Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 451 Sister-in-law 5, I was cheated

Chapter 451 Fifth sister-in-law, I was deceived

It was related to the Yuan family's female family members. Cheng Xiaosi couldn't help but ask this question. Mrs. Yuan shook her head, "That girl's mind is not that confused yet, so she didn't give anything as a gift."

In this way, Cheng Xiaosi felt that the problem was not big, but if she thought about it from her perspective, if the girl she had raised with great care was secretly raped by a pig outside, she would have to be angry.

Entering the house at this moment was somewhat suspicious of watching the excitement. Cheng Xiaosi chose to go out and took Yuan Su back to the yard to rest. When he met Yuan Xin on the way, he snorted at the two of them, "You all know what happened today, right?" ?”

The two nodded, and Yuan Xin said: "When you have children in the future, whether they are boys or girls, you must teach them well, and you must not be abducted by that shameless person outside. Think about this, how annoying it is. "

Yuan Su agreed very much. Cheng Xiaosi felt that both of them were stunned. When they returned to the yard, Aunt Fang, who arrived first, asked someone to prepare hot water. She took a comfortable bath and went to bed. Yuan Su The back foot was coming, and when he got on the bed, he wanted to pounce on Cheng Xiaosi, but Cheng Xiaosi avoided him, "You are so urgent, you have been poisoned and need an antidote?"

Yuan Su smiled shamelessly and said: "Last night, I thought I would go back today, so I went to bed early. Can't I make up for it tonight?"

Cheng Xiaosi blushed and patted his waist, "Is your waist okay?"

"Do you know some restraint?"

Yuan Su knocked the person down directly, "How many years have I been restrained, and how many days have it been like?"

"You still don't know if my waist is good or not?"

"If you forget, feel it again later."

Cheng Xiaosi grabbed a corner of the quilt and covered his face. He was too embarrassed to see anyone these days.

At dawn, Cheng Xiaosi, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by the movement around him. Yuan Su, with his eyes closed, mumbled something vaguely first, and then beat his chest with his hands. The situation frightened Cheng Xiaosi to the point where he lost all sleep. He couldn't wake up no matter how hard he shook him, and then he heard him start sobbing again, which scared Cheng Xiaosi so much that he broke into a sweat.

"Wake up, wake up quickly, what the hell are you pretending to be at night."


"wake up."

In vain, that slap hit Yuan Su directly on the forehead, and then he stopped moving. The only sound was Yuan Su's continued sobbing.

"Are you awake?"

"woke up."

Yuan Su pulled the quilt to cover his face, and after a while he said, "I had a dream, and it made me so angry."

He dreamed that Cheng Xiaosi was pregnant and gave birth in the blink of an eye. She was a very beautiful little girl. He loved it so much. In the blink of an eye, the little girl became a big girl. She was extremely beautiful. Many matchmakers came to visit her every day. He refused to kiss her, because he felt that no man in the world was worthy of his girl.

Then in the blink of an eye, his girl was pregnant, and she still didn’t know who the child’s father was. He was so angry that he beat his chest and was so angry that he died.

"It's so terrible. I just can't think about it. What should I do if it happens?"

Cheng Xiaosi rolled his eyes, "My mind is full of children, and my dreams are all about children. Did you marry me just to have children? If I can't give birth, will you kick me out? I'm so annoyed, you leave me alone."

Angry, really angry.

Yuan Su, who had not completely calmed down from the anger in the dream, was kicked twice, and then...
"I'm not"

"Shut up, I don't want to see you or hear you talking."

Cheng Xiaosi wrapped herself in the quilt without leaving any space for him. She had wanted to get angry for a long time. She was talking about her children as soon as she got married. She was so stressed. "If you dare to talk about children in front of me again, huh."

Yuan Su sat motionless. After he woke up, he knew that he had really offended someone. He stretched out his hand and shook Cheng Xiaosi gently, "I didn't mean that."

"Are you coaxing ghosts?"


Yuan Su lay directly next to her, hugging her with the quilt, "Isn't that happy? I just muttered a few words. Besides, I really want to have a child that belongs to us. If you don't like to hear what I say in the future, I won’t talk about it anymore, I don’t mean to rush you into giving birth.”

"I do not believe."

"You believe me, really, please believe me."

Having made his wife angry just after getting married, Yuan Su thought this feeling was quite new, "I won't say anything anymore, just let nature take its course. If it's possible, then let's have a baby. If not, forget it."

Cheng Xiaosi still ignored her. Could she be coaxed so easily?
"Don't bother me."

Yuan Su forcefully opened the quilt and got in, holding the person in his arms, "I'm not angry anymore."

Cheng Xiaosi didn't move and fell asleep angrily.

The woman's mood came and went quickly. When she woke up in the morning, she was in a better mood again. Yuan Su secretly looked at her expression and then breathed a sigh of relief. But from that day on, he really didn't mention it again. Regarding the children, not even Mrs. Yuan mentioned it, let alone Yuan Xin. Yuan Sui was very busy at the Chamber of Commerce, and Yuan Xin was left to take care of the matters between the uncle and nephew alone, so he had no time to worry about them. What child.

As the new daughter-in-law, Mrs. Yuan did not ask Cheng Xiaosi to do anything. Every day, she would enjoy flowers in the house, play with Xuan'er and Wen Sheng, or talk to Mrs. Yuan, and even Go next door to play with her two cousins, it's very leisurely.

That day, when the Xiao family and the Xiao sisters were talking, a boy who looked smart ran in and said, "You two girls, that person is here again."


Cheng Xiaosi was curious. Sister Xiao Hongfei had already gotten up and took Cheng Xiaosi to climb the wall to watch the fun.

There is a ladder placed under the wall of the Xiao family close to the Yuan family. If you climb up the ladder, you can see the scene in the alley between the two houses. At this moment, the three sisters are lying on the wall. They only see a person at the side door of the Yuan family. The man was sneaky, as if he was waiting for someone.

Xiao Hongfei lowered her voice, "This is the person who is always sneaking around the side door of Yuan's house, stuffing something in, and then handing something out."

"We guess she must have something to do with that girl from the Yuan family."

Cheng Xiaosi's mouth twitched slightly, and he stuck his head out again. Sure enough, he saw that the side door was opened a crack. The man quickly stuffed something in, and the back door was closed again. He immediately guessed in his mind that this man must be hooking up with Yuan Yuan. Wanyin’s scholar.

"You must never tell anyone."

"Do not worry."

Xiao Caifei said: "We know the seriousness. The reason why we sent people to keep an eye on him is to see what this person wants to do."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded and went back after a while. She decided to go to Yuan Wanyin's place and call her Fifth Sister. She couldn't just watch her being cheated.

As he approached Yuan Wanyin's yard, he heard her faint cries. Cheng Xiaosi entered the door and waved away the waiting girl, "Is she crying like this to send you a farewell letter?"

Yuan Wanyin raised her eyes, "Fifth sister-in-law, I, I was cheated, wuwuwu~~~"

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