in the execution room are very busy now! Only the old and healthy staff members were free, but Grandma Wei and her wives managed the back office of the base, so they had no time to sit around and drink tea. She is the general staff who advises every day!

When Lu Bin looked at the medicinal vegetables, his first thought was that the ancestor of Wei was the only one who had eaten it before. He must know whether this kind of vegetable was valuable. Of course, it meant whether it was valuable for widespread cultivation in the 508 base.

Zhou Laozu and Jiang Laozu are not very old, but they can still block each other. Therefore, the first people Lu Bin saw were these two chiefs of staff!

It's a pity that in their life experience, they have never seen any tomatoes that can replenish blood! Bragging, this is advertising, people will be fooled.

"Deputy Base Commander Lu, you really can't be fooled by this!"

"Some people also buy it..."

"Please, I used this trick before when I just started working and wanted to compete with my brothers! To be honest, although it is simple and crude and can be easily seen through, don't tell me, it is really effective!" Old Ancestor Zhou looked back on the past, when I was a passionate young man who would do anything and everything, which made Mr. Jiang feel helpless. Unfortunately, I am a generation lower and it is not easy to talk back. This kind of thing should be mentioned to the younger generation. ,is it necessary?
"Xiao Bin, it's true. Uncle Zhou is right. He has been through a lot. You must have fallen into other people's traps."

Looking at the huge, obviously different tomatoes on the table, Lu Bin suddenly felt a little flustered. Could it be that he really gained experience after going out!

Just when I was worried, the door opened, and a dean with gray hair and a white coat came in.

As he walked, he said into the phone: "Xiao Nizi, I don't care whether you did it on purpose or not. I have already said that my experiment is at a critical moment. If you cheated me out of the laboratory this time, I will tell you You, without ten level six demon corpses, can’t calm my mood!”

The director of the base is indeed very capable, and he actually dug this experimental maniac out of the laboratory! Lu Bin sighed in his heart.

The experimental maniac, whose surname is Yu, is called Yu Yuanzheng by the students, and some older people call him Dean Yu. Colleagues in the academic world respectfully call him professor. Not many people know his real name, Yu Zhixue. After all, all the teachers who could call him his life have lost their achievements!

His research direction is human genetics, but the postdoctoral fellows he held during his student days all had several postdoctoral titles. The research directions of the students he led were all different, and they spanned a wide range of fields. When the Federation launched an emergency plan when the end of the world came, Among the national properties that were urgently rescued and protected, he was among the top in the first batch, which was also the first task that Helan Jingzhou took on. There were many twists and turns. Now, the old man is classified as a missing person on the federal list. Almost everyone thinks that the transfer failed and he has been sacrificed.

None of the federal bosses knew that Helan Jingzhou had placed him in a federal safe house at the most dangerous time. The old man had a research project in hand and at the critical moment, he took his research team to hide inside. , began to study again, not knowing that the outside world had been turned upside down, and the chronology had changed. Until Helan Jingzhou found him again and took him directly to the 508 base. He didn't care. Seeing that the laboratory equipment set up in the 508 base was advanced and that they were doing their best to ensure his life safety and the research needs, he stayed there. The apocalypse had little impact on him, but he just switched to another laboratory and started research again. Work.

At this time, Annie called him and coaxed him over. Looking at the medicinal herbs, it actually seriously deviated from the scope of his research, but Yu Yuanzheng must know more than others. Inviting him to take a look would be better than inviting an expert. All strong!
This is the truth. Yu Yuanzheng likes this kind of truth, so he came here immediately, but he still has to fight for what he should fight for. Yu Yuanzheng is not the kind of idiot who can only read. On the contrary, his observation skills are first-rate. He is simply intuitive when it comes to seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune.

He was the most learned man Anne knew. Therefore, the first thing I did when I returned to the base was to trick him into coming to see the food.

When Yu Yuanzheng arrived, his temples jumped when he saw the tomatoes, potatoes and onions piled on the table. They were just genetically improved technological varieties. What's so good about them?

Annie came in behind Yu Yuanzheng. She went upstairs to invite the Helan ancestors down, because the jade pendant had to be tasted by the ancestors.

The first thing is the dishes. Mother Lu and the fat chef are waiting in the corridor outside the door. After Yu Yuanzheng inspects and takes samples, the two of them want to take them down, make them into dishes and bring them up for inspection again.

Yu Yuan was calculating his test data in his mind. It was just a formality at this time. He also wanted a higher level demon corpse. I had to cooperate and become an appraiser. Wherever the cut tomatoes are placed, the air seems to be filled with the smell of tomatoes:

"Not to mention that this tomato variety has been successfully improved. It should have high sugar and vitamin C content, right?" Yu Yuanzheng took the sample himself. After handing it to the disciple who followed him, he looked at the sliced ​​tomatoes, picked up a piece and put it into his mouth.

“It tastes good, really good.”

Lu Binbin cut the tomato in two and gave it to Aunt Lu and Master Fatty to make a dish. Then they served it. The cooking styles of the two were completely different. After making the dish, let's see how the nutritional content of the tomatoes has changed.

"Which agronomist improved this? It feels pretty good. Can you introduce it to me?"

The verification attitude was quite good. While sampling various vegetables, I asked Anne to find out the identity of the agriculturist.

In his view, it is really not easy to improve tomatoes and other crops like this. It can be considered a big progress, especially now in the end of the world, when resources are scarce, such good results are worthy of promotion. "

"For Yuan Zheng, the important point is not their size, but their nutritional content."

"In addition to vitamins, minerals, and some fiber, what else do you want it to do? It's just a vegetable, even if it comes from heaven, what else can it do? Can it be used as a nutritional supplement?"

"Don't mention it, I just asked you to study it. In addition to the normal nutrients, this tomato may also have special substances in it. For example, it can directly replenish blood."

"You mean it's high in iron?"

"I mean it has a high blood content." Annie said expectantly.

"You're so nervous but you still have high blood levels." Yu Yuanzheng couldn't help but smile, reaching out and knocking the base director on the forehead: "Find a way to catch those high-level zombies, you will definitely lose, stinky girl."

Yu Yuan, a rigorous scientist, took some samples with him and returned to the hospital. Anne felt uneasy when she saw him like this!

"Uncle Lu, are we seriously being fooled?"

"It's okay, it's just a matter of a few crystal nuclei!" Lu Bin said, but it was hard to shirk responsibility and said, wasn't this what you were determined to buy? Your sixth sense is off.

"This is not a question of crystal core or not. This is directly related to my sixth sense. Am I feeling wrong? I feel that the store manager is not lying. Those people who come to buy things don't seem to me anyway. Coming to buy groceries is like coming to replenish medicine.”

Annie's sixth sense is still online. After the various data are laid out, the data before and after processing are stable. If it is a normal vegetable, the vitamin content and so on will change after heating, but in This phenomenon does not exist for these special vegetables. For example, tomatoes: raw or cooked, after being processed in various ways and at various temperatures, their data are all stable. Among them is a special substance, which is Anne When we talk about replenishing blood, it really means the concept of eating something that goes straight to the blood vessels and turns into blood. Of course, it’s not iron or the like, which needs to be synthesized into blood in the human body.
Anne definitely did not expect that he tricked Yu Yuanzheng into testing this batch of vegetables and successfully obtained the most authoritative data. However, an unexpected gain was that Yu Yuanzheng's scientific outlook was severely shattered.

"Is the end of science really just metaphysics? Can it really replenish blood directly?"

Dean Yu began to toss with this batch of vegetables. He took Fat Chef and Aunt Lu to process these vegetables in various ways. Then he collected various data and found out that some hospitalized people lacked certain nutrients, such as He fed various patients in the hospital, including those with anemia and injuries, to eat nutritious meals made from these vegetables.

As the captains of the dream team in the VIP ward of the hospital, Qi Yi and Lao Jin, their situation is even more special, and they are rare experimental subjects. He was pulled into the experimental team.

Yu Yuanzheng led his students and colleagues to start his crazy experiment, and then kept saying to Annie: Go buy some more, and buy some other varieties of vegetables. I want them all.

You have to buy it, and the price is very expensive. Annie opened her new store as soon as possible! Making money is secondary. The main purpose is actually to recruit new people. The main goal of recruiting talents for a new store is the owner of the store or the supplier behind him. In the end of the world, what kind of store should you open to make money? It is not a luxury store. , not a clothing store either? The most profitable stores are people's livelihood supply stores, grain stores, vegetable stores and pharmacies. As for weapons, they can only be sold secretly.

508 was full of talents, and they quickly selected a group of people to come out, pretending that they didn't know them, and entered Luoshui Town to open a store.

As for the jade pendant, it is very simple. After the ancestor of Helan reached out to take it, he directly said that this is not a spiritual stone. It is not a spiritual stone, but a magic stone. It contains magic energy. Of course, this jade pendant is regarded as a magic stone. To put it bluntly, the grade is very low, it is just a low-level magic stone, and the magic power (devil energy) in it is so small that it can almost be ignored.

Ancestor Helan knew that this jade pendant came from two brothers from Luoshui Town. He had a sudden thought in his heart, and then told Anne to give it to him to take a look. Because Annie said that the Zhang brothers, at a glance, were taller and stronger, had awakened superpowers, and even had good levels, the ancestors felt that there was something wrong with this situation.

Because if an ordinary person is close to this kind of magic spirit stone, the body will have a certain impact. Not to mention the extension of longevity, just barely living to thirty is considered to be blessed by the ancestors, but these two brothers not only awakened their superpowers, but their age It is also obviously over 30 years old, which means there is a big problem. This problem can only be solved by the Helan ancestor. He personally went out to check on the current situation of the two Zhang brothers.

At this glance, it was really obvious that there was a big problem. Soon, the Zhang brothers in Luoshui Town disappeared, and there were two more patients in the hospital at the 508 base. These two men were indeed sick and extremely weak. After losing their ancestral jade pendants, the health index of the two brothers showed a downward trend.

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