Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 18 The simple and unpretentious Xiao He

Chapter 18 The simple and unpretentious Xiao He

Yan Bujiang made harsh words, but it was a pity that Xiao Si Niang said that she would not be threatened, "It's not that this matter is settled, but that you want to control my sister's reputation until my sister marries again. Before that, As long as someone mentions my elder sister, if she is not good, you will jump out to defend her, saying that even if you can't make a husband and wife, you still have to treat her as a sister."

Repentance is necessary, but chasing your wife in the crematorium is unnecessary!
Yan Bujiang also put forward conditions, "Your sister's matter is my fault, I can do what you said, but one thing, you can't make things difficult for Qing'er when she walks in Beijing in the future!"

"You are really affectionate!!!"

Xiao Si Niang said that it was impossible for her to give Qinger a good face!
"I can only promise you that I won't take the initiative to embarrass her."

Yan Bujiang agreed. After thinking about the matter, he felt that it was not so difficult to accept. He also thought that as long as he operated well, he could go back to the past. He was still the enviable little general Yan.

Xiao Si Niang was very satisfied, "So, I will wait for the good news from the little general."

"Untie the little general."

The people in the Escort still admire Xiao Si Niang now, and feel that she has the potential to inherit the mantle of the head of the family. When threatening this bastard, they all think that she is a cruel and merciless person with a bright future!
Before Yan Bujiang left, he spent the whole day there, and when he went out, it was calm and breezy, as if he had never been tied up or threatened by anyone.

Little Si Niang turned to look at Cheng Yousan, "The work is done, let's go."

Cheng Yousan hurriedly came up to him with a smile on his face, "Xiaosi, it was Third Brother's fault in the past. If there is anything you can't say I'm sorry for, tell me. If there is anything you need from Third Brother in the future, just ask."

Mother, he has reflected on it. His fists can't play with Xiaosi's head. When Xiaosi threatened Yan Bujiang, he was too inspired by his grandmother, and the harsh words she said, tsk tsk tsk, this time When can I learn how to recruit him?

Xiao Si Niang turned her head sideways, thinking that she must have performed too well just now and achieved unexpected results. It is really worthwhile for her to watch the drama for so many years. In the future, I must choose wonderful episodes to show you one by one, "Hahahaha, It’s easy to talk~”

Cheng Yousan felt apologetic, and felt that his sister's laughter was like a female devil.

The two brothers and sisters entered the mansion through the dog's hole, and Cheng Yousan thoughtfully sent Xiao Si Niang to the gate of her yard before returning.Hungry
The next morning, Xiao Si Niang explained the matter clearly to her mother. Xiao He didn't say anything for a long time. He looked at her with a strange look, full of surprise and relief. Finally, he said, "Then I will do as you said, as long as Things are done beautifully, so what if I give him a little face when the time comes?"

"May I take you to the Escort Bureau some other day?"

But before going to the Escort, she had to take Xiao Si Niang into the palace to thank her, and it was time for Xiao Si Niang to recover.

Xiao Si Niang has never been to the palace, and she doesn't know how to salute, so she found an excuse and asked Cheng Er Niang to teach her overnight. Fortunately, their house was originally a merchant, and the rules naturally couldn't be compared with girls from the Zanying family. That's about it.

Entering the palace was troublesome and there were a lot of procedures. When the mother and daughter were officially notified to go, Cheng Erniang carefully dressed up the little Fourth Niang. The Little Fourth Niang went out happily. When she saw her mother, she staggered on her feet and said, "Mom What are you wearing?"

On weekdays, the clothes are not very rich, and the ones worn in the palace are even more 'plain and unpretentious', "Is the empress very frugal?"

There are two silver hairpins on the head, what do they look like.

Xiao He sighed, and talked about the experience of going to the banquet several times before, "You don't understand, Xiao Si, many people are not convinced by our family's prosperity, and it is also difficult for our family to make friends in the capital."

"I met Mrs. Wu at the mansion of Lord Wu of the Imperial Academy before at a banquet. The sleeves of the dress Mrs. Wu wore were frayed, and the silver hairpin on her head was dusty. I was still thinking about how to dress like that and go. You must know that I am afraid of being ridiculed and specially dressed very grandly, but the wives of all families praised Mr. Wu with a clean sleeve and a literati character, Mrs. Wu manages the family well, and her children are not a thing in the pool, all insinuating that I am full of copper stink."

"Hasn't our family changed in the past two years? We have tried our best to be as simple as possible, and we want to take off the hat that smells like copper. For this reason, your father even wore patched clothes when going out, and your mother also wrapped a handkerchief on her head. son."

Speaking of this, I am very relieved, "Don't say it, since we dressed up like this, those ladies in Beijing don't say we are bad, although they still don't like us very much, the situation is much better than before."

"You didn't go out before."

Xiao He didn't say anything, Xiao Si Niang used to dress up when she went out to a banquet, as if someone died at home, she was so plain that she didn't see it.

The young lady expressed doubt, "Do those ladies really think highly of us because we dress plainly?"

How could she feel otherwise?

Don't you treat them as a joke?

(End of this chapter)

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