Chapter 394 Experiment
Using these two people as guinea pigs, Yu Yuanzheng didn't have any psychological burden. Immediately, he kept up with all kinds of vegetables and medicines, and then collected all the data he wanted. The functions of various organs of the two Zhang brothers were rapidly failing. After eating these vegetables, their condition was actually suppressed. Yu Yuanzheng was in high spirits, and he immediately began to think. Qi and Lao Jin of the Dream Team, who had been hospitalized for two months due to injuries, had almost no chance of recovery. It was also because Ji Jingxian was awkward. Awkward, but still kind-hearted, she really did everything possible to save her boyfriend's life. I received a message from the hospital that there was no hope of cure. All the hospital could do was control the speed of their zombie transformation, but they would eventually...

After Ji Jingxian heard the news, she suddenly became stunned. In Gu Wenying's words, it was like she suddenly turned on a switch in her brain and drained all the water in her brain. Be clear and sensible.

Ji Jingxian exchanged everything she could sell for crystal cores to pay for the hospitalization fee. Then, no longer afraid of this or that, she began to lead the dream team to take on tasks, large and small, and she took on any task that could earn crystal cores. She really did it. Except for the food she needed to survive, she didn't spend a single crystal core randomly. She only focused on paying the hospitalization fees.

To be honest, because the injuries of these two people are unique and have great research value, the 508 Hospital has reduced the fees by %! However, the medicines and machinery needed to keep the two of them from becoming demons (zombies) could not be provided in batches, or they would have to pay % of the cost. The Dream Team had exhausted all the team's efforts to save them. Lao Jin can't give up. This dream team is actually really dreamy. In this apocalypse where everyone is for himself, benefiting himself at the expense of others is the norm, and not harming others is a moral model. These people actually work hard to complete the task, and then change the crystal core to maintain it. The lives of his teammates. It's still the kind of life that has been declared irreversible.

The Dream Team left the Qingshan Safe Zone and became the Freedom Team. They occupied a few houses outside the safe zone and lived in them. They wandered in the mission halls of the Qingshan Safe Zone and the mission halls of Beacon Hill, specifically picking up those who had no restrictions on accepting tasks. The task person must be a member of the team registered at the base to complete the task.

There are actually a lot of these tasks, enough for them to survive and then pay for the treatment costs of two teammates.

Lao Jin and Qi Yi already had quite high incomes before, and their own crystal core inventory also supported their previous medical expenses. Ji Jingxian was having a hard time at the beginning of this week. It was the day to pay the fee to Bijia Mountain. She found all the crystal cores, and with the support from the team, she could barely hand over Qi Yi's, but Lao Jin There are just some gaps. The team can support the crystal cores, but they cannot all pay. Every team member has to survive. It is already too fantasy to be able to collect almost one-third of the income to pay for the crystal cores. It cannot be done by everyone. Just like Ji Jingxian Qi Yi, she really scrimped and took out all her crystal nuclei to pay for medical expenses.

Gu Wenying and Ji Jingxian counted the crystal cores on the bed. No matter how they matched, Lao Jin's was missing by 50 crystal cores. Ji Jingxian is already very sensible. She knows that other team members have already suffered too much for this, so of course she is embarrassed to speak again, but...

This week Lao Jin's fees are owed, which means that the medicine will be stopped, and then Lao Jin will turn into a zombie and be disposed of harmlessly. Next, according to the number of cores earned by the team, Qi Yi's expenses will also be covered Only two weeks!

"Mother, I sold the Tang Dao, and the cost of Brother Jin's medicine is not much different..." Gu Wenying said softly, while taking a brown paper bag from the supermarket. This kind of bag used to carry food in supermarkets, but now everyone They are commonly used to hold crystal cores. They are suitable in size and light. They can be easily folded and sealed, which is very good.

Ji Jingxian took a look and realized that this size should be enough to make up for Lao Jin's difference this week. But after these two weeks of dealing with it, what will happen next week? Her heart felt heavy.

"Yingying, thank you, I...that is your favorite knife."

"It doesn't matter. You can buy more crystal cores later if you have saved enough. For now, hurry up and do the urgent things."

Gu Wenying also felt too tired. A lot of her things had been sold, and now they were basically empty. Tang Dao is a luxury item for her. Luxury goods are not suitable for ordinary people's lives. Gu Wenying began to face up to the fact that she was a little transparent.

The two put the crystal core into their bags, and suddenly Wang Peiru ran in.

"Wen Ying, this is the core that my Tang Dao replaced. I saw you returned the Tang Dao to the repair shop. I knew that you must have been too tight on the core, and I also returned mine." He also handed over a similar paper bag.

"How is this good? I withdrew the Tang Dao because I still have a knife to use. Your dagger is broken, and you still retreated the Tang Dao. If you complete the mission in the future, wouldn't it be more dangerous?"

"It's okay. I bought a new one in that shop. It's a cheaper long knife that can also be used. Besides, I heard the news that it seems that Qingshan Security Zone will not ask us to do missions in the future."

"Why? Is it because we exited the safe zone? Wasn't the excuse we made at that time pretty good? They accepted it." Ji Jingxian raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"You have been worried about the health of Lao Jin and the captain recently. There are some things you don't know, and we didn't tell you. The main thing is He Huili. She was spotted by the director of the Qingshan Safety Zone Mission Office."

"If the director gets married early, he can be her grandfather, right? This old gangster!"

"If the director is okay, at least he is a superpower, a nephew of the director. He is just an ordinary person. Not to mention superpowers, he just doesn't have the power that an ordinary man should have. He is a lazy and lazy second-rate guy."

"What are you afraid of? Let's grab him and beat him up." Gu Wenying has now let go of her life, facing the powerful with hard steel!

"This nephew's. Life is pretty good. Before the end of the world, he had a good friend who was an orphan. He kept taking money to support the orphan. Later, the orphan awakened his powers and became his thug. "

"What kind of orphan? Are you so brainless?"

"It seems that my IQ is a little below the standard. This is not a curse word. It is really not up to the standard. Well, I am a bit stubborn and accept death. Well, I am the iron egg that others say."

Tiedan still has a bit of a reputation in the Qingshan Safe Zone. If this orphan is really stubborn and seems a bit clumsy, in this way, this nephew is really lucky.

If you raise this iron egg, no one can really say that it is impossible!

"Is this iron egg's superpower level very high? Is his superpower very powerful?"

"..." Due to Ji Jingxian's ignorance, the two of them remained silent. If this nephew had the support behind him, it would really be...

The director's nephew has a bit of a personality, and he can't walk when he sees pretty girls. After the end of the world, his requirements have become lower. As long as it is a single girl who is pleasing to his eye, he hopes that others will take a look at him!
Now, He Huili has fallen into his eyes, and he also hopes that He Huili can take a look at him, but who is He Huili? No one can take a fancy to him.

The next step is normal operations. The tasks in the Qingshan Safe Zone will no longer be given to the Dream Team! House seemingly endless rain. As the old saying goes, good things never come together and misfortunes never come singly. This is the pale truth in reality. If the Qingshan Safe Zone cannot receive tasks, where will the future crystal nuclei come from? Not only was Lao Jin dead, but Qi Yina was also finished.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time. Let's hand over this week's crystal core first."

Gu Wenying had no choice but to put forward this opinion first. He should deal with the most urgent matter at the moment and hand over the crystal core. He could think of another way to take over the task. Then the Bijia Mountain Safety Zone could also take over the task. Accept it? The Qingshan Safe Zone is simply impossible, and the Bijia Mountain side will not accept tasks for their team.

Having said that, there are actually relatively few tasks released on Beacon Hill. In fact, the tasks on Beacon Hill are either quite large or extremely small. Moreover, it has only happened in the past few months that Beacon Mountain invites outside teams to do tasks. The tasks are quite simple, so the rewards are not very high.

The three of them walked all the way to Beacon Hill, knowing that they were trying to save supplies now. In the past, the three of them would definitely drive to Beacon Hill, but now they all chose to walk, so they didn't have to waste the energy they spent on gasoline. , the Dream Team lived a very poor life.

The three of them arrived at the hospital in Beacon Hill. They took the crystal core and handed it to the hospital's billing window. They used to do this every week, but this time they just reported their names, and the nurse inside looked at them in surprise. , then flipped through his handheld computer and said to them: "Are you three family members of Jin Qiyou and Qi Yi? The dean asked you to go to the hospital for a visit. There are some things that I need to talk to you about."

"Has there been any change in their condition?" Ji Jingxian asked anxiously.

"This is a message from the hospital office. I don't know the specifics of the notification, and the attending doctor is responsible for the patient's condition. We are only responsible for handling some chores here!"

The three of them put their backpacks with crystal cores on their backs and began to walk towards the dean's office. They felt very uneasy. The condition of the two of them was not optimistic. Now, if there is anything else on the dean's side, it can only mean that the situation is serious. What a change, even the crystal core has not been collected, what does it mean? What does it mean? None of the three dared to think about it, but they all understood it in their hearts.

Dean Jiang received them, and he personally took out two treatment notices and handed them into their hands: "Please take a closer look. These are the notices that we are going to change the medication for the two patients. As you know, Their condition is now irreversible, and the situation is getting worse. We have suggested it several times and you all insist on continuing the treatment. In fact, I no longer recommend that you continue with the current treatment methods and medications. After two months of treatment, it can be seen that it is ineffective. "

"Doctor, I still hope to delay their lives as long as possible. If there is even the slightest chance, I am not willing to give up."

Ji Jingxian was anxious. If the hospital stopped taking the medicine, death would be imminent.

"We understand and sympathize with your feelings. Now we have another treatment method. We hope to get your approval. This is the only and last medication."

"Is it better medicine?"

"It is to switch to a new drug that we are verifying the efficacy of. At present, we have conducted some human experiments with less than 100 cases, and the results are quite good. Therefore, after consultation, the doctors at our hospital agreed that based on the current condition of the two patients, , if you want a glimmer of possibility, a glimmer of opportunity, this new drug may be just that, do you understand what I’m saying?”

"I understand, doctor, we will sign a consent form and agree to give them new medicine."

Ji Jingxian chose to agree at the first time. She knew that this was the last chance given by the 508 Hospital. This was also the last chance for the two of them. Not to mention that there was no crystal core. Even if there was a crystal core, it would be delayed like this. If their condition doesn't get better, it won't last long.

After signing the agreement, the three of them did not expect that the crystal cores would no longer be collected.

"The treatment fee will no longer be charged. After our new drug starts to be used, we will comprehensively monitor their condition. If there is improvement, they will be cured and discharged. If there is no improvement, I hope you can understand that this is not what we want." See the situation.”

"Thank you doctor, we know."

Many of the worst consequences have been written on the notice agreeing to take the medicine, which means that after taking the new medicine, any sequelae caused by it will be borne by the patient. The worst result is death. Ji Jingxian knows that this is the end. No matter whether they use new medicine or not, what awaits them is death, sooner or later. At this time Ji Jingxian showed her style.

The three of them stood up and prepared to take a look at Lao Jin Yiqiyi. But they saw a young woman in front of them wearing the uniform of Team 508, talking to an old doctor they had met before.

That confident look is clearly that of old classmate Anne Baby.

The first thought of the three of them was to escape!
"Gu Wenying, Ji Jingxian, please wait for me!" Annie took the initiative to call down the two of them.

Gu Wenying: "Annie..."

Ji Jingxian: "An~ classmate!" At the last second, Ji Jingxian came back to her senses and swallowed the word "Wenqing" in her stomach. It was her calling An Wenqing that caused the trouble last time.

"I heard that you seem to be lacking crystal cores. Well, you should go to the mission hall in Beacon Hill to get the mission. I know there are several missions that you can complete."

After Annie finished speaking, she saw that the three of them nodded happily and did not get angry as before, so she continued: "When you set off, go to the weapons shop. You still need to bring your Tang Dao. If you don't have any handy weapons, it's done. The task is still a little more complicated.”

Happy Mothers' Day!

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