Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 414: There are 3 gifts given to Eugene Ling

Mrs. Yuan was full of praises when she talked about Cheng Xiaosi, as if she wanted to marry him back to her home tomorrow. In the past, Xiao He was very satisfied with this attitude, but now it is different. She felt that Mrs. Yuan was so eager to marry her as soon as possible. Xiaosi was picked up by Yuan's family to go work, and before they even got through the door, they already had their sister-in-law's children with them. After they got through, the two little ones weren't allowed to be born in Xiaosi's yard?
"There is no way that Xiaosi will take care of any other children. She is just like a child herself. She has been playing with her brothers and sisters since she was a child. Her brothers and sisters are always letting her do it. I am not afraid of your jokes. I am worried about her taking care of her. Xuan'er and Wen Sheng were crooked."

Before Mrs. Yuan could speak, she added: "But speaking of your two grandchildren, they are really well-behaved. Xuan'er is well-behaved and intelligent, and she acts like a sister. She is similar to my eldest daughter, and has a character that makes people love and care for her; Wen Sheng is smart and can recite poems at a young age. Even though he is younger than Cheng Qing, he is more sensible than Cheng Qing. That kid only knows how to wander around the house and be naughty all day long."

How could Mrs. Yuan, who was so smart, not understand what Xiao He meant? She sighed and said, "I regret talking about this matter. I should have let their mother be taken away with them in the first place. This person has no parents by his side." The children are pitiful. The two siblings were naughty when their mother was around, but their tempers calmed down once their mother left. As a grandmother, I can't compare to my mother."

"In the past, their aunt took care of them every day. Now that their aunt is married, these two have no one to rely on. However, it is also their good fortune. Xiao Si likes them, and they also like this fifth aunt. They often talk about it in the house. "

She didn't know that it was inappropriate to trouble a daughter-in-law who had not married yet, but the two grandchildren were indeed pitiful, so she could only shamelessly let the two children come.

When she said this, Xiao He's goal was achieved. Although she was a little confused and persistent in her own affairs, she was still sober when it came to her children. She just wanted to fight for her Xiaosi, at least let her The future mother-in-law knows that she owes Xiaosi, so she will treat her better in the future.

This matter was soon revealed, and the two of them talked and laughed about Yu Jinling. Xiao He felt that it was not easy for this daughter-in-law to come, "I think about it, it must be my third son who is lucky. How else would he find a girl who is so suitable for him?"

Mrs. Yuan talked about how outstanding Cheng Yousan was, but in her heart she agreed with what Xiao He said. People in the Cheng family are indeed lucky.

"Sand brother Cheng, are you buying jewelry for your sister again?"

Cheng has been extra energetic these past few days, and his hair is smoother than before. Today, he handed in an errand and was about to go home. He passed by a jewelry shop and turned in. His colleagues were already used to it. They were from wealthy families. Young Master doesn’t care about the price of anything he buys, he is very willful.

Cheng Yousan smiled and walked in. He was not here to buy things for Cheng Xiaosi. Cheng Xiaosi still needed something from him?

Can she use all the boxes Yuan Su gave her in her lifetime?

"Take out some of the latest jewelry and have a look."

"Mr. Cheng, please wait a moment."

The boy's movements were very smooth. This was one of their regular customers. Not only was he happy to buy things, but he was also rewarded, which was very generous.

There were more than ten hairpins in a row, all of them were beautiful. Cheng Yousan thought about You Jinling's appearance and felt that each one was suitable for her. "Wrap them all up and send them to the Wenchang Marquis Mansion to give to the second girl of the You family."

The waiter was stunned for a moment and wanted to say more, but the shopkeeper responded with a smile on his face and settled the account quickly. Cheng Yousan paid the money happily and said, "Wrap it more carefully to make it look better."

"Send it as soon as possible."

He wanted to leave, but he was worried that the waiter had not packed it properly. He stared blankly at the waiter after wrapping all the hairpins and sending them out the door before leaving. He felt that You Jinling and Cheng Xiaosi were good friends, so he would see Cheng Xiaosi if nothing happened. How disappointed would it be to receive a gift from Yuan Wu but not even receive it myself?
He will never be able to do Cheng Xiaosi in this life. He can't let his wife still envy Cheng Xiaosi every day, right?
From now on, I will send him off from time to time. As for Cheng Xiaosi, it doesn't matter. After two sticks of incense, You Jinling met the clerk at the jewelry shop in the Wenchang Hou Mansion. The concierge of the Hou Mansion said, "The man at the jewelry shop said that the third son of the Cheng family asked him to send it to the girl."

You Jinling was a little curious. When she saw the bunch of hairpins in the box, she immediately became happy and asked the girl to accept them. Then she happily took the box of jewelry to her mother's yard to show off.

"Mom, look how beautiful they are. They must not be cheap. Why do I think every one is suitable for me?"

Mrs. Wenchang Hou shook her head helplessly and said with a smile: "Since it is given to you, I must choose the one you like, and it will naturally suit you."

"Then how does he know these are suitable for me?"

You Jinling held the hairpin and smiled stupidly, "He must have been secretly inquiring behind my back, or he has already paid attention to me and knows my preferences."

Mrs. Marquis Wenchang felt even more helpless. She couldn't bear to say that these hairpins were so exquisite and beautiful, any girl would be suitable for them?

Seeing how pleased she was, he couldn't bear to say it out loud, "I know you're happy, so I'll take them all into your room and wear them again later."

You Jinling stood up with a smile, asked the girl to hold the box and went back. She was going to put it on now.

As soon as they left, Mrs. Wenchanghou sighed, "This girl is so happy, she doesn't even know whether it's good or bad."

The nanny who was waiting next to her smiled and said: "Of course it's good. Shunyi's Mansion is famous for being a wealthy place, and the family is harmonious. There are so many men, but none of them has concubines. The whole family is busy with business."

"The girl from the Tu family has only been married for a long time, and her personality has changed. She is much more generous and luxurious than before, and her whole body has an air of style that my wife has seen before. She is a bit petty, and now she is running the family with her mother-in-law. Now that she has become rich, her family spirit has disappeared. Our girls are better than her, and we will live a good life in the future."

"As for not being in charge of the family, it's okay. You can live a leisurely life without having to worry about it."

Mrs. Marquis Wenchang laughed, "It's a good thing I don't expect her to be in charge of the family, otherwise I would still be worried."

You Jinling also ran a house at home, and she was also good at running the house. Her methods were better than those of ordinary girls. At that time, she was ordered to be burned to death.
"That's all, we don't ask for much. We just want her life to be smooth from now on."

Why should we worry too much when we can live happily?
The small wedding ceremony prepared by the Cheng family has been prepared, and now they are waiting for the day to arrive to deliver gifts. Xuan'er and Wensheng's sister and brother were also taken back. The strange thing is that they did not show up at the Cheng family for several days. Cheng Xiaosi asked someone to ask, and they said he was very busy every day, so Cheng Xiaosi couldn't help but think too much.

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