Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 144 Mr. Storyteller Cheng Xiao 4

Chapter 144 Mr. Storyteller Cheng Xiaosi

"The roasted chicken will have to wait. You are already the king of beasts. Can you be more careful and not see that it is still bleeding?"

"You have to wait for the rabbit. The skin will be crispy before it tastes good. What should we eat after you have finished eating? Do you have any sense of being a guest?"

"Did you bring your prey?"

Cheng Xiaosi's meat was well roasted, and everyone could listen to Li Yuanhao Chu bragging on the side. Afterwards, he turned into a storyteller, speaking in a mess, with a very funny expression, which made everyone laugh.

In such a pleasant atmosphere, Tiger, who was impatiently waiting for the barbecue, dared to urge him, so Cheng Xiaosi quit on the spot.

She is not afraid of this tiger now. Didn't she see that the bows and arrows were placed at her feet by several people? If the tiger dares to make a mistake, these people will let it know how powerful it is.

The tiger calmed down and lay down waiting to be eaten. Li Yuanhao pulled Yuan Su and said, "This girl is so tiger that the tiger is not afraid. Look at the tiger being trained by her, like a grandson."

"You should think twice."

Yuan Su took a deep breath and really wanted to kick this man into the spring behind him. When did he say that he had a crush on Cheng Xiaosi, or when did he reveal that he had thoughts about Cheng Xiaosi? ?

Is Li Yuanhao perhaps crazy?
"I see you are ignoring her with just three sentences. Why don't you think about it seriously?"

Li Yuanhao immediately looked at Cheng Xiaosi who was rubbing salt on the roast chicken. He raised his eyelids and began to imagine what it would be like after he and Chen Xiaosi got married. Cheng Xiaosi must not be an obedient girl. She would imitate a fairy. Talking like that, three sentences can make him suffer. When the time comes, she will attack first and cry first when she sees his father and mother. But she is very well-behaved and looks honest. Surely no one will believe him then?

How can she still have a good life like this?

Immediately, he said to Yuan Su seriously: "Don't say this again. I treat her as my sister. She saved my life. I can't repay kindness with enmity."

Yuan Su sneered, "This is a lie I have told so many times that I even believe it."

Li Yuanhao snorted, "You are just jealous of my wisdom!"

"Okay, come and eat chicken."

Cheng Xiaosi said hello, and the big tiger quickly got up. It was no longer afraid of people. It took a roast chicken that Cheng Xiaosi had given him and returned to the place where it was just lying down. Seeing that it was about to bite, Cheng Xiaosi warned it , "Take a small bite, don't even taste the taste, or you'll be gone in two bites."

The tiger's open mouth suddenly became much smaller, and then he took a small bite and looked back at Cheng Xiaosi, as if asking if this was the case?
"It's perfect."

Cheng Yousan was very curious, "Xiaosi, can you bring it back?"

If he had such a big tiger, would he be envied by the people in the capital?

Cheng Sanniang thought the same thing, and looked at Cheng Xiaosi eagerly. Cheng Xiaosi chuckled, "Take it back, where will it live and what will it eat?"

Cheng Yousan patted his chest and said, "You'll live in my yard."

"Aren't you afraid that it will show its bestiality at night and eat you?"

"Why is your heart so big?"

Cheng Xiaosi said that tigers cannot be raised indiscriminately, especially such big ones. Who knows what they will do?

"Besides, look at its size, how much meat does it need to eat a day?" "How many days has our family been rich?"

The emperor is still suffering, the uncle's house in Shunyi has raised tigers, what does it mean?
They are now developing the north of the city. There are many poor people in the north of the city, and it is difficult to eat. They raise a tiger that eats dozens of kilograms of meat a day. Don't you want to do that?
"I am free in the mountains and forests. What's the difference between taking me back and going to jail?"

Cheng Xiaosi didn't want to, but Cheng Yousan had nothing to do. He couldn't do it.

Yuan Su's eyes fell thoughtfully on Cheng Xiaosi. He always felt that there was a secret in this person, and this secret was related to her ability to communicate with all kinds of beasts.

Cheng Xiaosi looked around. Hua Bao was back. Where was Shagen'er?
You won't get lost, will you?

The atmosphere at the scene was somewhat strange. The pheasants and rabbits were all roasted, with an alluring aroma. Several people ate while looking at the big tiger, fearing that the big tiger would attack them because they didn't have enough to eat.

"He's already eaten three chickens and two rabbits, why doesn't he want to stop?"

Cheng Yousan was no longer willing to take the tiger back because it was too edible.

Cheng Xiaosi said, "It's just like the poor people who make a tooth sacrifice at the end of the year. They won't give up until they get a lump in their throats."

"I don't know how many tigers there are on this mountain. Are they all so greedy?"

Niu Wanqing said, "It should be him. The pheasants and rabbits on this mountain are quite fat, and there are more of them. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to hunt so many."

Cheng Xiaosi looked at Li Yuanhao meaningfully, and he only shot a sparrow in such a simple way, tut tut.

Li Yuanhao just kept his head down and ate. As long as he pretended not to see, he didn't know anything.

The sun above the head was covered by the clouds, and a mountain breeze came out, which was refreshing and comfortable. Cheng Xiaosi became interested and told everyone a cool article about a loser's counterattack, "The once proud son of heaven fell into decline because of his family fortune." , not only faced with huge debts and people he could not afford to offend, but also had his fiancée break off the engagement in public, which is a great shame and humiliation for any man, and he fell from the altar into dust. "

"If heaven did not give birth to such talents, eternity would be like a long night."

She spoke vividly, and everyone listened with interest. Finally, Li Yuanhao said, "Whoever wrote this storybook really dares to dream that he will dominate the world?"

He is a nobleman from Tianhuang, so naturally he is not willing to accept such a low-level person's counterattack and chop them all into pieces.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "This thing tells you, don't bully young people to be poor. In 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, flowers will not bloom for a hundred days. No one will be prosperous forever. The rise of all families will end up being submerged. Smoke.”

"After its peak, it will naturally decline. If a family can meet outstanding descendants, the family may rise again. However, often in the beginning of a big family, there are many talents, which consumes all the luck. The descendants are not as good as the previous generation."

"I also have a story book here about the rise of the family. Do you want to listen to it?"

Yuan Su felt that Cheng Xiaosi said that the situation was very similar to that of the Yuan family. In the past when the Yuan family was at its peak, the emperor had to avoid its sharp edges. Now, the reason for the emperor's blind suppression is mainly due to the chaos within the family. Countless people Enjoy happiness in the presence of the achievements of our predecessors, daydream about the glory of the past, and dream about the reappearance of glory.

"One more."

Li Yuanhao was very interested, mainly because Cheng Xiaosi's words were fresh and he had never heard them before.

Cheng Xiaosi just cleared his throat and was about to continue. Shagen'er, who didn't know where he was going, came back and brought a jade pendant to Cheng Xiaosi's feet. Cheng Xiaosi's lips twitched slightly. He was really going this time. Whose grave were you digging?
(End of this chapter)

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