Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 51 Daqi really won his heart

Chapter 51 Daqi really won his heart
"Your Majesty, in the 11th year of Yongchang, not even a drop of rain fell in Xiangzhou. The people were in dire straits. They ate grass to feed themselves and starved to death for hundreds of miles. The late emperor issued an edict to punish himself. I am willing to bear the consequences for the people with my own body. I pray to God for mercy and send nectar. The next month, heavy rain fell from the sky."

"In the 20th year of Yongchang, Huaizhou suffered heavy rains for more than a month. The floods were raging and the people were miserable. The late emperor issued an edict to blame himself and reflected on his lack of virtue. After a month, the floods in Huaizhou receded."

Several old ministers cited classics and testified about the cases of the late emperor who had been wronged. Just when the emperor expressed that he could no longer bear it, the chamberlain notified Cheng Daqi to see him.

The emperor summoned him without thinking. He just hoped that he would recognize him, otherwise he would not be blamed for being rude, huh!

When Cheng Daqi entered the door, he bowed respectfully and then explained about the earthquake in front of everyone, saying that the aftershocks after the earthquake would cause more damage than the earthquake.

"I have just listened to it, as if I have heard the 'crime decree', I thought that it was not yet time for the emperor to sin, and the most urgent thing to do was to help the people who were affected by the disaster. At this moment, the people outside the palace were panicked, and some houses collapsed. Even if the capital is like this, we don’t know what the hardest-hit places are. According to my humble opinion, we should raise food and medicinal materials as soon as possible, as well as doctors who can treat trauma, and be ready to save people at any time.”

"In this disaster, the lives of the people should be the most important thing. If the people are left alone, and the lives of the people are ignored, won't it bring more dissatisfaction to the heavens? Putting the cart before the horse, the people affected by the disaster will not heal their wounds and collapse just because the emperor issued a sinful edict. Houses stand again, lost relatives return."

"Every moment after the earthquake is crucial to the people affected by the disaster. I have no talent. I have only traveled more places and seen more things than others. If the emperor has any use for me, I will go through fire and water." No matter what."

The emperor's tense expression finally improved, and he showed his sincerity at the critical moment. His great talent really won his heart, and he was a loyal minister!

Prince Li Ruling, who had been silent all this time, handed over his hand and said, "Uncle Shunyi is right, disaster relief is the most important thing at the moment."

The emperor snorted in his heart. He had been silent for so long, and now it was just an afterthought. This prince had disappointed him.

At this time, the eight hundred miles express arrived.

At about midnight on April [-], the [-]th year of Jianchang, Xijin, there was a sound coming from the northeast, roaring underground, trees and houses leaning forward and backward, one after another, and official buildings, private houses, and temples all fell to the ground.
When eight hundred miles rushed all the way to the capital, the court found out that an earthquake had occurred in Lingxiao City, a hundred miles away from the capital. Fortunately, the earthquake occurred in daylight, which reduced casualties.

Du Linxiang almost lost his balance when he heard the news. The Du family was in Lingxiao City. "I wonder what happened to my father, mother, brother and sister-in-law?"

Xiao He was also worried, "Let the second child accompany you for a while, go back and see how the situation is, if it is serious, first bring the women and children at home."

The main force of the family naturally wants to stay behind to deal with the aftermath. As for Cheng Yi, he is still needed for family affairs, so he can't leave for the time being.

Du Linxiang was very grateful, "Thank you, mother."

"The family doesn't need to be so polite."

Xiao He looked at Cheng Youer, "Pack up and go with your sister-in-law, and follow your sister-in-law's arrangement on the way, third child, go to the escort bureau and arrange some people to escort your sister-in-law and second brother."

"Xiao Si, ask the steward below to arrange for a cart of food to be brought there, just in case."

The little fourth lady nodded and said to Cheng You: "Second brother, this is also an opportunity for you. See what the disaster is like outside and how difficult it is for the people. Think about what you would do if your parents were officials. What will happen to you in the future? It’s beneficial.”

Cheng Youer nodded seriously, expressing that he would definitely observe carefully.

An hour later, Cheng Youer escorted Du Linxiang to Lingxiao City with food. Cheng Dakuan and the others came back in the evening. After seeing Cheng Daqi with a red face, they entered the room and discussed their progress and discussed the next move.Cheng Daqi hadn't gotten any errands yet, but he couldn't help it and took the initiative to arrange errands for himself. At the same time, he also recommended his own method to the emperor.

"The suggestion given by the fourth is that there are more than 300 households living in our area, and eight households including ours are officials. In times of crisis, officials should lead by example. Our eight households mobilized personnel to form a rescue team to rescue the more than 300 households in this area. The arrangement is understood."

"The emperor thinks it is feasible, and at the same time allowed me to attend the morning court tomorrow morning. Maybe he will officially let me do this job tomorrow morning."

"Second brother, I feel like I'm about to take power."

Cheng Daqi is still excited.

Cheng Dakuan was happy for him, "I will do my best to help big brother."

Cheng Daqi rubbed his hands and sighed, "After this matter is over, if we really gain a foothold in the capital, we will bring all the boys at home and arrange for them to study in the best academy in the capital. We brothers will work together to start a few A boy comes out."

"By that time, our Cheng family will have completely changed its lintel, instead of being an uncle's house that will be finished in one generation."

Cheng Daqi got up early the next morning before dawn. As for his first opportunity to go to court, the whole government attached great importance to it. They carefully prepared arrangements for him and sent him out eagerly. They wished they could send him directly to the emperor.

As soon as he left, the entire Shunyi residence became busy. Mr. Cheng and the others did not go out and were busy organizing the next things in the residence. Mrs. Cheng set up an incense burner and took the female family members to kneel down and worship the Bodhisattva. It is to hope that everyone in the family can get through this earthquake along the way, and secondly, to hope that Cheng Daqi can go well. It will be easy for the children and grandchildren of the Cheng family only if he is well.

Perhaps the Bodhisattva heard her prayers, and the emperor divided an area to deal with post-disaster matters. Cheng Daqi successfully obtained the area where Shunyi's Mansion was located, and he had full authority to make all decisions, big or small.

Cheng Daqi thanked him on the spot. Although this required the Cheng family to spend money, it was also a successful step.

The matter of disaster relief in Lingxiao City finally fell into the hands of the prince. When leaving the palace, the prince even said a few words to Cheng Daqi, to the effect that he hoped to get Cheng Daqi's support.

What do you support?
Of course it's money and food.

Cheng Daqi didn't refuse, but he didn't rush forward either, he just said he would think of a way.

Cheng Dachuan's brain is better than Cheng Daqi's, and he is also quite pragmatic. "The prince is only a temporary prince. The emperor has so many sons. We know how much we have. The emperor is still young, so of course we must be loyal to him now." emperor."

"We have already contacted several merchants, and those who have not yet agreed are all [-] people with good intentions. If you go out with so much money and food, you will always hear a noise."

"Besides, now is not the right time."

The imperial court has not yet tried its best and is not in a state of distress yet, so their actions at this time will not be of much use.

The little fourth lady heard it and went out. Her second uncle was much more reliable than her fat father, so she had reason to be lazy.

(End of this chapter)

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