Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 306 Luck is really mysterious

From the moment she came here and opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Huahua. Over the past year, Huahua had done his best to take care of her. She had long regarded Huahua as her own.

"If you fall in love with someone later, you must tell me. I will protect your match, prepare a dowry for you, and send you off to your wedding in style."

Huahua blushed, "Um, oh, I'm still a little dizzy, I'm going to lie down."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away, almost bumping into Nanny Fang who was entering the door.

Aunt Fang walked in with a smile, "This girl, is everything healed?"

Cheng Xiaosi discovered that Grandma Fang had gained weight, lost the seriousness she had when she first arrived, and started to look richer, which showed that she was eating well.

"Okay, I told her that she was attracted to her, so whoever told me, I will arrange a dowry for her, but no, I ran away in shame."

Aunt Fang smiled kindly and said, "Meeting the county lord is also a blessing for this girl."

"Nanny, what's the matter with coming so late?"

"It's still about the girl."

Aunt Fang insisted on matching Cheng Xiaosi with eight girls, including four eldest girls, and four little girls. If the eldest girl got married, the little girls could also take over, and there would also be a rough mother-in-law and an errand boy. There must be no shortage of servants, there are ten or twenty people in total.

Cheng Xiaosi felt that it was too much. When she thought of so many people waiting to eat and drink her with their mouths open, she felt that she could not afford it.

It was enough for her to have Huahua, but she couldn't refuse a few words, so she could only let Aunt Fang make arrangements, and she could only take one step at a time.

Aunt Fang said, "The girls have already been selected. Some of them were already there before, and the rules have been learned. From now on, the girls in the house can make the County Lord's clothes and shoes for all seasons. Madam said she would give the County Lord a few The store is used as a dowry. One of the four eldest girls can take care of the store and keep the books, so she can do it. In addition, there must be another one who can help the county chief keep an eye on external affairs to avoid the lack of etiquette. "

Cheng Xiaosi agreed one by one, "Just take care of the arrangements. I'll leave everything to you."

Aunt Fang nodded with a smile. She was very satisfied with her current life. She had less work and good pay. The Cheng family was also easy to get along with. There were no big rules, which she cherished very much.

Early the next morning, the Cheng family got up early, and Xiniang came even earlier. Cheng Erniang relied on her for many arrangements today. She arranged everything from bathing and dressing, to combing hair and makeup, and she had to send people to Niu's house.

Cheng Erniang also had a housekeeper to accompany her to her marriage. She was an old sister introduced by Grandma Fang. Aunt Tao was busy greeting the girls in the yard. Cheng Xiaosi's four sisters couldn't get involved at all. Even Cheng Erniang's You can't even go to the house, and once you enter, it's like adding to the chaos.

At the same time, the Niu family was also in full swing. Many people in the two families made sarcastic remarks about the marriage. Some Niu family members were willing to marry the divorced girl from the Cheng family because they only wanted the money of the Cheng family; The little general Er Niu of the family can be regarded as a broken man. He has a scar on his face and his appearance is disfigured, so he can only visit and divorce the girl; he even has some uglier words, but whether it is the Niu family or the Cheng family They all chose to ignore it and organize the wedding in a lively manner.

Little General Erniu was even more happy. He was carried back from Cheng's house last night. He woke up very energetic and went to his new house early in the morning to wander around twice, having a lot of fun.

Compared with the liveliness of the Chengli family yesterday, today's Niu family can be said to be very satisfied. General Niu has accumulated great prestige in the court. Even if he has been recovering in the mansion for a long time and has not appeared in front of others, his status is still unshakable. Today he married his grandson's wife, and his family members and dignitaries have gathered. Visit to congratulate.

Even the emperor sent congratulatory gifts and asked the prince to come to the banquet in person to show his respect for the Niu family.

Many people felt regret for a moment. When General Niu Mu was injured in the face, it was the time when he was planning to get married, and many girls were put off. Now, looking at the scar on his face, it is not so scary. Compared with the whole hall, The glorious glory can be said to be insignificant. "Uncle Shunyi is a bit lucky. He picked up both his sons-in-law."

The speaker couldn't help but feel sour in his tone. Yuansu and Niu Mu were girls from various families in the capital who were unwilling to marry earlier. In the end, they all fell into the hands of Uncle Shunyi. As a result, one changed her past and the other The future looks bright.

"The path of luck is truly mysterious, and we can only envy it."

When the auspicious time came, Little General Erniu went out in high spirits and led his in-laws to Cheng's house happily.

"Master, the Niu family's in-law team has already left."

The boy from the Cheng family came to report, and Cheng Daqi quickly asked someone to close the door. "Nothing can be said to let him in easily."


Xiao He said with a smile: "That's almost enough. We must not delay the auspicious moment."

Everyone around laughed, "We all understand that my uncle is reluctant to let go of his daughter."

In the yard, Xi Niang covered Cheng Er Niang's head with a handkerchief, and Cheng Xiao's four sisters were kicked out. "My aunts, please don't continue to say reluctant words in front of the bride. You have to put on your makeup all over again. It will be a bad time."

Cheng Sanniang took Cheng Xiaosi out, "It was Xiaosi who cried the most. It was her who said she was getting married soon, and she was the one who said she couldn't bear to leave. It made the second sister cry."

Cheng Xiaosi, whose eyes were filled with tears from tears, said she didn't do it on purpose, but because she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in that scene, she always wanted to cry, "I really didn't mean it, third sister, you have to believe me."

"I do not believe you."

Cheng Sanniang said, "I want to watch you and not allow you to go to the second sister's room again."

Cheng Xiaosi wanted to say that she didn't just cause trouble, so how could she still provoke her crying sister? Her credit was bankrupt at the moment, so she could only stand in the yard obediently. The Qin sisters also came , and said with a smile, "Second sister is already feeling uncomfortable. If you say a few uncomfortable words, it will make her cry. Come and guard the door with us. There will be a red seal soon."

Cheng Xiaosi joined in with a smile, and the sisters kept chattering, discussing what to do for a while.

As for Cheng Yousan and others, they had already blocked the door. The last time Cheng Erniang got married, she was very hasty and there was no such thing as blocking the door. After some discussion, the brothers decided to get their money back.

Yuan Su also came to help early, mainly to learn from experience, and also wanted to see if the Cheng family was easy to get into, and how many helpers he would need to bring when the time came.

"You should go to the yard and find your aunts, not here, being careful about stepping on you."

Little Cheng Qing was very brave and kept rushing forward, but was caught by Cheng Yousan by the collar. Little Cheng Qing kept struggling, "Uncle, let me go. I want to embarrass my uncle. I want to embarrass my uncle."

The people around burst into laughter upon hearing this. (End of Chapter)

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