Chapter 452 Just for a few typos

Upon hearing that he had been deceived, Cheng Xiaosi was frightened and hurriedly sat next to Yuan Wanyin, "Tell me quickly, what did you lie to?"

The first reaction in her mind was that the two of them had secretly communicated with each other, so that the scholar outside could find something to use.

Yuan Wanyin held the handkerchief and cried hard. After wiping her tears, she gave the letter she just received to Cheng Xiaosi, "Fifth sister-in-law, read it yourself."

"I was so miserably deceived."

Cheng Xiaosi took the letter and read it. Cheng Xiaosi said that he didn't understand the first half of the letter. It was all sour poems, with the general idea of ​​expressing longing. The second half was interesting. He said that his family was poor and he knew he was not worthy. As a girl from the Yuan Mansion, he will definitely be able to write and study hard. Even if she suffers from frostbite in the hot summer and winter, she cannot let down Yuan Wanyin's friendship.

"Is the word 'sore' for chilblain wrong?"

"You noticed it too, didn't you?"

Yuan Wanyin no longer shed tears and snatched the letter angrily, "Liars, they are all liars. Why did you study hard since childhood? Why didn't you recognize your talent? Bah."

"That's not it. Look, this character is written out in one vertical line, but one horizontal line is missing. What kind of talent is this?"

Cheng Xiaosi was in a trance for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "So when you say you were deceived, you think he has no literary talent at all?"

"There were no typos in the letter I wrote to you before?"

These words reminded Yuan Wanyin, and she immediately went to find the former scholar's letters in the box on the dressing table. After reading them one by one, she became even more angry, "I was blinded by lard before, but I didn't realize that this person was so rich and beautiful." There are a lot of typos in these letters.”

If it weren't for something so wrong today, she wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Cheng Xiaosi couldn't help but want to laugh, "Didn't you say before that you wouldn't marry anyone but him?"

Yuan Wanyin gritted her silver teeth. She had indeed thought so before, but she had previously believed that this man was a man of great learning and talent, and that he was really unappreciated. The scholar said that Liu Muyun was able to rise to prominence because he was lucky enough to meet Shunyi Bofu. If not, With the help of Shunyi Bofu, he might not be able to be on the list, but she actually believed it out of nowhere.

"I didn't know he was a liar before. No, I must teach him a lesson."

Seeing that she was about to get up, Cheng Xiaosi grabbed her. She was still in a daze until she got up. She said that she cried because of this man a few days ago and almost made her mother angry to death. Now she hates him just because of a few typos. Gritting teeth, that is.
Is it because she doesn't understand or is it too childish?

"He told you that he was very knowledgeable and wealthy?"

Yuan Wanyin nodded, "Although I didn't say it clearly, that's what I meant. He said that he studied hard since he was a child, but he never met anyone who appreciated him. Bah, whoever appreciates him if he writes with typos is wrong."

"Fifth sister-in-law, look at the letters he wrote. They all talk about how it is not easy for him, and that his mother is ill. I read it before and felt that it is not easy for him. If it weren't for the rules I was taught since childhood, They all wish they could use their money to help him.”

"Now it seems that he has ulterior motives. He just wants me to help him and eat soft rice. Bah."

Cheng Xiaosi took a deep breath. This was the fastest person she had ever seen to wake up. She was so transformed that even a person with a modern soul couldn't believe it was true.

I don’t even dare to write like this in my script.

"Now that you've seen his true face, don't go see him. Let your brother handle it."

"Do you still want to stand at the door and argue with him? You must know that this is a price increase for him. After all, the girls from the Yuan family have fallen in love with him. When the time comes, he will bite back and say that you are the one who failed to pester him and then take revenge. he."

Yuan Wanyin angrily tore the letters into shreds. Cheng Xiaosi stood up and said, "Okay, I'll tell your brother, don't be angry. Later, my sister-in-law will take you out to buy jewelry."

Just as she reached the door, Yuan Wanyin called out to her and said awkwardly, "Fifth sister-in-law, thank you." Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "You're welcome."

Just as she was about to continue walking out, Yuan Wanyin said again, "Fifth sister-in-law."


"Um." Yuan Wanyin, whose eyes were a little red and swollen, felt a little embarrassed, "We are going back in three days. Can we go shopping for jewelry tomorrow?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled, "Okay."

After going out, Cheng Xiaosi found Yuan Ji and briefly explained the matter, "In short, Wanyin doesn't like the scholar now, but the scholar is still lingering at the side door. Fortunately, my maternal grandfather's house lives next door. , otherwise what will happen if it spreads out? You go and deal with it, and get the letter Wanyin wrote to the scholar back."

"Remember, this must be done secretly so that no one can find out."

Yuan Ji nodded heavily, "Thank you sister-in-law five, I'll do it right away."

Whether that bastard thing dares to seduce his sister, let’s see how he deals with him.

As soon as the people left, Cheng Xiaosi sneaked away to find her mother-in-law to gossip. At this moment, Mrs. Yuan was talking to Mrs. Yuan, "The people in the clan are also preparing to go back. They came to see Wulang get married this time. When they saw Xiaosi All four are satisfied.”

The old lady nodded. Too many people in the house would get into trouble sooner or later. These days were relatively peaceful just because everyone came here not long ago and there were no conflicts of interest involved. It would be better to go back earlier.

"Although there is no shortage of anything in the clan, everything that needs to be prepared must be prepared, and etiquette must not be lost."

Mrs. Yuan said that people are already preparing it, and it must be satisfactory.

After leaving the old lady's place, after walking for a while, she saw Cheng Xiaosi walking towards her excitedly, "What good thing is this?"

"It's a good thing."

Cheng Xiaosi stepped forward, turned around, and walked side by side with Mrs. Yuan, and quietly told what happened just now, "Mom, you don't even know. I was dumbfounded when I heard it. What do you think this is?"

Not to mention her, even Mrs. Yuan has never seen her before, "Just for a few typos?"


Cheng Xiaosi clicked his tongue a few times, "I think she was not attracted to this person before, but to his talent. Now that she found out that the talent was fake, her dream was shattered in an instant. She thought it was all good before. Now I just feel disgusting. If I hadn’t pulled him, I would have beaten him myself.”

Speaking of which, the scholar was even more annoyed. He originally thought he was going to achieve success, but the result was like this. If he had not known the inside story, he would have thought he was being tricked.

Mrs. Yuan expressed her disapproval and said, "Whether it is true or not, just treat her as true."

There is a saying that Xiaosi is right. After eating enough delicacies, she always wants to eat some chaff. But if she really wants to eat chaff, she may not be able to hold on for long.

"Your third aunt is so worried about this that she can't even eat. Just go back."

Cheng Xiaosi nodded, couldn't help but start gossiping again, and lamented why the daughter of a rich family likes a poor scholar, and even if a rich man likes a poor girl, he rarely marries her to a matchmaker, and either keeps her secretly outside or takes her as a concubine in the palace?

(End of this chapter)

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