Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 61 Daqi, you have become bad

Chapter 61 Daqi, you have become bad
"Xiu School?"

Cheng Daqi, who came home in the evening, listened to Cheng Xiaosi's suggestion and thought for a moment, then said that it was not impossible, "Speaking of which, there is no serious school in Changxingfang. There are two scholars teaching a few children at home. Can consider it."

Cheng Yiyi also said it was feasible. He was very wealthy and thought, "How much does it cost to build a school? If it can really be built, how good will it be?"

Cheng Dakuan has a different opinion, "We have thought about building a school in our hometown. It is difficult."

Cheng Daqian briefly explained the reason. In Cheng Xiaosi's words, it was that in the past, when reading various time-travel novels, the heroine could easily go to school whether in a village or a town, and then she could gain ten miles. Hachigo's praise, but the reality is: don't even think about it.

Here, knowledge is monopolized by aristocratic families, and there are only two types of schools, one is government-run and the other is a school owned by aristocratic families;
The first type is simply unaffordable for ordinary people, because pens, ink, paper and inkstones are not something ordinary people can afford.

Ordinary people don't need to think about the second type. Unless you are a genius and stand out so that even aristocratic families feel the need to win over you, then just go away.

If you want to build a school if you have money, I'm sorry, the aristocratic family does not agree. If you want to build it by force, you are choosing to be an enemy of the aristocratic family. Be careful not to see the sun tomorrow.

"Based on the current situation of our family, unless we bring together a big family with a deep foundation to share the interests with others, I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve anything."

"We can't live on the emperor's favor all the time, can we?"

In the eyes of Mr. Cheng, there were dragons and crouching tigers in the capital, and they couldn't afford to offend him.

Cheng Xiaosi sighed, he didn't think he would ignore it for the sake of publicity, but suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, "Why don't we open a paper mill here?"

"Didn't you say that paper is expensive?"

Cheng Yi became more energetic again, "Okay, I've been thinking about this these days. Changxingfang is much worse than I thought, and we can't move, so we can only make this area better." "

Cheng Yiyi has a lot of opinions about his living environment. How can he, who has been rich since he was a child, want to stay in a slum?
Cheng Dakuan has no objection, Cheng Youqian said that he can get someone who knows how to make paper.

"Then let's do it. This Changxingfang is really poor, which has brought down the good luck of our Cheng family. If you ask me to say that this area of ​​luck is not good, if you go to the north of the city, you can say one word, poor!"

It was much easier to open a papermaking workshop than to build a school. The next day, Cheng Yi and Cheng Youqian chose a location, negotiated with the poor people who were about to beg for food, bought their dilapidated houses, and agreed to hire them. He went to work in the workshop, starting with the demolition of several dilapidated houses.

The families happily agreed, especially after completing the paperwork at the Yamen and getting the warm money. They were even more happy. They packed up the tatters in the house without any hesitation and rented a more open and clean place. , I officially started working the next day and started earning wages, and I laughed loudly.

Running a workshop involves forced demolition, re-building, and the construction of roads to facilitate the transportation of goods in the future. If the paper mill is opened and the business is good, as long as the paper mill is opened, it will be a place to make money for decades. In a short time, Changxingfang's The people were excited. In the future, they would also have workshops here. "It would be great to be able to find work at your doorstep." For ordinary people, it is extremely difficult to find a place to make money. Even when you go to a restaurant, you need an acquaintance as a guarantee. Where do ordinary people get such connections?
The people of Changxingfang were staring at the paper mill, and there were also people in the court who were interested. Even the emperor got the news. Cheng Daqi sighed, "Your Majesty, you haven't seen it. The area where Weichen is located is poor. Jinrenfang is rich and the shops are There are many streets here, and the people are decent; in comparison, Changxingfang is too different, the streets are alleys and narrow, and no one is willing to go there for better business."

"Weichen is setting up a papermaking mill. When things get better in the future, other businessmen will come. Weichen's Xiaosi said that as long as it works well, the north of the city can attract more papermaking mills in the future, and there will be more and more papermaking mills." When cheap paper comes out, there will be many paper shops, and then the north of the city will be very poor."

The emperor had heard him say 'the mistress of a humble minister' more than once, and asked curiously, "Is your mistress smarter lately?"

Cheng Daqi was unhappy. What he said was that his mistress wasn't smart before?

"Weichen's Xiaosi used to be too polite and was always bullied, but Xiaosi is actually quite smart and is not afraid of your Majesty's jokes. This time, Weichen's Xiaosi gave many good ideas for disaster relief. Now even the whole family is Xiaosi. It’s in charge.”

"It was Xiaosi's suggestion to set up the papermaking workshop. Your Majesty, you don't know that Xiaosi, who is a minor minister, is a lucky star. Since she was born, the family's business has been extremely smooth. Two great monks I met before said that she is very lucky. "

"She is well-behaved, considerate, and very capable. It's all Wei Chen's fault for teaching her the wrong way in the past two years. Fortunately, she is still so smart after being corrected."

These words were what his mother and tigress asked him to say. The mistress and the hairpin are right in front of him. Reputation is very important, especially when the reputation was not very good before. As a father, he must do his best. It is best for the emperor to praise the mistress himself. Ichiban.

The emperor had no idea that this honest and honest fat uncle had his own ideas. He was very curious about what he said and said: "After all, it is the person chosen by Little Phoenix, so he is certainly not bad."

"It's just a big deal. You said your mistress can do disaster relief, right?"

The emperor was still in a good mood. After all, he gained a lot of money after plundering the Liu family. Others also clamped their tails and worked honestly to provide disaster relief. It can be said that the capital city was also severely affected. The court was stunned and didn't spend a penny. Thinking of this I felt in a better mood, and I wasn't angry when Cheng Daqi boasted about his daughter, and she found it interesting.

Cheng Daqi handed over his hand, "I dare not deceive the emperor. On the day of the earthquake, Xiaosi asked people in the house to clear the garden and let everyone move to the garden to live. No, people in other families were injured. Just in our house, there was a bruise. No one."

"Da Qi, you have also become bad like them. Didn't Mr. Liu, who lives opposite you, tell everyone that you can't live in the house?"

"I even praised him a few words for this."

"What?" Cheng Daqi expressed his anger, "Your Majesty, on the day of the earthquake, Mr. Liu and his family were all sleeping in the house, and a handyman was killed in the night. Weichen came to tell him what to do, and his wife even came to Weichen. Madam has seen it and it was Madam Weichen who received her, so how could it be what he thought?"

"The dignified Young Minister of Taichang Temple is still so shameless?"

Cheng Daqi felt that the people in the capital were too bad. They just bullied him into not being able to go to court every day, right?
 Yesterday I sent my younger brother to report to the university and took a day off. Today’s update is late. Sorry, guys~
(End of this chapter)

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