Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 545: 1 came to take refuge

Chapter 545 Someone came to take refuge
Within two days, Xiaosi discovered that there was an unusual change in the relationship between Yuan Xin and the princess, "The princess has become much closer to the second uncle, and the second uncle did not refuse. Today, the princess even sprained her foot, and the second uncle quickly Then he flew to hold her and carried her all the way back to the princess's yard."

Yuan Su has been very busy recently. After a tiring day outside, what he wants to know most after returning home is the progress of his second uncle and the princess. Then he listens to the gossip from various families. It has to be said that Hua Bao not only successfully misled Cheng Xiaosi , incidentally also affected Yuan Su.

"Second uncle, are you going to agree?"

Cheng Xiaosi tilted his head and thought for a while, "I think the princess' sprained foot today was intentional and she was pretending. I even saw her smiling proudly."

Without the poison of various monitors, her eyesight is extremely good.

Yuan Su sat down and ate the white fungus soup, "The princess is determined to win, and the second uncle is being destroyed little by little without knowing it. Maybe he is enjoying it, but I think there is really something to be done this time."

Cheng Xiaosi also thought this was the case, and began to discuss with Yuan Su about returning the things Yuan Xin gave him. "Marrying a princess should require a lot of betrothal gifts, but you can't lose face."

Yuan Su smiled and held her back, "There's no need for it. My second uncle doesn't lack those things. I want to give you back what I gave you, so my second uncle would lose face."

Cheng Xiaosi sighed, "Second uncle is impulsive. Who knows when fate will come?"

The betrothal gift has been given away, and fate has come. How do you comment on this matter?
Yuan Su also told Cheng Xiaosi not to go out recently. With King Rongxiang gone, the emperor must clean up his gang members. People from the capital should be arriving soon. To avoid being too anxious to jump over the wall, it is better to stay away.

Cheng Xiaosi reassured her that with Huabao, she could know what was going on outside without leaving home, and she had first-hand information. "I won't talk about other things. I also want to watch the relationship between the second uncle and the princess at home." How the time progressed, I think the princess must have plotted against the second uncle, and the second uncle will not be able to escape this time. "

Yuan Su smiled, he was happy to have an additional second aunt, "We are looking for two reliable wet nurses during this period so that we won't panic when the baby is born. We must be prepared for the second uncle to return to Beijing early. "

Cheng Xiaosi nodded. If the princess can really capture her second uncle, the two of them must return to Beijing together. Who will take care of the child then?

Cheng Xiaosi began to prepare for his birth. Although there were still several months, the days passed quickly. Besides, there were no elders around this time, so why not try your best to be foolproof?
A few days later, the people sent by the emperor arrived. On the first day they arrived, they captured Governor Wang and Wen Changbo. At the same time, the news was released to the outside world that they would be tried in public, and all the people could hear the trial. They wanted to return Funan to the sunny sky. .

People like to watch the excitement, and the gate of the government office is constantly bustling all day long. Yuan Su didn't go home for three days in a row. Cheng Xiaosi didn't ask what he was doing, and only sent Ji Feng to deliver food to him every day.

During this period, Qi Changbo and Governor Wang were in panic all day long. Cheng Xiaosi received many invitations to pay tribute. Undecided, she went to Cao's house to see how Mrs. Cao responded.

Princess Chang'an lived in Cheng Xiaosi's house. Mrs. Cao's attitude towards Cheng Xiaosi went to a new level and she warmly invited her to sit down.

The two hadn't seen each other for some time. When they met Mrs. Cao again, Cheng Xiaosi found that Mrs. Cao was more blinged out. Although Mrs. Cao was born well and the Cao family was not bad, she did not have a reputation for wealth. Mrs. Cao's dress last year could not be said to be luxurious. Looking back today, the jewelry on her head was more expensive than anything she had ever worn before. Thinking about how many gifts she had received before, she immediately understood, "Madam's jewelry is so beautiful."

Mrs. Cao touched her earrings and said with a smile: "I think I should be more prudent as I get older. After getting along with you more, I actually like to dress up. Isn't it weird?"

"How could it be possible? Madam is so young. If she puts on slightly brighter clothes, she will be as young as two decades. Madam used to dress too sedately."

"You look good dressed like this now." Mrs. Cao held the handkerchief and smiled, "Speaking of dressing up, I have to learn from you in the future. By the way, do you have anything to do with me today?"

Cheng Xiaosi got down to business, and Mrs. Cao said: "Don't meet me now. If you wait a little longer, they won't all be pulled out. When the time comes, a list will come out. When it comes out, I'll give you a copy and let you know." How to deal with it.”

Cheng Xiaosi stood up and thanked her. Mrs. Cao had a lot of experience and she would not make too many mistakes if she followed her. Moreover, she also found that Mrs. Cao was very good at accepting the filial piety from her subordinates and would not cause any problems. She wanted to learn this.

After the two talked about the outside world for a while, Madam Cao asked about the princess's situation. You must know that the princess has been with the Yuan family for some time, and she has not returned to the capital. After thinking about it, Madam Cao didn't think that the Yuan family has anything. If there is something that attracts the princess, it must be the second master of the Yuan family who is not yet married.

The princess has been a widow for many years, and the second master of the Yuan family has never gotten married. There might be something to this.

Cheng Xiaosi pretended to be confused, "How dare I ask about the princess? I just want to stay a little longer."

When she said this to Mrs. Cao, she became even more convinced of her guess. The princess was probably really thinking about the second master of the Yuan family, or Yuan Xin.
Mrs. Cao recalled the past. He was a man of great influence in the capital back then. Even now, no one can surpass his demeanor back then, not even his nephew Yuan Su.

His eyes fell on Cheng Xiaosi and became even softer and kinder. "If you have anything to do in the future, just come to me. We came from the capital together and we should be on the same page. If I have news here, I will send someone to tell you."

You are really lucky. If it succeeds, you will have a second aunt who will be a princess in the future. Who in the capital can offend her?

Cheng Xiaosi didn't know what she was thinking, but she felt that Mrs. Cao was particularly easy to talk to today, so she smiled and thanked her, and talked for a while before leaving the Cao family. As soon as she left, a servant from the mansion came to say something about Cheng One has arrived.

Cheng Xiaosi was extremely happy when someone came to the house, and he hurriedly returned home. Cheng Yi was talking to Yuan Xin. When he saw Cheng Xiaosi, he took a good look at her, and then smiled, "Are you happy to see my eldest brother? "

"That's natural."

Cheng Xiaosi knew he was coming, but didn't know when. It was a surprise. "How long will eldest brother stay this time? Will eldest sister-in-law come?"

Cheng Yiyi had a smile in his eyes, "I estimate it will take half a year. I will have to go back after half a year. Your sister-in-law has another baby."

Du Linxiang was about to give birth to her third child. Cheng Xiaosi was surprised and worried for Cheng Yi at the same time. In the past, her sister-in-law said that she had no plans to have more children in the past few years. "How are you, sister-in-law?"

Cheng Youyi smiled coquettishly. According to the original plan, he was supposed to set off after the new year, but the emperor suddenly had an accident and had to move back. Later, when the situation became stable, he wanted to observe again, but his wife suddenly became pregnant. He came out. Refuge.

"Your sister-in-law has a very good body."

The answer was evasive, Cheng Xiaosi asked with a smile, "What about your mood?"

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