Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 411 I’m not gold and can be liked by everyone

It was the first time for Cheng Xiaosi to come to the Shunpinghou Mansion, so he had to pay his respects to Mrs. Shunpinghou first.

Mrs. Shunpinghou was not in good health. She had not been out much all year round and her skin had an unhealthy white tone. When she saw Cheng Xiaosi, she smiled softly. The moment he saw her, Cheng Xiaosi thought of Lin Daiyu. , the same softness, the same fragileness, the voice became softer unconsciously, "Greetings, madam."

"There is no need to be polite, County Lord."

The voice was soft and beautiful, and the smile on the corner of the lips was very gentle, "I always hear this kid mentioning the county lord, and today I can see that I have met him. He is really smart and makes people happy."

What a pity that she is not her daughter-in-law.

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "I have rarely heard anyone mention Madam before. I thought she was a fickle woman like my mother, but I didn't expect her to be such a gentle and beautiful lady."

With Li Yuanhao's temper, who would have thought that his mother would be so gentle?

He should be someone who could chase him three streets with a stick.

The smile on Mrs. Hou's face grew wider, "But you think this guy's temper is out of control, so you want to follow me?"

"This boy followed his father."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled even more happily, "My sister is also very gentle. I thought she was the gentlest woman in the capital. Only now that I met Madam did I know what it means to be as soft as a cloud and make people want to be in the heart." Closeness.”

These words happened to be heard by Marquis Shunping who came over. He felt that Cheng Daqi's daughter really had a family background, and these words came to his mind. His wife was not an extremely gentle woman, she was indeed like a cloud. It was a pity that she gave birth to a child. Terrible son.

Li Yuanhao rolled his eyes silently, feeling that his fourth sister was getting better and better at flattering her after not seeing him for many days. How could he say such a thing?
Still like clouds, tsk
Leng Buding saw his old father staring at him fiercely, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat, "Father."

Only then did everyone see a person at the door. Cheng Xiaosi hurriedly stood up to greet him. Marquis Shunping smiled cheerfully and said: "You are a guest when you come, no need to be polite."

"Xiao Si Niang, is your father busy recently?"

Cheng Xiaosi nodded with a smile, "I've been particularly busy these days. People who follow the new business path are coming back soon. We have to prepare to sell New Year's goods at the end of the year, and we have a business partnered with the Wang family. It seems like there is no time for rest. "

Marquis Shunping sat down and said, "Your father is indeed busy and it's not easy, but he is a capable man."

Cheng Xiaosi said: "My father said that everyone has their own strengths. In terms of the ability to govern the country, he can't compare to the adults in the court. So he can only work hard in what he is good at, and he has to be grateful to the emperor. I’m willing to give him a chance.”

"Hahaha, your father is a transparent man."

The better Cheng Daqi got, the more unusual he felt. He said he only knew how to work hard, but he would still go around trying to work. If he said he was working hard, he did not participate in the debates in the court. He did not fall behind in the work he was supposed to do. No wonder the emperor liked it.

Mrs. Shunping Hou smiled and said: "This is such a smart and interesting girl. It's a pity that I didn't meet her earlier. No wonder this guy clamored to recognize this godson earlier. If I had met her earlier, I would have had the same idea. "

Shun Ping laughed again. He felt that this step was a good one, but it was a pity that this boy failed to succeed. He and Cheng Daqi were not familiar with each other.

Yuan Su felt like a mirror, and just as he was about to politely refuse the matter for Cheng Xiaosi, Li Yuanhao said first, "You still don't believe my eyes. Sister Xiaosi is just different from the other girls, so don't look at her."

Cheng Xiaosi looked up at him and gave him a smile. Li Yuanhao immediately changed his tune, "She seems weak, but she is actually very smart, yes."

Marquis Shunping could tell at a glance that his son was threatened by a look from a girl, and he immediately became more interested in the Cheng family. However, this occasion was not suitable for him to stay for a long time, so he got up and asked Shang Yuansu and Li Yuanhao to go elsewhere to talk. Xiao Chengqing and the three boys were taken to select puppies, leaving Cheng Xiaosi and Mrs. Shunping Hou to talk.

Cheng Xiaosi is a good talker, and Mrs. Shunpinghou is a good listener. She has not been able to go out for a long time due to her health, so she is also willing to listen to the interesting things Cheng Xiaosi has to say.

Xu Shi's words were so speculative that Mrs. Sun Pinghou actually had the idea of ​​accepting Cheng Xiaosi as her goddaughter. She thought it would be a good idea to come and talk to her when she had nothing to do.

"Fourth Aunt, the puppy's mother won't let us take the puppy away."

Little Cheng Qing came back with Vincent and Xuan'er, looking very unhappy with his head on his head. Cheng Xiaosi said: "It's not that the puppy is still small. You can't keep it alive if you take it back now. It needs to be big." When you raise a dog, you just have to choose which one you want, you don’t have to take it away today.”

"Okay, then we want the frightened one with the white hair on its back. The fattest one is the cutest."

Mrs. Shunping Hou also liked the three little ones when she saw them, and thought that she should urge her son to get married, so that she could see her good grandson earlier.

It was already an hour after they came out of Shunping Hou's Mansion. When they returned to Cheng's house, Xiao Cheng Qing took Wen Sheng and Xuan'er to play. Cheng Xiaosi said to Yuan Su with a serious look on his face: "You shouldn't go today. From Shunping Houfu, I suddenly remembered that they are related to the prince."

Marquis Shunping and his wife were so enthusiastic towards her that she felt that their enthusiasm was not pure.

"I'm quite self-aware, and I'm not a gold medalist. It's possible that everyone will like me. Are they trying to drag my father into trouble?"

Yuan Su was a little surprised that she could still see this. When he didn't say anything, Cheng Xiaosi punched him, "Did you take me there on purpose?"

Yuan Su expressed his injustice, "I really just felt that we hadn't gone out together for a long time, so I found an excuse. I thought about choosing a dog and leaving, and then going to dinner together. I really didn't expect what happened next."

Cheng Xiaosi believed her. She felt that this person was not going to lie to her, "Forget it, I am a girl who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. I don't know what big things it is, so I don't care."

"Is that so reasonable?"

"of course."

Cheng Xiaosi sat down slowly, "I have a father, a brother, and you above me. What should I be afraid of?"

"That's it. The third prince should be released, right?"

I feel like the prince has been dancing a little joyfully lately.

Yuan Su nodded, "It should be soon, and there should be some important errands for him as soon as he comes out."

"The fifth prince has also started to run some insignificant errands, saying that he wants to gain experience."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded with satisfaction, that's how it should be. How could one family be the only one?
"Do your job well and don't think about it all day long. I see that the emperor is full of vitality and his hall is shining. That is a sign of longevity."

Her eyes, which were good and bad at times, had some effect. Although she couldn't explain the reason, she felt that the emperor could live a long time. (End of chapter)

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