Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 440: Getting a wife, not getting married

Chapter 440: Getting a wife, not getting married
"The bride's dowry has arrived."

Everyone in Yuan Mansion and the Yuan family has been waiting in the front yard, including many relatives and friends who came to watch the fun. You must know that if the bride's dowry is delivered in advance, it will be exposed, and everyone can watch it at close range.

The escorts carried the boxes through the door and placed all the dowry boxes in order. Grandma Fang and the dowry people guarded the yard to ensure that the dowry would eventually enter the warehouse without any loss.

"Come and take a look, the Cheng family has prepared quite a lot of dowry."

Aunt Fang stepped forward and handed a dowry list into Mrs. Yuan's hands, "Madam, this is the dowry of my county master. Please take a look at it."

Mrs. Yuan took it with a smile. She couldn't close her mouth when she saw the long dowry list. It's not that she wanted to covet her daughter-in-law's dowry, but a large dowry is always a matter of honor. "This dowry is well thought out. Everything is ready, which shows how much the in-laws love Xiaosi.”

Her eldest sister-in-law, Mrs. Xue, looked at the dowries filling the courtyard and sighed with emotion, "Last year, Shunyi's uncle married two girls and married a daughter-in-law. Both the girl's dowry and the daughter-in-law's betrothal gift were very generous. It’s so thorough and solemn, and now it’s so generous to marry the county lord, it’s true that the family is extremely wealthy.”

These are all things on the surface, and I don’t know how much money is used to pack the box. Even if a wealthy family has been doing this several times in a row, it is still an extremely tight thing, not to mention draining the family’s wealth. This shows that the Shunyi uncle’s house is rich.

"I heard that Mrs. Cheng is preparing betrothal gifts again. She also has two sons who want to marry. One of them is engaged to the Marquis of Wenchang. Maybe she can have a wedding banquet this year."

Another lady on the side also came up and said, "Mrs. Cheng Er also has a son who is old enough to marry."

Mrs. Yuan smiled and said: "Before the Cheng family came to the capital, they were all engaged in business. All the sons in the family are capable. Last time I heard Mrs. Cheng say that her eldest son, the one who married the girl Tu, not only made money for He prepared the dowry for his wife, including his two younger brothers, without using any money from the public account. "

"Needless to say, Mrs. Cheng, her eldest son is the best at running businesses in the house. He handles most of the business in the house. He also takes care of the marriages of his younger brothers and sisters. Otherwise, Mrs. Cheng is very lucky. , all the children will prosper.”

After saying this, all the ladies present laughed, and began to wonder in their hearts that if a girl from her own family or a relative's family could marry into the Shunyi uncle's house, even if she did not have huge power, wouldn't it be better to live a good and comfortable life than anything else?
The dowry was delivered to the Yuan family, and the Cheng family was relieved a lot. All they had to do was greet the guests who came to the banquet.

The Jiang family is different from the Yuan family. When the Jiang family married Cheng Sanniang, there were not many guests who came to congratulate her. Therefore, the Cheng family chose to hold a wedding banquet on the same day, but the Yuan family sent out invitations and prepared hundreds of tables. , tomorrow's grand scene can be foreseen. According to the tradition followed by the Cheng family, the banquet will be held one day in advance to marry off the daughter, and the time for the guests to attend the banquet will be staggered. As the officials said last year, more people will come to the banquet today than Cheng Sanniang will get married. More guests come from time to time.

"Xiaosi, are you tight?"

"Wow, what have you been eating these days? Your skin is as good as snow."

"Let me see, it's true"

The girls who had come to the banquet with their parents all crowded into Cheng Xiaosi's yard. Cheng Xiaosi, who was getting married tomorrow and had already dressed in red today, was smiling like a flower, "I haven't been out for a long time. I rested at home all day long and couldn't get out of the sun. The wind can't blow it, but won't the skin be nourished?" The girls all laughed. They were all smart and knew that there must be some secret method, but everyone was too ignorant to ask. Yu Jinling joked, "They all say that the bride is naturally beautiful. Three points, it must be that people are more delicate than flowers.”

"Look at this white thing with red eyes. What will happen if Gengoro sees it tomorrow?"

The girls laughed loudly again. Under certain circumstances, Cheng Xiaosi was quite thick-skinned, "Really? Do you think so too?"

"But in his eyes, shouldn't I be as beautiful as a fairy even if I'm wearing a rag?"

The girls laughed again, and Niu Wanqing nodded seriously, "What you are saying is, who doesn't know that Yuan Goro is all about you? I think we won't be in trouble tomorrow, so I will put on a linen cloth and give Yuan Goro one surprise."

Cheng Xiaosi.
"A man relies on clothing, a horse relies on a saddle, and he wears sackcloth. I can't do that."

The girls laughed loudly. There were only girls in this courtyard, not a single man. Naturally, they could be as arrogant as they wanted. You Jinling burst into tears as she laughed, "We have already agreed, and we will come early tomorrow." , Who doesn’t know how rich Gengoro is? We’re going to get a lot of red envelopes tomorrow, and we won’t open the door until we’re satisfied.”

The girls nodded repeatedly. You must know that this is their favorite, and they are happy and can get a red envelope. They are all people who live on their family's monthly income, and there are not many days when they can get extra lucky money.

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, "Then come early, I'm afraid I'll be nervous."

The excitement of the schedule family lasted from noon to evening. In the evening, Yuan Su came with the Yuan family's sons and many friends, just like the young general Erniu, to accept the drinking test of the guests.

Fortunately, everyone knew that he was going to be the groom's official tomorrow and couldn't force him to drink.

Xiao He also came to Cheng Xiaosi's house at night and said that he wanted to sleep with her. Cheng Xiaosi, who knew what she wanted to do, could dig out a sculpture of Yuan Su with his embarrassed toes. You must know that for theoretical knowledge, She still understood it quite well, but she couldn't tell the key, so she could only hold it stiffly, and she didn't know how she fell asleep in the end.

Early the next morning, the Cheng family woke up early again to get ready. The busiest one was Cheng Xiaosi. He obviously took a shower just before going to bed last night, and got up early in the morning to take a shower. It took him half an hour to take a shower. After getting out of the bathtub, she put on her clothes and started combing her hair. Xi Niang, who was combing her hair, couldn't wait to comb it one by one. She went there for another half an hour, half wearing clothes and half combing her hair. Then she was given some time to rest. The next half will have to wait for an auspicious time.

Yuan Su stood up taller than her. He put on festive red wedding clothes and tidied himself up very neatly. He was unparalleledly handsome. Yuan Xin stood chattering. It was originally an exhortation, but he didn't know why he felt so sad. He wiped it off With tears streaming down his face, Yuan Pei came over and glared at him angrily, "He's getting a wife. He's so happy that he can't sleep. He's not getting married. What are you doing?"

Yuan Xin glared back, "You don't understand, my son is getting married, I'm happy."

Yuan Bae: This is my son!

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