Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 332: Young Master, did you have a fight with Girl 4?

Fang Shisan was unwilling to face Cheng Xiaosi again, but she also knew the rumors outside. If she could not regain her face from Cheng Xiaosi, she would no longer be able to stay in the capital and would not follow her. Leaving can only create a way for yourself.

The situation was embarrassing, and the crisis was about to break out. Yuan Su, the former number one son from the Ten Mile Flower City, had no good way to resolve it. He was unwilling to bring Fang Shisan, but he couldn't help Uncle Fang and brought him directly to him.

As for Yuan Sijin, he felt that it was difficult to breathe at this moment, and he had no intention of watching the excitement.

Cheng Xiaosi only looked at Fang Shisan and stopped talking after she said 'accident', wanting to see how she would break the situation today.

As usual, she won't be shy today. If she is scared today, she will be unable to get along in the capital. This is just a fight for face.

Almost everyone in the field cast their eyes over. Although Fang Shisan’s hands under his sleeves were clutching the handkerchief tightly, his face still maintained a calm look, with a slight smile on his lips, "Last time I've been chatting with the county boss for several days, and I was in a hurry and didn't even thank the county boss for his advice."

She described Cheng Xiaosi's words to her as a reminder to her, and the intensity was much lighter. Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "Miss Fang is too polite. Miss Fang is a guest of the Yuan Mansion. Mr. Yuan Wu is under the control of the Mansion." The elders asked me to take more care of you, but he is a man and has many inconveniences, so he entrusted me to give you some advice."

"If what I said is not good or what I said is too harsh, Miss Fang needs to be more tolerant."

The decent smile on Fang Shisan's face almost didn't stop. He turned around and saluted Yuan Wufu, "Thank you, Brother Wu, for thinking about me."

"Miss Fang."

Cheng Xiaosi had an expression of "I do good for you" and lowered his voice slightly, "Miss Fang is the one who is going to discuss the marriage. This shouting of 'brother, brother' has caused many misunderstandings. Mr. Yuanwu, a gentleman, would not I think a lot, but I can’t bear to think that others may misunderstand me, so I should be more cautious.”

Fang Shisan had tears in his eyes. I felt pity for him, but I still saluted Cheng Xiaosifu, "Thank you, County Master, for your advice."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and held her third sister's hand, "I'm not saying I want to go to the river to have a look. Let's go."

During the whole process, she didn't even look at Yuan Su. She held her third sister's arm and left. You Jinling followed her, "Wait for me, I want to go see him too."

People who watched the lively scene immediately began to discuss in low voices. Wu Yue said to her sister Wu Xia: "This is like being pressed down and beaten. I think she still holds back her hands. If she had been in another place, Fang Shisan would never be able to get better today. "

Next to her, Miss Zhang Er chuckled: "She is still a decent person. It was a marriage granted by the emperor, so she has enough confidence for someone like Sang Sanfang."

Another girl was curious, "Didn't you say he was a coward?"

"Hey, if you are cowardly in this situation, then you are not cowardly. You are really a fool."

Yuan Su told Yuan Sijin and then walked in the direction Cheng Xiaosi left. At this moment, Yuan Sijin wanted to cry. She seemed to have been embarrassing herself since Fang Shisan arrived!

Now that she is paying it back, she has offended Xiaosi, who is her sister-in-law whom she has not yet met. It is unwise and annoying for a sister-in-law to offend her sister-in-law.

"Really angry?"

Cheng Sanniang looked at Cheng Xiaosi worriedly, and Cheng Xiaosi took a deep breath, "I was a little angry just now, but now I'm fine again."

I originally came here to have a good time, but who knew I would meet Fang Shisan, just like the invincible Xiaoqiang, the key is that there is Yuan Su.

Although he had been fooled in the past to not care what he said, and would even take the initiative to help him take concubines, but one moment was the other.

There were footsteps behind him, and Yuan Su was coming. You Jinling took Cheng Sanniang and went rowing with a smile. Cheng Xiaosi glanced at him angrily, and then officially started to act like a monster, "What are you doing here? Don't accompany Miss Fang." ?”

Just as Yuan Su was about to speak, Cheng Xiaosi said again, "The other girl is not friendly in this situation. You can easily be bullied if you don't watch from the sidelines. If someone is bullied, you don't feel bad. Can you do business?"

Yuan Su stepped forward to hold her hand, but she avoided her. Yuan Su had no choice but to say, "Believe me, this was not my intention. When I learned that you were coming here today, I brought Si Jin with me." , I just wanted to come here to find you, but when I went out and met Uncle Fang, I couldn't refuse him when he asked me, so I had to bring her with me." "I didn't take the initiative to bring her here."

Cheng Xiaosi, who originally wanted to act like a monster, suddenly became serious, "He asked you to bring him, so you brought him?"

Yuan Su nodded repeatedly, and Cheng Xiaosi asked, "If Fang Shisan smashes her hand, and your uncle Fang asks you to marry her, to be an equal wife, etc., will you accept it even if you can't resist it?"

Yuan Su panicked and said hurriedly: "How is this possible? It doesn't happen."

"Let me ask you, what will you do if someone brings it up?"

How to do?

Yuan Su wanted to say that Fang Shisan had already brought it up personally, "I"

"never mind."

Cheng Xiaosi suddenly felt that it was quite boring, and suddenly a little scared. During this period, she got along very well with Yuan Su, which made her forget that this was originally an era when wealthy people could have multiple wives, and she almost fell into it. .

She almost became a resentful woman.

"If you don't talk about this anymore, everything will be fine."

"Why just forget it?"

Yuan Su was really panicked, "I can explain it."

"No, I can understand."

Cheng Xiaosi put a smile on his face again, "After all, the Yuan family and the Fang family are also related by marriage. You can't refuse even if your elders ask you to help. I understand."

"Don't worry, everything I said before will stand."

"Okay, Third Sister and I went boating. Don't keep coming to see me in the future. It will have a bad influence."

After saying that, she raised her feet and headed towards her third sister's place. She let out a deep breath out of sight of Yuan Su. She felt uncomfortable just now, so it was obvious that she woke up a little late.

Looking at her back, Yuan Su felt a surge of anger and panic in his heart for no reason. He instantly lost his sense of control and turned around to walk towards where he came from. Ji Feng, who was waiting in the distance, hurriedly greeted her before he spoke. Yuan Su asked, "Where is the carriage parked?"


Which song is this from?

Knowing that the fourth girl came in and wanted to come here, Baba followed her, and she just said a few words and was about to go back?

"Sir, did you quarrel with the fourth girl?"

"you shut up."

Yuan Su didn't want to talk to him, but Ji Feng was very anxious, "Young master is gone now. I don't know how many rumors will spread when I look back. It's time for the fourth girl to be laughed at. When you are angry, just calm her down. Isn't that a joke?" If a woman is angry and doesn’t comfort her, will she think too much?”

"She can imagine things that don't exist at all and put all the blame on you. Today it's just a quarrel, and tomorrow she will treat you as a stranger. In the end, you won't be the one who feels uncomfortable."

Yuan Su suddenly stopped, took a deep breath, looked back at Ji Feng meaningfully, and then continued forward, Ji Feng chased after him, "Young Master."

"Shut up, I'll go get a gift for Xiaosi."

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