Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 116 Smell something unusual

The General's Mansion was very big, much bigger than Cheng Xiaosi's imagination. It didn't have the rich decorations and flowers like the Yuan family, but it was more solemn. The servants who came and went felt that their backs were straighter than others.

"Sister Wanqing, how big is your family?"

There is no such thing as a soft sedan in the General's Mansion. It all relies on legs. The key is that Niu Wanqing can walk very fast. Cheng Xiaosi, the only one in the group, said that chasing him was too tiring.

Niu Wanqing slowed down and said, "It should be two and a half times as big as your house. We are a military general's house. We have to practice on weekdays. The territory is naturally a bit bigger, but it is not as refined as your house."

"Our mansion is not exquisite yet, Yuan mansion is more beautiful, every step brings a scene."

The little fourth lady was quick to talk, so Niu Wanqing asked with a smile: "Do you often go to Yuan Mansion?"

She suddenly remembered that she heard that Young Master Yuanwu kept a big mouse, which was brought from the grassland by a merchant. Earlier, many young masters came to see it for curiosity.

Groundhogs are not common.

"Is that silly boy of yours the same one as Young Master Yuan Wu?"

Is it so direct?

Cheng Xiaosi nodded happily, "I have a fate with Shagen'er. I met it when I went to play with Sister Sijin, and it insisted on following me back."

"Is that why Mr. Yuanwu gave it to you?"

How could she smell something unusual in it?
"It's not a gift."

Cheng Xiaosi corrected him seriously, "You are just fostering her here temporarily. Even the cage and food were sent by Young Master Yuan Wu. He was afraid that I would not be able to raise him well."

I regretted it after I said it, feeling like I had said too much.

Niu Wanqing's eyes became more interested. As far as she knew, that little thing, Mr. Yuan Wu, was very precious. How could he raise it to Cheng Xiaosi's yard so easily?
And thoughtfully provide cages and food?
The two of them worked together to raise a mouse, which would make it easier for them to get back and forth.

Turning to look at Cheng Xiaosi carefully, the hairdressed girl was as green as green hair. Although she was not a voluptuous beauty, she had beautiful features, especially her eyes. When she smiled, her eyelashes were curved, and her temperament was interesting. Yuan Su was in a state of mind. Not surprising either.

"Young Master Yuan Wu is still very good. Although he hangs around Shili Flower Fields, I have never heard of him doing any other derogatory things besides this, nor has he ever brought a woman back to his home."

"Sister Wan Qing has a good opinion of him."

It's rare to finally meet someone who says Yuan Su is not bad. Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?
After all, Yuan Su's face and demeanor are quite interesting.

"How old is Sister Wanqing?"

"Two years older than you."

"Then we're set to get married?"

Niu Wanqing shook her head, "I'm not in a hurry."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and took her arm, thinking that the age was appropriate, "People in the General's Mansion tend to get married late, and I heard that General Maverick hasn't gotten married yet."

"Well, the bones of a person who leads a war are particularly important. The government has regulations against premature marriage."

The topic went sideways again. When they arrived at the martial arts arena, Cheng Sanniang realized belatedly that they came in a hurry and didn't even bring their riding clothes.

"Huahua, hurry up and buy it."

Cheng Xiaosi didn't have any clothes specially designed for riding horses. Knowing that they were sold outside, there was nothing to worry about.

The martial arts arena in the General's Mansion is very large, and there are many horses in the stables, but in terms of appearance, she thinks they are not as good as those in their home. Cheng Sanniang knows more than she does, and she can see that most of the horses here are old horses, so she wants to come here He just retreated when he couldn't go to the battlefield. "I heard that horses that have been on the battlefield are particularly different and have strong tempers. I need to open my eyes carefully today."

She got closer and took a closer look, and was inevitably a little disappointed. She was old, still sick, her teeth were not in good condition, badly worn, she was thin, and the hair on her body was sparse. The key was that even though she was like this, these horses didn't even look at her. Someone who has really been on the battlefield, "It's different."

Her horses are all good horses, but they don't have such eyes, just like the second generation ancestor.

At this moment, Niu Wanqing was a little annoyed. When she went out in the morning, she said she was going to see the Cheng family's horses. Her brother had said several times that the Cheng family's horses were good, which was a pity.

Cheng Xiaosi was also in a dilemma. Even if she could get on the horse and ride it even if she put on riding clothes, could she ride it?

"How about I get a foal to try first?"

"That's what Xiaowa rides."

Niu Wanqing joked, "Are you scared?"

Cheng Xiaosi nodded honestly. It would be a big deal if she fell. She didn't want to die twice.

"I'd better forget it. I'll watch you ride. I'll buy a pony later. We can go together next time."

"It's okay, I'm here."

Niu Wanqing looked like a arrogant master of horse control. In the face of Cheng Xiaosi's worried eyes, she led the horse and turned him over quickly. Then she walked away gracefully, leaving Cheng Xiaosi with the dirt on his feet.

Cheng Sanniang said it was very powerful, which made Cheng Xiaosi feel relieved.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hongfei and Xiao Caifei also ran out. They ran very slowly at first, but gradually their speed increased. Looking at the people on the field, Cheng Xiaosi's eyes were filled with envy, and he waited until Niu Wanqing said again that he wanted to teach them. When she did, she reached out.

Facts have proved that she was relieved too early. The horse was unwilling to let her get on. As soon as she struggled to climb up, she was thrown off by the horse and fell all over the mud. Fortunately, she was not injured. "Sister Wanqing, this horse is It’s not against me.”

"I have an opinion." Seeing that she was still smiling, Niu Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief, "You scratched its mane."

Cheng Xiaosi said that the fall was not unfair.

On this day, she competed with the old horse at the General's Mansion. After falling once, she was no longer afraid of the rest. When dinner was called at noon, she could already sit on the horse and walk away slowly. "This old horse has a bad temper." It’s still pretty good.”

Starting from today, she fell in love with horse riding, and she gained an additional skill, which was very enjoyable.

Mrs. Niu appeared at noon and came to the horse racing venue to call them. The sisters felt a little embarrassed. Cheng Xiaosi bowed and said, "I was supposed to come first to say hello to Madam, but instead I was only thinking about the General's Mansion." I went to the racecourse, I’m not polite enough, madam, I’ll forgive you.”

Niu Wanqing said, "This matter is my problem. I had a very interesting chat with my little fourth lady today, so I just wanted to take her to learn horse riding as soon as possible and forget about this matter."

Mrs. Niu smiled and said: "What's the matter? I used to love to play when I was a girl. I didn't like to see my parents when I played. It's rare for a few charming guests to come to the door. I'm not happy enough. It's not us who can entertain them." week."

He glared at Niu Wanqing angrily, "Did you not invite the girls to drink water?"

Niu Wanqing stroked her forehead. She really forgot, but who drinks water when riding a horse?

"Drink now. Let's go drink water now. We're really thirsty."

Niu Wanqing laughed, and Mrs. Niu looked helpless, "You, do you think everyone is like you, and you can stop eating or drinking when you are in a mood?"

The mother and daughter had a good relationship as soon as they saw each other. Cheng Xiaosi started with a smile, "How come my sister Qing's temperament is so refreshing that night and makes people happy? I originally thought it was due to the atmosphere of the general's mansion, but now it seems that it was the madam who favored me. Madam, Sister Wanqing is so well, she taught me how to ride a horse this morning."

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