Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 52: A slap in the face to Cheng Daqi

Chapter 52

The area where Shunyi Bofu is located was originally called Changxingfang. Later, the city-fang system was abolished and everything was integrated into the streets. Now, in order to better control the disaster in the area, the previous name has been continued.

Cheng Daqi is now the main person in charge of Changxingfang's disaster relief. The first thing he did when he took office was to find the eight official families belonging to Changxingfang to discuss the next work.

He thought very well, but he encountered Waterloo at the beginning.

"Uncle, it stands to reason that I should help you a lot, but you know the situation in the mansion, so that's it."

The person who spoke was Master Liu, Shaoqing of Taichang Temple, who lived opposite Shunyi Bo's Mansion, and he looked embarrassed at the moment.

The other Mr. Zhang has a much lower official position, but he is only a fifth grade. If he is released to the outside world, he will almost be a senior official, but in the capital where the earls are not popular, it is nothing. It's really hard."

"Nowadays, the price of grain in the city is soaring, one price a day, if we want to bring out more grain to help, it is really beyond our power."

The few remaining people nodded repeatedly, each with their own difficulties, Master Liu said, "Uncle is the most generous person in the whole Changxing Square, if you talk about working hard, I can recruit people from the mansion after a squeeze, and the money is not much." , but there is really no food.”

The bigger the mansion, the bigger the population. They need to eat and drink so much every day. Every family is struggling with food. Even if they have food in their hands, they dare not take it out at will. Who knows what will happen after this earthquake?

Cheng Daqi frowned slightly, the excitement of wanting to take power has faded a lot, this is a bad start.

At this time, there was a little commotion in the mansion. After asking, I found out that several servants had brought my family over. Several servants came forward to kowtow to Cheng Daqi, "Half of the wall of the courtyard where the servant's rented has collapsed, and the house has also collapsed. I was on the verge of collapse, so I had to take my parents, brother and sister-in-law to live in the house temporarily."

"I found some rice grains from the slave's house. The slave's father said that it was the uncle's kindness to live in the mansion temporarily. He didn't dare to eat the grain from the mansion for nothing. The rice grains have been delivered to Dazao. If it is useful to the slave's parents, just ask .”

Cheng Daqi had no objection, but Xiao Si Niang who rushed over was very satisfied to learn that these families not only brought a small amount of food, but were willing to contribute.

"First bring your respective families and settle them down. Now that you are here, stay here temporarily and don't wander around. In addition, you should report clearly to your stewards who need to recuperate and who can work, so that it can be convenient. Arrangements later.”

Several servants kowtowed their heads with gratitude, and the adults present immediately put on top hats for Cheng Daqi, the meaning was very straightforward, they hoped that he would give out all the money to help the people.

After presenting to everyone, Xiao Si Niang sat down beside her, "My lords, since the emperor entrusted my father with this matter, our Cheng family will naturally support us with all our strength, but our Cheng family will definitely not be able to do this alone. We need the help of all adults.”

"Why don't you all tell me what each family can provide, so that my father will have an idea and can make arrangements easily."

"Yes, Xiaosi is right."

Cheng Daqi nodded solemnly, and Xiaosi Niang quickly asked Uncle Wang to bring him pen and ink, while Cheng Youqian took notes.

Several adults thought hard, and the young lady decided to give them an idea, "Mr. Zhang, you are on duty in the yamen, so can you bring a few people from the yamen to publicize in our Changxingfang and temporarily stabilize the people?"

Master Zhang's eyes lit up, as long as he is not allowed to pay for food and money, the rest is easy to talk about, so he slapped his chest immediately, "If you talk about appeasing the people, he will take over."

"We have about three hundred households in Changxingfang. Mr. Zhang is afraid that we are unable to handle it, so I will accompany you." "I will also go with you."

Several people expressed their willingness to contribute.

The young lady looked at the general sitting at the end, and she didn't recognize him at all. However, the general spoke first, "Qi Wei, deputy commander of the Beicheng Army and Horses Division."

"Deputy Commander Qi."

Xiao Siniang said that he can maintain the security of Changxingfang. "There will be supplies when the time comes, and Deputy Commander Qi can also help guard it."

Cheng Dashan glanced sideways at his mistress and sighed inwardly. He had already put in all the effort, but who would pay for it?
After a while of discussion, Cheng Daqi said goodbye without seeing the guests off. Cheng Daqi looked unhappy and snorted, "If the emperor had allocated 10 taels, would they still have this attitude?"

Cheng Dakuan sighed, "The people don't want to make a living, and they don't want to pay attention to it. What's more, they are also suffering from disasters. This matter is not good, and there is no credit for doing it well. Naturally, they don't want to take care of it."

Cheng Daqi took a sip of water, "I still don't take me seriously."

That's the point.

The people in the main hall were somewhat embarrassed. They wanted to have a big fight, but the reality gave them a blow.

Xiao Si Niang looked at Cheng Youqian's records, and said, "The more this is the case, the more we need to cheer up and do this well. There are still many merchants in Changxingfang, and the next step is to invite these merchants."

"We can now assume that the adults from the previous family are gone. There are so many people in Changxingfang. If we really want to say that we can't use the efforts of those people just now."

Xiao Si Niang also has a bit of a temper, and the more she behaves like this, the more motivated she becomes, "We can refine Changxingfang again and divide it into several small blocks. Each small block will be assigned a merchant to take the lead in handling affairs, and then these merchants will come together to Report to dad."

'Snapped! '

Cheng Dakuan suddenly patted his thigh, "Xiao Si is right, if the officials entrust this matter to us in the past, then they must handle the matter decently."

As soon as he opened his mind, Cheng Dachuan quickly had a plan in mind. Cheng Daqi also smiled proudly, feeling that his daughter was really much smarter, that stick was a good one!
Next, the whole family sat together to discuss, and after an hour, they went out separately. Mr. Zhang from the yamen was invited to post a notice in Changxing Square, and soon the news spread. Cheng Yousan also invited his cronies. Come to help. In the evening, I arrived at Shunyi Bo Mansion without going to the merchants in Changxing Square.

Compared with those unwilling adults, these merchants are very interested. Cheng Daqi led, Cheng Dakuan supplemented, a large table was placed in the yard, and there were pens and ink on the table. The terrain of Changxing Square was roughly the same as the chatter. With that, each circles the scope of control according to their own location, and numbers these scopes, and determines who is in charge and how to carry out the work.

These people discussed until it was dark, and then hurriedly went back to gather the manpower in the mansion, preparing to start a big fight the next day.

Seeing everyone's attitude, Cheng Daqi was relieved, and then discussed the material issue with Cheng Daqian. Just now, these merchants expressed their willingness to provide some, but the total amount was not too much.

"I just hope that fewer people will be affected by the disaster in Changxingfang."

(End of this chapter)

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