Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 373 Yuan Su confronts the old lady

"It's true that I'm not a meddlesome person. I will live in the Yuan family from now on. That old lady really doesn't know what to do. She is still scolding the emperor at home. If the emperor punishes her, it will still harm my interests."

Xiao He disapproved of going to the Yuan family again. He felt that the old lady from the Yuan family was really redundant. No old lady from the Yuan family could harm her children and grandchildren like this.

But her mistress hasn't gotten along yet, so it's not good to interfere in the Yuan family's affairs, especially to take care of the old lady.

Cheng Xiaosi didn't dare to say that he just didn't like the old lady and wanted to make her suffer. He could only find reasons for himself, but Xiao He still refused.

Cheng Xiaosi could only bring some tips and tricks to Yuan Sijin, and expressed her regret that she could not go. The reason was that she wanted to go to Niu's house to congratulate her sister.

"You're right not to go. That old lady is crazy. Don't bite you when the time comes. You're disturbing other people's lives before you even get through. We can't have this reputation."

Cheng Xiaosi understood that her mother was doing it for her own good, "I understand, so I won't go."

About two sticks of incense later, Yuan Sijin received Cheng Xiaosi's bag. He opened it and smiled when he saw the content written inside. He immediately tidied up a little and went to the old lady's yard.

The old lady scolded people all morning, ate two bowls of rice at lunch, and took a nap in the afternoon. When she woke up in the evening, drank tea and felt energetic, she started scolding again.

"Those who have no human touch at all, when others are in trouble, they can find relief by themselves. Their lips are dead and their teeth are cold. So many books have been read into the dog's belly."

"Whose joke are you looking at? I don't know who has the last laugh, just like a big rat running around. You will have a good life."

"This indifferent thing doesn't care who's belly it crawled out of or whose blood it sheds. It's so powerful to use your closest relatives to establish its authority."

The difference between the old lady who had been decent all her life and the bitch in the market was not that big when she went crazy. She was very angry when she scolded people. In this state, no one dared to come near her. Anyone who came near would be scolded, and the tea cups in the room were smashed on the floor.

Yuan Sijin tried hard to recall what Cheng Xiaosi had written, and then walked in slowly. Yao and Tang's sister-in-law almost burned incense and prayed for Black and White to come and take the old woman away. Really I don’t want to live anymore, even the emperor scolded me.

"My cousin is in good spirits."

Yuan Sijin tried his best to look calm and calm, then with a smile on his lips, he slowly walked in. Yao and Tang looked at each other and followed. You must know that they have been looking forward to the Fu'an County Lord for a long time. , I heard that this girl went to invite her in person, but didn’t invite anyone?

The old lady was still cursing. When she saw that the person coming was Yuan Sijin, she picked up the pillow at hand and threw it at it, "What are you doing here? Are you worthy of watching my old lady's jokes?"

Yuan Sijin was a little scared, but still held his own, "Does my cousin know where my father has gone?"

"That unfaithful and unfilial thing will naturally die outside."

Yuan Sijin tightened the handkerchief in his hand and said, "My father has gone into the palace to plead guilty to the emperor."

"He also knows that he is guilty?"

The old lady sneered, "I'm afraid he has forgotten that the fact that he is now able to gain a foothold in the court and thrive and work everywhere is the result of the entire Yuan family's efforts. How does he repay it?"

"You are unfaithful and unfilial. Why, you want to imitate that girl from the Cheng family to make my old woman look bad?"

But Yuan Sijin, who had been in charge of the Yuan family for a long time, became a little panicked when he became ruthless. Just as he was about to speak, Yuan Su's voice came from the door, "I heard that my cousin is suffering from madness. Is this serious?"

When he learned that Yuan Sijin was here, he knew that he would be at a disadvantage. He knew his sister well. She looked neater than Xiaosi, but she was actually a strong person. On the contrary, Xiaosi looked well-behaved and not aggressive at all, but really She was able to hold on at times, and there was something inside her.

Meeting the old lady's fierce eyes, Yuan Su said calmly, "My cousin is brave enough to curse, but the Fang family will be blamed in the end."

"My father has already told the emperor that Mingtang's grandmother has suffered from madness, and will soon be leaving for the west to recuperate. The emperor knows that my grandmother is the daughter of the Fang family. Her words and deeds in the past two days were all bewitched by the Fang family, and he does not blame her. Yuan family." The old lady was scared and angry, "How dare you, how dare you?"

Yuan Su continued: "You don't know, right? Three of the Fang family girls who have been married in the past few decades have been divorced, and several others were either forced to enter the Buddhist hall or passive because of their age and to take into account the face of their children and grandchildren. They are seriously ill, my cousin is well versed in the affairs of the inner house, and she must know what their outcome will be."

"My cousin can continue to scold, but the final result will be that Long Yan is angry and the Fang family suffers. As for the Yuan family,"

"An old lady who was driven crazy by the Fang family is really pitiable."


The old lady made a cry of grief and anger. Seeing that it was on the verge of collapse, Yuan Su turned around calmly and did not say another word. Yao and Tang were so happy that they quickly ordered someone to take care of it.

After leaving the house, Yuan Sijin stopped and said, "Fifth Brother, what are you doing? I just got the little Si to give me some great tips, and I haven't even started yet."

Yuan Su turned around helplessly, "Look at how cowardly you are. If I didn't come, would you be frightened and run away again?"

"What's the big deal?"

"Fifth brother, you are unreasonable. We women are different from you. Those words you say are very effective. If I say it, it will be treasonous and I may be jumped on and beaten."

Yuan Sijin was very angry, "It's not easy for us women, we have to worry about our reputation."

"You know you have to worry about your reputation and yet you go to find Xiaosi. Why doesn't Xiaosi have to worry about his reputation?"

Yuan Su stretched out his hand and said, "Bring it here."


"Xiaosi's tip bag."

Yuan Sijin reluctantly handed over the tips bag, "I don't think Xiaosi can solve this problem."

Yuan Su took the tip bag and said, "If you are wronged at your husband's house in the future, will you let Xiaosi settle it for you?"

"Today, my father asked a nun from the palace to teach you for three months. She will come tomorrow. Study hard."

Yuan Sijin sighed quietly, realizing at the critical moment that he was nothing, and all he had learned before was in vain.

Seeing her brother still holding the kit in his arms, she immediately stopped and said, "That was given to me by Xiaosi."

It was Yuan Su's back who answered her, and she stamped her feet in anger.

In the front yard, Yuan Pei had just returned and learned that the old lady had been settled by Yuan Su, so he said: "The people from Chaoxi are coming soon, just wait until they pick her up."

"Your sister is so well protected by us, but she still has to endure hardships. I think Liu Muyun of the Cheng family is good, and his family background is simple. Your sister's temperament is really not suitable for a family with a large population."

"Our marriage to the Cheng family has already caused some gossip, and the emperor should also be wary of it."

Yuan Su nodded, "I met the third prince today. Please settle Sijin's matter as soon as possible to avoid a long night and many dreams."

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