Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 117: Falling in love with Cheng Erniang

Chapter 117: Falling in love with Cheng Erniang
Mrs. Niu knew about the cooperation between the Niu family and the Cheng family. She, who was already cheerful, was even more polite to the Cheng Xiaosi sisters, especially the Xiao sisters, whom she praised highly.

Xiao Zhanpeng and his son have already set off with Qian Li, the general who suppressed the bandits this time, and Qian Li is Mrs. Niu's nephew. The young man is full of enthusiasm. It is the time when he is most thirsty for credit. The bandits can not only raise military pay, but also perform meritorious service, and he also gets a reward. With the help of the Xiao family, everything went smoothly. As long as I can return safely, my future will be bright.

"I have never heard of the Xiao family before, but the Tianbao Escort Bureau knows about it. I think your grandfather and father are also heroic and heroic people. There has never been a shortage of heroes in this world."

This praise was so high that the Xiao sisters' faces turned red. "If grandpa and dad knew that Madam praised them like this, they would laugh in their dreams."

"My grandfather always said that a good man should protect his family and his country. Even if he encounters injustice, he should draw his sword to help. He admires General Niu the most, saying that General Niu is a hero of the world."

Mrs. Niu also laughed, thinking that the Xiao family was also interesting, and said that General Niu was back.

Although General Niu, who was in his prime years, did not have as illustrious military exploits as his father, General Niu, he was still the highest-ranking general in the Xijin platoon. He even said something cheerfully when he saw the guests coming to the mansion. He had to avoid them at first. I couldn't help but ask the Cheng family sisters if the Cheng family could recommend more grain merchants.

It is best to introduce them directly. It is hard to say how much they will get when the food is in the hands of the Ministry of Revenue. It is not possible to ask for food in front of the emperor, but it is still possible to ask for money. They can buy it themselves.

He didn't expect the girls to give him an answer, but he just wanted to bring this to Uncle Shunyi. Cheng Sanniang said, "I heard from my father that the few people he contacted already have a lot of food in their hands. I introduced it to the imperial court and I heard that the negotiations have been completed, but the delivery of the grain will take some time."

General Niu didn't expect that a girl also knew the inside story. He asked several grain merchants how much grain they could deliver. Cheng Sanniang shook her head. Her father said that the largest grain merchant in Xijin was the Lin family, but the Lin family was forced to go to the east. Hubby, the remaining grain merchants are not even a bit worse than the Lin family.

Even if the Lin family fled and those grain merchants divided up the Lin family's territory, it would not be as prosperous as when the Lin family was still alive.

Along with the Lin family, there are also a few veterans of the Lin family who are good at farming, as well as the farming methods accumulated by the Lin family for generations.

General Niu didn't ask any more questions, avoided the girls, and went to the backyard to talk to the old General Niu.

After dinner at Niu's house, Niu Wanqing asked the Xiao sisters to compete in archery, and then competed with each other. They didn't sit down and laugh until they were tired. The Xiao sisters have been to many places with their elders, and they can always tell interesting things. It made everyone laugh. Mrs. Niu listened from a distance and said to the mother-in-law on the side: "They say that the girls of the Cheng family are different. They are not lying. I think she has a good temperament."

The woman smiled and said: "I heard that the Cheng family has been doing well recently. Uncle Shunyi is doing errands for the emperor attentively, and his brother's nephew is doing his best to help. It's amazing. Many merchants have gone to the north of the city. They all say that the north of the city is going to change." .”

Mrs. Niu glanced at several girls again, "No one in Shunyi County is a fool. They get up immediately when they find a way. Now the treasury is empty, internal and external troubles, and money is needed everywhere. Not only Shunyi County Mansion, but also the entire business location. It’s going to change.”

To what extent it will change depends on how the emperor wants to promote Uncle Shunyi.

The mother-in-law said again, "I heard that several companies were interested in girls from the Cheng family, but Mrs. Cheng rejected them all because they wanted to keep her for two more years."

"They are just people who flatter others. As long as the Cheng family has some brains, they will not agree in a panic. The previous one has already suffered a loss."

The mother-in-law smiled and said that it is not easy to say that the General's Palace is not easy. Now it is famous but life is not easy. It is better to let the second son of the palace marry a girl from the Cheng family and completely trap the Shunyi Palace.

There is also a second young master in the General's Mansion. His face was injured during the war. He looked a little scary. He proposed marriage several times to the other girl but refused to agree. This second young master Niu gave up his thoughts and spent every day in the military camp. , rarely come back. "I heard that things are not going well for the Yan family so far. The girls from the Cheng family and Li Guijia are very good. After being married to the Yan family for a few years, I can see that they are good at taking care of the household affairs. They are good-looking and gentle. She is beautiful and as big as the second young master. It would be great if the second young master can marry her."

She was Mrs. Niu's wet nurse, and she came to Niu's house as a roommate in the early years. Naturally, she didn't have so many scruples about speaking in front of Mrs. Niu, and Mrs. Niu made it clear that she was moved, "I met her at the banquet before, and she was a Nice girl."

The old woman added: "I heard that she is also the housekeeper of Shunyi Uncle's Mansion. The Shunyi Mansion is currently being repaired and providing disaster relief. There are so many people coming and going in the house every day, but there is nothing wrong. It shows that she is capable."

Mrs. Niu turned to look at her, "Did the wet nurse already inquire about it?"

The mother-in-law smiled, "The second young master's life-long events will not be settled for a day, and even the old general will be worried about him."

Mrs. Niu breathed a sigh of relief, "In the future, we can have more contact with Uncle Shunyi's Mansion and see more. Even if we want to mention it, we have to be familiar with it, lest people think that we are taking advantage of the situation and looking down on other girls."

"Mother, I'm sending Xiaosi and the others back."

Niu Wanqing ran over with joy on her face, "Xiao Si said he wanted to give me a horse. My eldest brother got one and I was so envious. Now I want one too."

Mrs. Niu stood up and said, "You child, how can you want someone else's horse so much? There are many horses in the house, but they are not enough for you to ride?"

If the big one takes the small one, what will happen?

Those who don't know better think that their generals are also greedy people.

"Madam is too worried."

Cheng Xiaosi came over with a smile, "It's my cousin who has taken a liking to the war horse in the house. She said that even though she is old, she is still proud. Just now I heard Sister Wan Qing say that the war horse is better and has made meritorious deeds. I was even more attracted. I’m thinking of exchanging the horse from the mansion for Sister Wanqing.”

This is similar to adopting a retired military dog. I just want to take it back and take good care of it. Who makes the two cousins ​​admire the soldier brother so much?

Mrs. Niu said nothing and asked the woman next to her to go back to her house to get some jewelry. A girl who came to visit her for the first time should always show some signs.

We went to someone's house to eat and play, and even got gifts when we left. The sisters were a little embarrassed.

Not long after, I saw the sisters and the girls from the Niu family came back, leading an old horse. I knew I wanted to trade for a fat horse, so I didn't say anything and asked the sisters to take Niu Wanqing to pick one.

(End of this chapter)

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