Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 173 Of course I am the most trustworthy

"Of course I am the most trustworthy and reliable."

This was what Cheng Xiaosi said in reply to her third brother. The reason was that she wanted to strengthen the number of people in her hands to find out information. Cheng Yousan expressed doubts about her ability.

"What are you doing with this? Just tell me if you have anything to do, and I'll do it for you."

In Cheng Yousan's understanding, there are so many people in the family, and they only have a few brothers. It is not the last girl's turn to go out and show off, and worry about these things.

Cheng Xiaosi was not convinced that his third brother looked at her with such suspicious eyes, "Look, you think so, shouldn't people outside think of me even less?"

"Besides, aren't you on duty anymore?"

"Then Wang Qin did a good job in my hands. Our family will definitely grow bigger and bigger in the future. Why don't we put some eyes on every family in the capital? For example, if we didn't find out about the plans of the Chu family and the Wei family in advance, , that would be quite passive.”

As he spoke, he took two steps closer and lowered his voice, "I think there is a stall sent by other governments in our mansion. Why didn't the news leak out so quickly?"

Cheng Yousan frowned, and immediately said that he would clean up everyone in the house. Cheng Xiaosi snorted twice, "If you clean it up, there won't be any more. Don't worry about it for now. It's really important to arrange our eyes out." of."

Cheng Yousan had nothing to do with her, and thought that since someone in his family had already set up an spy, it would be fine for them to arrange some spy, "You don't need anyone, just Wang Qin. If the money is in place, he will naturally be able to help you." Once things are done, he is still a trustworthy person, and I am kind to him."


This has nothing to do with the extent to which Wang Qin can be used.

"I helped him bury his father and rescued his mother."

This was when Cheng Yousan first arrived in the capital. At that time, his family suddenly changed and he had a title. He originally thought that he would come to the capital for the glory, but in the end no one took him seriously. He just wandered out every day and met someone who was Wang Qin, who was collecting debts, drew his sword to help when the road was rough. He paid off the debt for Wang Qin with a wave of his hand and sent his terminally ill father to the hospital for treatment. Although there was no way to save him, the last half month of his life was still It's quite decent, and the funeral arrangements are going well.

"Later, her mother got sick again, and I asked someone to treat her. He said he wanted to repay me. What can I need him to repay?"

"He's been helping me with some small jobs in the past two years."

The whole process was done lightly, and Cheng Xiaosi gave him a thumbs up. This was luck. A random act of kindness could save a reasonably capable person.

"If you think he needs to use it, then use it and let him arrange it for you."

What can Cheng Xiaosi say?

Of course he agreed with a smile, but Cheng Yousan also asked about sharing information. Cheng Xiaosi patted his arm and said, "Don't worry, if a girl from another family is going to meet you by chance, be prepared to faint on you accidentally." In my arms, I will definitely tell you in advance."

Cheng Yousan twitched his lips, "You should worry about yourself first."

Still fainting in his arms, do you think he is a fool and can't escape?
"what are you guys saying?"

Cheng Youer, who went out to pay homage to his teacher, came back with a bit of joy on his brows. Cheng Xiaosi turned his head and said with a smile: "The third brother said that if the second brother is selected by the teacher of the college, he will treat him."

Before Cheng Yousan could refute, Cheng Youer chuckled and said, "In this case, third child, you will spend money."

"Did you choose?" Cheng Youer nodded, and Cheng Yousan clicked his tongue, "Is the Cheng family going to be a scholar?"

Cheng Xiaosi joked, "Second brother, study hard and try to get a good name as soon as possible, and then you can compare with third brother."

Cheng You akimbo, "I joined the army first, but I don't have any fame yet. I will be able to get out sooner or later."

Cheng Xiaosi clapped his hands and said, "I remember these words. From now on, you and the second brother are both civil and military, and if the eldest brother does business and makes money, why don't I win?"

"Who is better than me?"

"I'm better than Fourth Aunt."

Little Cheng Qing came with a little yellow dog. He raised his head and said seriously, "I am the best."

"you are awesome."

Cheng Yousan smiled and said: "You are the most powerful. You have already led troops, little yellow dog soldiers."

Xiao Chengqing grinned and bared his teeth, then suddenly turned around and said to go find Sha Gen'er and ask Sha Gen'er to be his soldier.

Today was the day when Cheng Xiaosi and her sister went to listen to the Jiang family's storytelling. The venue had been moved to a shop. Cheng Sanniang decided on the name of the shop, Xiaoshengying. She said that similar names are popular among theater troupes in Beijing now. Although they are not a theater troupe, they are still a place to watch performances, and they must be included in this category.

In order to intuitively feel the effect, the Jiang family came on stage fully armed. Needless to say, those who could get on the stage, and those who couldn't get on the stage, could control all kinds of instruments. They really knew how to play, play, and sing.

"Is this a job for everyone?"

The actor's status is low, and although he doesn't have much skills, it's hard to beg for food, but does the Chiang family know too much?

Xiao Hongfei said, "Who in the world doesn't know how to master the tricks, especially in this kind of opera troupe? If someone gives up the choice, they have to stop singing. You don't need to be very refined, you still need to be able to fool a few times." some."

Cheng Xiaosi silently gave a thumbs up, and then began to watch the first performance.

Today’s book is a story about a scholar who abandons Chaohuang in high school, and Xiu works hard to make a difference but is repeatedly suppressed by his ex-husband. Finally, through his own strength, he forces his ex-husband to quit and be beautiful alone. Originally, this kind of story is very cliché, and most of them are prodigal sons who turn around without paying for their money. The ending, or the ending where Chaohuan begged all the way to Beijing to file a petition, and his ex-husband was beheaded.

But Cheng Xiaosi gave her a different ending. In addition to being filial to her parents-in-law, what else could this married woman do in her career? Wouldn't it be good to have a career?

The setting of the stage is very interesting. It is a big main performance. In the midst of the festive music, a man in the No. [-] Scholar's uniform bowed his hands to the two elders sitting in the hall with a happy face. The old man sitting in the hall looked like a distinguished person and laughed. When asked if the number one scholar would get married, the number one scholar looked hesitant. The old man laughed and said that if not, he would marry his daughter to him.

The number one scholar hurriedly said that he had never been married and had no engagement. The old man immediately agreed to get married, and there was great joy.

There was a small stage on one side of the big stage. At this time, the rickety old man took a woman's hand and said that life would be better when his son went to high school. He also drew a cake for the woman, saying that he would have a future with her. Great blessings awaited her, followed by a violent cough.

On both sides of the stage, one was beaming with joy, and the other was full of expectations for the future. Things were clearly explained, and then people dressed as officials came up from the stairs shouting, announcing the good news of high school. I don’t know where the various news came from. There was a sound of congratulations, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law hugged each other and cried.

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