Sir, my wife is pretending to be innocent again

Chapter 62: When did you let yourself go?

Chapter 62: When did you let yourself go?

I don't blame Cheng Daqi for being stingy. It's really because the Shunyi House is eager for credit right now. Didn't you see that the whole house can't rest for a little credit? Who is not busy except his little grandson?
Mr. Liu, he is immoral!
The emperor didn't expect that there was an inside story in such a small matter, and he didn't expect that someone would want to take credit for such a small matter. The key was that he praised the person who was greedy for credit, which made him feel a little embarrassed at the moment.

Although Cheng Daqi has never been in official circles, he has been in shopping malls. After yelling a few words, he still knew that he had to give face to the emperor at this time. He sighed helplessly, "It's all about sharing the emperor's worries. As long as the method is effective, it will be fine. As for Mr. Liu Well."

"Wei Chen will definitely find him later and ask him to invite Wei Chen to a drink."

He must be killed so hard that it will break his heart!
"I know you are reliable, Daqi. I see that you are doing your best to take care of me, and I am very pleased."

The emperor borrowed Po Xia's donkey and became more and more fond of Cheng Daqi, and he didn't mind giving him a little face. "You said your mistress can provide disaster relief?"

Cheng Daqi nodded repeatedly and praised his mistress. The emperor smiled and said: "I will bring your mistress here tomorrow. I will give her a test. If what you say is true, I will get it." Reward her well."

Cheng Daqi was so beautiful that he was almost bubbling over. Inexplicably, he felt that his little four elements, especially the smart one after being beaten so hard, could manage the house.

When Cheng Daqi went back and told the news, Cheng Xiaosi was dumbfounded on the spot, "Dad, are you bragging about me like this outside?"

Cheng Daqi nodded cheerfully, "Don't worry, the emperor just asks simple questions, and he can really let you go to disaster relief."

Cheng Xiaosi was hesitant, wondering whether it would offend Long Yan, "If I say something wrong, Dad, you will come to save me when the time comes."

"Don't worry, dad has prepared everything for you."

Cheng Daqi brought over a box, which was full of banknotes from the largest bank in the capital. Cheng Daqi said, "If you really make the emperor unhappy, you can buy your life with money. The emperor cares about the money." God will spare your life."

Since he woke up, he has been secretly investigating, and finally came to the conclusion that the treasury really has no money, the emperor is really short of money, and the Cheng family's opportunity has come.

Cheng Xiaosi couldn't believe it, "Dad, when did you let yourself go?"

Let her use money to buy her own life? !
"Look at how you behave now. There's a big difference between how you behave now and when you were wearing rags."

"Is Zhang Xiucai no longer your confidant?"

Cheng Daqi looked like a nouveau riche, "Didn't the emperor want us, the Cheng family, to make money? If we don't show ourselves to be rich and capable of making money, how could the emperor trust our abilities?"

"How can you still turn to us when trouble comes?"

Mr. Cheng agreed very much, "I would say that Shunyi's Mansion is a bit shabby. Aren't the people outside sour? We have some bad money. Our reputation has been lost. How can we live up to our reputation?"

"I think I'll take this opportunity to make some repairs and invite those who were affected by the disaster to help. This will give them another opportunity to work and make money. Kill two birds with one stone." Cheng Daqi made the decision on the spot, "That's it. Tomorrow, I will go to the Yamen to find the drawings of this mansion. Then I will repair the east courtyard and give it to you, my second brother, to live in. From now on, all the nephews and nieces from my hometown can come."

"At that time, half of our business will be moved to the capital, and we will focus on the land in the north of the city. I think the paper mill has great prospects."

It's a pity that the entire Cheng family has been so busy after getting the position of earl. It's like spending a little money to become a thief, which is not comfortable at all.

Mrs. Cheng didn't say anything during the whole process. She was very happy to see the two brothers discussing the matter. She turned around and discussed Cheng Xiaosi's matter with Xiao He, "This hairpin ceremony still needs to be done. The more important it is at this time. The more lively the scene is."

"I think there is nothing to do tonight, so I will move back to the house and go to bed starting today. I will tidy up the yard and arrange the flowers and plants that need to be added as soon as possible. During this period, you can put aside what you are doing for the time being. The ceremony needs to be more grand, and ladies from various families are invited to speak."

"Before that, boss, you will accompany Xiaosi to the palace tomorrow to keep an eye on her. After meeting the emperor, go and greet the queen. I brought a pot of agate glazed crabapple from home and sent it to the queen."

Cheng Daqi nodded, and Cheng Xiaosi also said that he would sort out the disaster relief matters, so as not to talk nonsense tomorrow and end up paying for his own life.

In her yard, Shagen'er had once again lived in the cage that Yuan Su had built for it. When he saw her, he stood up excitedly and made it clear that he wanted to come out. His eyes scanned the three big holes in the yard. Cheng Xiao Si rolled his eyes, "Just be patient."

Hua Bao pecked out a patch of hair on the back of his head, but he still couldn't change his habit of piercing.

Cheng Erniang frowned slightly when she looked at the three holes in the yard. She immediately ordered someone to backfill the holes and asked Cheng Xiaosi if he wanted to send Shagen'er back?
"It's not time yet, let's take care of it."

She has nothing to do now to find Yuan Su, and will send him back when she needs him next time.

As night fell, Cheng Xiaosi was already sorting out the disaster relief matters she knew, and Cheng Daqi had already knocked on the door of Mr. Liu's house next door with his brothers and nephews. When he saw Mr. Liu, he directly told him about his greed for merit. .

"Master Liu, what did you ask me to say about you? I almost let it slip in front of the emperor today. The credit is small, but bullying the emperor is big."

Mr. Liu was sweating. He was obsessed at that time, and someone thanked him. When he was excited, he took the matter on himself. He regretted it a little afterwards, but he also thought that Cheng Daqi was not qualified to go to court, and in the court. The families didn't have much contact with each other, so there shouldn't be any conflicts, so I put my heart in my heart. Unexpectedly, the emperor mentioned this matter in front of Cheng Daqi.
"Uncle, I'm sorry."

Mr. Liu bowed his hands and thought that Cheng Daqi brought the men from the house to beat him, so his posture was naturally very low. Cheng Daqi patted his shoulder cheerfully, "It is said that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Liu and I Sir, we are opposite each other. What a fate. Today I am telling Mr. Liu that I know about this matter, but I will not hold you accountable."

Mr. Liu burst out laughing and thanked him again, but he was suspicious in his heart. If you don't pursue it, what's the point of bringing someone to the door?
Cheng Daqi didn't let him think too much, and continued with a smile, "I came here today because I have been neighbors with Mr. Liu for so long, and we haven't had a drink together yet. It's rare that we have free time today, why not get drunk in Chunfeng Tower and then rest?"

Chunfeng Tower is a famous Qing Dynasty restaurant in the capital. It has one of the four beauties of the capital: beautiful people, beautiful songs, wine, beautiful food, and of course, the price is also beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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