Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 546 The princess forces marriage

Chapter 546 The princess forces marriage
Du Linxiang was naturally in a bad mood. She liked doing business and wanted to go out for a walk. Finally, when she could let go of her two children, she became pregnant again. Although she was smiling, she closed the door. Du Linxiang lost his temper when he arrived, and the culprit Cheng You repeatedly begged for mercy, gave gifts, apologized, and swore, and Du Linxiang felt a little better.

Cheng Yi burst out laughing and said that Du Linxiang was in good condition and in good health, and that he was still thinking about Cheng Xiaosi. He successfully changed the subject and talked about things at home.

As for matters in the capital, he knew more about them than the people sent by the Niu family. Yuan Su was not at home, so he did not take the initiative to mention these matters.

When he arrived, the first thing Cheng Xiaosi did was not to order someone to set up his residence, but to ask Ji Feng to let the news out. The landlord, Mrs. Qiao, had visited earlier, and her words revealed that many merchants here actually wanted to take over Cheng Daqi. Especially after the accidents between Governor Wang and Qi Changbo, they were even more anxious to change their backers, and were all looking forward to Cheng Yi's arrival.

Accompanying Cheng Yiyi was Xiao Chengli, who had sent the detoxification herb back. This was a great achievement, but because the fifth prince took the credit, no one knew what he had done.

It's a pity that he has no credit, but he is not that unreasonable person, "Just treat it as an ordinary escort, what's the big deal."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "I'll think of a way for you later. I always have to spread my reputation."

Xiao Chengli waved his hand, "We will be busy soon. Xiaosi, you don't have to worry about me. But it's a bit of a loss that you have spent so much time and effort on not having a single one."

When Cheng Yi arrived, his business would not be bad, but he still felt that it was not worth taking the credit for Cheng Xiaosi this time, so he felt that the fifth prince was really shameless.

"There are benefits too."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said, "The Emperor's health is also our blessing."

Xiao Chengli thought about it and realized that this was also the case. Although the Xiao family ran the escort agency, they had to admit that their uncle relied heavily on them to survive today. If something went wrong in the Cheng family, the Xiao family would also be affected. Their two families are deeply tied, and both are prosperous.

After talking to Yuan Xin for a while, Cheng Yiyi was about to take a rest. Princess Chang'an came and asked him a lot of news about the capital and the palace. When he learned that she was a princess, Cheng Yiyi didn't hide too much. It was said that King Rongxiang intended to rebel, but fortunately the emperor was blessed by God and there was no danger. "The imperial doctor said that the emperor was only slightly injured, and he will recover soon after taking good care of him."

The princess nodded, knowing that she could not stay any longer and had to return to the capital as soon as possible, but Yuan Xin...
"My mistress is pregnant, and my two grandchildren cannot live without me. I will not return to Beijing."

Yuan Xin has his own ideas. Although his recent feelings for the princess have made him feel strange and novel, family is the most important thing in his heart. How could he leave when the young couple needs him most?

"How can we handle such a big event like childbirth without the elders by our side?"

"The eldest son of the Cheng family also said that he will return to Beijing in a few months, and his wife will also give birth. I can't leave at all."

The princess, who was originally prepared to completely capture Yuan Xin on her way back to the capital, refused to give up, "Maybe I can send a message to Mrs. Yuan and ask her to take care of her."

"That won't work."

Yuan Xin refused without thinking, "Not to mention that my sister-in-law has four grandchildren that she needs to take care of. Even if my mother gets old, she can't leave."

If the elder sister-in-law comes, wouldn't the elder man's wife be in trouble in the house? The princess added: "What about Madam Shunyi? She is Xiaosi's mother, Xiaosi should be happier."

Yuan Xin continued to shake his head, "The Cheng family also has many children. The wife of the eldest son of the Cheng family is also pregnant. The child of the third son of the Cheng family is only three months old. How can he go far away."

After all, it's just him, and we can't live without him here.

Princess Chang'an counted the days with her fingers, and suddenly smiled at Yuan Xin and said, "I have a way to have both ends."

Yuan Xin raised his eyes and the princess said: "I will immediately send a letter to my mother, asking her to go to the emperor to marry us. You can write another letter back to the capital and ask the elder lady to deal with it, and then you and I Let's set off back to the capital together. We will get married one month after returning to the capital, and then I will return with you. There are still nearly six months until Xiaosi gives birth, so there is still enough time. "

Yuan Xin
When did he say he wanted to get married?

This is a forced marriage!

Princess Chang An felt that her method was very good. It could be said that there would be no delay at all. She could prepare to get married when she returned to the capital. "Yuan Xin, please marry me."

In Yuan Xin's eyes, the princess at this moment seemed like a tigress, which might pounce on him at any time, and he was so panicked.

Princess Chang An took a step forward and said, "If you don't get married, the old lady will be worried for a day. Even if you spend time with Yuan Wu, the old lady will still worry about you. People outside will also think that you are so handsome and handsome but you are not getting married." There must be some hidden problem, you know what people say, they can tell anything."

"Being married to me can not only block the rumors outside, but also make the old lady feel at ease. There is another point. Although I have no power, my identity as a princess is here. No matter who inherits the throne in the future, everyone in that position must be called Call me aunt, and I can work with you to protect Wulang and his wife and children."

"My last pregnancy was twins, and there is a high chance that this one will be twins. If I give birth to two more twins, you won't be able to take care of me, right? I can be with you. I am a princess, and I can raise my granddaughter." I will become the most outstanding noble daughter, Yuan Xin, it will not be a loss for you at all to marry me.”

"I'll give you one night to think about it."

Yuan Xin subconsciously said, "Then I have to think about it or not?"

The princess raised her lips and smiled, "I am talking to you now as a woman. If you still don't agree, I will let you agree."

Yuan Xin
Is this showing his true colors? He said how could a princess be reasonable, gentle and gentle? It was all just an act!
The princess turned and left, leaving Yuan Xin standing there stupidly.

Knowing that his uncle was here, Yuan Su returned home early today and saw that he looked tired. Cheng Yiyi did not go around the bush and gave him three letters directly. One was from Cheng Daqi, and the other two were from Yuan Pei and Yuan Heng. Yes, Yuan Sukai understood the situation in Jingzhong after looking at it. He breathed a long sigh of relief. Cheng Yi patted his arm and said, "Have a good sleep. We will talk again when you feel better."

His eyes were all green and black, and Cheng Yi thought that his brother-in-law was no longer handsome as before.

Yuan Su also felt that he was having a hard time recently, so he asked Ji Feng to ask for half a day's leave for him. Cheng Yi was Cheng Daqi's eldest son. He came to stay with Yuan Su for half a day, even Master Cao couldn't say anything.

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