Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 413 Xiao Chengqing who did something wrong

Xiao Chengqing turned around and ran to another place. He bumped into Uncle Wang who was approaching and sat down on the ground. "Uncle Wang, save me. Mom is going to beat me to death."

The cheerful craftsman Wang Bo helped him up, "Young Master, what's going on?"

"Uncle Wang, leave him alone. I have to deal with this brat today."

Du Linxiang, who arrived, grabbed Xiao Cheng Qing's clothes and said, "You bastard, you are so heartless, you little bastard."

Cheng Yi came to save his son, "What did this kid do again?"

The chicken felt in Du Linxiang's hand hit Xiao Chengqing directly on the buttocks. It turned out that today Xiao Chengqing and Vincent were showing off that he could write a few words. Vincent said that he could also recite poems. The two of them had to compete. One crooked He memorized two poems on his head, and in one he asked me to write the word "Douda". When I talked about the mileage, I felt that it was quite good, and he said cheerfully: "This kid wants to study, which is a good thing. "

Du Linxiang sneered, "The sun is nice today, and the nanny took your little son out to bask in the sun, and she cried twice. The boy didn't want it when he heard it, saying that his brother was as annoying as the cicadas on the tree, and the nanny coaxed his brother to sleep. He actually sneaked into the house and smeared his brother's face with ink. His face was so dark that the frightened wet nurse yelled "Young Master has been poisoned" and then passed out. There were chickens and dogs flying all over the yard. Jump, the ink on that little face hasn’t been washed off yet.”

Cheng Yi said, "You can hit him as you like. I went to see the second child and ran away. Why is his younger son so disliked by his younger brother?"

Little Cheng Qing was beaten and cried like a pig. Vincent hid behind Cheng Xiaosi and did not dare to come out. Cheng Xiaosi looked at the sky speechlessly, then found a delicate rattle for Vincent and asked him to coax his little brother.

Xuan'er was the elder sister. She knew that her brother had caused trouble, so she took him to apologize to Du Linxiang. Du Linxiang, who had beaten little Cheng Qing, smiled and said: "It's none of Vincent's business. Everyone below told me, and Vincent even persuaded Cheng Qing to come." Yes, Vincent is a good boy."

How could she bear to blame a child who didn't have his parents around? Besides, he didn't do anything bad at all.

The wailing little Cheng Qing stepped forward and took Vincent's hand, "Brother, you will be my only brother from now on, wuwuwu~~~"

After saying this, Du Linxiang was about to hit him again, but Cheng Xiaosi stopped her, "I will take this boy away and educate him well. After he is well educated, he will be sent back to my sister-in-law."

After saying that, he took Xiao Chengqing away. In the evening, everyone knew about the incident and said that Xiao Chengqing was fooling around. At night, the Cheng family was in chaos again. The baby whose face was smeared with ink had a fever.

Cheng Xiaosi also rushed over. The doctor diagnosed that he had eaten something unclean. Cheng Xiaosi guessed that ink must have gotten into his mouth. He didn't know what the ink was made of, and it wasn't poisonous?
After telling the doctor about this, the doctor knew what to do. He first prescribed medicine for the wet nurse to take, and then rubbed the baby's belly. After a while of vomiting and diarrhea, the baby was exhausted and fell asleep. Next, wait for him to wake up, start eating, and take care of him slowly.

"The little baby is delicate and must be taken care of carefully. Don't eat casually."

After giving some instructions, the doctor left. Seeing that his youngest son had suffered a serious crime, Du Linxiang went to beat little Cheng Qing again, but Cheng Xiaosi stopped him, "If he knew about this, he would definitely regret it. He was the only child in the family before. , everyone dotes on him, and now that he has a younger brother, his sister-in-law and elder brother’s thoughts are also focused on his younger brother. It just so happens that he is about to reach the age where a dog is disgusted. Speaking of which, he has been neglected these days. "

"He must have felt that everyone didn't like him because he had a younger brother, so he became more and more naughty. He just wanted to regain everyone's love. Even if this incident taught him a lesson, the eldest brother and sister-in-law should still pay more attention to him in the future and let him know Even though he has a younger brother, his parents still like him."

"Don't beat him for your younger brother." People in the room were a little unconcerned. Whose family doesn't have several children these days, how could they have such an idea?
The concepts are different. Xiao Chengqing has been an only child for many years. It is normal to have psychological differences, but it is difficult to explain these concepts clearly to the people present.

Cheng Xiaosi turned around to see Xiao Cheng Qing. Xiao Cheng Qing, who was woken up and learned the news, stood by the bed and cried. He must have been frightened. Vincent was with him. Cheng Xiaosi rushed the two of them to bed. He rubbed Xiao Cheng Qing's face and asked, "Do you still dare to mess around in the future?"

Xiao Chengqing shook his head, and Cheng Xiaosi said: "My brother is still so young. A little improper care will make him sick. If it gets serious, he will die. Do you know what dying means?"

Xiao Cheng Qing started crying again, "I don't want my brother to die."

"The family took care of you like this when you were a child. They took good care of you, even if you got sick. Now that you are an older brother, you have to protect your younger brother, you know? When your younger brother grows up, he will also protect you."

Cheng Xiaosi simply sat cross-legged on the bed and explained the truth to Xiao Chengqing. He gave various examples. Xu was too verbose. Xiao Chengqing, who was still sad a moment ago, fell asleep the next moment. When he waited until the next day, he The younger brother's fever subsided, and then he lowered his head and entered the door, apologizing to his younger brother.

Du Linxiang's palm was raised. He thought of Cheng Xiaosi's words again and placed his hand on Xiao Chengqing's head. He forgave him on behalf of his brother and told him many reasons to express how much he valued him. In the afternoon The whole house was filled with the laughter of little Cheng Qing, who went crazy with Vincent.

"Well, it's not easy to raise several children."

Cheng Erniang went back to her parents' home to visit her nephew. When she learned that Cheng Xiaosi's current task was to take care of the children at home, she smiled and joked, "It's not easy with three children, right?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and helped her sit down, "You don't have to worry about it at all. Wen Sheng and Cheng Qing can play by themselves. Xuan'er is so good that it doesn't take any effort."

The family has been busy these days with a third engagement. Xiao He took care of it himself, and Cheng Xiaosi didn't need to help. "I just eat fruits and watch them play every day. My life is very comfortable."

I saw that my sister's face was radiant and her person was rounded, which showed that she was living a good life. When asked, Cheng Erniang also said that she was good, everyone in the family was nice, and there was nothing messy in the house.

Cheng Sanniang brought a cup of bird's nest with a smile, "Second sister, please try the new product that just arrived. If second sister goes back, she will bring a box back to eat. It's good for women."

Cheng Xiaosi also nodded and said yes. You must know that bird's nests are really rare in this era. Not long after I first got up, all I drank was white fungus soup. Even white fungus can only be eaten by rich families. A good-looking bird's nest A white fungus costs almost two taels of silver, and a small box costs twenty taels. How much does an ordinary person spend in a month?

The price of this bird's nest is even more outrageous, several times that of white fungus, and it costs a lot of money to eat.

At this time, Mrs. Yuan also came. She was joking with Xiao He in the front yard. The Cheng family had to do something, and her two grandchildren were somewhat intrusive here. They were here to pick up people today. When they learned that Cheng Xiaosi was taking care of them, Yuan The madam was even more satisfied, "This girl, Xiaosi, really can't say that she can't be bothered by the old man's affairs or the little baby's affairs. I never expected that my family, Wu Lang, would be so lucky."

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