Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 374 Cheng Daqi makes an appointment with General Niu Niu

The regrouped third prince is obsessed with Yuan Sijin. Marrying Yuan Sijin will not only get help from the Yuan family, but also indirectly draw the Shunyi House and the Niu family into his camp. No matter how you look at it, it is a sure-profit deal. , but the Yuan family couldn't avoid it.

Anyone with a discerning eye can clearly see that not only are the Third Prince and his party no match for the Crown Prince, they can't even defeat the Fifth Prince who is still studying. The Fifth Prince's uncle has been working hard these days, even in front of the Emperor. face.

Yuan Sijin's marriage is imminent.

"Sister, why are you still coming out?"

People from the Cheng family arrived at the Niu family early in the morning. Everyone in the Niu family was full of joy, especially Mrs. Niu, who was extremely happy. You must know that this daughter-in-law is really married to the right one, and they get busy when the newlywed honey is mixed with oil. She has taken care of the household chores and taken care of them properly. It has only been a long time since she entered the house. She is happy. She is not a lucky girl.

"The in-laws are here, please come in quickly."

Mrs. Niu stepped forward with a smile, "I want to congratulate my in-laws."

Xiao He was also happy, "I also want to congratulate my in-laws and share the joy."

What do mothers worry about most after a girl gets married?

Naturally, it was a major event that would last for generations. Although she didn't say it on her face, she was thinking about it in her mind for a few days. "A few days ago, I dreamed that a little baby was walking towards me. The little baby was wearing a red pocket and told me. He wanted to pee, and I helped him pee, but I didn’t see his face.”

Mrs. Niu smiled happily, "What a coincidence. I took a nap a few days ago, and within a short period of time, I dreamed that my deceased old lady was walking towards me holding a doll. She put the doll down and left. The doll was also wearing a red dress. Doudou, he’s just a little dirty and his face can’t be seen clearly.”

"Oh, should I go and offer some incense to my mother-in-law? It was her old man who sent it to me."

Xiao He nodded repeatedly, "No matter whether you should put incense sticks or not, these things may be true."

"you are right."

Mrs. Niu had now concluded that the child was sent to her by her mother-in-law, and immediately sent people to prepare it.

Cheng Erniang was still following quietly. Cheng Xiaosifu supported her with a smile, "Sister, are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?"

Cheng Erniang shook her head, "Other than using it more, I don't feel any difference."

As soon as she said this, Mrs. Niu praised her for being lucky, "This woman is going to hell to fight for her life after giving birth. She must have good body and bones. Being able to eat is a blessing. I was able to eat when I was pregnant with my second child, and the birth was very smooth." .”

Xiao He also said that he had not vomited for several children, but Mrs. Qin, who came to congratulate her, said that she had vomited out bitter bile. No matter how much you vomit, you can still keep some, and you will suffer during the birth."

Several mothers couldn't stop talking about this topic. Cheng Xiaosi and Cheng Sanniang were both engaged girls. Everyone was less hesitant to talk about this kind of words, and they laughed out loud after a while.

Cheng Daqi and Cheng Daqian also came. Originally there were not so many people here, but he couldn't help but wanted to support his daughter. At this moment, he was happily talking to General Niu and General Niu. Cheng Daqi smiled and looked at General Niu, "I said big General, don’t walk so fast next time you meet me outside, we haven’t had a drink together yet.”

He was talking about what happened in the palace a few days ago. General Niu nodded solemnly, "How about tonight?"

There is no way, the general who leads the troops in battle is not used to nodding, bending and smiling, he is used to being serious. "Tonight is tonight. Where are we? Ask Lord Shangyuan to come with us."

The three of them are all in-laws, which makes them interesting to drink.

General Niu raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you call Master Jiang?"

Mr. Jiang’s father was a scholar at the Hanlin Academy. Cheng Daqi said that he really couldn’t drink with him. “They are all scholars who are wine connoisseurs. I guess they are not used to drinking heavily.”

General Niu nodded, "Then I'll call my other two in-laws. They are both military generals with outgoing personalities. Let's have fun together."

"Why don't you call two more?"

He was afraid that just a group of civil servants from the other side would overtake him after three cups, which would make them look like military generals bullying others.

"Okay, let's call two more people."

Cheng Daqian was about to call the Qin family, but Cheng Daqi said he would call the Tu family as well. Now there was a large table full of in-laws, and everyone looked familiar to them.

Just like that, it didn't take long for the group of people to make an appointment and go out to the largest restaurant in the city. They booked a private room with the highest price and kept getting drunk.

When Mrs. Niu found out, she shook her head helplessly, and then continued to greet the women of the Cheng family with a smile. When she learned that Niu Wanqing was engaged, Xiao He also gave her an engagement gift, "If Xiaosi hadn't come back to say this, I really wouldn't have heard it. Feng Sheng, I’m really sorry.”

"You're having an affair now, aren't you? We didn't announce it to begin with. The girl's family is old enough and she's met someone she likes. The two families have agreed to settle the matter. The wedding ceremony will be held in a few days."

General Niu's subordinates have been generals for several generations in their families, so marriage is normal. "Three generations of the Yao family are under the command of the Niu family. They are brave in battle and have a strong family tradition. Yao guarded the border a few years before marrying that boy. Some time ago, When I came back, I paid a visit to the mansion, and the two young men met each other, and I think they fell in love at first sight."

"Born Zhou Zheng, he is upright and can be regarded as a good talent. He has outstanding physical skills and military exploits. There is nothing to be picky about."

Mrs. Niu also looked satisfied when talking about her future son-in-law, "We will get married at the end of the year. When the Yao family boy comes back, he will enter the Gyeonggi camp and guard the safety of Gyeonggi. This will be good."

Xiao He also thinks that this family background is good, and the main reason is that he can stay in the capital. "No matter who you marry, the important thing is to be in front of you. You can see it when you want to see it. If you are far away, you will inevitably worry about it."

Mrs. Niu nodded repeatedly, then changed the topic and talked about finding a wet nurse for her unborn grandson, "This is a big deal. The woman was panicked after giving birth. She had never nursed a child before, so she was even more confused. This wet nurse But you have to choose carefully, preferably someone who is literate and has a good family style."

Cheng Xiaosi was speechless after hearing a lot of requests. They said that all the nannies must be born upright, because being too ugly may affect the children; they must also be literate and have good manners, because they may Because they don’t know anything about teaching bad children, they have to shoulder the responsibility for their children’s education; the family cannot be complicated, and they cannot have evil intentions, because the grandma’s status is very high, and the whole family of the grandma must be the helper of the child. You must not be held back.

Xiao He began to reflect, because when Du Linxiang gave birth to the child, she, as a mother-in-law, did not think of this at all. The child was still breastfed by herself. After all, she had lived like this, but she did not have an escort agency at that time. He can concentrate on taking care of his children at home, while Du Linxiang still has to take care of business matters. No wonder he feels quite haggard.

We should make up for what needs to be made up later.

Mrs. Qin listened silently and wrote down the matter. Her daughter-in-law had not yet visited, so there was still a chance.

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