Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 307 Silly little Cheng Qing

"Please tell me how to enter this door today. I am fully prepared for today."

The wedding team brought by Young General Erniu was huge, with eighteen members of the family and friends group. They needed to be well-mannered and military, and Hong Feng had brought enough of them, so he was not afraid of not being able to get in.

The people behind him booed and said with a smile that they had to carry the young general in today.

Seeing this formation, Yuan Su silently made a note. First of all, the helpers he brings must be comprehensive, and secondly, he must be powerful. Of course, he must bring enough money.

Of course, Little General Erniu was well prepared, and the Cheng family brothers were not vegetarians. There was still no shortage of people who were capable of literary and military skills. There were also people with abacus, so they gave Little General Erniu an arithmetic problem on the spot, saying that today There is a loaner with a thousand dollars, and the monthly interest is twenty. Today I have a loan from a borrower of 800 yuan. I will return it in ten days. How much is the interest rate?

The people of Little General Erniu all gathered together to calculate, and someone soon gave the answer, and said with a smile: "I am not talented. I am in charge of military supplies in the army. I have to deal with abacus every day, and I am not familiar with arithmetic." Pass one or two.”

The Cheng family members said they were careless. The army needed to go on an expedition required extremely complex arithmetic problems. There were many people in the army who were proficient in arithmetic. It was simply a mistake.

Yuan Su silently made a note that at this time next year he would also bring people who know arithmetic, preferably some who do business.

"I have asked questions about everything from heaven to earth. The eldest young masters are very well prepared, and the people brought by the second uncle are also very powerful. Many people are watching from the outside, and they are cheering constantly. It seems that they will be able to come in soon."

'Scout' Huahua delivered the news immediately, and the girls in the yard quickly got ready. Cheng Sanniang said, "Since he is well prepared, let's not waste time and let him do makeup-inducing poems. The point is Let her give lots of red seals."

"Okay, okay, this proposal suits me best."

The girls all laughed. Since they couldn't beat him, they could only choose the advantage.

Xiao and Mrs. Qin both entered the courtyard, smiling with tears in their eyes. They wiped their tears before going to see Cheng Erniang, and walked in with a smile on their faces, "But when you are ready, people are coming." coming."

"Don't be afraid. Mom believes that the journey will be smooth and everything will go smoothly in the future."

Cheng Erniang was a little nervous. Suddenly, the laughter of girls came from outside. Cheng Erniang became even more nervous. She knew someone was coming.

Little Cheng Qing stood at the front with his hands on his hips. The hateful uncles did not let him stand at the first gate. He was so angry that he said aggressively to the little general Erniu, "If you want to take my aunt away, just step over me! "

He heard these words when his fourth aunt was talking about the book, and felt that he was extremely majestic and had to show off today.


Little General Erniu was dumbfounded at this requirement that could be achieved by just raising his legs. He had never considered this. He stuffed a few pieces of red seal into Xiao Chengqing's arms and said, "Do you think you can accept this?" Step over you?"

Xiao Chengqing accepted the red seal, but did not let go, "I must step through it."

The little general Erniu said it was not elegant, "Change?"

All the girls were laughing and crying, and they all wanted to see how he would pass this test. Fortunately, the people he brought with him were clever, and they stepped forward and lifted him directly over Xiao Cheng Qing's head. , "Little Master, does this count?"

Little Cheng Qing stared with big eyes, dumbfounded on the spot. Cheng Youan stepped forward cheerfully, "Silly, come and stand aside with my uncle."

"General Mu, you haven't changed the lipstick seal for us yet." General Erniu smiled cheerfully, "Here, we have it, everyone has it."

Someone behind him came forward with a packet of red envelopes and handed them three rounds to the girls. Then he bowed his hands and said, "All aunts and ladies, please show your noble hands and let the bridegroom and officials in."

Cheng Sanniang said with a smile: "In one more round, you can write makeup-inducing poems. If you do well in the makeup-inducing poems, you can enter."

The person in charge of the red seal hurriedly stepped forward and sealed the red seal. The little general Erniu had asked someone to write several makeup-inducing poems and memorized them early. He read them out confidently on the spot. The girls saw through the situation without saying it. When it was almost done, he let people in.

Cheng Erniang said goodbye to her parents and elders, and was carried out by Cheng Yili. It was not until the sedan chair was gone that Xiao He wiped away her tears and greeted the guests. Cheng Daqi's eyes were red. The guests who came today were used to such scenes. , no matter how festive it is decorated, there will always be a sense of sadness between the two. There is no joy from the inside out like marrying a wife.

Cheng Xiaosi and the others looked at Cheng Erniang's house and sighed. You Jinling told them, "It's okay today. After today, I realized that it was deserted. It takes a long time to get used to it. My sister was like this when she got married. In the first few days, My mother would always subconsciously call my sister’s name, followed by a long silence.”

"You're okay. There are still sisters in the yard. It would be lonely if only one person was left."

Cheng Xiaosi turned around and said, "I'm the only one left."

"My cousin from the Xiao family will move away soon. My third sister has her own yard."

Then she hugged Cheng Sanniang's arm and said, "Third sister, let's live together. It's so deserted to live alone."

Cheng Sanniang also meant the same thing, "Then let's live together."

She should have moved out a long time ago, but since she kept asking, she decided not to move.

The day after Cheng Erniang got married, the eldest son of the Qi family of the emperor's merchant met a kidnapper on the way back from transporting goods. The kidnapper demanded a ransom of 300,000 taels of silver. As an emperor's merchant, Boss Qi naturally had a way out, but the kidnapper let him go. After saying that, if they met the officers and soldiers, they would directly quarrel. There was no other way. Qi Kai raised money and sent it to a fixed place. When the eldest son of the Qi family came back, it happened to be the day when Cheng Erniang returned to her parents' home.

Cheng Daqi got the news that he had obtained three hundred thousand taels, and then he went to see his daughter happily as if nothing had happened.

Cheng Erniang, who had returned home from three dynasties, was in high spirits and radiant. One look and she knew that she had had a good three days. General Erniu was even more stupid than before. When he saw Cheng Daqi, he saluted with a loud voice, "My son-in-law pays homage to my father-in-law." "

"My dear son-in-law, please get up quickly."

Before getting married, Cheng Daqi couldn't stand Er Niu, but after getting married, he had to like her. He had no choice, the girl was already in his hands, and he still expected him to treat his daughter better.

"When will I return to the army? Now I have become a family member. I can't always be in the army, but I have to go home often."

Little General Erniu said that he would rest at home for a few days, "I will come back often in the future."

Cheng Daqi nodded with satisfaction and continued talking to his enthusiastic son-in-law. Xiao He couldn't wait to take Cheng Erniang to the backyard. The two went to whisper. Niu Wanqing came together, so she took Cheng Xiaosi and said, " My second brother has changed a lot, and he has also studied wearing clothes. When has he been interested in it before? It can be seen that my second sister-in-law is still more capable. "

"Have you heard that the eldest son of the Qi family is back today?"

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