Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 439: The Yuan family’s betrothal gift and the Cheng family’s dowry

Chapter 439: The Yuan family’s betrothal gift and the Cheng family’s dowry

"The shoulder needs two more stitches."

As the wedding day approached, Cheng Xiaosi began to try on wedding dresses. This wedding dress had been made at the embroidery workshop in Beijing last year.

"I wonder if I can wear two less pieces. It's not cold anymore today. Wrapping up in so many pieces feels like a land god."

The wedding dress has wide sleeves. Cheng Xiaosi said that she has never worn a dress with such big sleeves. The skirt also has several layers. Her height is not an advantage, so when she puts it on, she looks like a fat winter melon, which puts a lot of pressure on her height.

"Don't drag it on the ground. It's inconvenient and difficult to take care of. Just use the pruning knife to reach the top of the shoe."

The bright red embroidered shoes are inlaid with pearls, so they are not allowed to be exposed?
"Wear up to three layers to make me look taller and slimmer. This one is too bulky."

Xiao He also felt that the wedding dress was not made well and was too luxurious. It made her look shorter when she wore it.

The embroiderer was worried that she would be replaced, so she immediately stepped forward and started to modify it. She first took off the inner pieces, leaving three pieces, so that the outer piece looked a little too big. She tightened a few stitches on the waist and waited. After fixing it, he squatted down and took out the scissors and started cutting the part that was pulled to the floor at the back. A section of cumbersome and redundant fabric was cut off. Cheng Xiaosi looked much taller and energetic.

"That's right. The embroiderer is very good at it."

The embroiderers were ashamed. This was not the first time they had made wedding dresses. They had all made them according to the requirements of the noble girls before. What they pursued was tedious and luxurious. They looked very noble, even those in summer. The noble lady refuses to wear less than two pieces of clothing

"Just take it back later and adjust it again."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, took off his clothes and handed them to Xiu Niang, "Thank you for your hard work."

By this time, except for the clothes, everything for her wedding was ready.

On March 18th, the Yuan family came to deliver betrothal gifts. Yuan Xin and Yuan Su led the vast betrothal gift team on the way to the Cheng family. Two good-looking people, uncle and nephew, sat on horseback. On the way, he received the attention of countless young ladies and young wives. Looking at the endless betrothal gift, many people looked at it with interest.

"It's unusual for a wealthy family to have a daughter-in-law. How many wives can an ordinary family marry with these betrothal gifts?"

"That's right. Look, these boxes are all full. The Yuan family is also a century-old family, and their background is unknown."

Some people were filled with envy and asked, "How come these wealthy families are so rich? If these betrothal gifts are given to me, why can't I have hundreds of wives?"

As soon as these words came out, many people around made jokes. You must know that an ordinary person only needs a few taels of silver to marry a wife, and a slightly wealthy person only needs a hundred taels. Who knows how much silver the Yuan family needs for these betrothal gifts?
The door of the Cheng family opened, and all the men in the mansion were present today. Yuan Xin led Yuan Su in. After a while of greetings, all the betrothal gifts filed in, and soon they filled the yard.

"My father-in-law, this is the betrothal gift prepared by our Yuan family. It is seventy-two tons. Here is the betrothal gift list for you to take a look at."

Yuan Xin happily handed over the betrothal gift list. Cheng Daqi took it and gave it to Xiao He with a casual glance. Xiao He would not check everything, and he believed that the Yuan family could not do anything fraudulent. Of course, there was no such thing. She felt uneasy because of the large amount of betrothal gifts sent by the Yuan family, knowing that the Cheng family had prepared even more dowries.

"Second Master Yuan, please sit down." Cheng Daqi greeted Yuan Xin, "Thank you for making this trip today, Second Master Yuan."

After sitting down, Yuan Xin said cheerfully, "I have watched this boy grow up. I regard him as my own son. I am extremely happy to be able to take this trip when he gets married."

Cheng Daqi knew that Yuan Su had been brought up by Yuan Xin, and that Yuan Xin was planning to raise a grandson, so he smiled and said, "When my fourth son passes the door, please ask Mr. Yuan to take care of him."

"That's natural."

For him, Yuan Su's marriage is no different from marrying his daughter-in-law. They both have the mentality of an old father. "I regard Wu Lang as my biological son, and naturally I will treat Xiao Si as my biological daughter. The in-laws can rest assured about this."

Cheng Daqi happily invited him to tea again. After seeing the lively flowers in the backyard, he happily ran back to the yard to tell Cheng Xiaosi about the excitement in the front yard, "The dowry is seventy-two pieces, and the second master Yuan and the fifth son are here." The betrothal gifts that were sent filled the yard, there were so many of them.”

"The Fifth Young Master is wearing a new set of dark red clothes today. He is very handsome. The Second Master Yuan is also very handsome. The two of them look more like a father and son when they walk together."

"Congratulations girl."

Cheng Xiaosi was pruning flower branches in the yard. This work was originally done by her sister. When her sister got married, all the flowers were left to her to take care of. When she saw Huahua and the other girls smiling happily, she straightened up and said, "I know. La, have you packed your things? We will move to a new place in a few days."

Huahua nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, girl, we've already taken care of everything."

I don’t know how the servants of Yuan Mansion are like, I really want to go and see them early.

Aunt Fang also came from outside, and her luggage had been packed. When she arrived at Yuan's house, it was time for her to show off her skills, and she was somewhat looking forward to it.

From this day forward, ladies from various families came to add makeup to Cheng Xiaosi one after another. Cheng Xiaosi, who was already married to two sisters, was already very familiar with this process. All she had to do was smile and say thank you. Qin and Xiao He was desperate to make friends with several sources. This time when his wife came, he was particularly enthusiastic, especially Qin. Someone who was good at socializing didn't need to put much effort into making friends with someone. Xiao In this matter, she will take targeted action, specializing in those straightforward wives and generals' wives. She is better able to talk about this kind of people.

March 21st came in a blink of an eye. Because there were so many dowries, I was afraid that there would be too many people tomorrow and there would be some oversight. After discussing with the Yuan family, Aunt Fang would bring the dowry to the Yuan family first today, so she might as well take this opportunity to show off. Generous dowry.

My boss is happy. The escort agency is closed today. All the escort carriages arrived at the gate of Cheng's house before dawn and lined up. The escorts were all wearing newly issued clothes and had red belts around their waists. The mules pulling the carriages were all tied up. Red flowers, boxes of dowry were carried out from the mansion and placed on the carriage, tied with big red flowers.

The sons of the Cheng family and the sons of the Xiao family are also here. Today they will escort the dowry to the Yuan family in person, so that the people of the Yuan family can see their strength as brothers and stop bullying their sisters in the future.

It would be the same as if we had sent Cheng Erniang to Niu's house together.

"Come, come, this is the first time I see a dowry given like this. How much does it cost?"

"Even if the Yuan family gave back even half of what they gave, the Cheng family themselves prepared so much dowry. It's a lot if you put it all together. No wonder it's packed in a car and escorted by bodyguards. These rich people, why can't I be so rich?"

(End of this chapter)

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