Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 412 The future path for the Cheng family

After dinner in the evening, Cheng Xiaosi told her father about her visit to the Shunping Marquis Mansion today. She felt that she should not make this trip, but Cheng Daqi felt that it didn't matter, "If someone wants to find you, why don't you just stay there?" He has a reason to come even if he doesn’t go out at home.”

"What's the attitude of the Yuan family?"

The Yuan family and the Cheng family could not agree on this matter. The Yuan family was a large family and there were too many issues to consider. Whether Yuan Su did it intentionally or unintentionally today, Cheng Daqi decided to express his attitude to the Yuan family.

Cheng Xiaosi didn't know, and there were some things that didn't make sense to tell her. "This matter requires dad to come forward."

Cheng Daqi said he understood, and invited Yuan Pei and Yuan Su to have dinner with him the next day. In the study, Cheng Daqi got straight to the point and asked the question. At the same time, he expressed the Cheng family's opinion that to be a pure minister, one must rely on one's ability. Maintain a foothold in the government and do not participate in party disputes.

This is the result of the two brothers' long-term discussion. He has no experience or brains in party disputes, and he cannot afford to lose. Even if he succeeds by chance, it will be of little benefit to them. After all, most of the next generation of the Cheng family will go into business. The path he followed was unable to continue in the government.

Although Cheng Youer, Cheng Youan and the other children in the clan are working hard, it will take many years before the results are seen. They have to buy time for these children to go smoothly. The Cheng family cannot withstand the turmoil.

Yuan Pei is different. He has ideas. The Yuan family has been suppressed too much. If he doesn't fight once, what will happen in the future?

Cheng Daqi saw things more clearly than he did, "You are here today only because you are loyal to the emperor. I see that the emperor is showing signs of loosening up on the Yuan family. If you make a wrong step at this time, it will be difficult for you in the future."

"One more thing, if this person suppresses you, the next one won't?"

"With my limited qualifications, I think you should be strong enough to think about whether you can bear the consequences if others do anything to you."

The Cheng family already plays a decisive role among the merchants. If they continue to exert their efforts to win over those merchants and become the patrons of those merchants, and follow the lead of the Cheng family, then they can use countless merchants to blackmail the imperial court. If an emperor wants to touch them, he must think about whether he can bear the consequences of paralyzing the entire trade route.

If you have no money, what kind of emperor can you be?
This is their brother's way to save his life.

Yuan Pei frowned lightly. He actually had the idea of ​​getting the Cheng family to support the prince, but the Cheng family had not expressed their stance. Now they have stopped talking. Unless there are some major changes, it will be difficult to persuade the Cheng family to change their minds.

Cheng Daqi added: "Of course you miss the past because of your glorious past, but times have changed, and some realities have to be accepted. We have to take a better path. With all due respect, the Yuan family has chosen the most dangerous path. From a business perspective, if you invest too much, the returns may not be satisfactory.”

"Too much power in a family will inevitably shake the foundation of the upper class. As long as the person sitting in that position is not stupid, you will not be able to return to glory. Some things can be understood by changing your position."

He could understand what Yuan Pei was thinking. After all, he had been rich before, but what kind of world was that?
Aristocratic families can control the worldly affairs of the court.

The court gave the family the greatest rights, but when the court was in crisis, the family chose to protect themselves wisely. If he were the emperor, he would also choose to weaken the family and consolidate power. Those who obeyed would be rewarded with meat, and those who disobeyed would be directly eradicated.

Yuan Pei raised his eyes and Cheng Daqi smiled at him, "You are the one who can turn the tide. Don't make mistakes at the critical moment."

As strong as the emperor was, the higher the prince jumped, the harder he would fall. It was hard for the Tian family and his son to say that. The Yuan family father and son left the Cheng family in the middle of the night. They were very worried. Compared with the simplicity of the Cheng family, the Yuan family was different, and the pressure on them from the clan was not small.

Two days later, the news spread that the Cheng family was going to marry Wenchanghou. The emperor also got the news and said with a smile that Wenchanghou was not confused.

Everyone in Beijing knows that Wenchanghou Mansion has a great reputation. Over the years, Wenchanghou has made no achievements and has lost some of the family business accumulated by his ancestors. They can only count on You Zhiyuan to turn the tide and get married to Shunyi Bofu. They made a good relationship.

I don’t know when the capital stopped talking about Shunyi House with disdain, and began to recognize Shunyi House as one of their nobles in Beijing.

The fact that Princess Ying went to Wenchanghou Mansion in person also shows that Xiao He has a place among the female relatives in the capital. Naturally, it also gave Wenchanghou Mansion a good reputation. For this reason, Yu Jinling's eldest sister Yu Jinchai, who had been married long ago, went out of her way to I went home and told You Jinling with a smile that Shunyi Uncle Mansion was a good family.

"Speaking of which, my sister has also taken advantage of you. Your brother-in-law has become more honest in the past two days, and my mother-in-law has been kind to me."

Eugene Chai also married into a high-ranking family. However, although her mother-in-law's family was a prince, she had no power. The high-ranking family was full of snobbery. Her life was not easy. Now when her husband's family heard that her biological sister and Shunyi The uncle's attitude toward her changed after she got married. You must know that Shunyi's uncle's house also has two in-laws, the Yuan family and the Niu family. In this way, everyone is just an in-law for fun. The Wenchang Hou's mansion also has more help, so it is different. .

You Jinling held her face and smiled happily, feeling that her future really needed to be fought for by herself. Well, she had to strike first. Look at how good her vision was. The man she selected was liked by the whole family and he liked it the most.

The only person who was a little dissatisfied was her father, but his opinion was of little use at this time. It was her mother and brother who made the final decision in the house.

At this moment, the Cheng family had begun to prepare a small betrothal gift. The purchasing attitude was that they thought they were going to hire directly. Several jealous girls went directly to the Wenchang Marquis Mansion to argue with Yu Jinling.

"No wonder you interrupt us when we talk about the third son of the Cheng family and change the subject. It turns out that you were interested in him first."

"That's right, I remembered it. Last time we said we would go to the uncle's house to see the county lord to play together, but you made excuses to push it away. Later I heard that you went there by yourself. It's so selfish."

"She must be plotting against Mr. Cheng San. Fortunately, we have been sisters for many years."

The girls stood in front of You Jinling and scolded her for a while. You Jinling was overjoyed and looked proud. The girls who provoked them all came forward to tickle her and make her beg for mercy.
On the day when Qin Tian Jianhe's horoscope results came out, the emperor released the third prince out of the palace, and on that day he asked him to take over an errand that would lead to meritorious service if done well. This gave the third prince hope that he could become stronger. Poker face
No matter what the court is like or what the world situation is, it will not affect the rising and setting of the sun at all. The sky is full of sunset, busy people are hurriedly walking on the way home, smoke is everywhere, and children are laughing and welcoming their returning relatives.

In the Cheng family, little Cheng Qing picked up her short legs and ran very fast. When she saw Cheng Yi, she even sped up and shouted, "Dad, save me."

Behind him was Du Linxiang, who was chasing him, "You brat, stop right there."

"Stop him."

"Help." (End of chapter)

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