Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 230 Sister 4, please accept my worship!

Cheng Dashan felt that he had benefited from his eldest brother again. Gengoro was now his eldest brother's son-in-law, and Xiao Si had started worrying about his father-in-law's family before he even entered the house. It was a good thing.

"I think this Yuan Wu is very good. He's handsome, and his demeanor and demeanor are really hard to learn. I think he's also very interested in Xiaosi, so he's pretty good."

It is said that people can eat people with short lips and use soft hands. If someone can help him so much, he must say a few nice words to him.

Cheng Dashan was speechless, "Have you been bribed?"

"Brother, you are right. This is called bribery. How difficult it is to hire a good gentleman. I have inquired before. Most of the gentlemen in Qianyang Academy are excellent and cannot be hired from outside."

He had been met with disappointment when he went to invite teachers before. Those gentlemen who had some ability were very arrogant and disliked their lack of background in the Cheng family, as if coming to teach in the Cheng family was an insult to him.

"No matter what, they really helped us, shouldn't we be grateful?"

Cheng Daqi said angrily, "Already helped?"

"Then if someone says they will help, they will definitely help. Oh, my son-in-law, he can only be good if he is a good boy. Big brother, just hold your nose and admit it. You have to be broad-minded, you know?"

Cheng Daqi was even more angry. If he and Yuan Wu hadn't visited Hualou and listened to music before, he wouldn't be so angry.

"Okay, if there's anything you're not used to seeing, haven't I gotten used to seeing you over the years?"

As soon as Xiao Zhanpeng spoke, Cheng Daqi's anger disappeared on the spot. He forgot that he was also his son-in-law, and his father-in-law was still sitting here. However, Xiao Zhanpeng was a person who set fire to Guanzhou Island and prevented people from lighting lamps. He could look down on his son-in-law, but he was not allowed to His own son-in-law looked down on his grandson-in-law, "He knew before we got married that he had to take care of his future wife's family. It's hard to find such a good son-in-law. He will be a distinguished guest in the future, so you have to be polite."

Cheng Daqi stroked his forehead and said, "Father-in-law."

Xiao Zhanpeng raised his arm, "We are all engaged and we are a family. Even if you are not satisfied, can you change this result?"

"Someone would also dress up their future wife's mother-in-law. It's better than that bastard who takes the benefit for granted, doesn't even say a word of thanks, and bullies his daughter secretly, don't you think?"

The reference was so obvious that Cheng Daqi didn't dare to speak on the spot. To be fair, he seemed to be not as good as Yuan Wu.

Cheng Xiaosi, who was in the corner, saw the east overwhelming the west wind. He resisted the urge to laugh. He saw a doctor coming again, so he withdrew. In the afternoon, he had to see her third brother and Yuan Wu. It was also a fulfilling day to talk about the academy.

"Fourth sister, please accept my bow!"

After receiving the news, Cheng Youan ran over in a hurry and knelt down in front of Cheng Xiaosi, "Fourth sister, you are my great benefactor."

He could finally go to college, and he no longer had to face the wrath of his mother at home. Her mother was good at everything, but she thought he was stupid and wanted to beat him to death when it came to his studies.

Cheng Sanniang, who followed, stroked her forehead, "When I heard that you found a way to send him to the academy, everyone was so happy."

"But it's understandable."

She was scared when her mother yelled at her from time to time.

Cheng Youan stood up and stepped forward eagerly, "Fourth sister, when will you go find my fourth brother-in-law? When can I go to the academy to study?"

"I'll go in the afternoon."

"Oh, I knew the fourth sister was the best."

Mrs. Qin stepped forward with a smile, "Thank you so much, Xiaosi, Xiao An."

"You're welcome."

Cheng Xiaosi is very happy. For her, it is happy to be able to do something for the family.The doctor conducted a detailed examination on Xiao Zhanpeng and prescribed medicine for treatment. After sending him away, Xiao Zhanpeng still said that he was fine and asked everyone not to worry.

Lunch was naturally lively. After lunch, Cheng Xiaosi went back to his room to take a nap and then went to find Cheng Yousan. If she didn't go today, it would be hard to deal with him later.

"I have something to go to see Third Brother."

Cheng Xiaosi told his family, "Then go to Yuan's house and I'll be back before sunset."

Xiao He warned her, "Go early and come back early."


After leaving the door and getting on the carriage, she was thinking about how to speak and how to prevent her third brother from being remembered. This girl just wanted to live or die. What if a girl comes to frame Cheng Yousan's innocence next time?
Ouch, why are all the brothers and sisters in their family so troubled?

"Cheng Xiaosi."

The carriage was walking on the road when someone suddenly called her. She opened the curtain and saw You Jinling sitting in the carriage opposite, waving to her, "Where are you going?"

Cheng Xiaosi suddenly had an inspiration, "I'm going shopping, do you want to come with me?"


Soon the two got out of the car. You Jinling said that she had been bored to death at home recently, "My mother is now very cruel and wants to torture me. She is either a housekeeper or looking at the account books every day, which makes me see stars."

Cheng Xiaosi expressed that he felt the same way, "I used to do the same thing every day, and my third sister was supervising me. Oh, at that time, I was looking forward to someone coming to play with me every day, so that I could relax."

"You said you wouldn't come either."

You Jinling was helpless, "Is it because I don't want to come? As far as the relationship between our two families is concerned, if your father and your second brother don't beat me out when I come in, it means your father and your second brother are well-educated."

"Don't come to my house for the time being. I'm afraid my father won't want to see you after seeing you."

Cheng Xiaosi thought it made sense. She was afraid that her fat father's meeting with the people from the Wenchang Hou Mansion would bring back some memories.

The two visited a jewelry store and then a makeup store. When they were done, Cheng Xiaosi said he wanted to find his third brother, "It's not far from here, do you want to come together?"

"Your third brother is still very interesting. It's still early anyway, let's go and see it together."

Cheng Xiaosi told Huahua to take a carriage to Yuan's house, and asked Yuan Su to come to Cheng's house in the evening and talk face to face about Cheng You'an going to school.

She didn't go behind Yu Jinling's back either, and Yu Jinling joked, "Now people say you used some sorcery on Gengoro, otherwise Gengoro wouldn't be able to hang around you now."

In fact, it was people outside who analyzed Cheng Xiaosi thoroughly, saying that she was not beautiful, tall and slender, nor did she come from a prominent family background, so she was still able to charm Gengoro. , either her temperament makes Gengoro feel easy to control, or Gengoro has seen too many beautiful women, and suddenly felt that a porridge and side dish like her was not bad.

There's nothing to listen to anyway.

Cheng Xiaosi thought it didn't matter, since Yuan Su was in her hands anyway, why wouldn't she allow others to gossip after she got the advantage?

"They can say whatever they like. Anyway, it's me who has sex with Gengoro. I'll make them mad."

You Jinling smiled, "I knew you wouldn't mind. How rough you are, but you can still bear it. You're a tortoise."

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