Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 19 Hugging the Queen’s Lap

Chapter 19 Hugging the Queen’s Lap
Xiao Si Niang's doubts Xiao He didn't quite understand. She used to live on the mountain, and she had never encountered such a complicated interpersonal relationship after marrying Cheng Daqi. To be honest, if it wasn't for her children, she would not have Dealing with those ladies is too tiring.

"Zhang Xiucai in the city is in trouble at home. He can't take the blame and is unwilling to accept help from others. He says that scholars don't eat what they ask for. Many people praise him greatly. Your father is familiar with him. He told your father many truths, including how to Friendships with dignitaries, etc., your father trusts him very much."

Xiao Si Niang laughed, how did a poor scholar teach her father how to make friends with dignitaries?
Why doesn't she believe it?
"Mother, is it possible that there are some inside stories that we don't know?"

Xiao He shook his head, seeing that it was almost time to go out, the little fourth mother instinctively felt that her mother should not be allowed to enter the palace like this, and first explained to herself, "I also went on the wrong path before, the host's banquet must be a If there is a happy event, I should also dress festively to suit the occasion, too plain is not good."

Speaking of which, it really scared her. In the first few days when she came here, she was looking for clothes to wear. There was a closet full of clothes in azure, gray, bamboo, etc. that were matched with white. Her body was not even 15 years old. , dressed like a nun. If Huahua hadn’t made several outfits for her overnight, she would have been dressed in gray.

"Mr. Wu must not be well-off to begin with. What else can you praise her for if you don't praise her for her breezy sleeves? Mrs. Wu Pu Sucheng must not be able to do anything like that. I can only say that she manages the household well and that she is frugal."

"Mom, these people hate the rich and are more likely to sympathize with the weak. I feel like they are noble if they say a few more words. We should just do whatever we want, right?"

Now she finally understands that the reason why this family can't balance between wealth and poverty is all pretending!
Xiao He still insisted on dressing plainly, and didn't want to attract gossip, but Xiao Si Niang said that he didn't care, and morality kidnapped her!
"Mom, everyone knows that we just got back so much of my sister's dowry from the Yan family. My daughter's dowry is so much, and my mother's clothes are dusty. It's time for outsiders to gossip about my sister. For my sister's sake, my mother still has to do it. It’s better to dress decently.”

This time Xiao He was not entangled anymore and had forgotten about this incident, "Okay, mother, go and change now."

The fourth lady nodded with a smile and said that both her mother and her sister were doing this.

When Xiao He came out again, Xiao Si Niang and Cheng Er Niang both smiled and nodded. They were dressed in gorgeous brocade, which was solemn yet elegant. Fan, the whole person is so many years younger!
Seeing the surprised eyes of the two daughters, Xiao He was a little proud, "How is it, mother is not bad?"

"Okay, okay." The little fourth mother said to Cheng Daqi who had just entered the courtyard: "Father, my mother is so beautiful. I don't know how many people admired her back then. My mother can steal you. I believe that you must be a beautiful man." .”

"My mother and I walk together like a maid."

It had been a long time since Cheng Daqi had seen such a bright tigress. He couldn't help but take a few more glances. Before he could even say a few proud words, he rolled his eyes at him and led his mistress out of the house.

Cheng Daqi hurriedly followed, he also wanted to enter the palace to thank him, but he didn't know if the emperor would like to see him, "Well, a car?"

Xiao He frowned, "I can't sit down."

Seeing the carriage going away, Cheng Daqi became more determined to lose a few catties. He saw the insult in the eyes of the tigress, hum!
When they arrived at the gate of the palace, the young lady followed her mother obediently, not saying much, and they didn't know how long they walked. After waiting for a while, they finally met the queen, and they all saw clearly what kind of little queen she was. Si Niang made a big salute to her, and heard a gentle voice above her head, "Xiao Si has just recovered, so there is no need to pay such a big salute. Get up."

After thanking Xiao Si Niang, she got up honestly, and quickly raised her eyes to look at the queen. She was similar to an ordinary lady, with a gentle demeanor and wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

The queen looked at Xiao He with a little surprise in her eyes, "Mrs. Cheng is dressed brightly today, which suits you very well."

He looked at Xiaosi again and smiled at the sight, "Xiaosi is dressed up well today. She looks lively and beautiful. This is how a girl should dress. It makes people happy just to look at her."

Do you understand the words of the palace?

The queen expressed that she had been wanting to say something for a long time. For more than two years, the Cheng family claimed to have used their wealth to help the court fight. The emperor greatly appreciated it. This was a good thing, but gradually things went wrong. The Cheng family's clothes became more and more serious. They became more and more simple and frugal, and what was even more exaggerated was that Shunyi once even wore patched clothes when going out, as if he was afraid that others would not know that they had contributed to the country.

This is also the reason why people in Beijing dislike the Cheng family more and more in the past two years.

Including her, the queen, who would hesitate to embroider a golden phoenix on her clothes. Every time she saw this Mrs. Cheng, she felt that she was too luxurious, and it was almost breathless!
"Thank you, Empress, for your compliment."

Xiao He smiled and said, "Today, the minister brought Xiaosi into the palace to thank the mother for the medicinal materials. If there were no medicinal materials, Xiaosi would not be able to recover so quickly."

After saying that, he gave a gift, and then gave a thank you gift. In this regard, Xiao He was still clear. The gift was not particularly expensive but it was not bad either.

The queen thought to herself that as long as you dress a little richer in the future, it will be more important than any thank you gifts.

Xiao Si Niang felt as if she understood what the queen meant, but she couldn't allow her to think about it at this moment, so she turned around and took the flower pot in Hua Hua's hand, and stepped forward, "My lord, this golden thread blue plant is my elder sister's accidental flower. I got it, it is considered a rare item, my daughter is grateful for the medicine given by the empress, but I don't know what to give to express my gratitude to my daughter, my sister said that this flower is rare, so I asked my daughter to bring it, Empress, look quickly, there are gold threads in the middle of the petals of this flower, which is beautiful and luxurious."

"The legendary golden-threaded blue species of the immortals?"

The Queen likes flowers, so she has heard of it, and she smiled after seeing the flowers carefully, "It's just like the picture in the book, Xiao Si, you and your sister have a crush on each other."

She's a queen, and deserves to be the only one.

Xiao Si Niang said happily, "The servant girl will tell Elder Sister when she turns around, the Empress Dowager likes these flowers, and Elder Sister will be happy to know."

This is a sister. If the queen doesn't understand what she means, she is not the queen. "I also know about your sister. Tell her that it is true that people will have difficulties in this life, but they have to look forward. Maybe there will be blessings." Right behind."

"Let your elder sister come with you when you come to the palace in the future."

The little fourth lady quickly thanked her. With the Queen's words, her goal today was achieved, and it was not in vain that she brought in this pot of golden thread orchid.

Then it was time for her to fully demonstrate her ability to kneel, lick and hug her thighs. A string of nice words came out of her mouth, and she told a lot of funny jokes, matching her innocent expression to make the queen laugh all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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