"Lord of Fu'an County?"

Several people came from another fork in the road. The leader was a tall girl with a heroic look on her eyebrows. She was looking at her curiously. Cheng Xiaosi was curious, "I wonder whose sister she is?"

A girl in a bright green dress saluted Cheng Xiaosi, "County Master, we are from the palace of Prince Renkang County, and this is my Princess Huizhen."

When they heard that it was from the Prince Renkang's residence, everyone, including Cheng Xiaosi, saluted. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "It turns out to be the princess. I heard that the princess has been living in the southeast with Prince Renkang. I don't know who it is." When did you come back?"

"I've been back for three days."

Princess Huizhen expressed her goodwill to Cheng Xiaosi, "I originally wanted to come to Shunyi Bo's Mansion to visit the county princess, but it was a bit tiring and I had to rest for a few days."

"I just heard someone calling the county master's maiden name, so I asked."

You must know that this is the person who found the ancestor of their banker, so you must respect him.

"The princess can just call me Xiaosi. I'm not used to hearing the title of the county princess."

Cheng Xiaosi spoke with a smile and hugged his thigh without hesitation, "Last time Prince Renkang returned to the capital, I was fortunate enough to see his majestic appearance. He was really majestic. Today, when I saw the princess, I felt that he was the same as the prince." Wang Ji looks like him, he must be a heroine as well."

Princess Huizhen laughed, "I also heard my grandfather mention you, saying that you have good luck and are a little lucky star."

"Now I call you Xiaosi, and you just call me Sister Huizhen."

"I also brought you a gift and will deliver it to your house later."

The banker actually did not have a very formal thank you process other than sending some thank you gifts. Xiaosi helped to find the favor of the ancestors in the family. She was a girl who had not left the court, which was very inconvenient for the banker. Princess Huizhen returned to Beijing this time in addition to getting married. Besides, I came to thank Cheng Xiaosi.

"Sister Huizhen also brought me a gift, how can you be so embarrassed?"

Cheng Xiaosi blinked at her, "When will it be delivered so that I can prepare to welcome my sister at home?"

Princess Huizhen didn't expect her to be so direct, so she smiled and said she would give it to her tomorrow.

"Not tomorrow. My second brother is going to take the scholar exam tomorrow, and I'm going to cheer him on."

Cheng Sanniang turned her head silently. The door of the examination room was closed after people were sent to the examination room. How to cheer?

Princess Huizhen smiled and said, "Then I can do whatever Xiaosi says."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled even more happily, and then introduced the girls next to her again. Princess Huizhen was not born in the capital, and rarely came back. She didn’t know the noble girls in the capital very well. After seeing the gift, they continued to chat and walk forward. Niu Wanqing and Princess Huizhen were in similar situations. They also had something to talk about. Before they walked out, they had already agreed to go horse racing a hundred meters away.

Wu Yue led everyone to the place where today's gathering was held. Seats had been placed on the grass. Many girls and boys were chatting and laughing here. When Cheng Xiaosi and his party arrived, some people smiled and came up to say hello. Most of them He just sat and nodded politely to them, while some cast curious glances.

Among the people present, the third princess was the most distinguished. She sat as steady as a rock and waited for someone to give her a gift. After seeing the gift, Li Yuanzhen's eyes fell on Princess Huizhen, "I heard that she was kept in the mansion for three days after returning from the long journey. I didn’t expect that when I come back here today, it’s a rare visitor.”

Princess Huizhen glanced at her, "The third young master is in the palace and knows everything about the outside world."

"My princess has come back from a thousand miles away, and the queen's decree has arrived. She sympathizes with the hard work of traveling and traveling, and allows me to live a good life at home. In five days, I will go to the palace to talk to my queen. The third princess must also know this. "

A princess who has no power and no one to rely on really thinks of herself as a person. "Hyejin."

Princess Yongping of Dongshan Palace smiled and stepped forward, "I heard you were back a few days ago. I wanted to visit you but was afraid of disturbing your rest. I still remember that when you left Beijing, I cried a lot. It's been five years. Alright?"

"It turns out to be Yongping."

Princess Huizhen smiled and said, "It's been five years, and you still said you wanted to write me a letter, but why didn't you write it later?"

"It's not that you didn't reply to my letter."

The two started talking and laughing, and soon the girls from each family surrounded Princess Huizhen, saying hello and introducing themselves. Cheng Xiaosi's eyes swept over Li Yuanzhen, feeling that the princess was not yet in the eyes of everyone. The importance of a princess' presence shows how powerful she is.

Li Yuanzhen gritted her silver teeth. Today was the last time she went to such an outing before her wedding. Why did Zhuang Huizhen show up at this time?

Cheng Xiaosi whispered to her third sister: "Look, no one wants to bully us now."

Cheng Sanniang was very happy for the appearance of Princess Huizhen. With her here, it was easier for the sisters. The Qin sisters saw a familiar girl, greeted them and went to talk.

Just when Cheng Xiaosi was about to find a seat to sit down, his eyes unexpectedly caught sight of Yuan Su coming from a distance. Also following her were Yuan Sijin and Fang Shisan. Maybe they had a tacit understanding. Yuan Su met Cheng Xiaosi's gaze and felt guilty for a moment.

"Yuan Wu is so strange. Since he is coming too, why didn't he pick you up instead of bringing Fang Shisan with him?"

You Jinling looked curious and said: "This Fang Shisan is quite shameless, and he actually dares to appear in front of everyone."

Within a moment, Cheng Xiaosi felt a lot of eyes on him. Li Yuanzhen walked to Cheng Xiaosi's side with a smile, "Don't say it, Yuan Wulang and Fang Shisan are really a good match together. A noble girl from a famous family, like a golden boy."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "The third princess is right. The more we look at them, the better they are. It's a pity."

Li Yuanzhen tilted his head and asked, "What's the pity?"

"It's a pity that I took the lead. Alas, it's obvious that there is no fate."

Li Yuanzhen feels that she is a tough talker, "Some fate comes a little late, but what is supposed to come will always come, and it cannot be snatched away."

"Princess has great insights."

Cheng Xiaosi expressed his anger, but couldn't fight back at full strength.

When Yuan Su came closer and saw clearly that Cheng Xiaosi had a smile on his face and a knife in his eyes, he felt a wail in his heart. He said that something would happen to him after this was done, and immediately smiled and said, "When did you come?" ?”

Cheng Xiaosi, who wanted to express himself with something to say, smiled even brighter, "I just came here not long ago."

Fang Shisan stepped forward generously, as if nothing had happened, still dignified and decent, "What a coincidence, County Lord, we meet again."

The distance between the two was only one meter, and many people looked over. They all said that Cheng Xiaosi had successfully made Fang Shisan lose face in front of the Queen, but none of them saw it with their own eyes. The two were so close at this moment. Should we maintain peace and pretend to be harmonious, or should we continue tit-for-tat?

"It's really surprising to see Miss Fang again."

Cheng Xiaosi felt that she should not come today. She was truly blessed. One moment, she was happy to have met Princess Huizhen, but the next moment, Yuan Su was dead after such a scene was performed for her. (End of chapter)

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