Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 118: Is Sha Gener going to make a meritorious deed?

Chapter 118: Is Sha Gener going to make a meritorious deed?

The Cheng family's horses were fat and rarely exercised. Niu Wanqing looked at them with a sad look on her face, "What a good horse. It's such a waste to just raise it here and be a horse master."

You have to practice, "If you can trust me, I will bring two more horses back and send them back to you in a month. I guarantee you won't lose money."

"Then can you teach me how to train a horse?"

Behind him was Cheng Yousan's voice, and General Maverick stood beside him.

General Mavericks came to take Niu Wanqing back. As soon as he arrived, he heard her say that she wanted to bring more horses back, which made her feel awkward for no reason.

Everyone in the General's Mansion loves horses and cannot see anything bad about the horses, but the Cheng family doesn't know. Do they think they want to covet the Cheng family's horses?
Cheng Yousan stepped forward and raised his hand to Niu Wanqing, "Miss Niu Wanqing, two of the horses here are left to pull the cart. I want you to help train the rest. Can you also teach me how to train horses?"

He can ride a horse and has a certain understanding of horse training, but the horse training in the military is not what he knows. "I also want to learn the horse training methods in the military."

Niu Wanqing raised her eyebrows and missed him looking at her brother. General Maverick nodded, so Niu Wanqing said no more, "Okay, then you can go back to your home with my elder brother when you are free, and I will teach you." that is."

"Xiao Si will come here more often in the future. I just learned how to walk two steps today, so don't slack off. If you don't practice for a long time, you won't be able to walk two steps anymore."

Cheng Xiaosi was naturally willing. She also fantasized about riding her horse and whipping around freely.

After seeing off the two brothers and sisters, Cheng Daqi and Cheng Daqian also came back. The first thing they said when they entered the house was, "You gave all the horses in the house to General Mavericks?"

"How is that possible?"

Cheng Xiaosi was the first to ask: "Are we that prodigal?"

She told what happened and how she went to Niu's house to learn horse riding today. Cheng Daqi said, "You are so stingy. You got such a big advantage on just one horse. Since the General Mansion likes horses, then let's do it again." Buy some good ones and keep them."

This is called doing what you like.

Although they are now cooperating with the General's Mansion, they have not yet let the people in the General's Mansion see the real benefits. It is the best thing to be able to use a little money to tie the two families closer.

This is the habitual thinking of businessmen. Cheng Xiaosi sighed. It can be seen that although her fat father is now an uncle, his thinking has not completely changed.

Cheng Yousan said, "Dad, don't worry about this. We, the juniors, will handle our own affairs."

Cheng Daqi gave him a look, and Cheng Xiaosi smiled and stepped forward to hold Fat Dad's arm. "Dad has lost a lot of weight recently, and his clothes feel too big. He will soon become an elegant and handsome uncle."

Cheng Daqi was very pleased. He had been busy recently and slept in bed at night. He had no time to think about his cousin and no one mentioned it to him. But how could he really forget it? He just didn't say it. .

Seeing her daughter say this, she thought that she was comforting herself, thinking that her cousin's love for her was not in vain. She is a good girl, with a cheerful face, "Dad also thinks that he will become handsome soon."

He would have to use the kind of belt Gengoro wore sooner or later.

This has almost become an obsession.

Cheng Xiaosi then told General Niu about what he had asked the grain merchant today. Cheng Dashan frowned slightly, "Is it so urgent?"

If you don’t have contact, you won’t know. The court never seems to have enough to eat.

After sitting down, Cheng Daqi said: "Yin has been struggling with food for a long time and has been unable to make ends meet. This year there was an earthquake again. The loss of food is not big, but it is just to calm the hearts of those outside. The household department jumped anxiously."

"Now that we have money, we naturally have to go all out to find food. There are people everywhere waiting for food. It's a pity that the Lin family's food is hidden somewhere."

Grain merchants like the Lin family are unlikely to take away all the grain in their hands when they flee to Dongshu. I have never heard of who they sold the grain to, so where did they put it?
Cheng Daqian said: "A few months before the Lin family left, they sent a large amount of food into the capital, but in the end, the food was replaced by someone with sand. Who could have so much food without knowing it?" Have they all been replaced?”

"Later, the Lin family escaped, and the matter was settled." Cheng Xiaosi instantly remembered the moldy millet that Sha Gen'er brought back, "Let me interrupt, do you suspect that the Lin family hid the grain, but you don't know Where to hide?"

Cheng Youqian smiled and asked, "Isn't it obvious?"

"Then how many years have the Lin family been running away?"

"More than four years, less than five years."

Cheng Xiaosi got excited, "I think I might know where the food is."

These words were like a bomb, and the people in the room were immediately speechless when they were said. Cheng Yousan's mouth twitched slightly, "Did Hua Bao tell you?"

"that is not."

Cheng Xiaosi couldn't help but laugh, "You're stupid."

Sha Gen'er was stimulated by Hua Bao's discovery of the silver hidden in the cave, and the sisters knew that he always brought things to the yard. "I didn't know how many times it brought moldy millet back to Hua Bao to eat." Where did it come from, but I guess no one can have too much grain to get moldy, right?"

"It must have come from some granary, but now that food is so tight, whose granary still has moldy millet?"

Is Sha Gen'er going to make a meritorious deed?

Ouch, she is still the Chosen One, and she also got two Hengha Second Generals?

Cheng Yousan had a constipated expression on his face, "You don't look very smart. Could you tell me that you really went to someone's granary?"

"Don't all rats like to steal food?"

Cheng Xiaosi corrected him, "I'm not a mouse."

"But I can ask Shagen'er to take me to find it tomorrow. Let's go and have a look tomorrow."

"What if there is?"

If it really does, it won't be a hindrance to her. After all, the stupid guy belongs to Yuan Su, and he will be the smart mouse raised by Yuan Su.

No one dared to think too much about this matter. Cheng Daqi mentioned another matter, "The third prince is back. The emperor wanted to hold a palace banquet to welcome the third prince and wash away his dust. He invited the female relatives of each family to go. All the female relatives are going."

The Xiao sisters quickly waved their hands, "Uncle, we don't have to go. We can't do it."

Just kidding, Xiaosi said she would shed one layer of skin at a time when entering the palace, so they didn't want to go.

Cheng Xiaosi didn't want to go. She was already young. When people outside saw her, it was like they were looking at goods. Moreover, the third prince was not married yet, so she got a chicken. What if they turned her into a concubine? OK?
"Dad, I might have a headache that day. You know, I had a gouge on my head, and the sequelae would come out from time to time, and I wouldn't be able to go away."

Cheng Sanniang said quickly, "My sister has a headache. I must take care of her at home. I can't go either."

Cheng Daqi.
He was speechless.

Well, actually he doesn't like banquets full of rules either.

"Let's play by ear when the time comes."

He didn't want to go either.

(End of this chapter)

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