Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 547 Uncle 2, didn’t you run away overnight?

Chapter 547 Second Uncle, didn’t you run away overnight?

After dinner in the evening, as soon as Yuan Su lay down, Yuan Xin came sneakily, which startled Cheng Xiaosi. Yuan Xin stood at the door, waited for Yuan Su to come out, grabbed his arm, and left. He went to a quiet place and drove away. He said, "Wu Lang, my second uncle can't stand it anymore. The princess wants to marry me by force. What do you think I should do?"

He crackled and repeated everything the princess said, which successfully made Yuan Su recall how Xiaosi deceived him in the past. It seemed that it was almost the same, and it made him feel that marrying her was a good choice.

Can the princess do this trick?

"Second uncle, do you hate the princess?"

Yuan Xin had been thinking about this question for a long time, and shook his head honestly. Yuan Su yawned, "How about giving it a try?"

"Since the princess is not going to let you go, and you don't hate her, why don't you marry her and save your grandmother from worrying all day long."

Yuan Su felt that his second uncle was very suitable for a woman like the princess. If he didn't use some tough measures, his second uncle would continue to be so entangled. If the princess returned to the capital on her own, he could guarantee that his second uncle would take care of her in a few days. The princess had forgotten.

In terms of emotions, the second uncle is a very passive person.

Yuan Xin sighed, and Yuan Su added: "It's okay if the second uncle doesn't want to, just find a way to politely refuse the princess."

Yuan Xin stood with his hands behind his hands and sighed for a long time, "Just rest early, I'm going back."

Yuan Su returned to the house and told Cheng Xiaosi about the situation. Cheng Xiaosi sat cross-legged on the bed, "I think the princess is quite nice."

Yuan Su also said that it was good. When he was a child, he heard that the princess was well-educated and dignified. Anyway, she had a good reputation. "I think the second uncle is actually willing in his heart. If he really didn't want to, he would have killed him long ago. You don't know him." How I used to treat the women I got entangled with was mean. "

"He doesn't hate the princess either. I think he's a bit more interested in moving forward."

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said that Yuan Xin had taken the initiative to talk to the princess in the past two days, and any small requests the princess made were immediately fulfilled. "The two of them went to the garden together this morning, talking and laughing."

"If I were a princess, I would..."

Yuan Su lay down and yawned again, "What are you doing?"

Cheng Xiaosi smiled and said: "I will never give my second uncle a chance to get entangled."

"But I still reflected on it. I shouldn't just watch the princess press on my second uncle step by step. What should I do if I scare my second uncle?"

"And the second uncle probably has a good impression of the princess. If he really has any thoughts, according to the second uncle's temperament, he won't be so entangled. The princess is pushing too hard."

It was somewhat of a forcible harassment, but she was a princess and the second uncle's attitude was ambiguous. As juniors, they couldn't do anything.

Yuan Su thought it made sense, "I've been too busy recently. I'll have a talk with my second uncle when I have some free time. Princess, you should also keep an eye on me. Don't really let the princess force my second uncle to the overlord."

Cheng Xiaosi thought about that scene for a while. It would be too tragic if it was really his second uncle.

Cheng Xiaosi met the princess early the next morning. The princess said that she was going back to Beijing. "Originally, I just wanted to rest for three to five days, but I didn't expect to live for so long. These days have been hard."

Cheng Xiaosi didn't react for a while, "Princess is leaving now?"

"What should I do with my second uncle?"

After speaking, she realized what she was doing. She was a little embarrassed. The princess sighed quietly, "I'm just short of a fire, but I don't know what to do."

"Xiaosi, if it were you, what would you do?" Cheng Xiaosi shook his head, "Princess knows that I am stupid, timid and timid. I'm afraid I can only cry silently."

The princess didn't say anything more, turned around and left, leaving Cheng Xiaosi with his head tilted and thinking, not knowing how the princess wanted to burn this last fire.

That night, after Yuan Xin had finished washing, he sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. The princess said that she would come back this morning to ask him about the results of his consideration. He was very worried. However, after waiting for a whole day, the princess did not appear, but he waited for the news that she was leaving. A little disappointed but relieved.

There was a war between heaven and man in his mind. To be honest, not only did he not dislike the princess, but he still liked her vaguely. However, this little joy was not enough to make him take that step. He tossed and turned in sleep, not knowing when he fell asleep.

The door of the bedroom was pushed open, and the princess with her hair disheveled walked in. She was usually dressed dignifiedly and she actually looked two years younger and more pure after she took off her hairpin.

He immediately stood up and opened his mouth tightly, "What do you want to do?"

The princess calmly and gently tied the ribbon under her neck, and her cloak slipped off, revealing her pajamas underneath. She took two steps forward and said, "I've been waiting for you all day, and I said I wouldn't give you a chance to escape."

His face turned red and he was so flustered that he crossed his arms and said, "A lonely man and a widowed woman, you... don't act like this."

The princess smiled and took another step forward, "What will you do if I mess up?"

He leaned back and couldn't say anything. The princess hooked the thin strap on his pajamas and chuckled: "I don't have to do anything, princess. I just need to shout and you won't be able to run away at all."

"Yuan Xin, it's so difficult to admit that you actually like me."

He only felt that his ears were red and bleeding at the moment, and the tip of his nose was filled with the faint fragrance of the princess. He couldn't think at all. The princess's fingertips exerted a slight force, and the thin straps were loosened. He hurriedly stepped back. "Princess, please don't do this. No, please let go."

"No, absolutely not, this is not something a gentleman would do."

"Princess, I really can't!"

He yelled and opened his eyes suddenly, only to realize that it was a dream. There were beads of sweat on his forehead. Thinking back on the dream, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.
Yuan Xin escaped overnight, leaving a letter saying that he was going to visit friends, but his return date was undetermined.

The letter was found by the princess. He had been waiting for Yuan Xin for a long time and came to stop him early in the morning, but he only got a letter.

The nanny next to me looked frustrated, "Princess, what's next?"

The princess stood in the room and thought for a long time, and finally shook her head with a wry smile, "I thought I knew his temperament well, and I made moves one after another. It seems that I pushed him too hard and scared him."

"The senator's wife has worked hard over the years, but she still can't get him to nod. It's not as easy as I thought."

"I'm just too impatient. It doesn't matter. I can afford to wait and go back to Beijing first."

The princess left. Before leaving, she handed a letter to Cheng Xiaosi and asked her to give it to Yuan Xin.

Looking at the cars and horses driving away, Cheng Xiaosi felt like crying but was relieved. Now he is fine. His second uncle could not get married and he ran away. "I don't know if I brought enough money with me or where I went."

"What should I do if I meet a bad person?"

Turning around to go back home, she felt like something was missing in her home without Yuan Xin. Just as she sighed, footsteps came from behind her, "Why are you sighing in broad daylight? You are so young and pretending to be serious."

Cheng Xiaosi turned around and saw Yuan Xin rolling his eyes at her. He felt bad, "Second uncle, didn't you run away overnight?"

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