Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 60 Shunyi’s Mansion has a good reputation

Chapter 60 Shunyi’s Mansion has a good reputation

"How dare she, how dare she!"

"Xiao He, it must be Xiao He!"

You Qinglian returned to the mansion and conveyed exactly what Cheng Xiaosi said. Zhang Yuewu was no longer as elegant and calm as before, hysterical, You Qinglian took several steps back in fright.

"Where is Cheng Daqi? I want to see him, and I want to see him now." The pain in his body hit him in waves, and the embarrassed Zhang Yuewu looked at You Qinglian with fierce eyes, "I want anyone who is a member of the Cheng family. I'll see you immediately. Where is Cheng Youer? Go and bring him."

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

You Qinglian feels that Zhang Yuewu is very strange at this moment. In her memory, her mother has always been elegant and beautiful. She is not arrogant or impetuous in anything she encounters, and can always turn danger into safety. However, in recent days, she doesn't know what happened, and she is always in control. Can't help myself.

Especially her face, which has been as beautiful as ever for more than ten years, seems to have aged a lot in the past few days. There are also many fine lines in the corners of her eyes, and the lines on both sides of her nose have also deepened a lot, giving her face an old-fashioned look. mean.

"My cousin is busy with disaster relief every day, and my second cousin is not in the capital, mother."

You Qinglian came forward and said, "Mom, I have gained my father's attention now. He also told his wife that he will take me to any banquets later. He is a good family for me. We don't need Shunyi Uncle's Mansion for the time being."

"What do you know?"

Zhang Yuewu raised his eyes, "Don't ask anyone else, just find a way to bring Cheng's family here. You have to remember that the people in Shunyi Uncle's Mansion will be your biggest help. If you want to live a good life in the future, If you want to become a master, you can’t do without them, you know?”

"Especially Cheng Daqi and Cheng Xiaosi."

You Qinglian didn't know why. In her opinion, the Shunyi House was not a high-ranking family, so how much help could it give her?

At this moment, Cheng Daqi, who was being remembered, and his son-in-law of the Cheng family were still watching the Liu family's house being ransacked. As the people who were going to take over the food supplies of the Liu family and the people who were responsible for the disaster relief in Jinrenfang, the Cheng family made an exception and were invited in by General Xiaoniu. They looked at the people who usually Cheng Daqi and the others did not gloat about the Liu family's superiority, nor did they ridicule them with words. They just reminded themselves that such a scene could not appear in the Cheng family no matter what.

General Maverick is a professional when it comes to confiscating a house. It was also the first time that Cheng Daqi saw a house raider with an accounting office. He also had to check the account books with the other accounting office. He checked them one by one. Soon the boxes of valuables were carried over. The guards were counted on the spot, and those watching the excitement outside wanted to rush in to see what was going on.

"Hahahaha, good copy, good copy. Maybe the Liu family thought of this three days ago?"

The people who were bullied by the Liu family were crying, feeling the joy of revenge, "The sky has eyes, the sky has eyes."

"The Liu family's evil will be rewarded with evil, good, good copy."

Cheng Daqian blinked, thought about it and whispered in Cheng Daqi's ear. Cheng Daqi nodded repeatedly, then pulled up his clothes and announced that he had officially taken over Jinrenfang's disaster relief work. He walked to the door of Liu's house and said, "Everyone." Neighbors, I am Cheng Daqi of Shunyi Bofu in Changxingfang. Your Majesty has learned that the people of Jinrenfang have been wronged, and has sent me to take over the disaster relief work in Jinrenfang. I would like to ask the neighbors to inform each other, and register the disaster situation of each house tomorrow at midnight for follow-up. Rescue."

"Changxingfang Shunyi Bofu?"

Some people's eyes lit up, "Is everyone scooping up the porridge by themselves?" Busy and very motivated.”

"Oh, are we going to do this too?"

The people expressed that they saw hope, and Cheng Daqi said nothing more. He only wanted General Maverick to copy faster to see how much silver and rice he could finally deliver to him.

In Uncle Shunyi's Mansion, Cheng Xiaosi also listened to the situation of disaster relief from the people below, and immediately decided, "The porridge donation will stop, and the next step is to let them work to receive rice grain."

Now the aftershocks are very small, and the houses that did not collapse before will not collapse now. The people have gradually returned to normal life, but they still come to eat plain rice every day, which consumes a lot of food.

"If it stops suddenly, I'm afraid those people will make trouble and the good reputation we have accumulated before will be gone."

The steward was very worried, but he couldn't afford to keep giving porridge.

Cheng Xiaosi thought about it for a while and said that the disaster relief would be extended for another seven days, and no more food would be distributed after seven days. "As soon as possible, sort out all the places that need work in Changxing Square, and then recruit workers in the workshop to work and receive food. One person One catty of grain a day can be taken back and cooked by oneself.”

"Register and issue congee cards to those who are really in need. Although we want a good reputation, we must not be trapped by a reputation. Some people were not affected by the disaster and didn't eat before?"

"If there is a thorny person causing trouble, then he will not be allowed to work or receive porridge, and if he still dares to cause trouble, he will be sent to the Yamen."

The manager understood and hurriedly made arrangements. When Daqi took people to Jinrenfang the next time, Cheng Xiaosi also took Huahua out and walked around Changxingfang. The recruitment notice had been posted, and the woman People competed for jobs such as cleaning streets and caring for the sick, while men helped build walls, do carpentry, clean waterways, repair roads, and carry wood and stones. It was very lively.

The people around Xiaosi laughed and said, "One catty of food a day, it's enough to take it home and save it. If there are more people in the family, there is still food left over to eat slowly."

"Whoever says it's not, if you say we are lucky, the emperor misses us, and we met Uncle Shunyi again, you look at Jinrenfang, I heard that all the porridge served is clear soup and little water, and they took the opportunity to rob people's shop."

"You don't know." Someone lowered his voice, "I heard that they even snatch pretty girls."

Cheng Xiaosi pricked up her ears and listened, frowning slightly. Sometimes she felt that she could not walk out of the gate of Shunyi Uncle's Mansion. Every time she walked out, she would have a new understanding of this dynasty. The word "human rights" seemed to be completely irrelevant here. No.

Looking up, a group of little children were moving stones, dirty and snotty, and the stones were swaying. The youngest was about the same age as Xiao Cheng Qing. He fell down while holding a stone as big as the mouth of a bowl. , I got up without crying or fussing, and tried my best to hold the stone and continue walking.

"The alley is not easy to walk on because it accumulates water all year round. Now it has been repaired and filled with rocks to make it stronger."

The stewards were also very moved, "The families of these dolls asked them to help, and just give them half a bowl of porridge."

Cheng Xiaosi took a deep breath and said, "Add another half piece of steamed bun to them."

I don’t know if it’s okay to ask her fat father to come forward to build a school here. I don’t know if a small school will touch anyone’s interests and what kind of trouble it will cause?
(End of this chapter)

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