Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 305 Mrs. Yan is self-aware

"Stop, where are you going?"

Today the atmosphere in the Yan family was in a downturn. Cheng Erniang got married again. Mrs. Yan was so upset that she complained to Yan Bujiang who had just returned. Yan Bujiang turned around and left without saying anything more. Mrs. Yan was furious, "Isn't that embarrassing enough? "

"If you weren't a bastard, why wouldn't you be able to get out of the house?"

"I told you a few words and you're still not willing to fall in love with me. I asked you to take a concubine in the first place, but you insisted on divorce. What's the result?"

"The entire Yan family has become a joke all over the capital. Where is your true love?"

Yan Busheng wanted to reconcile with Cheng Erniang for the sake of his true love. In the end, his wife was gone and his true love ran away. If his family hadn't kept it secret, he wouldn't have been laughed at by people outside.

Yan Bujiang has long lost the high spirits he had at this time last year, and his whole body is visibly older by several years. "I ordered people to send gifts to the Cheng family in the name of my grandmother."

"Are you going to piss me off to death? Do you think the Yan family is not embarrassed enough?"

Mrs. Yan was regretting it. Ever since Cheng Erniang left, nothing had gone well in the house. She had to take responsibility for everything, big and small, and she had to pay for the dowry money. , the old immortal pretends to eat fast and chant Buddha's name, but he doesn't make a penny.

If this is the case, forget it, but Cheng Erniang will light a fire for her whenever there is any trouble. She was ridiculed by everyone when they got engaged, and she was also laughed at by many people for getting married this time. If she gets pregnant again a few months later, She is pregnant, and she will have a son in the future. If her son is more promising, this matter will be endless.

How much she used to protect her son, now she is so fed up, and it's all because of him.

Yan Bujiang stopped and turned around, "Mother should have sent the congratulatory gifts early. After all, you were the one who stopped me when I wanted to leave. If you had spoken nicer, maybe we wouldn't be here today."

Mrs. Yan was so angry that her eyes went dark. Did this bastard have forgotten that she was greedy for someone else's dowry at that time?

Dare she enter the Cheng family's door?

She is self-aware!

Yan Busheng left without looking back, thinking that he might as well save himself anyway, so he generously sent congratulatory gifts to the door, which was better than being in the eyes of outsiders and not communicating with each other forever.

Even if people throw out the congratulatory gifts.

It has to be said that after a year of being beaten hard by human affection, the once-famous General Yan finally learned to bow his head.

He felt that he had risked his life, but Cheng Daqi was so disgusted that the big day was coming to trouble him. Thinking about it, the wine no longer tasted good.

"Throw him out."

Cheng Dashan stopped him, "I'll handle it. Don't get angry on the big day."

The Yan family, what have you been doing so long ago? Do you have to send someone here today?

With the presence of the rich man Cheng, he naturally would not let these unpleasant things affect these guests. At noon, everyone happily took their seats and praised the groom for his extraordinary prowess. The little general Erniu was already very tanned. Today, I was all red and black when I was excited, and I could only smile stupidly.

In the eyes of everyone, a man's skin is secondary. When he saw the healthy and powerful figure of Erniu Little General, he was envious, "The groom is very healthy at first glance. This figure is full of strength. No wonder he can A young general who wins battles.”

"My uncle is lucky. This son-in-law is trustworthy at first glance."

"I heard that he respects my uncle very much, which makes us envious."

The guests were envious of the young general's physical strength, and talked about his other prospective son-in-law, "He is a talented man, rich and handsome, and he looks very noble."

Yuan Su was also at the table, smiling as he watched Little General Erniu being drunk after round. He was learning from experience, and it would be his turn this time next year. “Sister, the banquet has already started in front, let’s eat too.”

A banquet was also set up in the yard of the girls. All the guests who came today were seated here, and Cheng Erniang wanted to entertain everyone personally.

Cheng Erniang smiled and said: "Then please take a seat. I specially ordered two extra snacks for the banquet in the courtyard to see if all the dishes are served."

The chief assistant Cheng Xiaosi went to do it immediately, and did not forget to greet everyone to sit down with a smile. The girls were chattering and telling jokes. The adults were not around. They were happy and comfortable, and they kept talking at the dinner table.

Mrs. Qin invited a circus troupe and a sugar-playing and painting artist to come into the house to make the girls lively. Mrs. Yuan and the eldest lady of the Qin family were also helping to greet the ladies from various families. They saw Cheng Sanniang was busy in the courtyard. , although he was busy, he didn't feel panic at all, and even winked at Mrs. Jiang.

Mrs. Zhang from the Minister of War's house looked at her for a while, then stepped forward and asked with a smile, "Mrs. Jiang, have you fallen in love with this third girl from the Cheng family?"

Mrs. Jiang smiled and said: "Such a nice girl, of course I should pay more attention to her."

Mrs. Zhang understood it. There had been rumors that the two families were discussing marriage before. She thought it was just a rumor. After all, how could someone like a merchant girl appear to have a family background? Even if the family background is different now, people will not be different.

"The third girl from the Cheng family is really smart. I heard that the housekeepers are good at accounting."

Mrs. Jiang smiled and said, "You have said so, but I have to take a second look."

If she likes it, she thinks it is a treasure. With so many ladies coming today, she is afraid that someone with as good taste as her will cut her off halfway.

The eldest wife of the Qin family heard the conversation between the two. She smiled on her face but felt very sad in her heart. She also helped to secure the matchmaker, but in the end, the matchmaker was almost unable to do so even for relatives. What is this?

The Cheng family was even more lively in the evening. The elders of the family came to Cheng Erniang's house to send her blessings. Cheng Xiaosi said that she couldn't bear the scene. There were so many people in the house crying, as if her second sister was going to the execution ground tomorrow. .

Ah, crow's mouth.

The silly people in the room looked at her timidly, wanting to get closer but not daring to do so, which was extremely pitiful.

"Chuxi, I'm not afraid of you anymore. What else are you afraid of?"

Shagen'er was so happy that he wanted to step forward, but when he was almost close, he turned around and went back to his nest to lie down. It seemed to mean that if I don't get close to you, I can't pass the disease to you.

Cheng Xiaosi was helpless. He really wanted to talk to Huahua. Cheng Xiaosi was frightened, and Huahua was even more frightened. In the past few days, Xiaosi asked her to rest and take it easy. After all, if it was true, Huahua She was also implicated.

"Didn't I tell you to rest?"

Huahua smiled and said, "I just came to tell the girl that nothing happened to me and I can continue to serve the girl tomorrow."

Cheng Xiaosi looked at her carefully and then nodded, "It seems to be fine. Then I will take you out to buy something later to calm your nerves."

Huahua waved her hands quickly, "Girl, I gave you a lot of things, so I don't want any more."

"Silly, there are still too many things?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and took her hand, "It's good to save a dowry for yourself. When you get married, you can become a rich little woman. You have money and a strong waist."

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