Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 172 Can you believe that girl?

In the minds of the two sisters, the bodyguard is somewhat mysterious, has good martial arts, knows a lot, is comfortable in both the green forest and the officialdom, and needs to be given some face by everyone.

But now I tell them that I want to perform as a performer, how fresh it is.

Cheng Xiaosi burst into laughter thinking of that scene, "They are all masters, how can they be willing to give up this face?"

"It's narrow, isn't it?"

Xiao Hongfei said, "In addition to guaranteeing the goods, we also give away the goods. You know the human-headed escorts. Generally, when accepting this kind of job, the customer has to ask to see the work in the hands of the escort and how to show his strength to the customer. There is something learned in being moved by it and paying on the spot.”

"Auntie said that the escort bureau will be expanded and she hopes we can join in. We must build momentum, otherwise who would know that the Tianbao escort bureau is different?"

Cheng Xiaosi expressed that he had learned it, and asked with a smile, "Has the job that moved the customer's face been carefully choreographed a long time ago, so that it looks so powerful and shocking?"

The two Xiao sisters smiled proudly, "Xiaosi, you know your stuff."

In this way, after dinner, the sisters all put forward their own opinions on the lively event being prepared in the north of the city, and received unanimous approval. Cheng Daqi smiled and said: "Before dinner, I was talking to your second uncle about Dongshu's new year goods. The festival is a lively one. Although we have never been there, it’s amazing just to hear it. Many merchants can sell half a year’s worth of goods in one month, not to mention those large-scale transactions. It is said that the merchants in Dongshu just It will be ready in the second half of the year, and I want to get a share of the pie.”

"It's our first time to hold a similar event and naturally we want to make it famous. If we want to come up with some gimmicks, we can't just sell things. In addition to saying that the price is lower than usual, we should also do a little more. Now it has It is scheduled to have a fish and dragon dance in the evening. Wouldn't it be more lively if the students were also used to make some articles?

"You don't have to buy things, you don't have to join in the fun, but for the sake of fame and future, you should always come here. With so many young talents here, future father-in-laws should come and have a look, and girls should also come. In this way Now our paper has become famous, the scene has become lively, and we can make some money."

"Okay, very good."

Cheng Dashan also nodded in approval, "It would be better if the emperor could be informed of this matter, and the emperor would come up with the question and finally give the reward."

"I've heard that Dongshu's newspaper office can be successful because of the support of Emperor Dongshu. The talented Emperor Dongshu selected by the newspaper office can also directly appoint officials."

Cheng Daqi grabbed his thigh and said, "We will discuss it carefully later, come up with the charter, and report it to the emperor when the time comes."

The emperor wanted him to make money like the prince of Dongshu, so he wanted to support him like the emperor of Dongshu?
After the things outside were almost finished, Xiao He told everyone that she had received the flower appreciation sticker from the Wei family and asked how to deal with it.

"I have a headache."

Cheng Xiaosi has already thought about it, "Starting from tomorrow, I will act like I am going to the banquet actively. I will go out to buy clothes and jewelry. If someone asks me, it means I am going to the banquet. Arranging an accident in the next two days will cause my head to fall again." It hurt so much that I couldn’t go to the banquet in the end.”

At this moment, she had to thank Yan Bujiang. He had opened her head and it was a panacea that could be used in any situation. After all, according to the standards of imperial doctors in this era, they could not diagnose whether there was a problem, so they could only follow her words.

Cheng Yousan asked: "If we can escape this time, what about next time?"

"You can't keep having a headache, right?"

Cheng Xiaosi is very bachelor, "Just take it one step at a time. If it doesn't work out, I'll become a lunatic. The kind that will hurt others once I get sick. Wu lunatic. No matter how good those people are, you can't even want to marry a lunatic." ?”

She said it lightly, but the whole family looked serious, and Cheng Erniang's eyes were red.

Cheng Daqi secretly decided to do a good job for the emperor. After he was done, he went to ask the emperor for a favor and prevent those people from harming his mistress.

Cheng Xiaosi pretended to be relaxed and said with a smile: "Don't worry so much. There are still many ways, and maybe things will turn out better. Our family members are all so lucky, and I have better luck. There will definitely be nothing too bad." That's the result." Mrs. Cheng sighed and decided to start fasting tomorrow, praying to her ancestors and Bodhisattva to bless Cheng Xiaosi that he could turn his misfortune into good fortune and that all the girls in the family would have a good home.

At this time, Yuan Su, who had high hopes for Cheng Xiaosi, was sitting in the yard thinking about Cheng Xiaosi, yes, thinking about Cheng Xiaosi!

I started thinking about it from the first time they met, and started thinking about it. I couldn’t help it. What Cheng Xiaosi told him today had a great impact on him. Finally, he came to the conclusion, "She must be lying when she said she was sick. She just wanted to You just found an excuse to take advantage of me, it turned out that you had evil intentions towards me all along!"

Apart from this reason, he really couldn't think of a second reason.

There are thousands of women who covet him, and Cheng Xiaosi is the most direct.

First, she took advantage of him many times, and then came directly to propose to him. The reason was still so high-sounding.

When did she become stupid and "full of selfish ideas."

"Who said it?"

Yuan Xin didn't know when he appeared behind him, "You are alone under the moonlight, who are you thinking about?"

Yuan Su turned his head and said, "Second uncle hasn't left yet?"

"My mother has been visiting girls and widows of suitable age in various families these past two days."

Yuan Xin thought that Yuan Su was talking about himself, so he sat across from him leisurely and flicked the folding fan in his hand, "Your mother is just too anxious. How old are you? You can go anywhere." When I was a widow.”

"Besides, even if I, the son of the Yuan family, are older, I will never want to look at the widow unless I look at her correctly."

Yuan Su slowly picked up the tea cup at hand and said, "I chose it for my second uncle."

"It's said that when autumn comes, winter comes, and it gets cooler every day under the quilt. It's said that a sister-in-law is like a mother. She can't watch you suffer from the cold in winter."

Yuan Xin was so frightened that he almost dropped the fan in his hand. Before he could speak, Yuan Su added, "My mother wants to stop providing charcoal fire in the second uncle's yard this winter. A person is already cold, and burning charcoal can't keep him warm." No more wasting.”

Yuan Xin hummed, "What's the big deal, I'll just cover it with two more cups."

Yuan Su said again, "Mother said she would only provide you with a bed of cups."

"The most poisonous woman's heart~"

Yuan Xin wailed, "How did your mother come up with such tricks?"

It was snowing heavily in winter, and he had only a thin quilt and no charcoal fire. How could he survive?
Yuan Su suddenly felt a little worried. If her mother could treat her second uncle like this, she would have to treat him in a more radical way, which might be worse than his second uncle.

What Cheng Xiaosi said suddenly appeared in his mind again. It seemed pretty good that you were clingy, ignored him, cooperated without complaining.

Can you believe that girl? (End of chapter)

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