Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 231 The two of them are quite compatible

"Xiao Si, why are you here?"

Cheng Yousan, who had been looking forward to Cheng Xiaosi since lunch, was looking forward to it. Seeing her not coming for a long time, he began to wonder if Cheng Xiaosi would not come. He also thought that if she really didn't come, he would definitely not come in the future. She will do things for him and take revenge on her, although he may not be her opponent.

But when he saw the person, he no longer had any feeling of revenge, and he greeted him with a happy face, and said in a loud voice, "Why are you here?"

The voice naturally attracted the attention of others. Cheng Xiaosi laughed at his pretense in his heart and handed him the oil paper bag in his hand, "Didn't you say you wanted to eat this little crispy pork yesterday? You just happened to buy it when you saw it. , fresh out of the pan, still very crispy.”

Cheng Yousan took it proudly and said loudly, "I just said it casually, no need to go to such trouble."

"Brother Cheng, you are so lucky. Your sister will remember what you say."

Cheng Yousan's colleagues cast envious looks in their eyes. They smelled the fried crispy meat in the oil paper bag and swallowed with greed. This was much more attractive than the soup given by the girl from the Zhou family.

Qi You walked forward cheerfully, "This is the fried pork bar on West Street. It smells so good."

Cheng Yousan happily untied the rope tied up with the oil paper bag and said, "Come and have a taste."

"Then we're welcome."

Everyone came up and took two pieces each. They all said it was very delicious while eating. They also asked who the girl who came with Cheng Xiaosi was. Cheng Yousan said, "This is the girl from the Wenchang Hou's house. She is dating my sister." good."

A girl from the Hou Mansion?

Everyone stopped and thought, such a high family status was unattainable.

Cheng Xiaosi glanced at You Jinling. You Jinling understood and reached out to Cheng Yousan: "Where is my inkstone?"

"Inkstone, what inkstone?"

Cheng Yousan didn't know, Cheng Xiaosi glared at him angrily, "Last time you broke the You family's sister's inkstone, you said you would find a better one to compensate for it, but you haven't paid for it yet, so it hurts." My sister, the You family, asked you for it in person."

Cheng Yousan wanted to say that she had never dropped Yu Jinling's inkstone at all, "I didn't."

"did not find?"

Cheng Xiaosi answered his words, "Just now we went to Moxiangzhai to see a good inkstone. Sister You's family liked it at first sight. It's not expensive. Just give us 500 taels and we'll buy it. "

Before Cheng Yousan could react, he realized something after he took out the banknote. Cheng Xiaosi had already taken the banknote and took Yu Jinling's arm and left. When he reached the door, Yu Jinling suddenly turned around, " By the way, don’t forget the cat you said you were looking for for me.”

Cheng Yousan felt that he had seen a ghost today. What kind of inkstone and what kind of cat?

He is very familiar with Eugene Ling?
"Brother Cheng, that's fine. It's strange that he can't stand the girl Zhou. It turns out there is a girl from the Marquis of Wenchang waiting for him."

"Oh, you should have told me earlier. With your status, you should find a girl from a wealthy family."

Several people's eyes met, and they all blamed the third brother Cheng for being too down-to-earth, which made them ignore that his father was an uncle or an uncle with real power. Of course, he could not marry a girl from the Zhou family with such a family background.

"Brother Cheng, do you want to learn the inch punch you mentioned last time? I just have some free time now, why don't I teach you two moves?"

Cheng You came to his senses three times. Instead of guessing about inkstones and cats, he wanted to learn boxing more, "Learn, learn, learn. Brother Wen, you are so kind. I'll treat you to a drink later."

"What's wrong." Qi You was dumbfounded as he stuffed a small piece of pork into his mouth, "I remember Brother Cheng's third brother's sister is the princess of the county who was personally appointed by the emperor. We didn't salute just now. Brother Cheng Three, your sister shouldn't be able to Is it our fault?”

Cheng Yousan lifted up his robe and tied it around his waist, "That's not possible, she doesn't care about this."

Everyone was relieved and began to praise Cheng Xiaosi for his magnanimity.

Cheng Xiaosi, who came out of the government office, put the banknote into Yu Jinling's hand, "Thank you."

When she saw You Jinling today, she wanted to ask You Jinling for help. As long as You Jinling showed up and said some ambiguous words to misunderstand those people, they would naturally not persuade his third brother to care for Miss Zhou. She thought that You Jinling would not agree. , after all, it involves her own reputation, how could she know that You Jinling would readily agree to her request.

"Aren't you afraid of rumors?"

Although she asked You Jinling for help, she was still worried because her reputation was so great at this time.

Eugene Ling counted the banknotes happily, "What rumors?"

"I bought an inkstone but your third brother accidentally broke it. Do I have to pay for it?"

"I came to you to play and said that your cat is beautiful and I want to catch one to raise. You said that your third brother can find a better-looking cat and asked him to help me find one. I asked him if he had any questions. ?”

"Just two sentences and you can earn 500 taels. Remember to come to me if any good things like this happen in the future."

Cheng Xiaosi felt a lot more relieved after she said this, "Don't worry, if you have any gossip in the future, I will help you clarify it, but you said it so easily, I feel that 500 taels is too much, how about you give me half of it back?"

You Jinling put the banknote into her purse and tied it tightly, "What are you thinking about? There is no reason to take it out when it is in my hand. I have been interested in a hairpin for a long time and I haven't saved enough." Silver, I’ll buy it later.”

"Are you still short of money?"

You Jinling smiled, "How many girls' families in this capital are not short of money?"

"You only have a monthly salary of 20 taels a month, and you have to do so many things. It's so tight. Unlike you, everyone in your family gives you money."

"I envy me to death."

Cheng Xiaosi was happy, but it was a pity that she had something to do today, otherwise she would have to treat You Jinling to dinner. Although this girl was unforgiving, she was still very easy to get along with, almost like her third brother.

Ouch, the two of them match up quite well.

But when I think of her third brother's steely character, he still doesn't speak up and is nosy. People like him should figure it out on their own and then suffer the pain of love. If you want to introduce it to him, he might think you want to harm him.

Huahua came back in the carriage and said that Yuansu would arrive in the evening. Cheng Xiaosi looked at the sky and said to You Jinling: "Come on, I'll treat you to afternoon tea."

"Why don't you invite me to Xiaosheng Camp to listen to stories? The location is not good now. There are too few seats in that place."

"You also know that there are few places. If I go there, there will be no place. I can't kick people out."

The two were talking and laughing, and Huahua behind them felt very strange. Her girl and Miss You didn't get along before, so why are they getting along now?
I don't understand.

Yuan Su arrived earlier than expected. When she arrived, Cheng Xiaosi hadn't gone back yet, but she didn't delay him at all in courting Xiao Zhanpeng. She came with a lot of gifts, "Listen, It is said that the old man is back, and this junior came here specially to visit. Will the old man’s trip go well?" (End of Chapter)

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